Tree of Souls
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Adam as, 126–27
in Aravot (Seventh Heaven), 185
avenging angels, liii, liv, lxx, lxxxi (n.57), 30, 169, 214, 229, 234, 236, 239–40, 241
averting a flood, 98
banished angels, 466 (see also Azazel)
blessing from Foundation Stone, 97
calming Israel, 259–60, 262
in celestial Temple, 417
challenging God’s decisions, lxxxiii (n. 111), 258, 261, 262, 263, 275, 427, 455, 456
cherubim, lxv, 24, 29, 42, 50, 55, 97, 115, 131, 155, 188, 225, 226, 404, 423, 425
Council of Souls replaced by, lxxviii (n. 4)
counseling God, lxxviii (n. 4), 40, 132–33, 136, 160, 161
creation by, 115, 116–17, 119–20, 121, 127, 161
creation of, 85, 92, 115, 198, 199, 201–2
dancing, 276
demons and, 227
destroying angels, 376–77
destruction of, 22, 106–7, 115, 132–33, 158, 159, 196, 316, 362
Elijah’s encounter with, 30–31
in End of Days, 501
envy of, 253, 255, 258, 366
as escorts, 171, 193, 309, 436
face of God and, 22
as fathers of men, lxvii, 177, 201, 337
as fathers of Nefilim (giants), 454, 455, 456, 457, 458–59, 460, 461–62
in fifth heaven, 184
of friendship, 201–2
in Garden of Eden, 440–41, 495–96
garments of, 395
genders, 200
Giving of the Torah, 270
God’s name and, 26
Golden Gate of Jerusalem restored, 511–12
guardian angels, 202–3, 358, 360, 408, 409
as guards and gatekeepers, 131, 166, 178, 179–80, 404, 406
Hebrew as language of, 248
hidden God and, 13, 186
imperfect, 202
incarnated as humans, lxvi–lxvii;
as inhabitants of heaven, lii
as intermediaries, 268–69, 270
in Isaac’s dream, 345–46
at Isaac’s sacrifice, 337–38, 341–42
Jacob as, lxvii, 364–66
in Jacob’s dream, 356, 357, 358, 359–61, 362, 364–65, 366, 367, 369
Jesus as angel, 366
in Jewish pantheon, lxvi
judgment of, 293
keeping of the Sabbath, 314, 316
of Lucifer, 108
Ma’aseh Merkavah discussions, 184
Magharians on, 119–20
manna as food of, 480
man’s transition to angel, 121
Metatron’s rule over, l, 156, 159
as midwife to Eve, 449
might of, 203
as mold for man, 134
Moses’ struggles with, 261, 262, 270
musical praise of God, 20, 22, 115, 158, 159, 184, 188–89, 197, 317, 361, 362, 385–86, 408
mysteries withheld from, 253
myths of, liii
objections to giving Torah to Israel, 258, 261, 262, 263
prayers of, 298
as priests, 416, 417
of Prince of Darkness, 107
prison for fallen angels, 214
protecting Pargod, 173
protecting souls, 162
punishment of, 455, 456, 457, 459–60, 466
rebellious angels (Watchers), 109, 161, 209, 214, 457–58
receipt of the Torah through, 268
at Red Sea crossing, 380
resurrection of the dead and, 504
roles of, 3, 22, 95, 115, 116, 119–20, 162, 205–6
of Sabbath (Shabbat), 315, 317
of Satan, 109
sefirot and, 7
sent to destroy Jerusalem, 396–97
seraphim, 3, 4–5, 185, 316, 501
sexual fantasies about, 458
Shekhinah and, 58, 115, 202
as Shekhinah’s garments, 54
size of, 203
at Sodom and Gomorrah, 465–66
Sons of God and daughters of men, lxvi, 137, 201, 214, 366, 453, 454–59
as souls of the righteous, 161
status of, 5, 193, 275
surrounding God, 18
Temple’s destruction, 39
Torah for, 509
visit to Abraham and Sarah, 330, 343–44
war in Heaven and on earth, 488
of waters, 298
weeping of, 424
Western Wall protected by, 421
words of God given to Israel, 32
Yozel Frandrik’s flight with, 181
Angel Tzadkiel, 204–5
anger of God, 24
anima in Jungian theory, xlviii, 63, 65, 66, 226
animals: animal sacrifice, 80–81, 295–96, 338, 339, 455, 460
on Ark, lxvi, 462–63
creation of, 75–76, 95, 249
Giving of the Torah, 270
holy beasts, 249
language of, 434
naming of, 136, 143
punishment as, 237
slaughter of, 169
souls entered into, 169
of Tevel, 479
animal soul (nefesh; life force), 133, 311
Anima Mundi (the ‘world soul”), 46
Ansky, S., 526
Answer to Job (Jung), 296
anthropomorphic imagery of God:
Adam Kadmon as, 15
effect of, xlvii
God catching keys to Temple, 426
God’s appearance, 25, 291
God’s escort of Israel from Egypt, 41
God walking in Garden, 40–41
objections to, 119–20, 264
Anubis (Egyptian mythology), 446
Apharoph (angel), 223
apocalyptic myths, lxii, 488
apocryphal sources, xxxvi, 72
Apollo, lxv, 191
Appointment in Samarra (O’Hara), 478
Apsu (divine patron of fresh water), 76
Aqhat the hunter (Ugaritic traditions), 353
Arab-Israeli conflict, 330
Aravot (highest level of Heaven):
Anafiel’s rule over, 117
angels in, 178, 185
contents of, 185
crystal palace, 192
gatekeepers, 178
House of Study in, 395, 453, 504, 518
Jacob in, 367
rainbow of Shekhinah, 187–88
souls in, 185
Throne of Glory in, 4, 185
treasuries kept in, 166, 185
archetypes: of collective Jewish unconscious, lxviii
creation of Adam, 134
creation of Eve, 226
Heavenly Man concept, 126
mind of God, 20
Rabbi Abraham’s vision of Shekhinah, 65
structure of mythology, xlv
Ari. See Luria, Isaac
Ark: as center of Creation, 419
cherubim sculpted on, 423
construction of, lxxxiv (n. 132)
God speaking from, 11, 14
God’s visualization of, xlvi
hidden before Temple’s destruction, 425
at Ingathering of the Exiles, 519
Israel in the wilderness, 272
Joseph’s coffin carried with, 380
Ner Tamid (Eternal Light) above, 86
Shekhinah and, 51, 55, 56
Arkhas, 88–89
ark of Noah: creatures on, lxvi, 462–63
garments of Adam and Eve, 437
Giant Og on, 461
instructions in Book, 254
Phoenix on, 149; Tzohar on, 85, 86–87, 332
Armenia, 439
Armilus, the tempter, 520–21
arms of God, 23, 72, 77–78, 94, 103, 248, 252
Arsiel (prince of Gehenna), 214, 232
Arsin, Joseph, 228–29
‘as above, so below
as below, so above,” lvi, 12, 165, 189, 414, 417, 424
Asher, 377, 378
Asher, Serah bat, lxxviii (n
. 1), 190, 207, 377–82, 383
Asherah (suppressed goddess), xlix, lxxviii (n. 3), 331
Ashmedai (King of Demons), 77, 139–40, 221, 222, 228, 479, 493–95
Asiyah (Action), 15, 16
Asshur, 401
Assyrian conquest, lx astrolabe, Tzohar as, 332, 333
astrology, 16, 107, 121, 187, 332, 333, 354, 456, 457
astronomy, 157
Atrahasis (Mesopotamian mythology), lxvi, 133
Atzilut (Emanation), 15, 16
aura of Moses, 389–91
Avgu, 225. See also Lilith
Ayil, 225. See also Lilith
Aza. See Shemhazai
Azazel (angel): corruption of humans, lxvi, 50, 463
Evil Inclination’s effect on, lxvii, 366, 453, 455–58
lair of, 459–60
punishment of, 109
scapegoat for, 222, 295–96, 455, 460
Azulai, Abraham, 408–9
Azulai, Hayim Yosef David, 163
Ba’al (Cannaanite mythology), 30, 145
Ba’al Shem Tov: Ari as archetype, 410
ascent of, 209–10
attempts to initiate messianic era, 490–92
column of service and fear, 168
desire to reach Land of Israel, 295, 407
documentation of, 525
flying shoe tradition, 302–3
idle moments, 189
Innocent Soul in Garden of Eden, 163, 328
Jacob’s dream and the Holy Land, 357
ladder of prayers, 490–91
light of Torah, 250
primordial light, lxxiv
pronunciation of YHVH, 26, 27
rebuilding of Temple, 496
renewal of world, 151
soul of, 166
sparks of soul, 163
vanquishing of Israel’s enemies, 475
wailing Shekhinah, 56
Babylon, 60, 61, 132, 300, 358
Babylonian exile, lxxxii (n. 93), 40, 300, 470
Babylonian mythology: creation myths, 78
divine councils, xliv, 162
Enuma Elish (Babylonian epic), 76, 106
gods of, 203
influence on Jewish myth, lxxxiii (n. 118)
Istahar prototype, 460
Lamashtu, 216
Lilith from, 216
Lilitu (succubus), 216
Marduk, li; tablets, 267, 291
Tiamat, li, 146
Bachya ben Asher, 355, 471
back of God, 25
Bakol (‘In-All-Things”; Abraham’s daughter), 344–45
Balaam, 77, 256
Bana’ah, 130
bargaining with God, 110–12, 334–35, 522
Bar Kappara, 356, 411
Bartota, Judah Ish, 181–82
Baruch, 148–49, 418
Baruch of Kossov, 256
Baruch of Medzibozh, 497
barukh (blessed), 251
bashert (destined one), 66, 138–39, 163–64, 230
Bata (Egyptian mythology), 446
bat kol (heavenly voice), 18, 19, 67
Batub, 225. See also Lilith
bdellium, 401
beauty of God, 92
bedchamber, sacred, 54–55
Beersheva, lix beggars at gates of Rome, 492
Behemoth, lxiv, 145, 146–47, 367, 508
Beit Din (rabbinic court), 220
Bel (Sumerian/Babylonian god of thunderstorms), 71
Belzer Rebbe, 496
Ben Azzai. See Shimon ben Azzai Ben Ish Hai (Hakham Yosef Hayim of Baghdad), 163, 167, 263, 264, 274, 438, 480
Benjamin, 86
Benjamin, tribe of, lx, 475
Ben Zoma. See Shimon ben Zoma
bereshit (‘in the beginning”), 46, 251
Beriah (Creation), 15, 16
Berukhim, Abraham ben Eliezer ha-Levi, 47, 63–65
Beth El, lxvii, 477
Bethel, 355
bet (letter), 72, 251
Bezalel (architect of the tabernacle), 251
Big Bang theory, 80, 247
Binah (Understanding sefirah), 7, 9, 19, 48, 49, 529
birds, 75, 95, 166, 270, 276, 462–63, 488–89, 490, 491, 492
Bird’s Nest, lxi, 488–89, 490, 491
birth of children, 18, 140, 224, 510
Bitiah (Pharaoh’s daughter; Batya, daughter of God), 190, 191, 207, 373, 374–75, 422
black arts, 460, 495
Black Monk, 475
Blanchard, Tsvi, 150
blessings: bet (letter) and barukh (blessed), 251
Isaac’s blessings, 351–53
for Israel, 360
nuptial blessings, 304
over food, 169
over the dead, 201–2
places requiring blessings, 467
of Sabbath (Shabbat), 306–7, 308
saying, 102
treasury of, 166, 185
blood libel accusations, 280, 282, 283, 285, 371
B’nei Elohim (Sons of God), 455. See also Sons of God
B’nei Moshe (Sons of Moses), 474
body of God: arms of God, 23, 72, 77–78, 94, 103, 248, 252
back of God, 25
eyes of God, 21
face of God, 21–22, 24, 25, 32, 33, 34
hands of God, 23–24, 426
knee of God, 248
The Book of Adam, 254, 363
The Book of Creation (Sefer Yetzirah), 279–80, 281, 284–86, 363
The Book of Enoch, 363
The Book of Ezekiel, 276
The Book of Jubilees, 116
The Book of Raziel, 194, 253–55, 290, 363, 437
The Book of Records, 198
The Books of Life and Death, 30, 65, 289–90, 293, 476
Borges, Jorge Luis, 16, 21, 281
breath of God, 20, 133, 140, 143, 200, 226
B’ree (Angel of Rain), liii, 205
Bride of God. See God Shekhinah
b’rit (circumcision) 142, 201
Brod, Max, 180
brothers’ competition as theme, 446
Buber, Martin, 21
Bunam of Parsicha, Simcha, 151, 480
burning bush, 257–58, 375–76
Caesar, 103, 149, 150
Cain: Abel and, lix, 206, 328, 350, 446, 449–50, 451
as Angel of Death, lxxvii; birth of, 449
conception, 110, 136, 215, 337, 447–48
death of, lxxvii, 148, 177, 451–53
descendants, 448–49, 456
in Eretz, 440
exile of, lix, lxxxii (n. 92)
as first Angel of Death, 206
first Eve as source of conflict, 141
mark of, 446, 451–52
Nefilim (giants) as descendants, 458
offerings of, 415
origins of, 443–44
as prototype of evil, 449
realm of, 227
repentance of, lxxxii (n. 92), 209
sin of, 231, 328
souls from, 163
wife of, 449–50
calendars, lunar and solar, 113
calf, golden, lv, 266, 267, 268, 273, 274, 313, 467–69
calf, golem, 127, 279, 283
Campbell, Joseph, xlv, 373
Canaan, 321, 379
Canaanite mythology: Asherah (suppressed goddess), xlix, lxxviii (n. 3), 331
Council of El, 161
creation myths, 78
divine council, xliv, 161, 162
El and Asherah, xliii
gods of, lxiii, 90, 203
harvest festivals, lxxi
influence on Jewish mythology, lxxxiii (n. 118)
Lotan, 145
Lucifer’s fall, 108
pantheon of, lxiv
parallels with Jewish mythology, xlvii, lxvii
Primordial Metatron concept, 195
warrior gods, 30
candles, cottage of, 43–45
cannibalism, 225, 355, 454, 455, 458
Cardozo, Abraham, lxxix (n. 24) Carlebach, Shlomo, 519
sp; Cassuto, Umberto, lxiv, lxxxiii (n. 118)
catastrophes, 81, 102
Cause of All Causes, 10
caves: cave leading to Holy Land, 477
Cave of Machpelah, lvii, 343–44, 355, 365, 427, 501, 505, 508, 515, 516
cave of Shimon bar Yohai, 410, 492
cave of the four winds, 405–6
Cave of Treasures, 344
cave of vapor in sixth heaven, 185
creation of first, 77
Elijah’s revelation of God, 30–31
Celestial Academy, 193–94
celestial spheres, seven, 119
Celts, lx centaurs, 444
ceremonies, lxix, 12. See also specific ceremonies
Chabon, Michael, 281
chain midrash, 86, 87, 177, 254, 437
chains: God bound in, 58
Israel bound in, 59
Messiah bound in, 176, 485, 486, 492, 493, 498
Chaldeans, 453
challahs (braided bread loaves), lxix
Chamber of Creation (Guf; Treasury of Souls), 22, 164–65, 166–67, 171, 506
Chamber of Delight, 316
Chamber of Harm, 316
Chambers of the Chariot, 171
chaos (tohu): behind curtain in Cave of the Four Winds, 405–6
under Foundation Stone, 98
origins of, 100–101
as primordial element in Creation, 82, 90–91, 94, 411–12
structure of Creation, 103
Chariot of God (Merkavah; chariot of fire): Adam in Paradise, 170
ascent to Paradise and, 178
Elijah’s ascent in, 172
Elisha ben Abuyah’s desire to see, 174–75
Enoch’s ascent in, 170, 172
Enoch’s vision of, 155
Ezekiel’s vision of, lxv, 182–83
fascination with, lxxvii
heavenly creatures below, 159–60
identity of rider, 118
Isaac and Jacob serving as, 52
Jacob’s face on, 365
at judgment of Adam and Eve, 439
Ma’aseh Merkavah (Mysteries of the Chariot The Work of the Chariot), 173, 183–84, 276, 285
Shekhinah and, 53, 62, 188
stars surrounding, 187
study of, 276
Throne of Glory and, 4–5
Yotzer Bereshit as rider, 118
chariots. See also Chariot of God: of the Messiah, 483, 484
of the sun, 191
Charles, R. H., 458
Charlesworth, James, 526
children: birth of, 18, 140, 224, 510
boy who read Book of Ezekiel, 276
“children of heaven,” 456
daily childbirth in World to Come, 510
demon children, 215, 217–18, 220, 223, 225
first Eve’s role, 142
God’s instruction of, 12
indentation above lip, 199, 200
Lailah (Angel of Conception), liii, 140, 165, 199–200
in Paradise, 347
protection from Lilith, 142, 216, 217, 218, 224, 225
protection from Obyzouth, 223
souls of, 166
choirs of heaven, lii
Christian mythology: anti-Christian allegory, 181–82
antichrist parallel, 520