Tree of Souls
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Israel and, 403, 407
Israel present to receive, 274
Israel’s purification, 448
Israel’s unworthiness, 38
Jacob present for giving of Torah, 370
as ketubah (wedding contract), liv, lvi–lvii, 259, 305–6
as key to Gate of Heaven, 261
Land of Israel and, 407, 409
letters of, 249, 259, 265, 271, 272–73, 307, 413
light hidden in, 84, 249, 250, 256
lights from Adam Kadmon, 15–16
manna’s relationship to, 480
Miriam’s Well as metaphor for, 387
Moses’ receipt of, 38, 137, 248, 252, 255, 258, 261–63, 265, 268–69
Mount Sinai held over Israel’s heads, lv, 263, 264
myths of, liv–lv
as names of God, liv, lxxxi (n. 65), 265
narrative of the provision of, xlv, liv, lv, lxxi
necklace of letters, 259
new revelations, 277
the new Torah, 36, 272–73, 307, 509–10, 522–23
number of letters and souls, 164
Oral Torah (Torah shebe-al-peh), lv, lxviii, lxxv, lxxvi, 34, 48, 49, 262, 264, 271, 274, 277, 510
order of, 269
personification of, liv–lv, lvi, 249, 256–57, 305
pre-existence of, 172, 186, 249, 252, 256, 265, 267
primor-dial light hidden in, lxxiv
Primordial Torah (Torah Kedumah), lv, 265
Prince of the Torah, 275
as recited by God, 188
resurrection of dead, 259
revealed to Metatron, 196
Sar ha-Torah (Prince of the Torah, Angel of the Torah), 275
seven voices of, 260
Shavuot ritual and myth, xliv, lv, lvii, lxxi, 289, 304–5
Shekhinah’s garments as, 48, 257
Shekhinah’s guarding of, 49
Simhat Torah, lv–lvi, 301, 302–3
souls present at giving of, 163–64
sources of, lxxxiv (n. 145)
studied at Celestial Academy, 193
study of, liv, lxi, lxxiv, lxxxi (n. 59), 58–59, 61, 62, 123, 190, 193–94, 210, 231, 249, 255–56, 265, 275, 276, 304, 306, 333, 402, 438, 508, 509
tablets, 266–68
Torah of Creation, 307
Torah of Divine Emanation, 307
Tzohar in, 86
of unborn children, 199, 200
voice of God heard, 31
Wisdom and, 45, 248
women teaching, 190, 375, 381
Written Torah (Torah she-bikhtav), lv, lxviii, lxxv, 34, 49, 262, 264, 274, 277, 510
Torah Kedumah (primordial Torah), lv, 265
Tower of Babel: alter of Abraham demolished, 415
generation of, lix, lxxiii, 328
God’s descent to, 51
as origin myth, 463–64
trances, prophetic, 260
transmigration of souls. See gilgul
treasures of heaven, lii
Treasuries of Heaven, 171, 210
Treasury of Blessing, 166
Treasury of Clouds, 166
treasury of comfort, 189
Treasury of Dew, 166, 185, 259, 261, 504
Treasury of Gifts, 189
Treasury of Ice and Snow, 166, 171, 185
Treasury of Merits, 189
Treasury of Peace, 166, 185
Treasury of Prayers, 171
Treasury of Rain, 22, 166
Treasury of Souls (Guf), 22, 164–65, 166–67, 171, 506
Tree of Death, lxxv, lxxxvi (n. 167), 405
Tree of Knowledge: Adam’s account of the Fall, 440–41
Adam’s tasting of fruit from, lxxxv (n. 166)
carnal knowledge linked to, 434
as choice of Adam and Eve, 165
consequences of, 128, 401, 405, 433, 434
Phoenix’s refusal of fruit, 148–49
relationship to Tree of Life, lxxv, lxxxv (n. 164), 402, 403–4
serpent’s temptation, 441
Temple’s destruction and, 425
Tree of Death alternative interpretation, lxxv, lxxxvi (n. 167), 405
Tree of Life: Abraham and, 404–5
children resting under, 347
cosmic tree and, 121, 122
creation of homunculus, 284
David’s gift to sultan, 477
fruit of, 402–3
in Garden of Eden, 401
guarded by cherubim, li, lxxxv (n. 166), 404
Israel’s attachment to, 328
Israel’s relationship with, 403
sefirot represented by, 121
Shabbat (spice from Garden of Eden), 316–17
Shekhinah re-siding under, 50
souls’ ascension to, 168
as source of souls, 162, 164–65, 310
symbolism, xlv
Temple’s destruction and, 425
Tree of Death and, lxxv, lxxxv (n. 167)
Tree of Knowledge and, lxxv, lxxxv (n. 164), 403–4
Tree of Mercy, 442–43
Tree of Souls, 164–65
trees: of Abraham, 404–5;
Abraham’s dream of, 332–33
at cave of Shimon bar Yohai, 410
cosmic tree, 92, 121–22
in field of souls, 168–69
fruit of the trees, 289
of Garden of Eden, 401, 440–41
God described as, 92, 164
God manifested as a, 331
of Jerusalem, lix, 514–15
of Luz, 477
magical tree, 514–15
in messianic era, 502
musical praise of God, 184, 276
saving Israel from Og, 461
souls in, 165
as souls of the righteous, 168–69
souls that fall into, 169
tree of souls, 164–65
The Trial (Kafka), 179–80
tribes of Israel, 163, 514
Tsila (wife of Lamech), 451, 452
Tubal-Cain (descendant of Cain), lxxvii, 451, 452, 456
twelve tribes of Israel, 357, 362–63, 367, 369
Tzaddik ha-Dor (potential Messiah), lxii, 27, 79, 486
Tzaddikim (exceptionally righteous men): creation of role, 198
death of, 168
good deeds of, 202
Hayim ben Attar as, 295
Hayim Vital as, 204–5
hewn from Throne of Glory, 53
interdependency of Hasidim and, 491
as judges, 209
Messiah ben Joseph as, 517
Nachman of Bratslav as, 169
pillars of the world, 96
pleasure in letters, 252
as potential Messiah, 486, 492
primordial light visible to, 429
prophetic wisdom of, 19
repair of souls, 168–69
scales of the Messiah, 484–85
as servant of Yode’a, 203–4
as source of souls, 335
sparks of souls and, 163, 164
two souls of, 311
Tzadkiel (angel), 204–5
Tzadok, 39
Tzadok ha-Kohen of Lublin, 335, 438
tzelem (image), 134, 226
Tzemah (alternate name of Messiah), 484
Tzidkenu (alternate name of Messiah), 484
tzimtzum (contraction of God): Adam Kadmon and, 15–16
Creation myths, 13–14, 122
parallels with other myths, 375
physical manifestation of God, 42–43
Tent of Meeting as source for, 123
void of, 15
YHVH name revealed, 27
tzitzit, 35
Tzoharayim (noon), 87
Tzohar (stone), lxxiii, 84, 85–88, 437
Tzur Olamin (Rock of the Worlds), 26
Tzvi, Shabbatai, 273
Ugaritic traditions, 76, 162, 353
Ujhely, Rabbi of, 496
Uman (city), 169
Uncircumcised (Evil Inclination), 453
lean (Evil Inclination), 453
underworld, 231
Universal Intellect, 119
Universal Soul, 119
universe: center of, lix, 83, 96, 97
suspended from God’s arm, 94, 103
as true temple of God, 417
Uranus (Greek mythology), 306
Urbach, Ephraim, 62
Uriel (angel): burial of Adam and Abel, 445
Enoch and, 267
at God’s throne, 116
Jacob wrestling with, 359, 364–65, 366
sent as serpent to swallow Moses, 376
on Shemhazai and Azazel, 457
Ushpizin (Seven Shepherds), 210, 299
Utnapishtim (Mesopotamian mythology), lxvi
Valley of Ben-Hinnom, 74
valley of dry bones, 502–3
Valley of Gehennom, 233, 239
Valley of Jehoshaphat, 501
vampires, 227–28, 450
“vegetable man” myths, 144–45
vegetation: affected by the Fall, 434
creation of, 75, 95, 119
in God’s presence, 439
Venus (planet), 108
Vestali, Elisha, 169
Vilnay, Zev, 322, 421
Vilon (Curtain), 185
Vital, Hayim: Ari and, 65, 204–5, 387
on contraction of God, 14
on creation of angels, 202
dream of Moses, 301–2
on gilgul, 169
on Ingathering of the Exiles, 520
on literalism of Torah, 509
patriarchs as God’s Chariot, 53
on repentance, 204–5
Shattering of the Vessels myth, 122
on source of souls, 163
on the ten martyrs, 177
widow of Safed, 229
voice of God: in Abraham, 331
celestial creatures and, 196
creation by, 31, 32, 76, 78, 90, 99, 247
creation of angels, 115
dictation of the Torah, 260
in dreams, 127
Giving of the Torah, 31–33, 270
God’s shout, 90
on Mount Sinai, 259
power of, 259
speaking to Moses, 42
still, small voice of God, 19, 30–31
Ten Commandments pronounced, 269
Voice of the Holy Spirit, 18
void (vohu), 82, 90–91, 94, 100, 405–6
Wailing Wall (Kotel ha-Ma’aravi). See Western Wall
War of Gog and Magog, lxi, lxii, lxxxiii (n. 103), 320, 488, 495, 499
warrior, God as, 16, 17, 29–30
Watchers (rebellious angels), 109, 161, 209, 214, 457–58
water: as craftsman, 95
creation of, 75, 88, 250
encompassing the earth, 103
fiery waves, 104
from Garden of Eden, 499
golem creation, 282
heavenly palaces made of, 92–93
held back by potsherd, 97, 98
messianic spring, 514
praising God, 71
raining boiling waters of Gehenna, 463
rebellion of, 105–6
separation of, 99, 104–5
tehom (deep), 94, 97, 106
upper waters and lower waters, 104–5
used in Creation, 90–91, 94, 95, 96, 249
water demons, lxx
water libation, 298
water supply, 289
waves of fire, 104
weapons, 457, 459, 519, 520
wedding canopy (huppah), 144
weeping of God, 36
Weeping Well, 322
wells, 77, 410
Western culture, Jewish myths in, lxxiv
Western Wall (Wailing Wall, Kotel ha-Ma’aravi): angels’ protection of, 421
construction of, 421
Mount Sinai stone in, 426
mourning dove, 321–22
Ninth of Av curse (Tisha be-Av), 321–22
qvittel (written petitions to God), lix
sanctity of, 39
Shekhinah at, xlviii, 39, 51, 63–66
‘Wailing Wall” term, 322
weeping of wall, 322
whale and Jonah, 73, 87
wheat crops, 169
Wheel of Heaven, 194–95, 235
wheels of Ophanim in Ezekiel’s vision, 182, 188
whirlwinds, 94, 111, 172, 185, 201, 227, 262
whispering of teachings, 82
widow of Safed, 228–30, 383
Wiesel, Eli, 495
wilderness: Israel’s protection in, 392
manna in, 77
well in, 77, 272, 387
wind: angels as spirits of, 115
from the cave of four winds, 405–6
God’s voice as, 32
mountains upon, 94
from unfinished corner of Creation, 213
used in Creation, 90–91
wine of messianic banquet, 508–9
Winkler, Gershon, 207
Wisdom (Hokhmah in Hebrew, Sophia in Greek): creation of, 45–46, 90, 134
creation of man, 134–35
diagram of sefirot, 529
Holy Spirit and, 19
masculine identity, 48
nature of the sefirot, 7, 9
as primordial light, 100
seventy-two branches of, 253
in Shekhinah, 47
thirty-two paths of, 6–7
Torah identified as, 45, 248
Wolfson, Elliot R., xxxiv, 366
womb, key of, 22
women: creation of, 142–43
daily childbirth in World to Come, 510
Lilith and, 224
negative portrayals of women, 141–42, 143, 447
in Paradise, 190–91
role models for, lxxvii
Sabbath candles, 318
sexual fantasies, 458
status of, 433
teaching the Torah, xliii, lxxviii (n. 1)
Word of the Holy Spirit, 18
World of Creation (Beriah), 167
World of Emanation, 14
World of Nature, 119
worlds: within Adam Kadmon, 15
prior worlds destroyed, xlvi, 23, 71–72, 79, 82, 123, 124, 253, 436
Tevel, 479
two worlds created, 247–48
in the World to Come, 23
World to Come (Olam ha-Ba): banquet, 145, 508–9, 510
creation of, 247–48
entering without dying, 207
Heaven as, liii
Lailah’s escort to, 200
Land of Israel and admittance to, 407
life in, 506–10
light of, 249, 250, 320
Messianic Torah, 509–10
primordial light in, lxxiii, 84
resurrection and, 504
as reward for righteous, 168
Sabbath as foreshadowing of, 310, 320
Sabbath in, 314, 320
Sukkot traditions, 300–301
Torah study, 190, 507, 509
Treasuries of Merits and Comfort, 189
120,000 worlds of, 23
visions of, 193
yeshivahs, 519
wraiths, 464
yahrzeit candles, 44
Yahweh. See YHVH
Yahweh Tzevaot (Akatriel Yah, Lord of Hosts), 27–28
Yannai, lvi, 310
Yassif, Eli, 282
Yazriel (angel), 98
Yefefiah (Angel of the Torah), 275
Yehezkel of Prague, 202
yehidah (which is bound to God), 311
Yehoshua, 67, 68, 103
Yehuda bar Nachman, 390–91
Yehuda ben Bava, 177
Yehuda, 238
Yehudah ben Dema, 177
Yemenite Jews, 278
yeshivah of Messiah, 518–19
Yeshvav (the scribe), 177
Yesod (Foundation sefirah), 8, 9, 121, 529
Yetzer ha-Ra. See Evil Inclination
Yetzer ha-Tov (Good Inclination), 203, 219,
454, 470
Yetzirah (Formation), 15, 16
YHVH (Tetragrammaton Yahweh
also Shem ha-Meforash, ‘The Inef-fable Name”): Akatriel Yah and, 28
in angels’ names, 118, 175, 290
Asherah and, lxxviii (n. 3)
destruction of angels and, 159
engraved upon robe of glory, 29
eyes of God, 21
Istahar’s learning of, 455
Lilith’s pronouncement of, 216
lower waters, 104
masculine and feminine elements, 26
Metatron as lesser Yahweh, l, lxxx (n. 38), 156, 175, 196
name revealed to Moses, 25–26
power of, liv, 27, 91–92, 98, 159, 176, 181–82, 251, 269, 372
presence filling the world, 14
proclaimed the one God, lxiii
pronunciation of, 26, 27, 281
revealed to Moses, 26
taken by Yozel Frandrik, 181–82
Ten Lost Tribe’s knowledge of, 474
translations of, lxxix (n. 19)
two worlds created from, 247–48
as warrior God, 29–30
written on God’s forehead, 4
Yinnon (alternate name of Messiah), 484
Yirmiyahu, 67
Yisrael (One who has wrestled with God), 359. See also Jacob (later known as Israel)
Yitzhak, 370
Yocheved, mother of Moses, 190, 191
Yode’a, Angel of Losses, 203–4
yod (letter), 247, 251
Yoel Ba’al Shem, 220
Yohanan ben Zakkai, 183–84, 204
Yohanan, 22, 370, 381, 419
Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement):
Akedah (binding of Isaac), 297
Azazel’s scapegoat, 222, 295–96, 455, 460
Books of Life and Death, 30
“Closing of the Gates” prayer, 297–98
entrance of Holy of Holies, 293–94
light for the righteous, 294–95
pronunciation of YHVH, 27
renewal of lives on, lv, 198, 289, 300
repetition of “The Lord is God,” 265
sacrifices to God, 296, 470
shofar sounded on, 298
two Liliths sent to desert on, 222
Yonah, Moshe, 122
Yonathan ben Uziel, 276
Yose, 37, 498
Yosef Hayim of Baghdad (Ben Ish
Hai), 163, 167, 263, 264, 274, 438, 480
Yosef Ibn Tabul, 15, 122
Yosef of Polnoye, Yakov, 210
Yossi ha-Kohen, 184
Yotzer Bereshit (Creator of the World), 118
Yotzer Olamin (Creator of the Worlds), 26
Zebul (Lofty Dwelling), 185
Zechariah, 18, 269, 290
Zera, 279
Zeus (Greek mythology), lxiii, lxiv–lxv, 58, 336
Zevi, Shabbatai, lxxix (n. 24)
Zion, 46–47, 57
Zipporah (wife of Moses), 376
zivvug ha-kodesh (sacred copulation), 54
Ziz (giant bird), lxiv, 145, 147–48, 508
Zoar, 466
zodiac, 107
Zohar as pillar of Jewish mysticism, 180
Zusya of Hanipol, 163