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Bad Duke_An Enemies to Lovers Romance

Page 79

by Emily Bishop


  I kick my feet up on the desk in a back office at the main cabin and stare out into space.

  I don’t think Rayne knows yet that it’s been exactly a year since she first rented out this place. My desk is littered with paperwork that I need to get through, but I can’t bring myself to work on it yet. There’s so much more I want to do that doesn’t involve this place, but so much has changed in the past year.

  It’s so much better.

  I run my fingertips along my neatly trimmed beard and open a side drawer. I pull up a few manila folders and take out a small snippet of newspaper from underneath.

  I remember the day I read this so vividly. The headline is small. So small you might even miss it, if you weren’t looking. I hold it up and read the words I’ve read so many times before.


  Larry Corker, convicted of murder in the first degree and sent back to prison after another attempt on the daughter of his victim, passed away in prison at 2:45 this morning. While the death appears to be a suicide, there is suspicion of foul play. Investigations continue.

  It’s small. It doesn’t talk about the people who will mourn Larry, who will miss him now that he is gone. I know I should relish in that. He tortured Rayne. He caused more hurt than any human ever should. I certainly don’t forgive him for that, but when Rayne read the article, she frowned.

  “So, he’s gone. For good.”

  I nodded and took her into my arms as she trembled, as she always does when talk of Larry Corker comes up.

  “You are truly free, now,” I whispered into her hair. The scent of sweet honey absorbed my senses, matching her color perfectly.

  “Yes,” she breathed. “But it still makes me sad. Larry only was the way he was because he wasn’t given the love and support he needed growing up. He deserved more.”

  I lifted an eyebrow at her in surprise, but she shrugged a shoulder.

  “That doesn’t mean I forgive anything he’s done. It just makes me sad.”

  Sitting in my office, reading through his obituary again, I’m reminded of how much I love Rayne. She is the kindest, most generous person in the world. I wouldn’t be human again without her, and that’s saying something.

  I never thought I’d be whole ever again.

  As if summoned by my thoughts, Rayne pokes her head into the office, her eyes bright with excitement. “Are you seriously hiding in here? You’re not backing out, are you?”

  I grin up at her and slide the newspaper back into the drawer. I close Larry Corker and the past away and stand as I walk over to her. I place a gentle kiss on her temple and wrap my arm around her shoulders as I guide her down the hall.

  “I would never. And face your wrath?”

  She beams up at me. “That’s right. I am capable of torturing you, you know. I have many ways to do that.”

  “And I love them all,” I say, thinking of all the ways she’s “tortured” me since deciding to stay up on the mountain.

  We step out from the back hallway and into the main room. The place is completely transformed. Where there were once a smattering of bar games and pool tables, there is now a series of trendy lodge-style wood tables and chairs. Wide, comfy sofas are scattered around the space, and there’s a bar with stools lined in front of it. Every space is filled with guests.

  It’s a totally different place.

  “Rayne! Rayne! Over here!”

  A woman’s voice trills as a brunette with a little too much makeup on approaches and sticks her hand out. “Lorn Hart, what a pleasure it is to meet you. Thank you so much for taking the time to do this interview.”

  Reluctantly I remove my arm from around Rayne’s shoulder and shake the woman’s hand. “Suzie Wells. It’s nice to meet you, too. Thank you for doing this exclusive.”

  “Of course,” she twitters. She is aglow with excitement, and I can hardly blame her. She’s getting the inside scoop on society’s most mysterious couple. What could be better?

  “Of course! I always knew you were innocent of that woman’s claims. I’m glad I can finally prove that you’re not the man she said you were.”

  I nod. I don’t feel angry when people bring up Natalie anymore. I guess it’s hard to care when you’re happy.

  Isn’t that something?

  “You were one of the few who didn’t disparage my name for news. It’s a big reason why you’re here today.”

  “I will always posit that true journalism isn’t dead. Not yet,” she says with a wink.

  She guides us over to a corner of the room where the camera crew is set up and directs us to sit on a couch. Rayne laces her fingers with mine as we get comfortable, and a woman with a makeup kit powders Rayne’s face a little, and then Suzie sits across from us.

  “Please don’t feel uncomfortable. You don’t need to look at the camera at all. You can look at me, if that helps.”

  “Sure.” I’m not so sure about this, but Rayne is convinced it will help business, and I want her to be happy. It’s all I’ve wanted for a while now.

  The cameraman counts down and then points to us, and the interview begins.

  “I’m here with Lorn Hart and Rayne Carr, the sweethearts swirling in intrigue. The world is dying to know, how are you two doing?”

  Rayne laughs, and it’s a light, tinkling sound. I’ve never heard her laugh like that. She’s put on her press face. Perhaps I should do the same, but I can’t be bothered anymore.

  “We’re doing great, Suzie, thanks for asking.” Rayne doesn’t elaborate.

  Suzie laughs to fill the silence. “OK, my fault for asking such a broad question. How about this: What’s it like living out here in the mountains of Wyoming when you’re so used to the glamourous life back home?”

  Rayne looks up at me, and I shrug, perfectly happy to have her answer for us.

  “Well, when I came out here a year ago, I was running from my past. As you all know from the reports, it caught up with me, and if it weren’t for Lorn, I might not be here today. During the first weeks that I was here, I didn’t realize that I fell in love with the place. Once I did, I proposed to Lorn that I build a bakery lounge up here to attract more guests, and luckily for me, he was on board with the idea.”

  “And it’s certainly been a massive success, of course. The wait list for this place is years long at this point, isn’t that right?”

  “I believe it is.” There, I’ve said my piece. While I’m not averse to the limelight anymore, not with Rayne by my side, it doesn’t mean I’m going to play as nice as I used to. I’ll never be the man I was. Rayne knows and accepts that, and that’s what makes her the best woman I know, among so many other things.

  “You said you fell in love with this place,” Suzie says with a gleam in her eye. “Don’t you mean you fell in love with the man?”

  We both laugh at her question, and Rayne holds my hand a little tighter.

  “That was a bonus, yes,” she says.

  “How about a kiss for the fans?” Suzie cajoles.

  “We have fans?” I ask, my tone dry.

  “Of course, you do! Are you living under a rock?” she asks.

  I stare at her. When she doesn’t get it, I nod. “Yes. That’s the whole point of this place. Although I suppose we’re living on top of a high rock, wouldn’t you say?” I ask Rayne.

  She grins up at me, and her eyes glow with love.

  I could never tire of that look.

  “On top of the world,” she breathes, then smiles back at Suzie. “I will say that people shouldn’t be deterred by the waiting list. We are going to build a few more cabins, though we don’t want to detract from the natural beauty of this place. There will be openings soon.”

  “I’m sure many people will be excited to hear that. Thank you both for taking the time to sit down with me today.”

  “Thank you, Suzie.”

  With that, the cameras shut off, and Suzie shakes both our hands with profuse gratitude for doing the interview again. We ac
cept her thanks several times over, then wave her off as she and her camera crew pile back into their truck to make their deadline. My arm slides around Rayne’s shoulder again, and she looks up at me with an unreadable expression.

  “That went OK, right?”

  My eyebrows lift in confusion as I gaze back down at her. “Yeah, why?”

  “I want to make sure that you’re OK, putting yourself back into the spotlight.”

  “I’m fine. I have you with me.”

  At that, she beams as bright as the sun. I gaze out into the midafternoon light. A recent snow has rendered the scene glistening white, and I look forward to the snowy treks we’ll make together.

  “You want to go on a hike with me?”

  Rayne doesn’t miss a beat. “Always. Let me get my coat on.”

  My heart jumps as I slide into my own jacket. Rayne waits for me at the door, and we fall in step together as we head down one of the many trails. This time, Rayne knows each one like the back of her hand, and she is quite the nature guide. I would trust her with my life.

  And my heart.

  We walk in comfortable silence until we reach the lake. All around us the world is silent except for the sound of the river stones beneath our boots. Rayne grins.

  “What?” I ask.

  She reaches into her coat pocket and pulls out a smooth, teal stone. “The first time we came here, I slid this into my pocket. It was meant to be a keepsake, a memento of my time spent away before returning to the real world. I guess I didn’t need it after all.”

  She twirls the stone in her palm as her gaze scans the horizon, her eyes lost in memory.

  “Why don’t you throw it in? Make a wish?”

  She looks up at me and her lip tilts up ever so slightly. “You think it would work?”

  “Only one way to find out. Throw it.”

  Rayne closes her eyes and throws the stone. It plops with a ripple, and when she opens her eyes, it takes her a moment to realize I’m down on one knee. When she looks down, her hand shoots to her mouth.

  “Rayne. I could never imagine a life without you. You have made me into the man I wish to be. You brought me back from the dead, and this past year I’ve finally remembered what it’s like to be alive. Will you stay with me forever, here by this lake? Will you be my wife?”

  Tears fill her eyes as I pull a ring from my pocket and hold it out to her. It’s not flashy. It’s a white gold band with a small diamond in it. For up here, it’s practical, and, coming from our world, I know she has nothing like it. All she’s ever been offered is big and flashy, but I offer a simple life. A happy life.

  She nods, and a tear falls from her eye.

  “Yes,” she whispers, and my heart soars.

  I grin from ear to ear as I stand and pull her into my arms, where I kiss her silly even as I slide the ring onto her finger.

  I can’t believe this woman is going to be my wife, but at the same time, I can believe it.

  It could never have been anyone else.

  Also by Emily Bishop

  Taming Cupid

  Protecting Rayne

  Cuffing Her


  Saving Scarlet


  Wet Dreams

  Bachelor’s Secret

  Mr. Anything

  Mr. Everything

  A Note from Emily...

  This is typically the part where I make up some boring lines about my life and dog and significant other. Let me just cut through the bullshit.

  I want to help you by providing the best romance ON PLANET EARTH, Muhuhuhu. Too much? Anyway, I’m serious. My goal is to entertain you. I want to make you cry and laugh every time you read one of my books. I want you to be able to escape all the bullshit you’re dealing with and just relax for a few hours. I also would love to hear what you want me to write about. So, if you want me to write about something, email me and let me see if I can write a story just for you.

  I mean this from the bottom of my heart. I hope you had fun today.

  Love, Em

  Let’s get to know each other!




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