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Redeeming Justice

Page 35

by Suzanne Halliday

  Wearing nothing but his ring and the delicate gold bracelet with the two hearts, Alex made love to her with a passion that made her cry out in ecstasy. As she moaned and whimpered underneath his powerful frame, he flexed his hips and ground against her deep and slow until neither of them could take it anymore. With her legs wrapped around his waist as she clung with trembling arms to his neck, and he kissed her with all the love he had in his heart and soul, propelling them both to a staggering climax. In the aftermath, his beautiful Meghan sobbed softly in his arms, telling him with her tears and quivering body how much she adored him. After the erotic storm had passed, he cradled her on his chest and let the moment speak for itself.

  Eventually, she raised her head and smiled with those sexy green eyes that didn’t hide anything from him.

  “I asked your father for permission to marry you,” he told her. He thoroughly enjoyed the look of total shock that spread across her face. She hadn’t expected that.

  Alex was an old-fashioned guy at heart. Having fallen in love for the first and last time in his life, he intended to experience every facet of the journey. Manning up and asking for her hand hadn’t been easy or comfortable. Patrick O’Brien had not made the request an easy one. Especially not after he threatened Alex with deadly consequences if he, God forbid, hurt his precious daughter as he had ever again. He’d felt like a gladiator fighting for his life when her brothers appeared on the scene and breathed fire in his direction while her quiet mother blew her disapproving wrath at him.

  “What?” she squeaked. “When?”

  He smiled and cuddled her close. “Yesterday.”

  “Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait,” she burst out bewilderedly. “You talked to my dad? Yesterday?” She made the yesterday sound like someone was in danger of getting his or her ass kicked.

  “Yes. And your mother and brothers too. They’re a scary bunch. Deval threatened to castrate me and your mom, who I might add is in no way a lady when she’s pissed, told me rather bluntly what she planned on doing with my balls if I didn’t make things right with you.”

  “Oh my God! You’re serious, I can tell. That explains why my parents acted so strange last night.” Alex felt her smile when she pressed her face into his chest and giggled.

  “Damn right I’m serious. I had to show your mom the ring and all but agreed to a fucking cathedral wedding, which by the way will be officiated by my Uncle Eduardo. I’ve already checked with him to make sure it was possible.”

  Meghan chuckled and snuggled against him. “Holy shit. My parents will be parish royalty once it gets out that there’s a priest in the family.”

  “And my family, by the way, is equal parts stunned and thrilled that an Irish goddess was foolish enough to fall for my sorry ass shit. That’s a direct quote from my sisters.”

  Her head flew up, and she looked him in the eye. “You told them even before I said yes? What if I’d walked out of here and left the bracelet and you behind?”

  “Sweetheart, I loved you enough to lay it all on the line. Asking your parents and telling my family meant that no matter what happened, I was owning both my feelings and whatever your decision would be,” he told her solemnly.

  She trailed her fingers softly across his lips and leaned in for a quick kiss. “Then you’re lucky I’m so in love with you.”

  He laughed and hugged her tight. “And to be clear, if you had walked out of here, I would have stalked that sexy ass of yours for an eternity until you eventually caved and forgave me.”

  “What happens now?” she purred. He loved the sound of his woman when she was contented.

  “Well, there’s an easy answer to that my beautiful and amazing love. I believe your mother is packing your bags as we lay here – which means had you said no she would have had to knock some sense into that head of yours – and then we are boarding the agency jet as soon as we can.”

  “Why?” she groaned. “Can’t we just enjoy the moment?”

  “No can do, mi precioso mujer,” he informed her in perfectly accented Spanish. “That means my beautiful wife which is exactly what you will be in as quick a way as possible. First, you have to say yes to a dress and secondly, your sister-in-law-to-be is about to give birth any day. She has specifically asked for you to be present when the baby arrives, and I’m to tell you to bring the camera.”

  Alex was startled when his naked fiancée leapt off his chest and landed beside the bed in a move that would make the most graceful of jungle cats jealous. “Get your ass in gear. Major. All you needed to say was the baby’s coming. That’s something I don’t intend to miss!”

  He sighed dramatically and sat up, quirking an eyebrow at her. “Giving orders already, are we? Don’t you have to wait for the vows first?”

  She grinned at him and palmed her luscious tits. When his eyes flared with appreciation she pouted prettily and teased, “You can tie me to the bed when we get home. If you hurry.”

  Hearing her refer to the Villa as home melted his heart as his barking laughter met her naughty suggestion. Sitting up he swung his legs over the side of the bed and pulled her to stand between his thighs.

  “Whatever your heart desires my sexy fuck goddess. I am yours to command,” he told her touching the two hearts dangling from the bracelet.

  “Mine,” he growled a second before his lips latched on to a pouting nipple.

  “Yours,” she sighed. Moments later she speared her fingers into his hair and yanked his head back. “Mine,” she growled at him.

  “Completely yours,” he agreed.

  It would be a long time after that before they actually got around to checking out of the hotel.

  “He’s so beautiful,” Meghan cooed as she cradled Dylan Henry Cameron in her arms. The perfect combination of his mother and father, he had pale skin, soft dark hair, sweet lips, and deep blue eyes.

  She wasn’t sure who looked more ecstatic. Cameron, who couldn’t quite get over the fact that he had a son, or Lacey who appeared to all the world like a beatific angel mother as she gazed adoringly at her infant son and devoted husband. Such rapturous joy was beautiful to witness.

  Alex slapped Cam on the back and congratulated his brother with undisguised affection. Not able to forgo a playful jab, he teased the new father in a conspiratorial tone. “Just think. If Drae and Tori have a girl, it could be the start a Justice dynasty.”

  Draegyn laughed heartily and hugged his wife close. “Dynasty my ass! Should the newest St. John be of the female persuasion, in addition to a gun-toting father she will have a fire breathing dragon to keep all male suitors away.”

  Tori chuckled and rubbed her round belly. “We’ll know in a few months but either way, Family Justice is expanding. Oh, and by the way everyone, my mother is coming for a visit before it’s my turn in the birthing suite so you’ll all be expected to act accordingly.” Turning a sweet-as-pie look on Meghan she teased, “You’re up next in the baby sweepstakes, Irish.”

  Meghan blushed and looked quickly at her hunky fiancé. Planning a wedding was just a sideshow to what was really driving both of them. As far as she was concerned they couldn’t get married quick enough. When they’d talked of having children, Alex had made it clear that he wanted a family with her. And by that he meant now and not some vague time in the future. Meghan hadn’t been able to concentrate on anything else ever since.

  Sure, a big flashy wedding with all the bells and whistles was one of those fantasies most girls dream of but the truth was, the idea of having a baby with her husband-to-be was a thousand times more appealing. A wedding was just a moment in time—building a family was something they would share for a lifetime.

  Meghan handed the sweet baby boy swaddled in a pale blue blanket to her Major and beamed with love when he eagerly cuddled his new nephew. Watching him lean down and press a soft kiss on the baby’s brow melted her insides.

  Lacey looked around the hospital room, sniffed and then wiped away a tear bringing Meghan and Tori quickly to her side. “My fa
mily,” was all she needed to say. The poignancy of those words from someone who’d been abused and abandoned as a child filled the room with emotion. The look Cameron gave his Ponytail touched Meghan’s heart.

  Leave it to Tori to lighten up the mood and bring the giggles. She quickly snapped her iPhone into the dock on Lacey’s nightstand and scrolled till she found what she’d been looking for. Next thing anyone knew, the sound of Sister Sledge singing “We are Family” filled the room.

  As Alex cradled the first in the next generation of sons and daughters who would make their unusual family even stronger, with his brothers Cam and Drae smiling contentedly at his side, their women rocked out with glee as Tori and Meghan shimmied and danced around the room while the three sisters-in-law sang their new theme song and welcomed the future they’d dreamed of.

  It should go without saying, but… And They All Lived Happily Ever After.

  And the story doesn’t end there!

  Coming Soon……


  Catch up with Cameron & Lacey

  Draegyn & Victoria


  Alex & Meghan

  when Tori’s mother, Stephanie Bennett comes for a visit

  First and foremost, I want to express my undying gratitude to Jenny Sims, the best editor anyone could ask for. You came into my life at the perfect moment, with your mad skills, wit and encouragement and have ‘hands down’ changed my life.

  Jenny, in case you didn’t know it, you were the first.

  Thanks to my talented cover designer, Ashley Baumann.

  Her job can’t be easy! It takes someone unique to read between the lines and bring a book cover vision to life. You did my Justice Brothers justice!

  Thank you to Stacey Blake ~ the best formatter on the planet.

  I got choked up the first time I saw the formatted copy of Book 1.

  The dog tags were an inspiration!

  Special thanks to Rebecca Bennett and Nicole Huffman for jumping in and being such awesome PA’s. You’ve been a huge help. It’s taken an enormous, stressful weight off my shoulders knowing you’re on the job so I can focus on the stories and not get all worked up about some of the pesky details.

  A million butterscotch candies and more hugs and kisses than can be showered on three people in a hundred lifetimes go to my daughter and grandsons.

  The best moments of my life are when they are around.

  That said, I’ll think twice before ever asking again, “Is it clear? Can I go now?”


  Suzanne Halliday writes what she knows and what she loves – sexy adult contemporary romance with strong men and spirited women. Her love of creating short stories for friends and family has developed into a passion for writing romantic fiction with a sensual edge. She finds the world of digital, self-publishing to be the perfect platform for sharing her stories and also for what she enjoys most of all – reading. When she’s not on a deadline you’ll find her loading up on books to devour.

  Currently a wanderer, she and her family divide their time between the east and west coast, somehow always managing to get the seasons mixed up. When not digging out from snow or trying to stay cool in the desert, you can find her in the kitchen, 80’s hair band music playing in the background, kids running in and out, laptop on with way too many screens open, something awesome in the oven, and a mug of hot tea clutched in one hand.

  Visit her at:


  Twitter @suzannehalliday


  Check out the Pinterest Boards for my stories

  I love getting feedback from readers!




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