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Bound : The Dove Series: Book Four (The Dove Series Book One 4)

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by Renea Porter

  “Let me grab her and I can put her to bed.”

  “What if she wakes up and sees your face?”

  “She won’t.”

  Damon carefully lifted Rose off the couch and we slowly carried her to her room. She was staying in bed all by herself most nights. Only once in a while, she would come in and lay in the middle of the bed.

  Damon placed Rose in her bed and we quietly snuck out of her room and headed for the bathroom.

  “I can’t believe you got jumped,” I said, grabbing the first aid kit. “Why didn’t you shoot the bastards?”

  He chuckled. “I wasn’t carrying my gun.”

  “And Matteo?”

  “I sent him home early. He should be with Olivia and the baby.”

  “So, you left yourself unprotected?”

  “I know. It was careless.”

  I cleaned the cuts on his face.

  “I’m trying to go legit, Kara.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I was dealing with some dangerous people. And I had to make a few extra dealings when we were looking for you. But that’s all over now. My debts are paid. And I want to be able to work honestly so I can be there for you and our family.”

  I placed the tiny bandages on his face. “Are you hurt anywhere else?”

  “Just my ego. How was your day?”

  “Come downstairs. Susie left you a plate of dinner.”

  In the kitchen, I heated up his plate of food and sat with him at the table while he ate.

  “I picked out my dress, the veil, the shoes, my reception dress, and I met with the wedding planner. Her name is Starlin Price and she seemed like she knew what she was doing. All you and I have to do is pick what kind of cake we want. You still have to get your tux as well. I was also thinking we could do a rehearsal dinner at a restaurant to thank our friends and family.”

  “Yeah, we can do that. Come on. Let’s go to bed,” he suggested as he finished dinner.

  Chapter Twelve


  Christmas came and went. Rose was spoiled with everything imaginable for a child her age. Damon had already missed the first four Christmases so I knew he was making up for lost time. And the look on her face was priceless when she saw all the gifts.

  “I have to step out for a bit but I’ll be back in time for the rehearsal dinner tonight.” Damon kissed my lips before I watched him leave the house.

  “Okay. I’ll see you in a few hours then,” I replied.

  After taking a shower, I got ready for my day. I put my hair in a ponytail since it was finally growing out, added some makeup, and then went to get Rose settled for the day. I was excited about the dinner tonight and getting to know Damon’s cousins, Claire and Rowan, even though Rowan wasn’t much of a talker.

  “Susie, can you watch Rose? I have an errand to run.”

  “Absolutely. We can have a tea party.”

  “Thank you so much.”

  Just as I was headed out the door, I received a text. This was getting annoying and old. Whoever this person was texting me, they needed to stop. The videos didn’t show me pointing the gun and firing it. They proved nothing.

  Meet me at Cypress Park tomorrow at ten p.m. Come alone and bring the money in a brief case.

  I swallowed a hard lump. Maybe I could just pay them off and they’d leave me alone. I typed back, Okay.

  I leaned forward in the SUV to speak to the driver. “Can you take me to Elite Holdings Bank?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  I sat back against the seat and wondered if I could pull this off without Damon finding out. Damon had put my name on his account but then I remembered I still had my own account that he set up so I decided to start there.

  Upon entering the bank, I was immediately greeted. “Hello. How can we help you today?”

  “I’m looking to take a significant amount of money out of my account.”

  “Absolutely. Right this way,” she motioned.

  I followed the woman to a private office area. “Mr. Allen will be right with you.”

  “Thank you.”

  I wished I would have dressed a little fancier. This bank only serviced the rich people of Texas. “Hello, Miss Ricci.” A man held his hand out. “I’m Conrad Allen, and I can help you today. Are you looking to withdrawal some money out of your account?”

  “Yes. I was wondering how much was in my account because I don’t use it often.”

  “Let me look into it for you, Miss Ricci.”

  After a few clicks he was able to tell me. “There is five hundred thousand dollars in your account.”

  I almost chocked. “I’m sorry. How much?”

  Mr. Allen chuckled. “Five hundred thousand.”

  “Wow. Okay.”

  After collecting myself, I explained what I needed out of the account.

  “That’s a rather large sum. Are you sure you want to do that?”

  I smiled. “Absolutely. You see, my fiancé and I are getting married soon and I want to surprise him with a gift for the occasion.”

  “Ah. I see. I think that can be arranged. Let me go get the approval and get you going.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Allen.”

  I didn’t know how I could just lie like that on the fly. But I hoped Damon wouldn’t be alerted if I was taking money out of my account.

  I waited for what seemed like forever, but then again that was a lot of cash to be dueling out at one time. It was fifteen minutes later when Mr. Allen appeared with the money in a brief case.

  “Looks like you are all set, Miss Ricci.”

  “Thank you again, Mr. Allen.”

  I walked out of the bank with the money in tow. Back in the SUV, I texted the number that kept texting me. I have the money. In exchange, you will hand over the phone that has the videos and anything else that has them on it. Or no deal. I will take my chances.

  Those three dots appeared showing me I was getting a reply. Ballsy. But I’ll agree to it.

  And you will never contact me again or ask for any more money. -K

  Fine. -Anonymous.

  “Head home, now,” I told the driver.

  I decided to skip the rest of the errands I was planning on doing because I wanted to be home before Damon got there. There was no way I wanted him to see the money so I would have to conceal it somehow.

  Chapter Thirteen


  “Are we all set?” I asked Damon as I got ready for the dinner.

  “I’m ready when you are,” he replied with his devilish grin.

  Susie and Rose also joined us in the SUV. There was no way I would not include Susie in the wedding and the festivities. She was like a second mother to Rose, and I cherished her as we had grown close.

  The money was loading down my purse and I second guessed even bringing it along, but I was too paranoid to let it out of my sight until it was handed over. Tomorrow, I would have to meet whoever it was texting me and blackmailing me.

  Luckily, I hid the money at the bottom and covered it up with my essentials that I normally carried. But the bag was heavy. More than anything, I was paranoid and wondered if someone we knew was blackmailing us. The angle of the videos looked like they were in the opposite direction of where we were. So, someone was watching the house before we even got there.

  Damon squeezed my knee. “What’s on your mind? You seem so far away lately.”

  I smiled. “Probably pregnancy brain. Sometimes the past comes creeping back into my mind.”

  “You don’t need to think about the past.”

  “I know. It’s mostly my father that pops in my head. Had he been a decent person, he would have been able to meet his grandbabies.”

  Damon squeezed my hand. “We have friends and family that are happy for us and steps in whenever we need them.”

  “I know.”

  Damon leaned over to kiss my cheek.

  “Looks like we’re here,” Susie said as we arrived at the restaurant.

  Damon took m
y hand as we made our way inside. Everyone had already arrived and they greeted us. We made our way around the large, family-style table and hugged or shook hands with everyone. I was happy to see Olivia had made it with her little baby girl and Matteo at her side.

  “Can I hold her?” I asked as I sat next to my best friend.

  “Absolutely.” She carefully handed the baby over to me.

  “You look like a natural,” Olivia told me, smiling.

  “And you look great for recently having a baby.”

  “Please. The postpartum is a bitch. Thank god for Matteo and his mom. I would literally just lay in bed all day if it weren’t for them.”

  “So, you are depressed?”

  “Yeah, but I’m guessing it will pass soon. I’m going to see my doctor in a week.”

  I rocked the baby and she slept peacefully while I chatted with the other guests. Claire came over to look at the baby. “Claire, this is my bestie Olivia. Olivia, this is Claire, Damon’s cousin and sister to Rowan.” I nodded toward him as he sat across from Damon. His face was stoic while Claire was smiling. “It’s nice to meet you, Olivia.”

  “Nice to meet you, too.”

  “And who is this?” Claire asked about the baby.

  “This is Jade Victoria Carmichael. My god-daughter,” I told her.

  “Well, she is cute as a button.”

  “Thank you,” Olivia said with a smile.

  “And when are you due, momma?” Claire asked me.

  “Another two months. I’m in the final stretch of the pregnancy.”

  “Do you know what you are having?”

  “I don’t. We wanted it to be a surprise. Plus, we are raising Damon’s daughter Rose.”

  “That’s his daughter? I had no idea.”

  “Neither did he until her mom showed up.”

  “It sounds like you have your hands full already.” She smiled.

  “It is a handful but I can manage.”

  I turned my attention back to Olivia. “She is not even fussy.”

  “I know. She is a good baby. We got lucky. I should feed her.”

  I handed the baby back to Olivia, and I made my way around to talk to everyone.

  Halfway through dinner, Damon stood and I stood beside him. “We want to thank everyone for coming tonight. Each and every one of you are important to Kara and I. There is no one else we would want to share our special day with than all of you. And I’m truly thankful for having Rose, my daughter, in our lives. We have been blessed and I don’t feel like I deserve it.”

  Everyone cheered with their glasses and celebrated us.

  After another hour of chatting and celebrating, we headed home. “My feet are aching from the heels,” I told Damon as I kicked my heels off.

  He moved closer to me. “Come here, woman.” He brought me into him, causing me to drop my hand bag, which spilled out all the contents.

  He looked down. “What’s all that?”

  “Uh.” I couldn’t hide the money as it spread across the floor. “There is something I have to tell you.”

  Damon sat on the edge of the bed while I stood, telling him about my blackmailer.

  “Babe. Why didn’t you come to me in the first place about this?”

  “I don’t know. I was just gonna pay whoever it was and be done with them.”

  “You are seven months pregnant. I will not allow you to put yourself in danger. So, I’m going to take care of the situation.”


  “Promise me, no more secrets, Kara.”

  “I promise.”

  “Now undress so I can do dirty things to you.”

  “You still find me attractive?”

  “Attractive? You are sexy as hell. Now come here, Dove.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  “Are we ready?” I asked Matteo as we got ready to make the money drop. I had Kara’s phone so they would think they were communicating with her but it was really me. Whoever this person was, they were going to pay.

  “Ready,” Matteo replied. “Are you sure about this?”

  “As sure as I’ll ever be. It is better than Kara putting herself in harm’s way.”

  “You’re right. I would do the same for Olivia, pregnant or not.”

  “How are you two doing?”

  “Good. My mom is leaving in two weeks so I’ll be happy to have more alone time with Olivia and the baby.”

  In the SUV, I checked my gun to make sure it was loaded and then secured it in my waistband. If anything went down, I would be prepared. With the cover of darkness, I made my way through the park and Matteo was several feet behind me. I found a man on a park bench.

  I rushed over to him, grabbing his shirt, pulling him toward me. “You the one texting my fiancé about the money?” I asked the man with sandy blonde hair. I hauled him up, forcing him to walk to the SUV.

  “Where are we going?” he asked.

  “Somewhere we can settle this.”

  I was seething.

  “What’s your name? How do you know Kara?” I questioned him inside the SUV with my gun trained on him. He continued holding his hands up.

  “My name is Bennett. I’m Kara’s stepbrother. I don’t believe she knows about me. Her dad had an affair with my mother.”

  We arrived at an abandoned warehouse. Matteo helped Bennett to his feet and inside the building. With Matteo’s stature, he stood tall and cracked his knuckles. Bennett was practically pissing his pants.

  “What is your business here?”

  “I wanted to take over my father’s business.”

  I chuckled. “Well, that won’t be happening. I run this town. Anyone else that tries…. well, they die. And it’s been a minute since I’ve killed anyone.” The gun rested at my side while my finger remained on the trigger and I paced a few steps.

  “Did you really think you could blackmail Kara? Did you not know who I am?”

  I flipped my chair to sit backward on it while I faced Bennett.

  “I didn’t know you were the mob.”

  “Well, now you know. So what? You want to get the money and go?” I asked.

  “I won’t say a word to anyone. I swear,” he told me.

  “How about you hand me all the evidence you have and then we’ll see.”

  He immediately handed over his phone.

  “Is this the only thing that has the video on it?”

  “Yes. I swear.”

  I took the phone and put it in the pocket of my suit jacket and stood up. “I don’t think I can let you live.” I lifted my gun and shot Bennett dead.

  “Call the cleaner,” I told Matteo. “Pay him double.”

  I had a guy that cleaned up the messes I made. And Matteo and I needed to get back home to our women.

  With the money in tow, I headed back to the SUV and waited for Matteo as he made the necessary phone call.


  I tossed the briefcase to Kara as she lay in bed. “You can put this back in your bank.”

  She immediately sat up. “What happened?”

  “Did you know you had a step-brother? His name is Bennett.”

  “What?” She blinked.

  I paced the bedroom floor. “Yeah. Your step brother was the one blackmailing you.”

  “Where is he now?”

  “He’s fucking dead, Kara. I killed him.”

  She was speechless.

  “Why don’t you come lie down?” she suggested.

  “I have half a mind to punish you for not telling me in the first place.”

  “Punish me?”

  “Yes. I want to punish you. I told you I was a madman, Kara. I couldn’t promise to control the urges when they arose.”

  “So, what? You want to fucking hit me?”

  “I don’t know what I want to do.” I fisted my own hair.

  Now she stood toe to toe with me. “I fucking dare you, Damon. Cause it’ll be the last time you lay a hand on me.”

  Staring into my ey
es, she gripped my face in her hands. “You need to calm the fuck down. Take a few deep breaths. I know you don’t want to hurt me.” She undressed me and guided me toward the shower to get the blood off me. A moment later, she slipped off her nightgown and joined me.

  “I’m sorry,” I cried. Tears were streaming down my face. “I’m so fucking sorry.”

  She took me in her arms. “It’s okay. It’s okay,” she reassured me.

  My heart was shattered at how much I wanted to inflict pain on Kara. I knew it was because the adrenaline was sky high. But the hot water of the shower was calming me. And Kara… her love was calming me as well.

  “I don’t know what I would do without you,” I told her.

  “Lucky for you, you don’t have to find out.”

  “Have I told you how much I love you?”

  With her arms wrapped around my neck, she smiled. “You haven’t. But you have shown it. And that means more to me.”

  “I killed your family member,” I choked out the words.

  She shrugged. “But you mean more to me. I would kill for you if I had to.”

  This time, I was smiling. “You would?”

  “Fuck yeah I would.”

  “I love it when you swear. You make it sound sexy.”

  “What else is sexy?”

  “Let me show you.”

  Chapter Fifteen


  Damon was tormented and I had no idea how to help him. Too much blood had been shed between the both of us. Nothing was stopping us from going to that dark place. He was super attentive with me, not that he ever wasn’t. He was just more attentive and affectionate. Even though he killed my step-brother, a brother I never met, I was okay with that. And I was thankful Damon never hid his secrets from me.

  “What are you doing today?” I asked Damon at breakfast.

  “I plan on spending the next few days home with both my girls.”

  Rose beamed.

  “Tomorrow, we have an appointment with the baker for the cake tasting.”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  “It is someone’s birthday next week,” I mentioned with a wink and a smile.


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