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Manhattan Kink: A Boxed Set

Page 26

by Serafina Conti

  Pipit wondered why Neko needed a roommate if she was so fabulously successful here.

  Kathy said, “Our rooms are all wired for video and sound. Our bouncers watch and listen in the back. We use the stoplight system for safewords so the bouncer doesn’t have to memorize a lot of them. If he hears you shout ‘Red,’ he’ll be there in seconds to make sure the scene stops. If you say ‘Yellow,’ probably I or one of the other girls will come to help you get things calmed down and renegotiate if you have to.”

  Pipit stayed at Shigemi’s for six hours, but no walk-in clients wanted role play that night. Instead, she spent some time working on her profile with Kathy and a lot of time watching Neko and the others on the monitors in the back.

  Neko was as remarkable as Kathy had said. She did almost exclusively impact play, and over the course of the shift she was spanked, flogged, paddled and caned by three different Dominants. Pipit got turned on watching. It wasn’t the action that was hot—the Dominants, two men and a woman, were just competent. Rather, it was Neko herself. There was something about the way her body twisted, the way she screamed, wept, and begged for mercy, that was so compelling that Pipit wanted to rush into the scene, hug her, and baby her. She was surprised by her own response: she’d never considered herself the motherly type.

  They got home at two in the morning, having shared a silent taxi ride together. Neko said, “I always have a glass of wine after my shift. Do you want one? Sorry I just have white.”

  “White’s nice,” Pipit said. “Thanks.”

  Neko brought two wineglasses from the kitchen, and they sat together on the living room sofa.

  “I was watching you on the monitors,” Pipit said. “I hope you don’t mind.”

  “No, not at all,” Neko said. “Sometimes there are two or three scenes going on in a room—we don’t expect privacy.”

  “I was really impressed,” Pipit said.

  “Thanks,” Neko said. “I really love what I do, and I get a lot of love from my clients.”

  “I could tell,” Pipit said. “I mean, that you love your work.”

  Neko sipped her wine. “You see what I meant about sex, though,” she said. “Each of those scenes would have had some kind of sex play if it wasn’t for the rule against it. The rule is a good one, we have to stay, like, legal. But it always feels like you stopped too soon. It’s like edging all night long.”

  “I could see that,” said Pipit. “I got hot watching you. I can’t imagine how hot you must have gotten, being in the scenes. It had to be frustrating.”

  They quietly sipped their wine. Pipit stole a glance at Neko and caught her looking at her. They both looked away.

  “You’re really pretty,” Neko said. “You’re going to be popular.”

  “Thanks,” Pipit said. “I hope I can get some regulars. I don’t think I’ll be as popular as you, though.”

  They fell silent again. Pipit stole another glance, and this time Neko was looking into her wineglass. The more Pipit saw of Neko, the better she looked. Her thin lips were nicely curved, her nose had a bump, but a pleasant bump, and her eyes were soulful. She was vibrant somehow. Pipit wanted to see her naked. She wondered if it was possible to seduce her.

  Pipit had hardly formed the thought when Neko turned to her abruptly and said, “Do you want to have sex with me?”

  Pipit did, but it took her a couple of seconds to gather her wits, and Neko rushed in to fill the silence, speaking rapidly. “I mean, I’m not saying we should be like lovers. Sometimes, you know, sex is just a nice thing for friends to do, don’t you think? And when I get home from work I’m always so turned on, you know? I usually masturbate, I have some nice toys, I really love them, I’ll show them to you sometime, but there’s nothing like another person, don’t you think? And it doesn’t have to be kinky—it’s just nice to not be alone.”

  Neko paused to draw a breath, and Pipit stood up, pulled her top off, and pushed her shorts and panties down. She sat on the sofa again.

  “So,” Neko said, “that’s a yes?”

  “I’m not a Dominant,” Pipit said. “I can’t be a Dominant for you.”

  “Me neither,” said Neko. She stood. Like Pipit, she was wearing just a shirt and shorts, and it took her only a few seconds to take them off. “But it doesn’t matter, does it? Sex is nice even without power exchange. But let’s one of us top, okay?” She sat and reached for her purse.

  Pipit said, “Okay.”

  Neko got a coin out of her wallet and said, “Whoever wins tops. Heads or tails?”

  “I’ve always been more tail than head,” said Pipit, smiling.

  Neko flipped the coin and let it fall on the floor. They both bent over to look at it.

  “Heads. You’re the top,” said Pipit. She took a sip of her wine and waited, feeling happy.

  Neko leaned over and kissed Pipit. A little thrill ran through her—yes, there was definitely something about Neko, who touched her left nipple, making her shiver with pleasure, and then squeezed, making her gasp. Neko moved closer and put one arm around her; her tongue probed Pipit’s mouth.

  Neko gently pushed Pipit’s shoulders, making her lie down. She bent over and kissed her, reaching for her pussy with one hand. Pipit spread her legs for her, and moaned as her fingers slid into her and her palm rubbed her clit.

  “You like finger-fucking?” Neko whispered, her breath soft on Pipit’s lips. “What else do you like?”

  “You,” Pipit whispered. “Your body.”

  Neko knelt on the sofa behind Pipit’s head and crept into a sixty-nine; she lowered her pussy onto Pipit’s hungry mouth and in the same moment closed her mouth over Pipit’s pussy. Her tongue was gentle and her manner caring and sweet; she was responsive as Pipit licked her wet pussy and softly sucked her swollen clit. Pipit stared at the welts and scars that crisscrossed Neko’s bottom and came softly—Neko came too, just a little later. They’d both been too hot to want to draw it out. They cuddled on the sofa.

  Neko said, “Do you think we could do that when we’re horny after work? Not, you know, like lovers, but maybe like friends?”

  Pipit said, “I’d like that. I think I’m going to like being your roommate.”

  They lay together silently for a while.

  Neko said, “Listen. There’s something I’ve got to tell you. Mistress Ai couldn’t tell you because she doesn’t know. I hope you don’t mind. But . . . some clients, after I’ve been seeing them for a while, I let them come here.”

  Pipit looked at her blankly for a few seconds, and then she understood. “Because sex isn’t allowed at the dungeon?”

  Neko nodded. “A lot of the girls do it. I mean, not all. You don’t have to feel like out of step if you don’t want to. It helps make ends meet—but it’s more that after a while it just feels right to add sex to the scene. We can’t sneak it in at Mistress’s place: it would put her at risk, and nobody’s willing to do that. We all love Mistress Ai.”

  “I understand,” said Pipit. “What should I do when you bring a client in?”

  “Most roommates just like hang out as usual,” said Neko. “It’s actually a good thing when a client knows somebody else is there. It’s a safety thing. I’ve got to know a client really well before I’ll bring them here, but even so it can be kind of scary. So it’s good to have a roommate. I hope you don’t think I’m just using you. I mean, it’s good to have a roommate anyway.”

  “It’s okay,” said Pipit. “If I decide to bring clients here, you’ll make me feel safer too.” She was starting to get aroused again.

  “Mainly I’m hoping you don’t mind,” said Neko. “You’ll probably hear like moaning and stuff, you know.”

  “I’ve heard it before,” Pipit said, and kissed her. “One more time?” she said. “I’ll top this time if you like.”

  The next day Pipit went out and bought some basic toiletries and a little clothing, just what she needed to feel decent till her things arrived—underwear, another pair of shorts, anothe
r T shirt. She went to her bank, now that she had an address, ordered checks and an ATM card, and got some cash. She could have spared herself the shopping, because when she got back, the box from Daniel and Karen’s place was waiting for her—her clothing, some toiletries and cosmetics, and a vial of the antibiotics Karen had made her take after a toilet session—a little spiteful gesture, no doubt.

  She went out to a local grocery and bought some things for dinner—nothing special, just some tilapia fillets, vegetables, and a bottle of white wine. She sauteed the fish and stir-fried the vegetables.

  Neko said, “You’re a real cook, Pipit!”

  “It’s because I had full-time Masters,” said Pipit. “They all expect you to cook like Rachel Ray and fuck like Bobbi Starr. This is a simple dinner, though.”

  At Mistress Shigemi’s that night, Pipit had her first client, a man who wanted to give her a medical exam. He took her blood pressure and pulse, checked her tonsils, tested her reflexes, gave her an enema, and conducted a thorough gynecological exam. None of this particularly interested Pipit, but she did her best to seem excited and aroused.

  When Pipit and Neko got home, Neko said, “I’m expecting a client in a half hour. I hope that’s okay.”

  “No problem,” said Pipit. She’d been hoping for more sex with Neko, but she supposed she’d get it another night.

  Pipit could hear conversation, the slap of the whip, and Neko’s sobs through the wall between their bedrooms. She masturbated and fell asleep.

  The medical client returned the next night and again three nights later. She had one walk-in client who wanted a puppy, but he didn’t return. On her third night, another client tied her to the table in the velvet lounge and dripped wax on her. She liked that, and the client came back once more that week. But by the end of the week she felt that her clientele was growing all too slowly.

  Meanwhile, Neko was busy for her whole shift, and during that first week three more clients in all visited her in the apartment—two in the afternoon and one more in the early morning.

  Kathy said, “You’re doing fine—be patient!” But Pipit was impatient and maybe a little resentful, especially when Neko was unavailable for sex after their shift.

  At the end of Pipit’s first week with Neko, her checks and ATM card arrived. She’d been borrowing Neko’s laptop computer, but she decided to get one of her own. She came back with a cheap one she’d gotten for less than four hundred—just good enough for web browsing and email.

  After she’d set up her own Gmail account, she got an account with another free email service under a false name. She wrote to the address on the Mistress Shigemi website:

  I don’t like to tattle, but it isn’t right that Neko’s been taking her clients home and fucking them there. I’ve been working at Mistress Shigemi’s a long time now, and I’ve always felt like I could be proud of it. But now Neko is making it into a whorehouse and bragging about it everywhere. It’s a disgrace, and you should really do something about it.

  She sent the email and deleted the account.

  That night the medical client and the one with the wax came back, and after their shift Pipit and Neko made love. Pipit topped that night: she tied Neko to the bed, sat on her face, and fucked her with a strap-on, turned on by her small, neat pussy.

  Neko had clients in the next two nights. While listening to her moan on the second night, Pipit created another email account and sent another note to Mistress Shigemi’s:

  All the girls are talking about Neko’s whoring. A lot of us are going to resign unless you do something about it.

  Again she deleted the account after she’d sent the email.

  The next night, when they got to work, Kathy called them both into her office.

  “Neko,” she said, “we’ve been receiving anonymous complaints that you’ve been working as a prostitute in your spare time.”

  “I haven’t, Mistress Kathy!”

  Pipit took Neko’s hand and said, “I think I’d know if she’d been doing that, Mistress Kathy.”

  Kathy said, “We have to take allegations like these seriously. We hired an investigator to look into it after we got the first note, and he’s confirmed it.” She tapped a folder on her desk. “You can look at the evidence if you like.”

  Neko started to cry. “I’m sorry, Mistress Kathy. I won’t do it again.”

  “Not here, anyway,” Kathy said. “Mistress Ai has told me to let you go.”

  Neko said, “Kathy, I—”

  “I’m sorry, Neko,” said Kathy, “but it’s final. Gather up your things and go.”

  Neko and Pipit got up.

  “Stay here, Tosatsu,” said Kathy. “I want a word with you.”

  When Neko had left, Kathy said, “I’m going overlook your lying for Neko.”

  “I’m sorry, Mistress Kathy,” Pipit said.

  Kathy said, “I’d have done the same.”

  “What’ll become of Neko?” Pipit asked.

  “We’ve never had to let anyone go before, but yeah, it’s common enough for pro Dommes and pro subs to become prostitutes. It’s an easy transition: some of Neko’s clients will be happy to become her johns. That’s one thing I wanted to talk to you about. I think you’d better find some other place to live.”

  “I don’t know, Mistress—”

  “I admire your loyalty, but it would be best not to be around if Neko crashes and burns. She could take you down with her. Mistress Raquel prefers to live alone, but she has a spare bedroom, and she’s agreed to let you stay there till you find another place. Have you signed a lease yet?”

  “Yes, Mistress.”

  “Well, I’ll take care of getting you out of it. And I’ll go with you to Neko’s tonight to get your stuff and take you to Raquel’s. I’ve made her promise to keep her hands off you.”

  “Thank you, Mistress.”

  “We have just two submissives now, you and a girl who works afternoons. I know your thing is role play, but can you do impact play at all?”

  “Yes, Mistress. I have limits. They can’t break the skin. I don’t want scars.”

  “You’re sure? Neko just charged extra for breaking the skin.”

  “I’m sorry, Mistress. It’s a hard limit.”

  That night, Pipit had three clients: one was her medical client, one flogged her, and the third caned her. A fourth client left after he was told that Neko no longer worked there.

  Afterwards Pipit and Kathy went to Neko’s apartment and found her sitting stunned on her sofa.

  “I’m sorry, Neko,” Pipit said. “Mistress Kathy says I have to move out.”

  “Anyway, it’s best that you make a clean break with Mistress Shigemi’s,” said Kathy.

  Pipit still had the cardboard box that had come from Daniel and Karen’s. She put her toiletries and her few changes of clothing in it, and Kathy carried her new computer.

  Pipit hugged Neko at the door and said, “I’m really sorry, Neko. I hope everything turns out well for you.”

  “Thanks,” said Neko, and kissed her. “You’ve been a real friend.”

  Raquel had an apartment on Eighth Street. The living room they were standing in was cluttered, with magazines heaped on tables, empty coffee cups on the floor, and a big vibrator on the sofa. Raquel was wearing leather pants and a leather top. The outfit looked hot for a July night. Pipit set down her box, and Kathy set the computer on a table.

  “Okay,” Kathy said. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Raquel, you behave yourself.”

  When Kathy had left, Raquel said, “What name are you using again?”

  Pipit said, “Mistress Ai calls me Tosatsu.”

  Raquel said, “To-fucking-satsu. I wouldn’t let Ai give me one of her dumb-ass names. Let me see you naked.”

  “Kathy said you promised to keep your hands off me,” said Pipit.

  “Fuck Kathy,” said Raquel. “I haven’t fucking touched you yet. Now take your fucking clothes off, or I’ll put you out on the fucking street. And you will address me
as Daddy.”

  During the ten seconds it had taken for Raquel to deliver that speech, Pipit’s temperature had risen about ten degrees. She undressed.

  “You’re a pretty little cunt,” said Raquel. “I’ll bet you’re a slut, aren’t you? Fuck around a lot?”

  “Yes,” said Pipit meekly.

  “Yes, Daddy,” said Daddy.

  “Yes, Daddy,” said Pipit.

  “Bi, I bet. You eat cunt?”

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  “That’s good. Daddy likes.” She came to Pipit, brushed a breast with one hand and slid a finger into her slit. “Soft baby skin, nice wet slash. I think I’ll call you babycunt. What kind of play do you like, babycunt?”

  “Humiliation, Daddy.” Pipit was terrified and excited. It had been a long time since she’d felt such strong emotions.


  “No breaking the skin—please, Daddy. No blood play. I can’t eat shit.”

  “Really, now!” said Daddy. “A little birdie told me you loved to eat shit—and now you’ve made it a hard limit. What a fucking pity! Bend over and hold your ankles.”

  Pipit did as she was told.

  Daddy walked around behind her, and a moment later Pipit felt a wet finger probing her anus.

  “Nice asshole. I’ll bet you’re a regular butt-slut. You like big things in your ass, babycunt?”

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  “I got some big things for you. Funny thing about Neko getting fired for what half the girls in the fucking place do. Who do you suppose would tip off Kathy like that? You suppose it might be the butt-fucking sub who ended up with all Neko’s business? No, don’t answer, you’d just fucking lie. You are a liar, aren’t you, babycunt?”


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