Havoc and Mayhem
Page 30
From anyone else he would have taken that as an insult. ‘Havoc, soft on the inside?’ His name rang bells all over Brooklyn! But coming from Mrs. Hattie Mae Tucker it was a compliment. Her description of him made him reflect on how similar it was to Donnie’s and he felt a special kinship with the sweet old woman.
“Tommy.” He said.
“Who’s Tommy?” Hattie asked.
“I am. It’s what my Mamma named me.” He grinned.
Hattie looked at him and smiled. “And your last name?”
“It’s Strong.”
“Tommy Strong. It has a real nice masculine ring to it.”
Havoc nodded graciously at a red light and glanced at the rear-view mirror. His eyes did a double take. The black Mercedes with the tinted windows he would only see after he had been smoking weed was sitting behind him, and this time he was not high! His heart accelerated as Hattie rambled away. Havoc reached behind his back and pulled his gun halfway out of its holster while pretending to pay attention to whatever she was saying. Mayhem’s posture instinctively tightened and she too was ready for whatever. When the light turned green the black car made a huge U-turn upsetting traffic and disappeared down the block.
“Wake up honey. The light’s green.” Hattie said.
“Huh? -Oh yeah right,” Havoc said and smiled at Hattie then continued driving ever so often cutting his eyes in the mirror. Obviously someone was playing games and sooner or later it would come to an end.
Unfortunately for Mayhem, dogs her size were not allowed inside of JFK Airport so she had to wait in the car along with Havoc’s weapons. After checking Hattie’s luggage, Havoc and Hattie made their way through the jam-packed airport to the gate her plane was departing from. As he walked his eyes darted everywhere at once, over every face keeping a look out for depraved looking types that would harm an old woman. When someone got too close to Hattie they were rudely shoved aside.
“Now baby, be nice.” She scolded after Havoc bumped a man into a magazine rack who was not watching where he was walking.
“I’m not taking any chances Mrs. Tucker. So, your flight doesn’t depart for another half an hour. How’s a cup of coffee sound?”
“Add a slice of cherry cobbler to the offer and you’ve got yourself a date.” Hattie winked. A moment later they were seated in a nearby restaurant attached to the food court. After being in there for less than ten minutes the sweet old woman had won the hearts of all the waitresses and received her pie on the house. “People who don’t live here are quick to say that New York is unfriendly, but I beg to differ. I’m really gonna miss it.” Hattie sighed. “Petersburg is nice but it’s sooo slow. I’m a tough old bird, used to the hustle and bustle.”
“Yeah it will be a big culture shock for you going back. But you’ll be safe, and that’s what’s important.” Havoc said.
“Still I wish I could stay. But the man up above has other plans for me.” Hattie said then sipped her coffee. Havoc nodded and smiled at a toy poodle peeking at him from inside of its cage by its master’s feet. “I see you have a special bond with that precious puppy-dog of yours.”
“Oh yeah. Mayhem’s saved my life more times than I can remember. She’s my best friend.”
“So, you have your best friend and your best girl. Sounds like I’m not the only one who’s blessed.” Hattie winked.
“Yeah I guess you’re ri-” From where Havoc was seated he had a perfect view of whoever entered the small establishment and was glad that he chosen that seat because he was immediately concerned with the three men in dark trench coats and shades that walked in. Hattie noticed something catch his eye and turned around. When she saw the darkly dressed men take one step after another towards her, she caught a flashback to the bank holdup and clutched her chest as her heart palpitated. Hattie’s reaction was all Havoc needed and he punched his time clock and went to work! He abruptly stood as one of the men reached inside of his jacket. Before he could get whatever it was out, Havoc plowed into him like a linebacker and sent him crashing into a dessert cart. Customers ducked for cover as the Trouble Consultant connected his fist with the second man’s jaw who was frozen with shock and sent him spinning. The third man was lifted above Havoc’s head and tossed over the counter.
“You idiot! What the hell’s your problem?” The first man Havoc knocked down demanded covered with cake and ice cream.
“You’re the one with a problem if you think I’m gonna let you harm this sweet lady because she helped put away your low-life piece of shit buddy!” Havoc snarled standing protectively before Hattie.
“What the hell are you talking about! Harm who? I don’t even know this woman, do you Frank?”
“Never seen her before in my life Terry.” Frank said groggily from behind the counter. “Ray?” asked his buddy. Ray couldn’t speak through a mouth full of loose teeth and shook his head in pain. “See, we’ve never seen her before!”
Havoc studied the men he just worked over more closely. All three were in their late mid to late forties, early fifties, out of shape and wore business suits. Not exactly hit-man material. He looked back at Hattie and realized for the first time in his career, he fucked up-royally.
“Oh crap! I’m really sorry about this fellas, my bad. I thought you were trying to harm Mrs. Tucker over there.” Havoc explained.
“Now why in the hell would you think that?” the man covered in dessert demanded.
“Too long to go into. But when I saw you reach inside your jacket I assumed that you were reaching for-”
“For this?” Terry said in a raised voice holding up his asthma pump.
“Christ,” Havoc sighed. “Here, let me help you.” he said offering the man on the floor his hand.
“No thank you! I can manage. Just stay the hell away from me!” The man said and angrily pulled away. As Havoc tried to apologize to the men that were in town on business and the rest of the restaurant as well, he failed to notice the slim Spanish woman with her head down who followed them into the food court and took a seat close by.
Grateful for the coincidental distraction and foolishly assuming it was a sign, the woman who was dressed in all white like an angel of death nodded at the nervous-faced custodian drenched in sweat. He emptied the waste receptacle, wiped the station clean then nodded back and quickly exited the scene. She then nonchalantly got up from her table and carried her tray of uneaten food over to throw out. While shaking her tray inside the receptacle she glanced around then slyly reached inside and removed something wrapped in plastic.
As Hattie patiently stood by while her bodyguard tried to resolve the situation by offering to pay for their dry cleaning, the businessmen argued a lot good that would do since they were on their way to an important meeting. With everything going on no one saw the Angel walked up behind Hattie and unwrap the shiny 22 caliber she took from the waste receptacle.
“You think you can just put my man away and fly the coop? I don’t think so, you dime dropping old bitch!” the Angel swore pointing her gun.
Hattie turned around slowly and her eyes stretched wide. She remembered how everyday Mrs. Delgado sat in court in the same seat with her eyes locked on her like she wanted to leap out of her seat and strangle her for testifying against her husband and putting him away for life. Now she had her chance.
Suddenly Hattie grabbed for the gun and the two women struggled. Over the shoulder of the man he was apologizing to, Havoc spotted Hattie was in danger and shoved him aside grabbing a metal napkin dispenser from a nearby table and rushing forward. Mrs. Delgado overpowered and pushed Hattie to the floor then smiled wickedly and aimed her weapon. Havoc launched the napkin dispenser like a spiral missile, striking her in the head. But his heroic quick-thinking act wasn’t quick enough, as the woman holding the gun grabbed her face and blindly fired.
The loud sound made everyone duck for cover except for Havoc who fearlessly dived on top of the shooter and wrestled away her
gun. Once she was no longer a threat he frantically turned to Hattie who was face down on the floor.
“Oh-no! NO!” Havoc said kneeling over Hattie then looked up at the woman responsible with fire in his eyes. Mrs. Delgado stared at Hattie unsympathetically.
Airport security rushed on the scene with guns drawn and Mrs. Delgado was arrested. Proud of what she did because it was for true love, the scorned woman with the swollen face smiled feeling vindicated and complied with the officers’ commands. Then her eyes widened and her lips parted into a gasp. Havoc turned to see what had her dumbfounded and a sigh of relief came over him. Hattie looked up at him with only a slight bullet graze on her head.
The old woman winked, “Told ya I’m a tough old bird!”