Eagle River Bonded Trio2

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by Becky Wilde

  Eagle River Bonded Trio

  Book two of Eagle River Series

  By Becky Wilde

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic





  recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  Publishers Note: This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places, and events are the work of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to real person, places, or events is coincidental.

  Copyright 2011 Becky Wilde

  Chapter One

  Holly Swift got off the bus in the small town of Eagle River, Ontario, Canada. She breathed in the clean, fresh crisp, country air and smiled as the peace and tranquility of her surroundings seeped into her soul. She was on holiday for the first time in her twenty two years of living and had decided instead of staying on the bus, taking it to her journey's end, to stop and explore such a beautiful, quaint country town. As soon as she had seen the town and its surrounding beauty, it had called to her somehow.

  Holly had always believed in following her intuition. It hadn't steered her wrong yet, so she didn't hesitate when she felt she was meant to be somewhere or with someone, she didn't question, she did. She thanked the kind elderly bus driver as he handed her her large bag then turned and headed down the footpath toward the café, a few hundred meters down the street. She smiled with uninhibited joy as the suns warm rays, warmed her back in the cool fall air and looked about her curiously as she walked. Her bag was getting heavy and by the time she entered the café her shoulder and back were aching from having the heavy load across it.

  Holly sat down at a small window table and perused the menu to decide what she would order to fill her rumbling stomach. After placing her order with the waitress she sat and watched the citizens of the small town stroll in a leisurely manner, as they fulfilled their daily chores. She finished her chicken salad sandwich and coffee, left enough money for a tip and her bill on the table then exited.

  Holly walked across the empty street with her heavy luggage once more slung over her shoulder, as she headed toward the motel. She opened the door to the reception office of the motel and walked through, a bell tinkled over the door letting the proprietor know she was there.

  Holly eased the large heavy bag from her shoulder and gave a sigh of relief as she rotated her aching limb. She straightened and nearly gasped aloud as she looked up at one of the most handsome men she had ever seen. He stood at least six foot three, with a ruggedly chiseled jaw, a slight indent in the center of his chin and collar length brown hair.

  He had the most amazing colored brown eyes and she could not seem to pull her gaze away from his.

  * * * *

  Brock breathed in one of the sweetest scents he had ever smelled, as he walked out of the small kitchen next to his office in the motel. He felt as if he was floating on air, like a cartoon character, as he followed the scent to the reception office. He stopped and froze at the counter as he stared down at the most amazing woman he had ever seen. She was average in height of around five foot five, with shoulder length light brown hair and hazel eyes. She had an adorable sprinkle of freckles across the bridge of her petite nose and cheeks. He wanted to howl with joy and had to struggle to physically push his beast back down. The last thing he wanted to do was scare his mate. Brock snapped out of his lust induced stupor and took a step closer to the counter.

  “Welcome to Eagle River Motel, ma'am. My name is Brock Fontaine, how may I help you?”

  Holly cleared her throat as the effect of the hunk’s voice sent shivers down her spine and made her pussy clench with unrequited desire. “Um, I…I'd like to book a room please.”

  “Sure thing, little darlin'” Brock smiled gently, as he picked up the clipboard with the registration forms attached. He handed them over to his mate as he spoke once more. “If you'll just fill out this registration form and pick how you'll be paying for your room, I'll hand over a room key.”

  Holly took the forms and pen and began to fill out the required information. When she was done she handed the clipboard back to Brock.

  “What brings you to Eagle River, Holly?” Brock asked, after a quick look at the registration form for his mate's name.

  “I'm on vacation.”

  “Great. How long do plan to stay?” Brock asked.

  “I don't know yet.”

  “Hm, okay. There is a lot to do and see around these parts. If you want some local knowledge just let me know,” Brock said with a smile, as he took a step back and reached for a room key hanging on the board behind him. He moved forward again and held out his hand to Holly.

  Holly reached for the room key from Brock's hand and felt a tingle of awareness race up her arm toward her breasts. She felt her nipples elongate as their hands made contact and hurriedly pulled her hand back, the key clasped in her tight fist.

  “Thanks,” Holly squeaked out and bent down to pick up her large bag from the floor. She didn't see him move, but one moment Brock was on the opposite side of the counter, and next he was standing next to her, reaching for her bag.

  “Allow me, little darlin',” Brock said as he picked up his mate's large bag.

  Holly straightened, took a step back from him and looked up into his gorgeous brown eyes.

  “Thanks,” she muttered then looked away from him quickly.

  “Come on, I'll show you to your room,” Brock opined as he moved to the door. Brock let Holly unlock, then open the door to her room and precede him into the room. He watched the gentle sexy sway of her hips as she moved.

  She had an unconscious grace to her movements; she was such a feminine little thing. Brock felt his cock harden even more against the zipper of his jeans and wondered if he would have the imprint of the teeth embedded into his engorged flesh.

  He moved toward the bed and placed Holly's luggage on top of it for her, then turned to look at her as she moved about the room.

  “If you need anything, don't hesitate to give me a call, little darlin'. Doesn't matter what time of day or night it is,” Brock reiterated as he made his retreat. The last thing he and his wolf wanted to do was leave, but Brock knew he couldn't very well jump his mate's bones, since they had only just met. He would scare her off if he made a move on her too early. Besides, when he made a move, he was sure his brother, Zane, would want to be present. Brock had a feeling little Holly was mate to both of them. He quietly closed the door behind him and went to call his brother.

  Holly gave a sigh of relief when Brock finally left. She had felt decidedly uneasy with him around, as well as being so horny; her panties were now damp with her desire. She had never reacted to a male so quickly in her life. Sure, she was a normal healthy female, and had urges just like the rest of the female population, but she had never found a man she was willing to share those urges with; until now.

  Holly quickly unpacked her bag, hanging her clothes in the closet provided, grabbed some clean clothes and headed for the shower. She was feeling rather sticky after spending most of the morning and a part of the afternoon on the bus and she relished feeling clean once more. She took her time in the shower, shampooing and conditioning her hair, then cleaning her body with her favorite scented honey and milk body wash. Once done she dried herself off, dressed and then blew dry her hair. She was feeling much better and decided she would explore more of the small town of Eagle River. She grabbed her purse and room key and left to wander around the small picturesque township.

  Holly wandered down the main street o
f Eagle River, a happy smile on her face as she perused shop windows and greeted the friendly people of the small town in return. She felt as if she had come home for the first time in her life.

  Holly had spent most of her childhood moving from foster home to foster home, and never had she once felt as if she fit in. She had been one of the lucky ones and had lived with nice families. She had never had to contend with the abuse you so often heard or read about in the papers or on the news. But every time she felt as if she was finally making headway with her new family, something always happened and she would be sent back into the system to another orphanage, to wait for another foster family who wanted to help out. It seemed that fate was against her and her foster family would all of a sudden need to move away, to start life in another town or state far away.

  Holly was such a happy go lucky person and was thankful for her bubbly personality; otherwise she may have ended up another troubled young woman who never got out of the merry go round of social welfare. Not long after she had turned sixteen, her family at the time had been moved away as the dad had been in the armed forces and had been shipped for a stint in another country.

  Holly had decided she was old enough to stand on her own two feet and since she was such a bright person and had finished school a year earlier than most of her peers, she had started looking for a job and a place to share with other young people. She hadn't looked back since. She was so independent and able to look after herself so well; she had never needed another helping hand from the government.

  Holly spied a nice dress in a small shop and entered the shop to take a peek. She wandered from rack to rack and nearly had a fit when she saw the price tags on the clothes.

  “Hi, can I help you?” said a female voice.

  “Oh, no thanks. I'm just looking,” Holly replied courteously.

  “Well, if you need any help just let me know,” replied the shop assistant.

  “Sure, thanks.”

  Holly looked a bit longer, too embarrassed at not being able to afford the exquisite clothes, but not wanting to let on to the woman behind the counter. She gave herself another five minutes, and then left with a wave as she exited.

  Once back on the street, Holly wandered up one side and down the other, looking at all the stores and their prices if she could see them before entering a shop. She was half way down the street when she heard the deep growl of a powerful engine traveling along the road. She turned to look and saw a late fifties model red Cadillac convertible, which had obviously been worked to the max. Holly knew quite a lot about cars even though she couldn't afford one herself. She had her driver’s license and hoped one day to own a nineteen sixty nine Mustang which she planned to do up to her own specifications.

  Holly stared in awe as the vehicle came closer and then passed her by. A woman with blond hair was behind the wheel of the car and she watched in envy as the car turned into the parking lot of the Motel down the street. Sighing she began to move again.

  Holly worked her way down the street until the shops petered out. She was now in the beginning of the residential area of the town. She crossed the street so she could make her way back up the other side of main street and look in the shop windows, and stopped to stare at a large building obviously built back in the mid to late eighteen hundreds.

  The architecture of the nineteenth century had always intrigued Holly, so she began to walk toward the building.

  The buildings of earlier times seemed so much more sturdier than modern times and also had a lot more character than the clinical modern designs of today. As Holly got closer to the building, she realized it was a hotel and decided it was a good a place as any to have a meal and a drink.

  Holly stood inside the entryway and let her eyesight adjust from the bright afternoon sunshine as it began to wane to the dimly lit interior of the hotel. She spied an empty booth on the opposite side of the room and took a seat. She glanced around quickly, not wanting to draw any of the male's eyes to her and quickly looked down as she picked up the menu on the table.

  Holly could feel a blush working itself up her neck and over her cheek bones with embarrassment. Every male in the place had been looking at her when she had glanced about. She was feeling very uncomfortable and decided she would just have a cool drink and leave as quickly as possible.

  “Hey, sweet cheeks, what will you have?” asked a deep male voice.

  “A lemonade please,” Holly replied without looking up.

  “Sure thing, be right back,” replied her server.

  Holly felt as if hundreds of ants crawled over her skin, as she felt male eyes perusing her from head to toe. She couldn't wait to get her lemonade, drink it down as fast as she could and leave.

  “Here you go. That'll be a dollar fifty, sweet cheeks.” Holly handed over five dollar bills as she replied,

  “Keep the change.” She grabbed the glass of lemonade and drank half of it in one go. She took a few deep breaths and then demolished the rest of her drink. She was about to slide out of the booth to leave when she was trapped in on both sides, as two large men slid onto the seat at her table.

  “Hey baby, where you goin' in such a hurry?” asked the male on her right.

  “Uh, I was just going to meet a friend,” Holly replied without making eye contact. “Could you please move out of my way?”

  “Now, don't be like that, sweet. You just got here what's the hurry?” asked another man from across the table.

  “I only stopped for a drink because I was thirsty. Now, I really need to leave. Please be kind enough to let me out,” Holly said nervously still not making any eye contact.

  “Oh, I don't think so, baby. You're perfect. You're just naturally submissive and I've been looking for a woman like you, for a long time,” stated the man on her right.

  Oh fuck. What the hell had she gotten herself into?

  “Look, I'm really sorry, but I need to leave,” Holly stated firmly as she raised her eyes for the first time. She bit her lip as she looked up into the face the man to her right and had to hold in a nervous giggle as she saw his greasy hair and skin. She turned her gaze across the table and knew by the man's similar features, the two men had to be related. They both definitely needed help in the hygiene department that was for sure. They were both large with flab and wore dirty stained T-shirts. The smiles they gave her, she assumed were supposed to be heated, but they both fell short. They looked like ugly leers across their ugly features.

  Holly moved herself into the corner of the round seat, as she tried to stay away from the men and their unclean smell of sweat, which assaulted her nostrils. The further she moved the more they relaxed and looked like they were going to keep her trapped for the rest of the night.

  The only way Holly could think of a way to escape was to excuse herself to use the ladies room and see if she could find another way out of the hotel. Taking a deep breath, she looked up into the eyes of dumb then dumber. “I suggest if you don't want me to make a mess right here on the seat, you let me up to use the ladies room,” Holly stated firmly.

  Holly watched as the man on her right eyed her suspiciously, and then moved up off the seat to let her out.

  She knew he watched her as she headed to the ladies room and gave a sigh of relief when the door closed behind her.

  She didn't hesitate but ran over to the windows high up above the toilets, climbed up onto the toilet, then opened it up and climbed through with her purse slung over her head and shoulder. She held in a moan as she landed on one of her feet awkwardly, and then took off as fast as she could, back to her motel.

  Holly gave a sigh of relief as she limped into the parking lot of the motel; she was still a few hundred meters away from her room which was next to the reception office when she heard the rumble of two motorbikes pulling into the parking lot. She turned her head to look over her shoulder and nearly had a heart attack when she saw dumb and dumber glaring at her.

  Holly gave a scream as she turned back around and ran to the offi
ce as fast as her injured ankle and foot would allow. She reached the handle on the office door just as a large hand slammed down on her shoulder. She was about to let out an almighty yell when the door to the motel office opened beneath her hand and she fell into large muscular arms.

  Chapter Two

  Brock felt a chill travel the length of his spine when he heard his mate scream. He leaped over the reception counter and wrenched the door open just in time to catch his mate in his arms. He looked up and saw one of the dirtiest, ugliest men he had ever seen with his hand on his mates shoulder. He let out a low growl, he knew Holly wouldn't hear, but knew damn well the coyote shifter in front of him did. He watched the man lift his hand off of Holly's shoulder, put both of his hands in the air in a placating gesture and backed away from his mate.

  Brock pulled Holly into the safety of his arms as he stared down the man and his brother, harassing his mate.

  He watched until they both got back on their motorbikes and took off without a backward glance.

  “Are you alright, little darlin'? Did they hurt you?” Brock asked as he put a bit of space between him and his mate, so he could look down into her face.

  “No, they didn't hurt me. I'm fine,” Holly replied, and then contradicted that statement, when she winced as she put all of her weight on her injured leg. She gave a squeal of surprise as Brock picked her up into his arms and carried her to a chair near the wall. He gently placed her on the chair and squatted down in front of her.

  “Where are you hurt, Holly?” Brock asked with a concerned frown.

  “Oh, it's nothing, but thanks for asking,” Holly replied, her eyes sliding away from Brock's to the left.

  Brock moved a hand up and gently took hold of her chin, pulling her gaze back to his. “Not gonna happen, little darlin'. You are not leaving here until I know where you're hurt and how you got hurt,” Brock stated firmly.


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