Eagle River Bonded Trio2

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Eagle River Bonded Trio2 Page 2

by Becky Wilde

  Holly pulled her face out of Brock's grip and began to talk. “I um, I was wandering around town, just looking around and was crossing the street when I saw a nice old building behind main street. Since I was getting hungry and thirsty and the building turned out to be a hotel, I decided to enter and get something. I noticed after I sat down it was only full of men, so I ordered a lemonade and planned to leave as soon as I finished my drink. I was about to leave when those two bozos trapped me into the booth I was sitting in and wouldn't let me leave. I eventually told them if they didn't let me out I was going to leave a puddle on the seat. The ugliest one let me out and I went to the ladies room and made my escape through the bathroom window.

  As I landed I twisted my ankle, but I was in too much of a hurry to get away, so I didn't stop, I hurried back here and you know the rest.”

  “Which foot?” Brock asked in a deep growl.

  Holly didn't say anything as she lifted up her injured foot. Brock carefully slid her sneaker and sock off her foot and gently clasped her small foot in his large hand. He turned her foot to the side and saw a bruise and swelling forming on the side of her foot and ankle.

  “Fuck it, Holly. You could have broken it, you're lucky it just looks like you've bruised it. I don't think you've sprained it any,” Brock opined. “I'm going to get some ice to put on it, that should help the bruising and swelling.” The door to the motel opened and another gorgeous man entered the office. What was in the water in this place? Besides dumb and dumber, most of the men Holly had seen were all tall, sexy and handsome.

  “Hey Brock. What's up?” Zane asked as he saw his brother kneeling at the feet of a sexy woman. He froze as her scent wafted to his nostrils, and had to push his wolf back down so he wouldn't howl with joy. His brother was squatting at the feet of his mate, and if he guessed right by the expression on Brock's face, she was his mate as well.

  Zane moved toward Brock and his mate, and then knelt at his brother's side. He saw the bruise and swelling on his mate's ankle and foot. “That must hurt like a bitch. Are you alright, sweetheart?”

  “Uh, yes thanks.”

  “Holly, I'd like to introduce you to my brother, Zane.

  Zane this is Holly Swift.”

  “Pleased to meet you,” Holly muttered.

  “Oh no, sweetheart, the pleasures all mine,” Zane replied, as he picked up one of Holly's small, soft delicate hands and kissed it.

  “Zane, Holly was harassed by two men at the local hotel down off Main Street. She managed to escape them by climbing out the ladies room window, which is how she did this, but they followed her back here and one of them got a hand to her shoulder before I could intervene.” Zane knew immediately what Brock was telling him.

  The coyote shifters often frequented that hotel. Most of the local women knew to stay away from there as the bastards were always giving women a hard time. Just the thought of his mate walking into such danger, had the hackles on the back of his neck rising and his wolf butting against him to claim his mate, then to go rip apart a few coyotes.

  “Zane can you get an ice pack out of the freezer?”

  “Sure,” Zane replied jumping the counter with effortless ease using only one hand.

  Holly could feel her body responding to the testosterone or pheromones in the air, her pussy clenched and released dampening her panties once more. What was it about Brock and now Zane that turned her on so much? She couldn't understand why all of sudden she was horny around these two men. She'd been around handsome men before and had never even blinked twice.

  Zane came back into the reception office and once more jumped the counter. He knelt down in front of Holly and stilled as he breathed deeply. He looked at his brother and tried to hide his grin of satisfaction and approval as they smelled her desire for them.

  “So how are we going to do this bro?” Zane asked using his mental link with his brother.

  “Not sure yet. She's a bit skittish, even if she's turned on by the sight of us.”

  “Yeah, I figured that one out already. She won't look us in the eyes for very long,” Zane replied.

  “What about using the coyotes threatening her, to keep her with us so we know she's safe?” Brock asked.

  “Might work, but it would be better coming from you since you've been around her longer and know her a little better.”

  “Holly, I'm not happy about leaving you alone here at night by yourself. I know we have someone manning this reception office all the time, but since those two men tried to hurt you and take you, I would be much happier if you came home and stayed with Zane and I. What do you say, little darlin?” Brock asked with bated breath.

  “I...I don't know. I don't really know you either,” Holly said quietly, as she bit her lower lip nervously.

  “That may be Holly, but I wouldn't feel right leaving you here knowing you could be in danger. Zane and I share a suite of rooms at out boss, Sloan Taggert's property. You could pick a room and Zane and I can share for a while. I don't want you getting hurt by those assholes who were after you little darlin',” Brock reiterated.

  “Holly, listen to Brock, honey. You don't know what these men are capable of, we do. They're not nice and will do anything to get what they want, and at the moment, they want you,” Zane said, as he held the ice pack against her injured foot and ankle.

  Holly gave a sigh as she looked out at the dark parking lot. She knew she would feel a lot safer if she stayed with these two muscular, sexy men, but she didn't want to make a nuisance of herself. She looked back at Brock and Zane then back toward the window. She saw the single light of a motorbike and the roar of an engine as the bike moved past the motel.

  “Okay, thanks. I would feel much safer,” Holly finally replied.

  “Good girl. Why don't you and Zane go and pack up your stuff while I finish up here? That way we can be ready to go at just about the same time,” Brock said as he stood to his full height.

  “Okay,” Holly said on a sigh as she stood up, dislodging the ice pack and the hand Zane was using to hold it in place. She went to take a step as Zane moved aside but didn't get the chance. Zane scooped her up into his strong muscular arms and began to move toward the exit.

  Holly placed her arms around his neck as she held on to him, as she spoke quietly, “I can walk, you know.”

  “I know you can, babe, but why damage that foot any more than you have to?” Zane asked as he glanced down at his mate. She felt so right in his arms. He never wanted to let her go. He and Brock had just taken the first step to courting their mate. He knew Brock was calling home and giving everyone a heads up to them bringing home their human mate. There would be a warning spread out amongst the house to keep the shifting out of sight until they had a chance to tell their mate, they were werewolves. The last thing they wanted was to have Holly run screaming from them.

  Holly packed up as much of her clothes as possible, but Zane wouldn't let her walk more than a couple of steps, so she had to direct him to collect her belongings from the bathroom. She had rinsed out her bra and panties in the shower and knew they were hanging over the rail for all the world to see. She kept her eyes lowered with embarrassment when Zane came back into the room with her stuff.

  “Holly, look at me,” Zane stated, as he moved closer to her.

  “What?” Holly asked belligerently as she looked up at him with red tinged cheeks.

  “You have nothing to be embarrassed about, honey,” Zane said as he looked into his mates beautiful hazel eyes.

  He leaned forward slowly and placed a gentle kiss on her soft warm lips. He had to stop himself from devouring her the way he wanted to, and push his wolf back down, as it tried to take over and claim their mate. He moved back after he placed her items in her bag. It was going to be a really long night having their mate within their vicinity and not being able to do anything about it.

  Chapter Three

  Holly was feeling rather uncomfortable as she was seated between Brock and Zane in the front seat of the
ir four wheel drive. When she had moved to the back door of the vehicle, Brock had gently guided her to the front. She had been reaching for the seatbelt when he had gently moved her into the middle of the seat and sandwiched her between him and his brother. She sat staring out the front windshield, gripping and wringing her hands with nervous energy, until Brock took one of her hands in his.

  “Relax, little darlin'. You're safe with us,” Brock stated, as he lifted her hand to his lips, turned her hand over and placed a kiss in the center of her palm.

  “Are you sure this is alright with your boss? I don't want to intrude,” Holly said quietly with a hitch in her voice. She was so turned on by the two men on either side of her, she was having trouble sitting still. She shifted her butt on the seat for the umpteenth time and quickly turned her head toward Zane when she thought she heard him growl. He seemed to be sniffing the air, and hoped like hell he and Brock couldn't smell her arousal.

  Holly gave a sigh of relief when Zane slowed the vehicle and turned into a gravel driveway. He leaned down and pushed a button beneath his dash and waited patiently, until the wrought iron gates opened to admit them. He moved the stick shift into gear and slowly began to drive up the long driveway.

  Holly knew she emitted a loud gasp when the huge mansion came into view, at the end of the drive. There was a fountain feature in the center of the circular drive, lit up with colorful lights. “Oh my God. That is so beautiful,” Holly muttered.

  “What is babe? The house or the fountain?” Zane asked, as he steered the vehicle past the house and parked the car under a massive carport.

  “The fountain,” Holly replied. “I have never seen anything so beautiful in my life.”

  “Come on, little one. Let's get you settled before dinner.

  I have to warn you, though. Most of the people who work for Sloan live here as well, so the dining room will no doubt be overflowing,” Brock stated as he got out of the vehicle and extended a helping hand to Holly.

  Holly reached out and took the hand Brock proffered as she slid along the seat. She tried to hide her gasp of arousal, as the tingling sensation returned once more, when Brock took her hand. He helped her from the seat of the vehicle, but didn't let go of her hand as he led her into the rear of the large mansion. She glanced over her shoulder to see Zane bringing up the rear with her bag slung over his shoulder, his eyes were glued to her ass, as she limped slightly. Her ankle and foot were feeling much better, since she'd had the ice pack on it, thank goodness. The last thing she wanted was to be carried everywhere by two gorgeous men. She was having enough trouble as it was, keeping her libido under control, just by being in their presence.

  Holly could hear a lot of voices but since Zane and Brock led her in through the back of the house, she hadn't yet seen anyone. Brock led her up a wide staircase and along a hallway until they reached a door at the end. Brock opened the door and led her inside. She stopped as she took in the bulky leather furniture in their living room. It was a cherry wood color and it seemed to suit their dominant masculine personalities.

  “Choose which ever bedroom you want little darlin'.

  Come on, I'll show you the bedrooms and there is a connecting bathroom between our rooms,” Brock stated as he opened the door to his bedroom. He let Holly have a look around his room, then led her into Zane's room.

  “Which one do you want, Holly?”

  “Neither, I'll sleep on the sofa,” Holly said quietly.

  Brock moved and crowded her with his big body. He took her into his arms and held her securely against the length of his body as he rested his chin on the top of her head, breathing in her unique scent.

  Holly couldn't breathe. Every time one of them took her into their arms, her libido kicked in with a ferocity she could never have imagined. She stood stiffly, not wanting to become too comfortable. She knew she could not let herself become dependent on either of these men. She was only here for a holiday for goodness sakes. She would have to head back home eventually, and find another place to share, since she had given up her room to take this break.

  She also had to find another job. Thank goodness she had all of her worldly possessions with her. The clothes on her back and the rest in her bag.

  Holly felt another tall, hard warm body enclose her from behind. Zane had moved up behind her, essentially trapping her between himself and his brother. He leaned down as he wrapped his arms around her waist and whispered in her ear.

  “No, baby, you are not going to sleep on the sofa. You either choose a room yourself, or we'll do it for you.” Holly shivered as Zane's warm breath caressed her ear.

  Her pussy clenched and released begging to be filled. She felt so right standing between these two sexy men, they oozed testosterone, pure sexuality, but she didn't even know them. She pushed at Brock's chest and was surprised when he let her go and stepped back. Zane released her and stepped away from her as well, giving her the room she craved, so she could once more breathe again.

  “Would it be alright if I had a shower?” Holly asked trying to keep the quaver out of her voice. Not sure if she had succeeded when the men looked at her with a frown.

  “You don't need to ask Holly. Consider this your home.

  You can do whatever you want,” Zane replied.

  “Okay, thanks. Where is my bag? Oh, don't worry I see it,” Holly said before they could reply, and moved to where her bag was currently on the sofa. She pulled out her toiletries bag, as well as clean underwear and clothing, then headed for the bathroom through the closest bedroom.

  Holly gave a sigh as she leaned back on the closed bathroom door. The events of the night were finally catching up with her. She felt the need to scrub her body clean, after being in the presence of such horrible men, earlier in the evening. Her foot and ankle were beginning to throb as well. She had tried to walk as normally as possible, so Brock and Zane didn't have to carry her, and now she was beginning to pay the price of her stubborn independence.

  Holly stripped out of her clothes and got into the shower. She washed her hair and scrubbed her body until she was sure it was raw. The first sob hit her as she rinsed the foam from her body to wash down the drain. She slid down the tile wall and shoved a fist against her mouth, trying to keep her noise to a minimum. She was shaking and sobbing as if there was no tomorrow and couldn't seem to stop. She knew logically that she had nothing to really cry over, but she had never been in the situation she had earlier, and realized she was probably suffering a bit of shock. She pulled her knees up, wrapped her arms around her legs and rested her head on her knees and cried.

  Brock stilled and tilted his head as he heard a noise coming from the bathroom. He wasn't sure what he had heard so he listened intently. Zane moved in closer as well, and they entered Brock's bedroom as it was closest. They waited quietly until they heard another sound. It sounded like their mate was crying.

  They didn't hesitate; they opened the door and entered the bathroom. The sight of Holly curled up on the floor of the shower, as she sobbed nearly broke their hearts. Zane pulled open the shower door, reached in, turned off the water and then gently stepped in and picked her up into his arms. Holly seemed to be totally oblivious to the fact she was naked and tried to crawl up his big body. She wrapped her arms and legs around him, and hid her face against his chest as she cried.

  Brock grabbed two fresh towels from the cupboard and wrapped one around her back and the other around her wet hair. He followed Zane out to his bedroom and squatted down behind their mate, as Zane sat on the edge of his bed with Holly in his lap. Brock began to dry Holly so she wouldn't catch a chill. He dried as much of her as he could reach, then draped the towel over her back, unwrapped her hair and began to gently rub it dry. She was such a precious little thing. To see her so distraught was more than he and Zane could handle. They let her cry until she her tears dried up and she was breathing evenly and deeply. Their precious little mate had fallen asleep in Zane's arms.

  Zane didn't want to let her go. He
wanted to savor the feel of her in his arms. He wanted to strip his clothes from his body and feel her naked skin against his own. Brock must have been of the same mind, because he began to strip his clothes off, then pulled back the covers on his large bed and crawled in. He held his arms out to Zane and they carefully transferred Holly into Brock's waiting arms. She didn't wake, but gave a contented sigh as she snuggled up against his warm body. Zane watched Brock wrap their little mate in his arms as he stripped out of his own clothes.

  He crawled in and pulled the covers over them and moved up against Holly's back, sandwiching her between them.

  The feel of her soft, warm naked body against theirs, had their cocks hard in seconds. They wanted nothing more than to love every inch of her delectable body, but knew they would scare her off, if they did. They just held her and relished the feeling of her in their arms. She felt so right between them and they vowed to each other then and there, they would never let her go, or let anyone get close enough to harm her.

  “She tries to be really independent doesn't she Zane? I think she's only had herself to rely on. She's such a submissive little thing, but I don't think even Holly realizes that,” Brock spoke to his brother using their mental link.

  “Yes, she is. She hardly ever looks us in the eyes. I wonder if she has any family and what made her come here for a holiday? How the hell, are we going to tell her what we are, without her freaking out?”

  “Maybe we can get Jade to help her with that. Oh my god, if we can get her to join with us in the Mate bonding ceremony, how in tar-nation are we going to get her to bond with another were or two?”

  “I don't know bro. Who are we going to ask? I don't think Jade would be too pleased if we asked Hunter and or Grady,” Zane opined.

  “Why not wait and see how she interacts with the others? She may have an affinity with one or two of the other weres. See if we can get her to choose, without her knowing about it.”


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