The Aledan PSION: The Aledan Series Book 1
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Berke lunged at her, and she kicked him square in the groin. He doubled over, and she drove the dagger upward---deep into his belly. Jerking it free, her eyes locked onto his, and she sensed his stunned fear as he crumpled to the floor. She shuddered as she watched his blood dripping onto the white carpet before she turned to the face the other two men.
For a second, they were too shocked by Berke's condition to move. Their hesitation gave her just the edge she needed to keep them from drawing their lasers. She fought, kicking and stabbing, wounding one in the shoulder and the other man flew against the wall, propelled by an unseen force. They both lost consciousness as she leaped for the door.
You are a psion, too. Hankura had explained. Was this what the power of her mind could do? It was almost too fantastic to consider, and there wasn't time to wonder about it now.
She ran from the building and stole Berke's hovercraft to get back to Hankura. Unable to read, she used the voice control to send the craft near the place where Hankura lay dying. When it settled on the marred pavement a couple hundred meters from his hiding place, she jumped out and ran until each breath knifed through her lungs in sharp, painful gasps. Finally, she found his crumpled form.
He gave no outward sign of acknowledgment at her approach. She drew a shaky breath and sank down numbly, tears of anguish filling her eyes. She wept softly and cradled him gently on her lap. She could feel his life's essence slipping away.
"Damn you, Hankura! You can't die now. I won't let you. You can't leave me alone again. I need you." A tear slipped down her face and dropped onto his cheek. Michelle gently wiped it away and kissed his brow, then covered his wound with her hand as though she might keep his life's essence from escaping.
At the edge of his awareness, Hankura sensed her fear and anguish whispered into his mind. He couldn't speak or even stir to open his eyes. It took nearly all the strength he had left to reach into her mind.
You have the healer's gift. You have the power to help me, She-ell. Touch my spirit, and you'll understand. Quickly!
"Oh, no!" she sobbed, pressing harder as his warm blood seeped out over her hand. Michelle closed her eyes and reached into his mind with all the strength of her will for him to live.
"Don't die, Hankura. I won't let you . . . I won't let you . . .
An eerie warmth spread through her, enveloping them both in an aura of psychic energy. They were one as her life force melded to his. Michelle lost herself in the cloak of the aura, letting the energy of her life force bind his wound and heal his broken body.
Dawn broke over the horizon, and the first rays of sunlight peeked over the ruins when Michelle finally collapsed in exhaustion with Hankura still cradled against her breast. She woke again when the sun was high overhead, its warmth beating down upon them. She was dismayed that Hankura still seemed to be unconscious.
She watched his face intently and noted the sound of his deep, even breathing. He was alive! --just sleeping.
"Hankura?" she said softly, caressing his face to wake him gently.
He groaned and moved against her, then his eyes blinked open. "She-ell--you did it," he whispered weakly. "I knew you could."
This time Michelle knew she had heard his words. The other two times he had spoken to her she hadn't always been sure whether she heard his words or sensed his thoughts in her mind. She liked the sound of his voice. She loved him, and she had nearly lost him.
Tears of relief crept down her cheeks, and her arms tightened gently around him. "I was so terrified that you would die. I don't even know what I did. I just knew I couldn't let you die."
"You wanted me to live badly enough to make it happen." He still felt weak, and it was hard to talk, though he knew all the words now . . .. Your love touched me, and you gave me the strength of your own life force to heal my injury. Your love guided you to find the knowledge in my mind. That is the way with psi-mates.
Michelle nodded, staring deeply into his eyes, savoring the tenderness in his thoughts to her, and she understood. She would never again be able to imagine a future without him. She was still afraid, but she would go to Aledus with him because she knew he needed to go.
"Do you feel all right now?" She drew her fingers across his cheek, searching his tired face. She felt as tired as he looked.
His smile was thin. I'm no worse than you. We both need more rest, but we're not safe here. Let's get back to the hovercraft and fly back to my ship. We can rest once we get off this miserable world. I had no idea Earth could be like this. Rankin barely hinted such things when he gave me ground clearance.
"He couldn't know, Hankura. The people who work in the starport live in the adjoining compound governed by the Federation. They don't really know what it's like on the outside. They just know it's not safe." Michelle sighed and shook her head. "We may not have to worry anymore. For all I know, Berke is dead. I meant to kill him."
But now you're not so sure you want him to be dead. He may not be, She-ell. I doubt his wound was fatal as I see him in your mind. Hankura drew away from her and got to his feet slowly, trembling with the effort. If he is alive, he will send more of his enforcers after us, and they may come for revenge if he is dead.
Michelle got up, feeling just as shaky as he looked. "Are you sure you're okay?"
"I'm alive." He grinned faintly, unzipping his shirt to look at his wound. There was reddish, healed over a scar; that was all. He left the garment unzipped and held the fabric away from his skin where it was laden with his dried blood. "I'll be fine. We'd better go."
Michelle slid her arm around his waist to offer support. As they began walking, she was a little surprised to find that she needed his support almost as much as he needed hers. Nestled in the crook of his arm, she made slow progress with him to the warehouse where the borrowed hovercraft was hidden.
"Hankura, what happened back there when that man shot you? Why didn't he lose consciousness like Bart and Mason?"
He was a Tregan mutant. There have been rumors that the Tregan Empire is experimenting with genetic engineering to produce biologically superior warriors. They are said to be immune to psych probes and interrogation drugs. It must be true . . . I won't make that mistake again.
It took less than a half hour for them to travel back to the mountains and find the Arius Mran where Hankura had hidden it under a pile of brush. Once inside, he got them each a nutri-stim dot, then went right to work replacing the Verlian crystals. Michelle went back outside to take the branches off the ship. In twenty minutes then came back outside to get her.
"You know, I'm not so sure about this launch business, Hank," she murmured, as he led her to the cockpit. "You know I've never been in space. I've only dreamed about it . . .. I don't think I'm as brave as I thought . . .."
"I know." he smiled and touched her arm. "I was afraid the first time, too. Maybe I'm a little afraid every time. But I sense you feel more than fear. Perhaps you regret that you may never see your world again?"
"Maybe; I don't know. I'm scared, but I'm going with you. So, tell me what to do."
"Well, first I'll give you one of my silver flight suits. You lost the one we bought, and there isn't time enough to get another one."
"I'm sorry."
"Don't be, She-ell. It wasn't your fault. We can do without it. You'll only have to wear it until we clear this star system. Meanwhile, I'll have the one you're wearing cleaned. It'll do until we can get you some proper clothing on Aledus."
She nodded.
Hankura went to a cabinet beside the bunk and took out two metallic coveralls. He gave one to Michelle and peeled off his soiled clothing and changed. He put his ruined garments in the incinerator and stuffed hers into the cleaning chute, then led Michelle to the copilot's seat and showed her how to strap in.
Seating himself in the pilot's chair, he keyed the ignition controls. The engines came alive with a low roar, and he began checking the prelaunch readouts on the screen in front of him.
Just try to relax, she-ell. The launch will be a little uncomfortable, but you'll be all right. Trust me, She-ell.
"I do . . . but I'm still nervous."
"Me, too." Hankura nodded and outwardly turned all his attention to his task. As he played his long surgeons fingers over the keypad before him, he concentrated inwardly on soothing her.
He made a brief check with Farringay Starport then strapped himself securely in his harness and reclined both their seats. Jed Rankin expressed his relief that Hankura was preparing to launch. A good thing they were leaving, because according to Rankin, Berke wasn't dead. The overlord had already sent men looking for them.
By then, Berke didn't matter anymore. Within a split second of confirmation of the launch request, the Arius Mran launched. The pressure increased against their frail human bodies as the ship climbed steadily higher and faster to escape Earth's gravity. The G-force increased until Michelle's awareness started to fade.
Hankura quickly locked in the auto guidance system and turned on the artificial gravity generator. The computer made course corrections as he unfastened his harness and raised his seat into an upright position. He got up and went to Chelle. She was dazed but conscious. A whiff of oxygen brought her around, but he checked her with a bio scanner as well. Just as he thought, she was still weak from healing him.
"We did it." he smoothed her damp hair and smiled down at her. Her tenderness flowed into his mind as she smiled up at him.
"Are we really in space?"
"Look." He gestured and pressed a switch to open the front port. "While you enjoy the view, I'll double check the auto guidance system. I fixed it before, but I still don't trust it. When I finish, we can get some rest. We need it."
Michelle nodded vaguely and gazed into the endless blackness of space ahead of the ship. Never had she felt so small in her life, yet so a part of it all. It was a kind of freedom she had never known.
Michelle was gripped by a sharp sense of finality, having left her home world, and she knew she couldn't look back. We are free now.
Hankura chuckled as he picked up her thoughts. You may not feel so free when we have been locked up on this ship for two months.
Maybe not. She smiled with a shrug. So, what will we do with all that time? Besides what you are thinking? She blushed and lowered her lashes.
Hankura smiled half to himself and got up. He offered his hand to help her up. First, I'll teach you to speak and read Aledan. Then, I'll teach you about running this ship. For anyone else, two months would never be enough---but as psi-mates, we can share much of what I have already learned. Reading and language are simply the beginning.
"But for now, I'll show you to our bunk. I know you're as tired as I am."
Michelle nodded.
Three steps from the bridge, Hankura reached up and pulled down an air cushioned bunk. They undressed in silence and tucked their flight suits into the cleaning chute which hungrily sucked them inside. Too tired to even eat, they cuddled warmly under a thin sheet of material on the bunk.
"God, Hankura! It's still hard to believe that we are here in space tonight. Last night, you were dying. I was so scared."
"I was too until you came to me. Then, I knew you wouldn't let me die. I suspect we will have a very long time to enjoy each other's company," he murmured and kissed her forehead as he drew her closer.
For a time, they simply enjoyed cuddling each other. Then Michelle sighed. Do you think they will like me?
Impatiently: Your family group of course!
I don't know. It's been so long since I've been with them, I don't even know if they will like me. His eyelids drooped sleepily, and she laid her head on his shoulder. Sometimes, I'm afraid to find out. Sometimes, I think it would be better if I never go back---and other times, I want nothing better. I guess we'll find out whatever is waiting for us together.
Michelle wanted to know more, but Hankura drifted to sleep before she could ask. She didn't wake him. The details didn't seem to matter just then.
Hankura awoke some nine hours later in the sleep chamber of the Arius Mran with Chelle nestled against him. They were safe together and headed for Aledus. His chest didn't hurt when he breathed deeply. Chelle stirred beside him and turned to face him with a shy smile.
Hankura smiled back and stroked her cheek with his fingertips. The pain of the implant to finish his physician certification, his three months alone in space, and getting shot---he would do it all again to have her safe in his arms.
And I would fight them all again to get back in time to save you. She responded as she read his thoughts.
As much as I would like to just lay here with you, I need to get up and check the ship systems and our course.
Then can we have some food?
"Yes, we can get something to eat,” he said aloud. "Come on up to the bridge with me, and I will start teaching you how to run the ship. We will do it en rapport, and you will also learn to read the controls and computer screens as I go through the procedures.”
"You really think I can learn all that?”
"I know you can. You have the intelligence to learn most anything. All you need is the education. I can share my education through our psi connection---like we shared memories.”
"Could I be a physician someday? If I learned the things you know, I would be a better healer.”
"I know you could be anything you want to be. I can share much of it with you, but you will have to go through formal education as well,” he said. "Let’s get up and start with the flight protocol then we can get a sonic shower and get cleaned up.”
"What will I wear? I didn't have any other clothes to bring.”
Hankura grinned. “As far as I'm concerned, you don't need to wear anything.”
Chelle laughed softly and kissed him. “How about you loan me a shirt. It would probably fit me like a short dress.”
He let out an overdramatic sigh. “Okay, if you must insist on dressing.” He kissed her back, a lingering kiss, tempted to give in to the desire to make love to her. But making sure they were on running on course and the ship was running normally was too important to put off.
Hankura forced himself to withdraw and rolled out of bed to his feet. Chelle followed, feeling just a little self-conscious of her nudity. Then she shrugged it off. Hankura wore just a very abbreviated undergarment that covered his male parts and rode low on his hips.
On the bridge, he took the pilot seat and motioned for Chelle to take the copilot seat which had duplicate controls and readouts. Using their psionic connection, Hankura went through all the systems checks with her, explaining each one. In reviewing the procedures with him, she also received her first reading lessons. Even with their telepathic rapport, Chelle didn't understand everything in one lesson.
But they made substantial progress for a first lesson. Hankura didn't mind that walking Chelle through the procedure took nearly twice as long as usual. He enjoyed the wonder of learning new things through her eyes.
Satisfied they were on course with all other systems running normally, Hankura introduced Chelle to the sonic the shower. It got them clean, but Chelle didn't find it an enjoyable experience.
"It makes me feel like bugs are crawling on my skin," she said to him.
"I know. Our water supply is limited for drinking and food processing," he said. "When we get to all latest, we can bathe and shower in real water as much as we want. My dome he has a large tub where we can share a bath."
"But that's at least three months out," she sighed."
I know, love. He put his arms of around her and cuddled her against him, stroking her back. They hadn't bothered to dress since it was just the two of them in hyperspace on the ship.
Although they're both hungry because they hadn't eaten in a day in the half, the two were quickly aroused with their bodies pressed close. So, before they could think about food they had to satisfy their hunger for each other. Afterward, they had a small meal of bread and protein slices
from the food processor.
When they had finished eating, Hankura took out his computer tablet and suggested he would start teaching Chelle to read the Aledan language. With three months of travel ahead of them, he expected the Chelle would reach a proficient level of education through their psionic connection. They started with earth's history of which he read to her allowed so she could learn how the words sounded as well as how they were written. It seemed a little tedious at first, but Chelle was as intelligent as she was beautiful, and she picked up are eating and speaking the language quickly.
Soon she was able to read material without his assistance. Using the accumulation of materials from his own education, the Hankura expected Chelle to reach a secondary level of education by the time they reached Aledus. It took a little more work for Chelle to reach a comparative level and math and science. With a basic understanding of numbers and simple arithmetic that she had learned as a child first from her mother, and then from Jerry, it was a big leap from there to algebra and calculus.
"It might take a few more months to finish secondary levels of math and science, but then you can probably enroll in the Med-tech program at Salla University," Hankura told her.
"I'm sure I can do it with your help," she told him smiling.
"And I love helping you," he murmured and leaned over to kiss her as they were sitting together in bed. Your sense of wonder at the new things you are learning almost makes it all new for me, too.
And your pleasure in my progress and encourages me to keep learning. We make a good team. She reached up to stroke his cheek as his kiss deepened and she set the tablet aside as he pulled her close to him and began to caress her.
I guess this means we're taking a break. Already she could feel her desire rising to meet his. Their journey to Aledus was a time of discovery and indulgence in their sensuality. They rarely bothered with hindering clothing with just the two of them on the ship. Some days the spent hours on Chelle's education while others they spent laughing and teasing and making love.