The Epic of New York City
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Staple rights, 32
Star Theatre, 402
State debts controversy, 188–89
State Department, U.S., 501, 507, 563
Staten Island, 16, 19, 29, 33, 36, 37, 55, 66, 75, 79, 92, 94, 161, 162, 165, 166, 190, 282–83, 295, 313, 356, 398, 419, 451, 452, 453, 563
State police force, 280
Statue of Liberty, 384–92, 559
Steamboats, 190–91, 204–05, 240, 244, 259, 468–71
Stearns, John L., 406–08
Steenmayer, Rev. Ferdinand, 178
Steenwyck, Cornelius, 78
Steffens, Lincoln, 435, 436
Steinway Hall, 408
Steuben, Baron Friedrich von, 182
Steuer, Max D., 493
Stevens, Mrs. Paran, 379
Stevens, Samuel, 249
Stewart, Alexander, 251, 291
Stone, Charles Pomeroy, 388, 389
Storrs, Rev. Richard S., 391
Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 268
Street lighting, 88, 178, 228, 363–64
Strikes, 318, 381, 490, 514, 569
Strong, George Templeton, 241, 248, 250, 258, 270, 279, 283, 294, 299, 301, 311, 312, 314, 315, 316, 318, 321, 325, 332, 345, 351, 411
Strong, William L., 434, 438, 454
Strunsky, Simeon, 595
Stuyvesant, Balthazar, 74
Stuyvesant, Judith Bayard, 42–43
Stuyvesant, Nicholas William, 74
Stuyvesant, Peter, 41–43, 44, 45–46, 47, 48, 50, 51–52, 54, 55, 56–60, 61, 62, 63–64, 65, 66–67, 68–70, 72, 75, 81, 139, 479
Submarines, 164–66, 501, 505, 558
Subways, 339–40, 463–67
Suez Canal, 375, 390
Sullivan, Mark, 506
Sulzer, William, 418
Supreme court, 120–21, 150
Swartout, Samuel, 212
Sweden and the Swedes, 34–35, 49, 64
Sweeny, Peter Barr, 334, 342, 346, 355
Sweet, Edward, 516
Sweet’s Restaurant, 286
Swift, Jonathan, 111
Swope, Herbert Bayard, 484, 485, 504
Szilard, Leo, 562
Taber, Henry M., 429
Taft, William Howard, 495
Taine, Hippolyte Adolphe, 21
Tallmadge, Frederick, 263, 277
Tammany Hall, 234, 248, 294, 298, 331, 335, 340, 347, 353, 382, 383, 417, 419, 424, 426, 429, 430, 434, 438, 452, 453, 459–60, 464, 480, 493, 503, 509, 524, 525, 526, 540–41, 544, 545, 548, 550, 554, 567, 568, 569, 574, 581, 582
Tammany Hall (Werner), 337
Tammany Society, 190, 196, 199, 201, 331
Tappan, Arthur, 235, 237–38, 244
Tappan, Lewis, 235, 238, 239, 244
Tariffs, 217
Taxes and taxation, 43, 45, 75, 91, 142, 144–49, 151–56, 552
Taxicabs, 461, 462, 532
Taylor, James, 346
Tchaikovsky, Peter Ilich, 410–11
Tea drinking, 115
Tea tax, 154–55
Telephone Company of New York, 359
Telephones, 358–60
Telephone wiretapping, 506, 569
Television, 559
Temperance movement, 248–49
Temple, Sir John, 182
Tenderloin district, 401, 427, 476
Tenth Regiment, 302
Terranova, Ciro, 541
Terry, Ellen, 402
Thackeray, William Makepeace, 596
Theaters, 119, 172, 191, 194, 195, 238–39, 402
Theatre Comique, 359
Theofel, John, 541
Third Anglo-Dutch War, 81–84
Third International, 536
Thomas, Evylyn, 461
Thomas, Norman, 536
Thompson, Jacob, 319, 320, 324
Thorn, Charlie, 248
Throgmorton, John, 55
Throgs Neck, 55, 170
Tiemann, Daniel F., 284
Tiffany’s, 295
Tiger (Block’s vessel), 18
Tilden, Samuel J., 351, 352, 353, 354, 450, 494
Tilden Library, 494
Times Square, 466, 472, 512, 564
Times Tower, 471
Tito, Marshal, 569
Tizard, Sir Henry, 563
Tobacco culture, 32, 33, 34, 52, 79
Tobey, Charles W., 575
Todd, Robert, 129
Tolstoy, Count Leo, 480
Tombs, the, 354, 493
Tompkins, Daniel D., 212, 213
Tontine Coffee House, 195, 207
“Top Knot” Betty, 88
Tories, 159, 160, 166, 169, 171, 172, 173
Tornado, 190
Tower Building, 406–08
Townsend, Henry, 63
Townshend, Charles, 151, 154
Townshend Acts, 151–52, 153
Toynbee, Arnold, 598
Tracy, Benjamin, 453
Trade unions, 180, 318, 381, 489–90, 494, 553
Traffic problems, 461–62
Traffic signals, electric, 462
Transportation, 258–59, 337–42, 451, 460–67
Triangle Waist Company fire, 490–94
Triborough Bridge, 532
Trinity Church, 109–10, 140, 169, 178–79, 190
Truman, Harry S., 564, 571
Tryon, William, 158, 160
Tunnels, river, 476–77
Turkus, Burton B., 568
Turnpikes, 223
Turtle, submarine, 164–66
Turtle Bay, 166
Tuthill, William B., 409, 410
Twain, Mark, 337
Tweed, Richard, 329
Tweed, William Marcy (“Boss”), 304, 309, 310, 326, 327–57
Tweed, William Marcy, Jr., 355–56
Tweed Ring, 330–31, 333–35, 341, 342, 346–55
Twelve Men, the, 37–38
Twentieth century, opening of the, 456–67
Twenty-second Infantry Regiment, 505
Tyng, Rev. Stephen H., 295
U-boats, see Submarines
Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Stowe), 268
Underground Railroad, 267
Underground wires, 359–60, 366
Underhill, Captain John, 39–40, 59
Unemployment, 208, 243, 381, 500, 532, 551
Unemployment relief, 45
Union Ferry Company, 370
Union League Club, 304, 308, 311, 362, 387, 437
Union Square, 222, 296, 454, 537–39
United Labor party, 382
United States Hotel, 321
United States Steel Corporation, 457
Universal East India Company, 20–21
Upper Bay, 12, 13, 15–16, 20, 159, 194
Uranium ore, 563–64
Ury, John, 135–36
Utrecht, Treaty of (1713), 117
Valdemoro, Angel, 361
Van Cortlandt, Stephanus, 102
Van Dam, Rip, 119–20, 124
Vanderbilt, Cornelius, 190, 195, 212, 240, 244, 259, 299, 318, 338, 340, 342
Vanderbilt, William Henry, 378, 380
Vanderbilt, Mrs. William K., 528
Van der Donck, Adriaen Cornelissen, 55, 56
Van Doren, Carl, 519, 533, 595
Van Dyck, Hendrick, 65, 66
Van Ness, William P., 199, 200, 201
Van Nieuwenhuysen, Wilhelmus, 89–90
Van Rensselaer, Kiliaen, 29, 31
Van Schaick, William H., 469, 470
Van Tilburgh, Peter, 112
Van Twiller, Wouter, 31–33, 52
Van Werckhoven, Cornelis, 54
Van Wyck, Robert A., 453
Van Zandt, John, 130, 132
Varick, Caesar, 131, 133
Varick, Richard, 185, 555
Vaterland, S.S., 504–05
Vaux, Calvert, 272
Vendôme, Duke of, 13
Verhulst, Willem, 25
Verlett, Annake Stuyvesant Bayard, 63
Verlett, Nicholas, 43
Verrazano, Giovanni da, 11–13, 14–15, 16
Verrazano-Narrows Bridge, 11, 162
Vesey, Rev. William, 109
Vice in New York City, 423–39
Villard, Oswald Garrison, 500
Virginia Resolves, 145
Vitale, Albert H., 541
Vizcaya, Spanish cruiser, 443
Volunteers of America, 274
Wagner, Robert F., 493, 500, 581
Wagner, Robert F., Jr., 493, 581–90, 591, 593, 594, 595
Waldman, Louis, 491
Waldo, Rhinelander, 483–84
Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, 413–15, 552
Walker, James J., 457, 523–27, 538, 540, 543, 544, 545–48, 549, 566
Walker, Stanley, 517
Wallabout Bay, 53, 162
Walling, George W., 278–79
Walloons, 24–25, 53
Wall Street, 59–60, 69, 109, 187, 189, 194; bombing of, 515–16; crash of 1929, 528–30
Walton, William, 117
Wanderer, slave ship, 286
Wappinger Confederacy, 18
Ward, Artemus, 320
War Department, U.S., 372, 443, 448
Ward’s Island, 32, 250, 329, 422, 506
Warnecke, William, 481
War of 1812, 211–14, 225
Warren, Peter, 130, 132
Washington, George, 156, 157–59, 160, 161, 162–65, 166–71, 173–75, 180, 183, 184–88, 189, 192, 195, 196
Washington, Martha, 158
Washington Building, 406
Washington Square, 159, 262
Waterman, Frank D., 525
Waterman, Henry, 270
Water supply, 115–16, 192, 245, 249–51, 459
Watson, Jimmy, 346–47
Waugh, Alec, 595
Webb, Captain William R., 325
Weehawken, New Jersey, 199
Weeks, Levi, 192
Weiner, David, 493
Welfare, public, 88
Welfare Island, 32, 80, 86
Welles, Gideon, 318
Wells, Henry, 460
Werner, M. R., 337, 431
Westchester County, 36, 40, 277, 451
Westervelt, J. J. V., 264, 279
West Indies, 22
Westminster, Treaty of (1674), 84
Whalen, Grover, 458, 529, 536, 537–39
Whig party, 282, 254
White, E. B., 595
White, Pearl, 498
White Plains, Battle of, 170
Whitestone, 54
Whitman, Charles, 484, 485
Whitman, Walt, 292, 393, 417, 596
Whitney, David J., 425
Whitney, Richard, 528, 529
Whitney, William C, 359, 390
Wigs, 116
Wilder, W. W., 238
Wilhelm II, Kaiser, 497–98
Wilkins, Roy, 585
Willett, Thomas, 58, 75–76, 84
William of Orange, 83, 84, 93
William III and Mary II, of England, 93, 96, 107, 108; see also William of Orange
William IV, of England, 172
Williams, Alexander, 431–32, 437
Williamsburg, 452
Willson, Hugh B., 338
Wilmington, Delaware, 35
Wilmington, North Carolina, 15
Wilson, Woodrow, 462, 477, 486–88, 496, 497, 501, 503, 504, 506, 507, 508, 509, 514
Windmills, 28
Wise, Rabbi Stephen S., 492, 544
Wisner, George W., 237
Witches and witchcraft, 51, 76–77, 136
Wodehouse, P. G., 597
Women’s Trade Union League, 490
Wood, Benjamin, 277, 297
Wood, Fernando, 275, 276–81, 284, 285, 291, 294, 296, 297, 328
Wood, George, 76
Wood, Colonel Leonard, 444
Woodhull, Caleb S., 262, 264
Woods, Arthur, 499, 500, 505, 506
Wool, Maj. General John Ellis, 301, 307
Woolcott, Alexander, 528
Woolworth, Frank W., 495–96
Woolworth Building, 495–96
World War I, 497–99, 500–12
World War II, 555–56, 557–64, 582
Wright, Frank Lloyd, 596
Wright, James Hood, 365
Wright, “Poke,” 249
Wurster, Frederick W., 454
Wynn. Ed, 514
Yale University, 74
Yellow journalism, 449
Yonkers, New York, 37, 38, 55, 451
York, Duke of, 71, 74, 75, 77, 79, 84, 90, 91, 92
Yorkville, 258
Young Men’s Republican Union of New York City, 288
Zenger, John Peter, 121, 122–28; trial of, 124–27
Zito, Joseph, 491