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Aspirant 2: A Sci-Fi Harem Adventure

Page 18

by Maxx Whittaker

  “Right?” I can’t take my eyes off it. It’s like watching a car crash in ultra-slow motion. You don’t want to look anymore, yet you can’t tear your eyes away. “I have so much new respect for city planners.”

  “Well, look on the bright side,” Mika says, tucking an errant lock of purple behind her ear. “That place is huge. If there’s somewhere to go for information and help, that’s probably it.”

  “I don’t even want to imagine how much bullshit we’ll have to sort through.” I elbow her. “But at least we have an ultra-nerd to help us sort the place.”

  “Hey.” Mika socks me in the arm. “I prefer the term enthusiast.”

  “You can prefer whatever you want if you can help us navigate this monstrosity.”

  Astra wanders of, peering at something to the side of the road. Syl follows protectively. Mika watches them go. “That I can probably do. Even as… Confused… As this place is, I have a feeling people will gravitate toward a few common MMO norms. Quest boards. Taverns.” She gives me a little half smile. “Inns with rooms to rent.”

  “God, I hope so.” She looks so beautiful as she stands with her hair blowing behind her like a flag. Astra’s outfit accentuates everything, and for a moment I almost forget why we’re here.

  She purses full lips. “Keep looking at me like that and a girl’s liable to get the wrong idea.”

  “Oh,” I say, closing the distance between us in a single step, “I want you to get so many wrong ideas.”

  “Oh, Sam.” She melts into my arms, burying me in an embrace of strawberry and musk. “Thank God for you.”

  “Hey?” I kiss her head. “What’s up?”

  “What’s up?” She buries a laugh that’s more like a sob into my chest. “Are you referring to us being stuck in a videogame? Or us being charged with saving the world while having no idea how to even start? Or maybe it’s all the people that… That…”

  “Hush.” I hold her closer. “One thing at a time.”

  “I don’t know how you do it.” She shudders. “I try to keep it light. Try to tease, to be ready for whatever horrible shit we’re gonna have to do next but… But…” She trembles. “I’m afraid. And you’re not, somehow. And I know you’re not the dumb-handsome type, so I figure it’s something else.”

  “Oh, I’m afraid.”

  “Don’t tell me that. Not now.”

  “No, seriously. I am. But that’s okay. I think we’d be stupid not to be. As for how I do it?” I shrug, jostling her. “Like I said, one thing at a time. When we first got thrown together at the Citadel, it was about survival. Living another hour. Keeping each other alive. Then we met Syl, and she became a part of that. Then Astra, freeing her. Saving her. And now?”

  Mika stills in my arms, waiting.

  “It’s the same. The stakes are… Higher…”

  “Yathink?” she says, looking up into my eyes.

  “But it’s still one step at a time. We’ll get to that… City. Get information. Figure out how to get out of this game and into Homeworld. Protect each other. And along the way, maybe make some chips so we can rent one of those rooms and I can take you upstairs and–”

  My last words are silenced by her lips.

  We don’t kiss nearly long enough, but we’re in the middle of the road and I hear hoofbeats in the distance. We separate, trading breathless grins before turning to search for the others.

  They’re off a bit, Astra watching us with a knowing glint in her eye and Syl staring off into the distance, body utterly still. “Sam,” Mika whispers. “I’m worried about her.”

  “I’ll take care of it,” I say with more confidence than I feel.

  “Sam, you’re the heart of this…” she pauses. “…whatever we are. But Syl… She’s the backbone. If we lose her…”

  I quiet her with another quick kiss before staring into her dark eyes, so fathomlessly deep. “Hey. We won’t. I don’t know what this is, either, but I’ll die before I lose any of you. Before we lose each other.”


  “You know I don’t have to.”

  “Yeah. You’re kind of good at this.” Her lips quirks. “I would have followed you. My brother. My captain. My king.”

  “That some nerd shit again?”

  Her lips are so warm at my cheek as she pecks me. “Just for you, love.”

  We join the others, hand in hand. The horses in the distance aren’t in a hurry and I still don’t see them, but we hustle off the road anyway. “Astra. See something interesting?”

  She hesitates before responding. “Just… The landscape. It’s baffling. I spent… I mean… Elise spent a lot of time out of doors. I feel pretty familiar with the woods, the mountains. But this…”

  “You’re not wrong to be confused.” I survey the land, and it’s as weird as Acheryx. We can see a long way from the hill we’re on, and from where we stand to the horizon in the distance there are at least four distinctly different biomes; gentle forest and plains, where we are now. Jungle, bordering our area and starting abruptly. Further, snow and ice right next to the jungle, and beyond that are enormous mountains that tower so high they each look like a miniature Mount Everest.

  “It’s an MMO,” Mika says, shrugging. “As you travel from zone to zone, the world shifts. Though, usually game designers do a bit of a better job at easing from one zone type to another…”

  “Player made.” Astra sounds strangely disgusted. “There’s no logic. No order.”


  “Sorry.” She turns to us like she’s had enough of the madcap landscape. “Running something like the Citadel as long as I did… As horrible as that place was, it was a system that made sense. Progression and order… But this…” She shudders.

  “Thanks, I hate it,” Mika laughs.

  “Ho, travelers!”

  The voice roars at us from down the road. It’s so jovial, so friendly that I hardly tense as we turn to greet the new arrival.

  I’d call him a man, but no man like this has ever existed on Earth. He’s larger than Havel was in his armor, at least ten tall, and is the buffest person I’ve ever seen. Perched on the bench of a carriage that’s more like a train, he’s almost completely naked, and his nut-brown skin is stretched by rippling muscle in every place I can see. His arms are the size of tree trunks, his neck is like a car tire, and he’s got abs on his abs. The loincloth he wears tries and fails to hide what’s underneath, and I avert my eyes as he reins in horses that are more like small dinosaurs. He vaults down into the dirt with lots of fluttering material, and a glance tells me I’m not the only one looking away to avoid a face full of He Manhood.

  “Welcome to Acheryx, friends!” he booms, lurching forward to wrap me in a mighty hug. His biceps stretch his skin alarmingly, and I’m afraid they’re going to explode in my face as his arms circle my shoulders.

  At least five of my bones crack hard enough that I’m sure I’m going to have to take another hit of the healing potion before he pulls away. His eyes are tiny, twinkling merrily. Mika slaps my back as I cough, trying to respond. “Bombor,” she supplies quietly. “Level 30.”

  “Nice to meet you, Bombor,” I finally cough. “What are you…” I have to stop to take a long breath.

  “Not at all! Not at all!” He turns the terrifying half circle of his arms to Mika, reaching for another hug that she nimbly avoids by ducking behind me. He’s not fazed, never losing his grin. “Also, how did you know Bombor’s name?”

  “Your character sheet,” Mika peeps from behind me.

  It’s the first thing to give Bombor pause. “But you can only see such if you’re an admin,” he rumbles. “And the admins were all purged long ago.” He narrows his tiny eyes at us.

  Great. This guy may not have any weapons, but he’s three levels higher than Havel and my ribs still remember how that went. If he decides we’re cheating and wants to take issue…

  But Bombor just shrugs, and it’s like tectonic plates sliding over each other. “No
matter! Bombor knows nothing of such things. Bombor knows only one thing!”

  “And what’s that?” Astra asks like she’s afraid of the answer. I don’t blame her.

  “Food!” Bombor laughs like a bank of cannons firing and slaps something on the side of his cart. Mist hisses from some hidden hydraulic system as the sides of his wagon lift high.

  That’s the moment when I realize that not only does Lifestream enforce hunger and thirst on its players, unlike the Citadel, but also that I’m famished.

  Spits full of every meat I can imagine, and some that I can’t, slowly rotate in tiers as the sides lift. Each delicacy they reveal leaves my heart racing and my mouth watering. More and more reveal themselves until they finally halt and I can’t take it anymore. There are chickens, fish, pigs, steaks… It’s an impossibility of food, all dripping with oil and sauces. The smell almost drives me mad as it wafts over us; meaty, succulent, spicy.

  Bombor claps me on the shoulder, and this time, I’m sure something breaks. I don’t care. “What did I tell you, friend? Food!”

  “You’re a travelling merchant?” I ask dumbly. My brain’s not working quite right.

  “Bombor travels the roads from Haven to Acheryx! From the caves of the Strike to the jungles of D’chak! All know Bombor! All love Bombor!”

  “I believe it.” Mika’s wide eyes tell me she’s not far from roasting Bombor on the spot and Grand Theft Auto’ing his cart. “I kind of love Bombor right now.”

  “See?” he booms. “Whatever you can afford, Bombor can offer! You are new players; I see that by your modest appearances.” Somehow, the way he says this doesn’t offend me. “But you must have come from the starting zone, and quests along the way offer a few chips. So! Bombor must know… Are you hungry?”

  I slump, crestfallen. “Yeah. But we didn’t do any… Ah… Quests… On the way here. We don’t have any chips.”

  Bombor’s little eyes blink slowly as this tidbit wades through the layers of muscle shielding his bran. “No chips? And you’re at Acheryx?” He laughs, and his whole body ripples like a pile of pigs wrestling under a tarp. “Turn back, little ones. This is not a place for you. Not yet.”

  “Why?” Astra marches up, outraged. “Little ones? I’ll have you know that we–”

  I quiet her with a light touch. Not only do we not want to piss this guy off, but if we can pump him for a little knowledge… “Bombor, why shouldn’t we be in Acheryx without chips?”

  He pulls the drumstick off something way bigger than a chicken. Grease flows down his chin as he takes a mighty bite that strips all the meat from bone as he shakes his head. “Everything in Acheryx costs. Everything. You cannot even travel to most of the city without payment! The guilds control all, Black Mamba and Tirion’s Chosen and Serpent’s Wrath and more! It is why Bombor stops at the city gates before turning back.” He glances to where Acheryx sits in the distance, his expression dark. “Surprised that they do not demand chips just to look upon it from afar!”

  I grind my teeth. That doesn’t sound good for us.

  Astra, calmer now, eyes me like she knows exactly what I’m thinking. “Bombor, we don’t have time to turn back and quest. Do you know any other ways to make chips outside the city limits?”

  He eyes us, gaze lingering on the girls, especially their bodies. He frowns. “Well… Yes.”

  “Not that,” Mika says, reddening.

  “Not for Bombor,” he says, hands up. “Bombor’s wife lives back in Haven.” He closes his eyes. “Bombor misses her on long trips, but Bombor has large hands and larger memories, so–”

  I cough. “I think we understand.”

  Bombor sighs. “Only industry in Lifestream larger than adventuring is sex. Brothels, prostitutes, monsters large and small.” He turns away. “Even beasts.”

  It’s Mika’s turn to shudder. “I’m not surprised. Rule 34 got pretty nasty before full immersion like this. Place like Lifestream probably lets people’s freak flags fly.”

  I don’t want to think about it. “Meat!” say, changing the subject. “Is there any way we can earn a little food?” I can barely think, I’m so hungry.

  Bombor’s eyes dart to Syl, and I realize it’s not the first time. She stands proud, staring back, but doesn’t challenge him. The giant hesitates a long moment before deflating. “There is no need. Never let it be said that Bombor is not generous.”

  He reaches back, and through some black magic produces four enormous skewers dripping with hunks of meat and carrot. He hands one to each of us before hitting the button that closes his cart. “Bombor makes these himself! Gives temporary buff, poison resistance.” He pauses. “Not so useful in this place, but food is food.”

  It certainly is. I take a bite and have to close my eyes it’s so good. Meaty, juicy, and spiced with paprika and pepper. It’s close to the best thing I’ve ever eaten.

  Mika takes a bite and I’m not sure she doesn’t have an orgasm right then and there. “Oh, my Lord. Bombor.”

  “Thank you, my friend,” I say, gripping Bombor’s outstretched hand. “It’s been rough since we got here. It’s nice to meet someone who doesn’t want to kill us immediately.”

  “Bombor can see why.” He glances to Syl again. “Hard road you’ve chosen. Bombor does not understand, but who is Bombor to judge?” He smiles at Syl, nodding to her uneaten skewer. “Enjoy in peace, friends.”

  Syl’s chest fills on a long breath, and her eyes glisten. “Thank you.” She takes an enormous bite of meat, wolfing it down like it’s the only meal she’s ever eaten.

  “And now, Bombor must go! Must find paying customers!” he says, and when he tries to wink, he does so with both eyes.

  We laugh as he nudges his horses and they move off, huffing and straining against the huge cart. Mika whistles. “I just noticed that those things have six legs.”

  “I’m not surprised,” I laugh. “Did you see the size of his–”

  “Yes!” Mika’s hand goes to her mouth. “That guy is definitely compensating for something in real life.”

  “Can you imagine his wife?”

  Astra frowns. “She’d have to have a huge–”

  We dissolve into laughter. Well, all but Syl, though even she has a little half smile on her face as she eats. It feels good to laugh, good to partake of human kindness and eat delicious meat and just… Just be for a second before we descend into whatever hell this place throws at us next.

  Astra holds her skewer up, peering at the dripping meat. “Um. You guys want this?”

  “Why?” Mika wipes her chin with her sleeve. “I mean, yes. That was fucking… That was really good. But you don’t want yours?”

  “I don’t really… Eat.”

  “Why not? You don’t have a sense of taste? Smell?”

  Astra colors. “Well… Yes. When Sam and I–” She glances to me, biting her lip. “I could taste that.”

  Mika grins. “Good, right?”

  “Very,” Syl says solemnly.

  “I… Enjoyed it very much,” Astra says. “But this is different. I don’t need sustenance. I don’t get hungry.” She holds the skewer out to me. “It would be far more useful to you.”

  “Screw that,” I say, pushing it back. “Life isn’t just about what’s necessary. Sometimes it’s about taking what you want, and sometimes what you want is pleasure. Good wine. Good food.” I don’t blush, not anymore. I’m past that. “And sometimes it’s other things. But for now, why don’t you start simple and take a bite of the best meat I’ve ever eaten?”

  Astra hesitates before hefting the skewer. Thick drips of grease plop to the ground as she holds it in front of her mouth. Her lips glisten as she licks them, and she inhales deep. “Oh… Oh my,” she says, trembling slightly.

  “I feel like we should give her some privacy,” Mika quips, but she doesn’t look away.

  Finally, Astra parts perfect teeth, and from the smallest bit of meat she takes a dainty bite. She chews once, then twice before her eyes close. “Oh
, my stars,” she whispers. A band of silver flows through her as she momentarily loses control.

  “Bet she did that when you guys got bizzay, too.” Mika elbows me. “That why she changed her hair? You got a thing for redheads?”

  “And purpleheads,” I laugh. “Is that a word?”

  “It sounds like some gross sex move.”

  “You know, sometimes I miss the shy girl I met in that hallway.”

  Mika’s elbow actually hurts this time. “No, you don’t.”

  I rub my side, grinning. “Nah. I don’t.” Though I can’t help but worry. She’s obviously hiding her hurt and fear behind a shield of humor, and the more she jokes, the more I fear for her. “Anyway, a gentleman doesn’t tell.”

  Astra hmms, swallowing. Her eyes open. “That was… I never imagined…”

  “Welcome to being human.” Mika’s smile is so warm, so joyous, and there was no hint of jealousy as she casually discussed me fucking Astra. It’s so strange, so unlike any relationship I’ve ever been a part of. But I’d be an idiot to question it.

  Astra’s lips curve slowly, and she takes Mika’s hand, squeezing it tight. “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “Saying that. Calling me… Human. I’m not. I know I never will be. But…” She trails off wistfully.

  “A girl can dream?” Mika purses her lips. “Hey, don’t give up. If we can somehow get our bodies back on the alien ship, I bet you can, too.”

  “Hey, that’s right.” I can’t believe it never occurred to me. “If they have that kind of technology…”

  Astra’s breath comes a little faster. “That would be… Amazing.”

  “There you go. Something to fight for,” I say, reaching out to adjust her glasses for her.

  She reaches up and takes my hand in hers. “I already had that.”

  “See, you’re getting more human all the time,” Mika says. “Mackin’ with the best of us.”

  “Macking?” Syl pipes from nearby where she’s keeping watch.

  “Hell yeah,” Mika laughs, walking up and putting her arm around slim scaled shoulders. She pulls her off down the road toward Acheryx. “When you see a dime at a party, you gotta get them digits somehow…” her voice trails off as they fall out of earshot.


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