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Aspirant 2: A Sci-Fi Harem Adventure

Page 24

by Maxx Whittaker

  “Hell yes.” I take the healing potion from her and strap it to my belt. Astra’s material has resealed, and my belt tie’s intact. “You do the cutting.”

  Her expression is savage. “Agreed.”


  It doesn’t take us long to get to the point I’ve been dreading.

  About a hundred yards past the lip of the crater, Syl pauses amidst a series of waist high stones. They’re some sort of black granite that reflects sunlight like oil and are perfectly flat on top. They’re strangely out of place for this environment; I imagine they’re the end of a quest string or something else videogame related.

  Syl rests the Corroc’s head on one of the stones. Her back is to me, and I see her chest fill with air as she prepares to turn and give me the bad news.

  “You’re not leaving us,” I say, leaning against a different rock.

  It’s not often that I see Syl startled, and I take a strange delight in how her whole body tenses as the air whooshes from her lungs. She turns slowly, eyes wide. “How… How did you know…”

  “Syl.” I smile softly. “We all know.”

  “But how?”

  I cross my arms. “You didn’t do a very good job of hiding it. You’d be a terrible poker player.”


  “Earth game where hiding your intention is key. I get the impression Threvians aren’t very good liars.”

  She laughs ruefully. “No. It has been a constant challenge in dealing with humans. Many of you speak untruths as if they were currency on your planet.”

  “You’re not wrong there.”

  Her gaze deepens as her expression turns sad again. “It is one of the reasons I value you. Mika. Even Astra. You have honor. Honesty.”

  “Hope those aren’t the only reasons you value us,” I say with what I hope is a rakish smile. I haven’t practiced them much, so I probably look more like a “people of Wal-Mart” picture.

  “Sam,” Syl says softly. “Please do not make this harder than it needs to be. We both know this must happen.”

  “Must? Not so sure about that one.” I hold up three fingers, wiggling them. “You’ve got three tries to convince me.”

  “Three?” She sputters. “As if you could stop–”

  “Threee!” I taunt. No way I’m letting this get any heavier than it has to. “You may begin.”

  Syl turns a full circle, growling so fiercely that I’m half afraid I’ve pushed her too hard. Her claws extend and retract unconsciously, and she rakes them against one of the dark stones. Shards ping off her leg as she paces away from me before turning back. She takes another long breath, visibly calming and retracting her claws, but her eyes are still banked fury tinged with amusement. “You are a truly infuriating human.”

  “That’s why you love me.”

  Another one of those heartbreaking smiles. “Yes.”

  “So. First try. Go.”

  She mimics my stance, leaning her ass against the lip of the stone across from me. “Fine. We will play your game. It will not change anything.” Her tongue darts out, wetting her lips. “Do not tell me you have missed how your people have reacted to me since we arrived in Lifestream. They hate me.” There’s a strange pensiveness to her words, and somehow, I don’t think she’s only talking about the players ingame.

  “So what? Screw ‘em. They don’t know you, and they don’t know what you’re trying to do.”

  “Would it matter if they did?” she asks bitterly. “They would never accept me.”

  “Syl, we’re talking about a species that somehow convinced itself that the Kardashians were worth venerating. I think they could learn to love you.”

  “I wish I had your optimism.” She looks away. “I am a target, now. I put you all in danger merely by proximity. Any benefit you gain from my presence is negated in this place.”

  “That’s a matter of opinion,” I say. “Having a nearly unstoppable killing machine who’s also the most courageous person I’ve ever met at my side sounds worth risking some assholes giving us shit.” I tick off a finger. “Two tries down. Still not convinced.”

  “Two?” Syl’s mouth works. “That was all my first reason. Two parts of the same–”

  I pretend to yawn. “Waiting on number three.”

  “You… You…” Syl’s almost spitting. I gauge her as carefully as I can… I want to push her, piss her off, get her passionate. Get past that logical, pragmatic exterior. But I don’t want to push her so hard she slices me in half before stalking off.

  I don’t think she would, though.


  “Syl, the faster you accept that I’m not going to let you go without a fight, the better.”

  “A fight?”

  “Come on. One more try. Make me believe that we’d be better off without you.”

  She breathes like a bull about to charge before resting back against her rock. Her claws are slightly extended, a mildly terrifying detail I hadn’t noticed until she stabs them into the rock. They slide in with no resistance. “Fine. Third reason.” She stops, considering. “I… I cannot think of another. It is dangerous to take me with you. That is reason enough.”

  “Hah. And we already covered that one.” I smack my hands together. “End of conversation. You’re sticking around.”

  “Sam,” Syl says, low and dangerous. She takes a step toward me. “This is right. I am leaving whether you like it or not.”

  “And I’m not letting you.”

  There’s real anguish in her eyes. “Sam, do not do this. Do not make this harder on me.”

  “Only person making this tough is you. Like I said, the sooner you accept that I’d rather die than let you go, the better.”

  A single tear threads down her cheek. “That is… Sam…” She wipes it away savagely. “That is exactly why you must let me go. I love you. All of you. If I got you killed…”

  “Won’t happen.”

  “You cannot know that.”

  “Maybe. But I know that a world without you with us isn’t a world I care to save.”

  Syl blinks. “That makes no logical sense.”

  “Fuck logic. You’re not leaving.”

  Syl takes another step forward. “Sam, if I have to hurt you to save you, I will. You have the potion. Do not do this.”

  She looms in front of me, a machine built for killing. She tries to step around me. Every animal part of my brain screams to let her go, to hide from this predator and thank my lucky stars that I can escape with my life.

  Instead, I step in front of her. I lay a hand to her chest, gently pushing her back. “You don’t want this.”

  “Of course I do not. It does not change that I must.” Her fingers are like iron around my wrist, and she bends my arm back to my side with a strange combination of savage strength and gentle pressure. “Last warning. Let me go.”

  I don’t step aside. This is right. If I survive the next few minutes, I’ll prove it to her.

  Syl raises her claws to my chest, extending them until they’re six inches long. She rests the points at my breastbone. “Let me pass.”

  “No,” I say, sweating bullets. “You won’t hurt me.”

  Her body’s as tense as it was fighting the Corroc. She steps forward, and her nails barely penetrate my skin. Her eyes are wide, luminous, and deep enough to drown in as they stare into mine. As her claws press deeper.

  Blood trickles down my chest as she sinks a half inch deep. It hurts like six motherfuckers.

  I hold my ground.

  Something like awe washes through her anger. “You…” She retracts her claws, and her eyes dart to my chest. She doesn’t look at the wounds she’s inflicted with horror, though. No… What I see in her eyes is something else entirely.


  “You are infuriating.” She huffs low breaths. “I love you like I have never loved, Sam Warner.” Her next breath is almost panicked. “I can’t… I have to–”

  I don’t think she means to shove me aside as
hard as she does. She tears off with something like a strangled cry as I tumble over the top of one of the rocks, falling hard on the other side. My head bangs the ground and I grunt at a fresh headache.

  But I’m not done.

  I stand, using the rock as leverage. Syl’s paused, looking back to see if I’m okay, and as I regain my feet she turns and tries to sprint away.

  Tries to. It’s kind of hard with my power holding her in place.

  She snarls and rages, straining against my invisible bonds. Her strength is terrifying, and she almost shatters my shackles.

  But I am not losing her. Not now.

  Not like this.

  I pull her, and she slide backward through the tall grass. She turns as she comes, face red and so furious that I almost lose what little concentration I have. “Sam, stop this. Do not make me hurt you.”

  “Nothing you can do to me will be worse than you leaving.”

  “I could kill you,” she snarls, skidding to a halt inches away. Her eyes tell a different story.

  “You won’t.” I smile. “I can read you like a book, remember?”

  I don’t see her fist coming. It’s a pulled blow, for her, but it still spins me like a top and sends me to my knees. And with that’s, she’s running again, her feet slapping the ground as she tries to escape.

  No. My power’s more elusive now, but I manage to harness it enough to throw it after her. She grunts as it circles her middle and she falls to her knees.

  My jaw hurts like a bitch. I rub it as I drag her back again. Syl digs her claws deep into the ground, but it’s soft and muddy and provides no drag.

  She flows up like a viper as she returns to the outcropping. Her claws are out, and she charges for me.

  I’m ready, this time. I slap her arms to the side with my power, getting inside her guard. She still tears for me like she’s going to bowl me over, expression murderous.

  When she gets close, I slow her more as I pin her arms to her sides.

  And then I kiss her.

  I don’t know why I do it. I mean, I do, on some level. Something about this, the savagery, fighting her after fighting with her… I need her like I need air to breath. I’m as hard as I’ve ever been, and I need her right now.

  She still fights me. Her body writhes and tries to escape even as she returns my kiss. Her mouth is rough, savage, biting my lip hard enough to hurt as she pushes into my mouth with her tongue. “Sam,” she snarls. “Sam, I…” She trails off, ripping her arms free and shattering my grip on her.

  It’s like embracing a rabid animal. She’s so wild, so full of fury, and her claws rake my chest as her mouth savages my neck. “I can’t… I can’t…” she repeats as she licks my chest, tasting the blood that still weeps from her claws.

  It sends her crazier. She reaches down and tears Astra’s material from my crotch, claws ripping through it effortlessly. Her hand grips my cock almost painfully as her tongue goes wild on my chest. “Can’t… Have to leave…”

  “No,” I moan. “Stay with me.”

  My words snap her partially out of whatever my kiss started. “Sam,” she sighs. “I am sorry.” She kisses me one last time, so hard my lips ache, before turning to flee.

  I don’t let her. I dive after her, and with a combination of my need and strength I bend her over one of the rocks. My sudden burst of power takes her by surprise, but it doesn’t last long. “What are you–” she manages as she tries to raise back up.

  I throw an enormous band of power over her, lashing her to the rock. “This,” I say, pressing my cock between her legs. My head drags over the scales between her legs almost painfully. It runs along the little ridge that hides and protects her pussy. I push hard against her, willing her to open for me.

  “No, no,” she moans, struggling and tearing at the rock with her claws. “You can’t… You can’t… I have to… Have to…”

  But she doesn’t break away. She could, if she wanted. My bonds are strong, but she’s stronger. “No…” she repeats, but she spreads her legs wider as she whispers it, pushing her ass against me. “Sam…”

  I press harder. She stays closed tight, the last barrier before she gives in to me fully. Her back still stretches against my bonds, strains against them without breaking them. I run my hands along the perfect curve of her little ass, reveling as her indigo scales scrape my palms.

  “No,” she says. “This must not… We cannot…” She a harsh cry she tears upward, smashing through my band of power. For a split second, she’s free, tensing to run.

  But she doesn’t. Every inch of her wants this, wants me. Wants to be convinced that she should stay. I can feel it in the way she presses back against my shaft even as she digs into the rock to launch herself away.

  I can convince her.

  “Syl, stay. Let me in…” I push harder against her ridge.

  With a moan that’s half fury and half moan, she does.

  The ridge parts, and I have the briefest glimpse of the neon orange folds of her vulva before my cock drives deep into her in one savage thrust.

  She cries out loud enough to scare birds from a nearby copse of trees. They thread into the sky, chirping in outrage as I hold myself still inside Syl, chest heaving. She’s so perfectly tight, her insides so lightly scaled… She feels incredible.

  “Do not stop, Sam,” Syl grunts. Her claws push deeper into the stone, bracing.

  I fuck her like a brute because that’s what a woman like her demands. There’s no gentleness, no tenderness as I take her over and over, holding her pinned to the rock. My cock slides out to the tip before I pound back into her pussy, and every bit of my new strength and stamina goes into every thrust.

  Her passage is tailored perfectly for me, squeezing me so tight that each time I pull free, part of me can’t believe I fit back inside. She meets me halfway, slamming her ass against me as I thrust, and if we don’t come out of this needing another hit from the healing potion I’ll be amazed.

  But it doesn’t stop me. The scrape of her scales against my thighs, my balls slamming her engorged clit, her passage squeezing me like a fist; something about this feels right. After the last five minutes, if this wasn’t half pain and half pleasure I wouldn’t be satisfied.

  Syl apparently agrees. “Sam… Sam… Sam…” she moans against the rock. I wonder if her nipples are exposed, scraping the hard stone with each of my thrusts. I lean over and reach around, running my hands up her hard belly until I cup her trim tits. I cup them, squeezing her nipples as hard as I dare. And then I pinch harder.

  She’s not even saying my name anymore. Her animal noises are half growl half shriek, and they echo across the grasslands loud enough that if there are any other players in the area, they definitely know what’s going down.

  I don’t care. At this point, we could have an audience and I wouldn’t be able to stop. Her pussy is unreal, wet and thick and scaled. It’s like a sex toy designer’s wet dream, created to pull every last drop of cum from whoever dares press inside.

  I let go of her tits and straighten to grab her hips. The leverage is perfect. “Still want to leave?” I ask as I pump her like a piston.

  “Shut… Up… And… Mate… Me…” Her cries come between thrusts like prayers as her lips drag back and forth against the stone. “Harder… Harder… More…”

  I’m mating her as hard as I can, and it’s not enough. She’s insatiable, and I gasp as her tongue suddenly wraps around the base of my balls. When did she… Ohh Jesus… She grips so tight, then pulls with my thrust, using her grip to yank me into her.

  It’s too much. On the next thrust I cum harder than I ever have, exploding into her like a broken water main. She never stops pulling me into her, and as I pump she keeps fucking me. My legs go weak; the pleasure is so intense, and the orgasm builds with each thrust. I’m so sensitive as I cum, and the light scaling of her pussy running across my bucking cock is too much.

  I cum again, right on top of the first. Just as my orgasm dies, the plea
sure crests again, and my cock swells before erupting for a second time in less than a minute.

  This time, I do lose control, falling heavily over Syl’s back. Her laugh is pure evil as her tongue rings my balls tighter, squeezing like she’s trying to pull ever drop from my aching shaft.

  “I can’t… Can’t believe…” I gasp. I thought only women could have multiple orgasms.

  If fighting monsters and flirting with death is the tradeoff for Citadel upgrades that let me do this, I think it might be worth it. I’ve never felt anything like that before. My belly aches as it finishes spasming.

  Syl’s close, too; I can feel it. Her body’s a live wire, a scaled wall of muscle that takes my weight and is so rigid that she must be seconds from cumming.

  If she’s going to, I’m going to send her over the edge in style. I probe with my power, running my mind along the tight curves of her body. Lower, past my cum slick cock that still fucks her relentlessly. Just below that…

  Syl pauses. “Sam, what are you–”

  I form a shaft of power, press it to her second pussy, and I thrust.

  Syl bucks so hard that she throws me off. I fly back, barely managing to hold tight to her hips as she cums, body writhing like a python. Her claws flay the rock, sending chips flying as she screams against its surface and her pussy convulses against my shaft.

  It seems to last forever. Her muscles clench and relax as waves of pleasure pulse through her, as her orgasm rises and falls like a tidal wave. The air smells like citrus and cum, a sharp tang at my nose that heightens with each pulse of her heat.

  When it’s over, she heaves long breaths. I don’t move, but I release my power while I want for her to recover. When she finally relaxes, she throws back blue hair to take me in over her shoulder. “Sam… That was… Never have I been pleasured like that. Never.” She laughs wearily. “Remember what I said about you ruining my own species for me?”

  I grin. “Yeah?”

  She turns in place, bringing her legs up and swinging them around. Her whole body rotates on my cock, still balls deep inside her, until her back’s to the rock. She brings her legs up, perching her feet at the black stone’s edge before finally answering. “There is no question of it now.” She arches her ass, grinding me inside her slowly. “I am ruined.”


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