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Expecting the Sheikh's Baby

Page 8

by Kristi Gold

  “I am in need of your immediate assistance.”

  Was he expecting a nooner? “I can’t just up and leave.”

  “Oh, yes you can, honey,” said the lady with flaming red hair and equally red lips seated at the booth. “If a hunky stranger came in demanding my assistance, I’d leave in a minute.”

  Karen fought the little nip of pride. “He’s not a stranger.”

  “I’m her husband,” Ash said. “We were married yesterday.”

  The lady’s eyes widened as she leveled her gaze on Karen. “And you’re at work?”

  Ash gave her a winning smile. “My point exactly. I’ve told her that we could be sunning ourselves on a private beach in the Mediterranean were she not so devoted to her job.”

  The redhead released a grating chuckle. “Hell, honey, if my order’s holding you up, I’ll get my own ice cream.”

  Feeling trapped, feeling like an idiot, Karen gritted her teeth and aimed her scowl on Ash. “Now you know, dear, I have to work in order to keep you in your designer clothes.”

  Ash seemed unaffected by the lie. “I would prefer you keep me out of my clothes.”

  The lady let go a round of strident laughter, drawing Mimi from across the room to the booth to ask, “Is there a problem over here?”

  Ash extended his hand to Mimi. “I believe we have not officially met. I am Sheikh Ashraf Saalem, Karen’s husband.”

  “Oh, yes, I remember you.” Mimi shook Ash’s hand and fairly blushed. “My, my, you are quite a specimen. My Johnny, God save his soul, was about as handsome as you, but not quite as tall. Are you here to see your wife?”

  Ash slipped his arm around Karen’s waist. “I need to steal her away for a time.”

  “By all means, take her,” Mimi said.

  Feeling totally outnumbered, Karen told Mimi, “I can’t leave now, not during the lunch rush.”

  “Of course you can, missy. We’ve got plenty of people to cover for you. Now run along and take care of your husband. We can handle it without you.”

  Karen wanted to take care of Ash, all right. She wanted to remove her apron and stuff it into his sexy mouth. Instead, she handed Mimi the pad and released a frustrated sigh. “Okay, but I’ll be back soon.”

  The redhead laughed again. “Take your time, honey. Rome wasn’t made in a day. Neither is good lovin’.”

  Karen untied her apron and tossed it underneath the counter. After grabbing her purse, she headed out the door muttering, “This better be good.”

  “I assure you it will be,” Ash said from behind her.

  Karen stopped in the middle of the sidewalk. She had no idea where they were going or if Ash had even come in a car, though she doubted he’d used public transportation.

  Ash gestured toward a silver sedan parked at the curb. A Rolls-Royce. A convertible Rolls-Royce with the top down. Figures, Karen thought. Only the best.

  Ash opened the door for her and she slipped inside to settle into the soft seat. Had she not been so put out over the interruption, she might have enjoyed the luxurious feel of the leather.

  When Ash seated himself behind the wheel, she sent him a hard look. “Do you mind telling me where we’re going? And it better not be back to the hotel for a quickie.” Karen experienced an unwanted thrill thinking about that prospect. Darn his sexy sheikh self.

  “I have something I want to show you,” he said.

  She rolled her eyes. “I’ve already seen it, Ash.”

  He turned on the ignition and the car purred to life and so did Karen when he smiled. “Although having you examine ‘it’ again is a pleasant thought, that is not my goal.” He sent her a sultry glance. “At least not at the moment.”

  Now why was she so disappointed? “Then exactly what is your goal?”

  He pulled into traffic before saying, “It’s a surprise, one I think will please you.”

  Karen couldn’t imagine what else he could possibly do to please her. He had done it all last night. “I don’t necessarily like surprises.”

  “You will like this one.”

  Karen resigned herself to the fact that Ash wasn’t going to give an inch, at least not at the moment, and sat back to enjoy the feel of the wind on her face, thankful she’d braided her hair that morning. If not, she would probably resemble Medusa before they reached their destination.

  After leaving Boston proper, they traveled along a winding highway that skirted the shoreline in places, revealing a crescent beach covered in golden sand, the water beyond it a sage green. Karen could certainly appreciate the view considering she hadn’t really experienced the sea’s beauty before coming to Boston. But the stately historic houses to Karen’s left that faced the ocean captured her attention the most.

  She commented to Ash about their magnificence and he only smiled. Obviously he had no appreciation for the historical significance of the area.

  Forty minutes later, Ash passed through the Marble-head area and drove up a winding hedge-lined drive leading to a house—a beige Colonial-style, two-story house surrounded by elm and birch trees with a stand of sugar maple set out near the edge of the property. She could envision the kaleidoscope of color when the foliage began to change with the season in a matter of weeks. Right now the verdant lawns were plush and pristine, the rows of hedges neatly manicured. Yet the cracked and peeling brown paint on the trim around the dormers told her the house hadn’t faired as well. But the twelve-paned windows and the double chimneys captured Karen’s imagination and prompted her fantasy of living in such an elegant home. “This place is unbelievable. But what are we doing here?”

  Ash put the car in park and shut off the ignition. “You will soon see.”

  Before Karen could ask more questions, Ash rushed around to open the door for her. She left the car and inhaled the tangy scent of sea air coming from the harbor that served as a backdrop to the estate.

  Karen followed Ash up the rock walkway and when he reached the heavy entry doors, she asked, “Who lives here?”

  Ash fished a key from his pocket. “We will.”

  Stunned, Karen searched for some appropriate retort until she followed him inside to a breathtaking foyer that would make even the most stoic person take immediate notice. The ceilings had to be at least twenty feet high, and a wide staircase covered in a faded blue carpet climbed to the upper floors. Overcome with curiosity, she walked to the bottom of the stairs, crouched down and lifted a corner of the carpet. As she suspected, the rug hid the original flooring, most likely wide board pine that had been pegged with wood, not nails.

  As usual, she slipped into designer mode and immediately saw the possibilities. The entry walls were in need of a good coat of paint and she figured the rest of the house’s interior would as well. A nice, patterned wallpaper here and there would definitely restore its original charm and—

  Wait a minute, Karen thought as she took a mental step back. Had she actually heard Ash correctly? Did this incredible place belong to him?

  Karen straightened and turned to Ash who looked very pleased at the moment. “I could’ve sworn you told me that you didn’t own a home.”

  “I do as of this morning.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “I purchased the house this morning.”

  “Just like that? You went out and got a loan—”

  “I paid with cash.”

  Of course he had. “Let me get this straight. You got up, had your coffee, took a shower then went wandering up the Massachusetts coastline until you came upon this house?”

  He leaned against the banister. “Actually, I spoke with Daniel this morning and when I told him what I intended to do, he suggested this place. It was built in the 1800s and used mainly as a summerhouse. Unfortunately its been tied up in an estate dispute for years, the reason for its current disrepair. I immediately saw its potential.”

  So did she, darn it. “It’s very nice.” A designer’s dream kind of nice.

  “The paperwork will not be finalized for a few days,�
� Ash continued. “As far as I am concerned, it is now ours.”

  Ours? Marrying Ash was one thing. Having a baby with Ash was another. But owning a home with him? That sounded much more like a real marriage than Karen was prepared to deal with at the moment. “You just took it upon yourself to buy a house for us to live in without consulting me?”

  “Had you not been so determined to work, I would have consulted you. Daniel told me of your background in interior design and I believed you would be happy to decorate it as you saw fit.”

  And he had seen fit to buy a house without her input. “It definitely needs work.” Karen walked to the banister where Ash now stood and scratched the surface with a thumbnail. “Someone painted over the mahogany. They’ve covered the original flooring. This house should be restored to its original state.”

  “And I trust it will with your vision.”

  Karen turned back to Ash, trying desperately to ignore how much she would cherish making this house all that it could be. “It would take money. A lot of money and a lot of time.”

  “Money is not an issue, and neither is time. I’m certain there are craftsmen in Boston who would do the restoration justice. Daniel is now researching those for me.”

  Good old Daniel, Karen thought. She had a few things to say to him, too. But she really couldn’t blame her cousin. As far as Daniel knew, Karen and Ash were living in wedded bliss, planning a future together. A house was simply the next step. A gorgeous house that could be made even better.

  Karen could already imagine the details. Imagine what it would be like if she were given free rein. Even if Ash hadn’t provided her the opportunity to stamp her seal of approval before he bought the place, at least she could maintain some control over what was done with it from this point forward. “I would want to oversee everything.”

  Ash smiled. “I had hoped you would. Shall we see the rest of the house?”

  Oh, no. Until Karen got some things straight, she refused to fall completely in love with this place any more than she dared fall in love with him knowing that by doing so she could face certain emotional peril. “First, I want to know what’s going to happen to this house after we’re no longer together.”

  Ash’s expression turned hard, unforgiving. “You mean after the divorce?”

  She flinched over his sudden ire. “That’s exactly what I mean.”

  His eyes narrowed and went almost black. “It would be yours. I have no use for a house if I have no family with which to share it.”

  Karen felt suddenly remorseful over her lack of consideration when she saw the hurt in Ash’s eyes, heard it in his tone. He had provided a home, a beautiful home, for her and their child. The least she could do was thank him then worry about the rest later. “I’m sorry, Ash. Really, it’s wonderful. I only wish you would have talked to me about it first.”

  “And how was I to do that when you were so intent on going to work?” He folded his arms across his chest, looking powerful and no less angry. “I believed this would solve our living arrangements. There are four bedrooms on the second floor, one we will set up for our child, and one I plan to use as my office. It will be up to you to decide what will be done with the others.”

  “We can discuss that later.” Karen automatically held out her hand. Nothing more than a friendly action, she told herself, even though she’d recently discovered that touching Ash was just this side of heaven. “Can you show me the rest of the house now?”

  He gestured toward the entry opening to another room but failed to take her hand. “After you.”

  Karen fought the knifelike pain that impaled her heart over his refusal to touch her. She couldn’t really blame him. He was only being considerate and she had carelessly ruined the moment by bringing up the whole divorce issue. But she was too afraid to hope that their marriage could be permanent. Too afraid to believe that she wouldn’t eventually drown in Ash’s need to stay in control of his life, their decisions. She had to remain adamant even though every time she was near him her heart executed a little tumble and she found herself wishing that they had a marriage based on more than an agreement. But they didn’t.

  Karen followed Ash through the adjacent living room, bare except for a white brick fireplace in the corner, and into a small hallway where he opened the door to a room with twelve-foot ceilings and muted gray walls with contrasting white molding. A dusty teardrop chandelier hung above her and dull hardwood floors creaked beneath her feet.

  Considering the size of the area, Karen assumed it to be a formal parlor or dining room, albeit a large one, until Ash announced, “This is the master suite.”

  Karen turned to Ash, her eyes wide. “A bedroom? It’s huge.”

  He allowed a slight smile to surface. “Yes, and through there,” he pointed toward an open door, “is the master bath. It has been updated with the addition of a shower and a new bath, both large enough for two.”

  The image of her and Ash sharing the shower, her and Ash reclining in the tub, her and Ash making love, filtered into her consciousness.

  Why, oh, why, had she believed she could remain detached knowing how much she’d been drawn to him since that first time he’d kissed her? She had to remain emotionally detached even while occupying the same house, the same bed. Or the same tub.

  “That sounds nice,” Karen said. “What do you plan to do about furnishing this room?”

  “That would be up to you. I have arranged for an open account at the best furniture store in the city. You may choose anything you like.”

  “Don’t you want to have some say in it?”

  “I trust your judgment, as long as the bed is comfortable and accommodating.”

  Beds, Karen thought. More than one bed. More than one bedroom. Ash could have this one. He deserved to have this one. After all, he had paid for the house. She could take one of the others, stay there in her own bed. A lovely, lonely bed instead of sharing one with Ash. Yes, that would be best. That would be totally unappealing, but necessary if she wanted to remain emotionally grounded. She would have to broach that subject carefully so as not to anger him more.

  Karen walked to the paned, double doors that opened to a wood plank porch surrounded by a low brick wall covered in clinging vines. The land sloped toward the harbor where various craft moved across the water. She could only imagine what a scene the panorama would present at sunrise and sundown. “This is very nice.”

  “The wall allows for some privacy if you are seated.”

  Karen suddenly realized Ash was standing behind her, very close considering his cologne and deep voice wafted around her like a fine, sensual mist. “Then I guess we could add a patio table, maybe some lounge chairs and have our morning coffee there without having to get dressed.”

  “I suppose that people could do whatever they wish there without getting dressed.” Ash’s voice was low, deep, boldly seductive.

  The words seemed to hang in the air along with a sudden spark of electric tension.

  “You said the rest of the bedrooms are upstairs?” Karen asked, annoyed by the tremor in her voice.

  “Yes. This suite was added on at some point in time. It is totally segregated from the other living quarters. There is a small room across the corridor that would serve as a temporary nursery until our child is older.”

  “That’s a good thing.” Ash’s close proximity was not, Karen decided. Ash’s hands on her shoulders were not. Her reaction to his touch was not.

  It took every ounce of Karen’s fortitude to keep from turning around, turning into his arms and turning up the heat. Although right now, she felt as if she were about to go up in a blaze of glory despite the coolness of the room.

  Before Karen could give everything over to a need for him that seemed determined to run a course she couldn’t control, Ash dropped his hands and stepped away.

  “Shall we see the upstairs now?” he asked.

  Karen turned from the doors and met his dark gaze. She saw a glimpse of undeniable desire. The sam
e desire she imagined was reflected in her own eyes.

  “Yes, let’s go upstairs,” she said, sounding too harried, too uncomfortable. “I’d like to see the layout of the bedrooms. I’m sure I could find one that suits my needs.”

  “Does this one not suit your needs?”

  “Oh, it’s wonderful, but I think it should be yours.”

  “I would prefer we share this one.”

  Karen detected another hint of anger in his tone. “I’m not sure that’s a good idea.”

  He reached out and traced a fingertip down the line of her jaw. She noticed a softness in his eyes she had never seen before. “I am only asking for a chance for us to get to know each other better, Karen. That is most important to me. That and making certain that you have all that you need while you’re carrying our child. I ask that you please allow me that much. As per the terms of our arrangement, I will not touch you unless you ask it of me.”

  Karen supposed she could allow him to share her bed temporarily, as long as he still agreed to forgo any real intimacy once she was pregnant. She couldn’t allow him to take control of her life…or her heart. But as he continued to regard her with his dark, assessing eyes, one thing became all too clear.

  Living with Ash might prove to be incredibly difficult—because falling for him could be all too easy.

  The drive back into the city was spent in silence. Ash was still reeling from Karen’s concern about what would become of the house if they parted ways. His concern centered on what would become of him. He refused to be shoved out of her life and their child’s life should she attempt to discard him like yesterday’s market report.

  He would simply have to try harder to convince her that they should remain together. How he would do that, he had no idea. Or perhaps he did. One thing existed between them that could not be denied—desire. Fortunately that was one aspect he could use to his advantage. That and quite possibly his temporary absence from her life.


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