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SEAL's Secret Baby

Page 38

by Ivy Jordan

  “It’s cold,” a familiar voice called out, only not Liam’s.

  I rushed towards the door, lifting the heavy lock from across the wood, and pulled it open.

  The most beautiful sight I’d ever saw stood before me, wet, shivering, and like a dream.

  “Bailey?” I gasped, immediately pulling her into the cabin and to my arms.

  Her body shook as I rubbed my hands up and down her arms, creating friction to warm her. I couldn’t believe she was real, that she was really here. What on earth was she doing here?

  “You’re frozen,” I pointed out, guiding her towards the fire.

  I peeled off her wet parka and then the top layer of her warm clothing now drenched with the cold rain.

  “Sit, let me get you some coffee,” I gushed, quickly grabbing a cup and the pot still over the flame from earlier that morning.

  I handed her the cup, watched as she slowly took a sip, and then sat down beside her on the couch. I had so many questions.

  “You need to get into dry clothes,” I rambled, searching through the stack on my shelf near the couch.

  “My bag,” she stuttered as her lips quivered from the cold.

  I grabbed her bag, and holy shit, it was heavy.

  “You carried this all the way up the mountain on your own?” I gasped, barely able to lift it with one hand.

  She nodded, a slight smile emerged on her face as I opened up her pack and started digging for clothes.

  “This work?” I asked, holding up a pair of fleece pants and a sweatshirt.

  She set the coffee cup down and stood to take the clothes from my hands as she nodded. I was in disbelief as I watched her head into the bathroom to change. She was really here. Bailey was back.

  I paced the floor, unsure of what to do as I waited for her to exit the bathroom. She smiled as the door opened, looking much more comfortable in her pink fleece pants and matching sweatshirt. She returned to her seat on the couch, picking up her coffee cup to sip from as she stared at me with those big, green eyes.

  “I’m sorry to barge in,” she sighed.

  I rushed to her side, sitting beside her, close, with my arm extended around her.

  “I’m glad you’re here, but, how, why?” I questioned, still stammering as I tried to speak clearly.

  Her lips still quivered, and I was itching to kiss them, to calm them, and warm them against mine.

  Bailey leaned back, released a long sigh, and sipped her coffee as she contemplated an answer to my question.

  “I need to contact Lila to let her know I made it. I’m sure she’s worried sick,” she said softly, avoiding my question entirely.

  “Of course,” I replied, gripping my cell phone and handing it to her.

  “Thanks. Mine only had service for about a quarter mile before hitting the top, and then the storm shut me down. I never did get a message sent to her,” she explained.

  I didn’t know who Lila was, but she seemed important to Bailey, and Bailey to her.

  I watched as she dialed a number, and then smiled when she greeted whoever answered on the other line.

  “I made it,” she gloated.

  She laughed, oh hell, that laugh made my dick twitch.

  “I know, I’m sorry, my cell wouldn’t give me service. I really didn’t think the weather was hitting us. I know, I know, I’m okay though. Okay, love ya,” she said, hanging up the phone and handing it back to me.

  “You hit some serious storms. You could’ve been hurt again,” I whined.

  Bailey chuckled nervously. It was obvious she was more than aware of the dangers that surrounded her. But she was safe now, safe with me, where she belonged.

  “Did you see Liam?” I asked.

  Her eyes squinted, and she shook her head.

  “I thought he left,” she stated.

  “He just went into town for supplies, as if we needed more fuckin’ supplies,” I laughed, motioning to the counter that was overflowing with supplies already brought up the mountain by one of Liam’s many trips to town.

  “I didn’t see his truck at the bottom,” she smiled.

  Shit, was she planning on being alone? I knew having Liam here the last time was a problem; tensions grew quickly between the two. I could get rid of him. No problem. I’d tell him to take a hike if that’s what she wanted.

  “He’s just been hanging around here, helping me out with a few projects,” I explained.

  She smiled, but appeared disinterested.

  “The roof is all fixed, we have a clearing to the creek, and fuck, he’s stocked this place up with enough supplies to last a year,” I chuckled.

  “So he’s planning on staying a while?” she questioned.

  I shrugged.

  I didn’t want to tell her that he was babysitting me while I sulked over her, but I didn’t want her to think I’d taken on a roommate either.

  “You like having someone around?” she asked.

  Her eyes were warm and genuine. I couldn’t see any animosity in them, and there was no irritation in her voice, just sincerity.

  “I have to admit, it’s been nice. I think you spoiled me, made me like having someone around,” I smiled.

  She giggled as her cheeks started to turn a beautiful shade of pink.

  “Of course, he’s not as nice to look at as you, and he refuses to snuggle with me at night,” I joked, causing Bailey to let out a full belly laugh.

  My heart swelled to the beautiful melody of her laughter, and my hopes soared at the sight of her smile, but she still hadn’t told me why she had come.

  “It sounds like you two are doing really well together,” she sighed.

  I wanted to tell her that we weren’t, that I wanted her there, not Liam, but I froze.

  “I heard about your father. I’m so sorry,” I consoled.

  Tears started to well up in her eyes as she stared into mine.

  “He was a good man. I miss him so bad already,” she whispered. “You were in town?” she queried.

  “No, Liam saw the cars on their way to the cemetery. He asked who was so important that they brought out the entire town,” I smiled softly.

  “Yeah. That was Dad. He knew everyone, and everyone loved him,” a single tear rolled down her cheek.

  “So… is Liam coming back?” she asked, wiping the tear from her warm flesh.

  “I’m assuming he’s found a place to stay in town. Only a crazy person would make the trip up the mountain in this weather,” I teased.

  Bailey’s lips curled into a wide smile, and her cheeks turned a deeper shade of pink.

  Her green eyes penetrated my soul, staring into me curiously as if she had something she wanted to say or ask. Please say it, please ask.

  “Why are you staring at me like that?” she giggled.

  I hadn’t realized she’d noticed my staring. I was just in disbelief, in shock that she was really here.

  “I can’t believe you’re here,” I whispered.

  “I’m here,” she said softly.

  “Can I kiss you, just to make sure you’re real?” I asked.

  Her eyes widened, and she quickly nodded, her body shifting nervously on the couch.

  I leaned in, letting my lips graze over hers gently, tasting the sweetness of her flesh, and then parted them with my tongue. She was real. She was really here.

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  Xander’s lips were so soft, so sensual, that I melted into him like butter on hot bread. His hands gripped me around the small of my waist, eagerly pulling me into him with a quick and powerful force.

  Our mouths pushed together, hard, searching for the flavors we’d missed so much. The taste of aged whiskey on Xander’s tongue tingled against mine, bringing my body alive, and sending a moan rolling from my throat.

  His hands were strong, eager, and searching my body, sliding across my curves and squeezing my flesh between his fingers. His weight pushed into me, sending me to my back, my legs wrapped around his waist
, and his chest smashed into mine.

  I didn’t have time to think, let alone speak. His tongue buried into my mouth, his fingers into my flesh, and his eyes into my soul.

  My fingers playfully slid under his t-shirt, feeling the warmth of his flesh and the flex of his muscles. I pulled at the material, lifting the shirt from his body and over his head. The smoothness of his skin against the tips of my fingers sent tingles between my legs, awaking my arousal and strengthening my primal urges.

  His hands slid up my sides, taking the pink fleece with them, and tossed it onto the floor next to his discarded t-shirt.

  “I love that you don’t wear any underclothes,” he breathed, lifting his mouth from mine for only a moment.

  I giggled as his fingers tickled my sides, teasing my breasts with a circular motion, and then pressing his skin onto mine. His weight pinned me into the couch, nearly taking my breath away, sending moans of pleasure from between my lips.

  He worked quickly removing my sweatpants from my hips, again finding I wasn’t wearing anything underneath. He lifted his weight from me, released his mouth from mine, and let out a deep growl that vibrated my entire body.

  My legs fell to the couch as he kneeled before me, carefully removing my pants, and soaking up the view of my nude body.

  His hands gripped my ankles, pushing them apart to spread my legs. My pussy throbbed as his blue eyes penetrated it. His tongue slid from his mouth, slowly licking his lower lip, and then the top.

  “I’ve missed you,” he sighed.

  He lowered his mouth between my legs, clamping his lips around my aching clit. He sucked hard, massaging the flesh with his tongue, and then tugged as I carelessly moaned into the empty room.

  A finger slid into my pussy, and then another. Quick, steady thrusts fucked me as I bucked beneath him, begging for more.

  Xander’s tongue teased my flesh, flicking at my swollen pink nub, sliding between my tender folds, and pushing between his fingers into my cunt, lapping up my arousal with an eagerness that drove me wild.

  I shook with pleasure as my orgasm reached the edge, teetering only for a moment before ending in explosion.

  My eyes were closed, my lip bit into my mouth, but I could hear Xander fumbling for something, stretching to reach the small table by the couch. I opened my eyes once I heard the familiar sound of the foil wrapper, and I knew that he was ready to fuck me. I was ready, too.

  The condom rested in his hand as he stood to kick off his shoes and remove his pants. I watched as his hard cock unleashed, my mouth watering at the sight of the large member between his legs. He slid the condom on, slowly, skillfully, and was back on me, pinning me once again to the cushions beneath me.

  I fought back the urge to yell out that I loved him, biting my lip so hard I could taste the blood pumping inside.

  He shoved into me, hard and furious. “Oohhh,” my noises vibrated against the walls of the cabin as he thrust into me hard and deep.

  Xander’s eyes dug into me, filled with emotion, a mixture of good and bad. I couldn’t tell what he was thinking, but I yearned to be inside his mind, to know what it was he thought about me being here, about being here with me now.

  My pussy contracted around his cock, pulling him deeper into my body as he let out a deep growl. I dug my fingers into his back, pulling at the flesh as it flexed with tension and satisfaction.

  I let go, giving up on reading his mind. My body quivered around his manhood as it throbbed to release. Suddenly, warmth spilled into me, throbbing turned to calmness, and our bodies melted together in a satisfied exhaustion.

  Xander’s heart pounded hard against his chest, shaking my body beneath him. I wrapped my arms around him tightly, squeezing him into me as he struggled to catch his breath. I never wanted to let him go.

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  God dammit! I pounced on her like that fuckin’ coyote pounced on me in the cold of the storm. What was I thinking?

  I’d dreamt about this moment all week, that chance at being with Bailey one more time. I wanted to take it slow, make love, taste every inch of her body. Instead, I jumped her, fucked her fast and furiously, and now my heart pounded at the thought of her leaving. This wasn’t what she came all the up the mountain for; she deserved more.

  I lifted from her, staring into her beautiful green eyes. I had so much I wanted to say, but I choked. I couldn’t even spit out an apology for the quick release, for my aggression and overly eager high school boyish behavior. I just rolled from her, leaving her on the couch alone, uncovered, and probably cold. I stared out the window, wondering if Liam would finally make it back up the mountain since the storm had calmed.

  I leaned down, scooping Bailey up into my arms, carrying her like a child to the bed. I placed her on the mattress gently, discarded the used condom that hung shamefully from my exhausted dick, and slid in beside her. She hadn’t spoken yet either, making me even more curious about her thoughts.

  I couldn’t imagine she’d want to stay after the rough and quick sex session. She would surely leave as soon as the weather broke and she’d regained the energy to make the trip. Fuck!

  “What’s wrong?” she asked, her voice so soft and angelic it melted my soul.

  Her hand lifted to my shoulder, slowly stroking the spot where I’d been attacked.

  “I’m sorry,” I whispered.

  Her eyes narrowed on mine, and she tilted her head.

  “Sorry, for what?” she questioned.

  “For everything. The way I let you leave, the way I just attacked you just now, the fact that I didn’t take my time, I so wanted to take my time, to savor every second,” I rambled.

  Bailey giggled.

  I stared into her eyes. They were filled with amusement.

  “I wanted to leap on you when I walked into the door, but I wasn’t sure you would be receptive,” she confessed with a smirk.

  “Shit, are you kiddin’ me?” I chuckled.

  She was worried that I wouldn’t want her?

  “I wasn’t sure what to expect when I made it here,” she said softly.

  “What did you want to happen when you got here?” I questioned.

  I slid my finger under the long hair that stuck to her cheek, carefully tucking it behind her ear. Her green eyes stared into mine, filled with something much deeper than what displayed as surface satisfaction.

  “I’m not sure,” she whispered.

  “I’m glad you’re here,” I exhaled, leaning down to kiss the freckles on her shoulder.

  “I’m glad I’m here, too,” she smiled.

  The last part of the sun peered out from the dark clouds. It was already going down and glaring in the front window.

  “You think Liam will make it back tonight?” she questioned.

  I worried about him being stuck in town, but I hoped he wouldn’t make it back. I wanted some alone time with Bailey.

  I shrugged and snuggled against her under the covers.

  “Oh,” she gasped, throwing the warm blankets away from our bodies.

  A cold chill ran down my spine, causing me to shiver as she leapt from the bed. Her petite frame, nude, glistening in the light of the fire and the burning sun was angelic.

  I watched as she pulled her sweat pants over her legs, and then the pink fleece over her head. It was disappointing to lose the beautiful view of her flesh, but her smile was a close second favorite image.

  “I brought you something. Are you hungry?” she asked, digging in the large backpack she carried up the mountain.

  I looked towards the coffee table, where my sandwich still sat untouched. I was hungry, starving actually. I got up, slid on my pants, and moved to the couch where I could watch while she hunted in her deep bag.

  She pulled out a plastic container with a red lid, and her smile widened as she made a sweet growl.

  “I’m gonna heat this up. You’ll love it,” she buzzed, rushing towards the kitchen.

  The feeling inside my
heart was indescribable. My lips curled into a smile, and my heart raced as I watched her stretching to reach the pan from the top cabinet.

  I walked towards her, chuckling as I leaned in from behind her and grabbed the pan.

  “Thanks,” she said sweetly, offering a quick kiss to my cheek.

  She was busy, on a mission, and I loved her enthusiasm, her excitement. The contents from the plastic container were dumped into the pan, and she quickly ushered it towards the fire.

  I took it from her, lifting it to the hook above the flame. It was obviously clam chowder from the looks and the aroma. My stomach grumbled at the thought of tasting it on my tongue.

  “This is three pounds of chowder. You carried this all the way up here for me?” I gushed.

  She nodded.

  “Did you make this?” I asked eagerly.

  “No, Lila did,” she responded.

  I still didn’t know who Lila was, but I didn’t ask. I just watched Bailey as she carefully stirred the contents of the pot, making sweet growls as she lifted the spoon to her lips to taste test the chowder.

  Finally, it was warmed to her satisfaction, and she lifted it from the hook. I carried it into the kitchen where she quickly grabbed a couple bowls from the shelf and a ladle to pour. Her bowl was just a small scoop, but she added three large scoops to mine.

  “Save some for yourself,” I pleaded.

  “Oh, trust me, I had plenty already. I’m saving some for Liam,” she grinned.

  It was comforting to see her thoughtfulness, especially for Liam. I assumed the drive to town had them make-up and maybe she was grateful for his help in getting her out of her once she was home.

  We moved to the couch. Bailey grabbed a large throw and tossed it over our legs, and then leaned back, cupping her bowl as if it were filled with gold.

  Her eyes were eagerly watching me as I lifted the spoon for my first bite. I couldn’t help but chuckle at her anxiousness.

  “It’s that good, huh?” I laughed.

  She nodded, smiling from ear to ear.

  I slid the spoon into my mouth, tasting the chowder against my tongue. It was smooth, creamy, and had an amazing flavor. It was by far the best chowder I’d ever tasted. That was easy to say, since I hated clam chowder.


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