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SEAL's Secret Baby

Page 52

by Ivy Jordan

  “Thanks, we’ll definitely make use of all that while you’re away. I think you are just having bad-boy withdrawals,” she said, laughing.

  I laughed, too; she was probably right. I walked away feeling bad that I was leaving them, but I knew I had to try to get rid of the headache or I would ruin their night.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Mandy and I had on new bathing suits from the pool house and were slipping into the cool water of the pool. It was the perfect temperature for the warm evening. I couldn’t believe how many new bathing suits were in the pool house. They were all different sizes and all brand new.

  It was funny that they had everything they needed for unexpected guests. What a world to live in when it was nothing to have clothing just sitting there available for guests – cost was not an issue at all for these people. Half the time I could barely afford a new bikini, and yet in Caleb’s life, it was nothing to just have some on hand to give away.

  Mandy and I were having a great time chatting in the pool and drinking ice-cold beer. We had no interest in swimming around the pool; we were just lingering in the shallow end talking.

  “I can’t believe you are going to be living here. It’s amazing. The house alone... Who lives like this?”

  “You read my mind,” I laughed. “I was just thinking the same thing. A pool house full of bathing suits. It’s crazy. I have never seen anything like it. It’s like a dream come true, and yet it’s everyday life for him.”

  “Well, I think it’s just so beautiful, the grounds especially,” she said as we looked out into the landscaped property. She was right; it was all so stunning. I wondered how often they went out onto their property or if they just admired it from the house. I made a decision that when I did move into the house, I would come out and walk the property myself and see what it was all about.

  “Yeah, I agree. The whole place is really something else. It’ll be my home for a little while, so that will be hard to get used to, for sure.”

  “You deserve it though, Hailey; you work so hard. I know it’s not the gig you were looking for, but at least it’s a fun one. You are getting paid to sit in a pool drinking beer right now.”

  I laughed, “Yeah, I guess you are right. I just wanted something on TV so badly, or even a small-budget movie. Something to just get me started in the right direction.”

  “It will happen for you. I promise.”

  I smiled at her; she always had my back no matter what, and I was grateful to have her there with me. I don’t know what I would do without her. I took a sip of my beer and thought about the next few months. It was definitely going to be an interesting time. Caleb hadn’t really lined out what he expected of me in regards to appearances. I wasn’t sure if I would be at the tournaments or what other events I would be expected to attend. I would need to sit down and discuss that with him, so I had a solid understanding of my duties.

  “You know what else is beautiful?”

  I turned to her as I took another sip of my beer. “What’s that?”

  “That man of yours. Oh, my God. How do you even stand to be around him?”

  I giggled, “I know, right? He’s beyond good looking – he must have been born in a test tube or something. He’s too perfect. For the record, though, he isn’t mine. It’s all just pretend.”

  “Yeah, yeah, I know. But still, what’s it like to kiss him?”

  I thought about it for a moment, remembering the times that he had kissed me, and I smiled. “It’s nice. I mean, it’s not like we have gotten hot and heavy or anything. He hasn’t even French kissed me yet. But it’s nice. I have to admit, it’s kind of uncomfortable for me. Yes, he’s dreamy, but it’s not like it’s a real date. There’s nothing between us, so it’s hard to get into a kiss that you know isn’t real.”

  “Really? Why?”

  “Because it’s not real,” I said with a laugh. “How many times have you heard actors say in interviews that sex scenes and kissing are weird with their co-stars? It’s awkward and uncomfortable because you don’t know that person. It’s not like a first date when you expect romance. It’s all fake, so it’s hard to get into it. You pretend you’re into it, but you know it’s not real.”

  Mandy nodded. “I see. Well I sure wouldn’t mind.”

  “Trust me: you would. If it was real, then I could really appreciate it. But he’s doing it all for show, and that makes in boring.”

  “I guess I can see where you’re coming from. Just enjoy it for what it is then, a fun gig.”

  “Oh, I plan on it. And, you never know, it might open new doors for me because if nothing else, I will get a lot of exposure.”

  “That’s true; you never know what could come out of it.”

  “It’s a fun gig, and it’s only for a few months. Everything is paid for, and I get to live in a dream house. It’s not really something I should be complaining about. I will have enough money to finally move to a nice apartment in LA. That’s where I’ve always wanted to go to pursue acting, and at the very least, this gig will allow me to do that.”

  “So, you’re really going to do it? Move to LA?”

  “Yes, I think so. That’s the best place for an actor to go, right? And, what’s this me business? You’re not going to come with me? Who’s going to write all those Hollywood screenplays?”

  “I guess I might as well. What’s for me in Georgia if you aren’t there? I can work anywhere, right? So, let’s do it.”

  “That’s awesome. Now I’m even more excited about it.”

  “Hey, ladies!” We turned around to find Matt walking out onto the patio. Another handsome man who must have some seriously perfect genes. Where do these guys come from? Miami sure knows how to pump out some attractive men.

  “Hi, Matt! Long time no see. This is my sister, Mandy.”

  He bent down towards the pool and held his hand out for her to shake it. She took it as he said, “It’s nice to meet you, Mandy. You two look nothing alike.”

  I laughed, “Yeah we get that a lot.”

  Matt looked around. “Where is the man of the hour?”

  “He went to lie down, actually.”

  “You’re kidding me?” he said, laughing.

  “Nope, he said he had a really bad headache. Maybe everything is starting to get to him.”

  “Well, I need to go get him up.”

  “No, leave him. Let’s get dinner started and then I’ll go get him.”

  He nodded. “Okay, sure. I’m going to change in the pool house and then grab a beer.”

  Mandy and I got out of the pool and dried ourselves off. “Another cute guy,” she stated.

  I nodded, smiling. “Miami is full of them.”

  Matt came back out of the pool house holding a beer and approached us. “So, I hear you got yourself an apartment, Mandy. That’s great news.”

  “Yes, it is. Now I can make sure you two guys don’t corrupt my sister.”

  He laughed, “We would never. She’s here to keep us in line, and she’s been doing a great job with Caleb so far.”

  I smiled. “It’s a hard job, but someone has to do it.”

  The three of us got on famously together; it was like we had known each other for years. Matt was so easygoing that it was natural to get into a joking spirit with him. He made everything fun, and I had felt comfortable with him right from the beginning.

  “So, what’s for dinner?”

  I shrugged. “I have no idea.”

  “Okay, Hailey, you go get Caleb up, and Mandy and I will go see if we can find some steaks.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” I grabbed a wrap and put it around my waist as I made my way into the house. The other two followed me, and they went in the direction of the kitchen. I headed upstairs to where the bedrooms were. After going to three bedrooms, I finally found Caleb in the fourth.

  I snuck into his room and walked up to the bed. He had the bedside light still on, and I looked down at him. He didn’t even get under the
covers; he just laid down on top in just his shorts. I looked over his body until I came to his handsome face.

  God, he is so hot! I just wanted to stare in appreciation for hours. I couldn’t imagine what it would be like if he was actually my boyfriend. How lucky would I feel to be on the arm of a guy that hot? It was a crying shame that he wasn’t into dating because it was sad that a body like that and a face so handsome should go to waste on a bunch of one-night stands.

  Just then his eyes opened, and he stared at me standing there watching him. A smile broke out on his face as he rubbed his eyes. “Were you just standing there watching me sleep, you creeper?” he said, laughing. “I have to say, I’m flattered.”

  I felt my face burning as I smiled down at him, rolling my eyes. “Oh, get over yourself. I was just making sure you didn’t die in your sleep. Matt is here, and he’s making dinner. So, get your lazy butt up now.”

  “Oh, but I would much rather stay in bed and have you watch me.”

  I stuck my tongue out at him. “You need to come help with dinner. How is your headache?”

  He sat up in bed. “All gone, actually. I really needed that nap.”

  “Good, I’m glad to hear that you’re feeling better.”

  He got up from the bed and ran his hands through his hair. He looked even better all rumpled like that on the bed. “I’ll be down in a minute. I just want to get cleaned up.”

  “No problem. I will see you down there.”

  I turned then and left him on the bed. I was so embarrassed that he had caught me staring at him. What was I thinking going in there and admiring him? I should have just called his name from the hallway. My face still felt hot with the embarrassment of him catching me. I just couldn’t help but look at him; he was so handsome.

  I needed to be careful. I couldn’t fall for a guy like that. Many women had already fallen for that idiot, according to what social media posts have said. I’d read enough about him to know what his background with women was like and I wasn’t about to let myself fall into the same trap as they had. Other girls may have fallen for his good looks and charm, but I wasn’t about to be one of them.

  I made my way back downstairs and joined Mandy and Matt on the patio where they were putting thick steaks on the grill. They looked delicious and very expensive. They had put together baked potatoes and a salad to go along with it. All in all, it looked great.

  “We thought we had lost you,” Matt said with a wink.

  “Yeah, I don’t think so. I just woke him from the dead; he’ll be down in a minute. He is feeling better, though.”

  “That’s good,” Mandy said.

  “Hey, guys!” We all turned to find Caleb behind us, looking refreshed. “Matt, good man on the steaks; they look amazing.”

  “No problem. Since when do you take naps?”

  Everyone laughed, “I guess this good boy routine is really starting to take effect on me now.”

  “Don’t let it take you over, man.”

  I laughed, and Caleb looked at me and smiled. “So, are we ready to get this party started or what?”

  Chapter Nineteen


  Coming downstairs from my nap was an awakening experience. It was weird coming out onto the patio and seeing the three of them interacting like they had always been friends. It was a great scene to walk into, and an unusual one at that.

  Matt and I never had that much fun with girls before, and we usually wanted rid of them shortly after our needs were met. But the scene on the patio was a unique one because everyone got along as if they had been friends forever. Mandy had just gotten there, and it was as if she had been a member of the gang all along. I couldn’t believe my eyes.

  I was grateful that my parents were away for a few days. It gave Hailey and me the privacy we needed to get to know each other better. I knew it would be awkward once my parents came home and were introduced to her. I hoped that my father wouldn’t be too weird about it since he was the one who had found that agency that hired her.

  All in all, I just hoped that my parents stayed out of the way. The situation didn’t need to get more uncomfortable than it already was. Things were starting to get better for Hailey and me, in the sense that we were becoming friends instead of just working together. That made the situation a lot better for both of us. My parents could really make things awkward if they wanted to, especially my mother, who had the tendency to gush when there was a girl in my presence.

  Matt was at the grill cooking up some delicious steaks while Mandy made a salad. The smell in the air was incredible, and it was nice to have everyone together for a meal.

  Hailey went to retrieve everyone another beer, and for me, it would be my first. I could catch up easily though, that wasn’t a problem. I had been drinking for quite some time, and these guys wouldn’t be able to out drink me on their best days. Well, maybe Matt could, but that was because we had been drinking together since we were kids. A couple of dudes just out enjoying life together. There was no need for any acting at the house; everyone could just be their own selves.

  “How can I help here?” I asked.

  “Oh, you don’t worry about anything, old man; we wouldn’t want you to pull anything,” Matt teased.

  I laughed, “Easy there, big guy. It was just a nap. I had a roaring headache, and it hit me fast. I didn’t want to be a party pooper all night, so I just went to lay down for a bit.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” he said, laughing.

  I sat down in one of the patio chairs beside Hailey and clinked bottles with her. I t was nice to sit there and relax. We’d had a full day of apartment hunting, and I was certainly glad that it was over. Mandy now had a nice place to stay, and we could work on getting Hailey moved into the house.

  I would need to figure out how everything was going to work for the next few months so that she wasn’t always caught by surprise all the time. There would be events coming up that I knew of in advance, so I could probably make her up a calendar to go on.

  Matt finished up on the grill and plated the steaks. Mandy added baked potatoes and a bowl of salad on the side. The meal looked incredible, and my stomach growled in response. The pink meat when I cut into the steak made me smile. Matt was a genius on the grill; you wouldn’t want anyone else cooking a steak for you.

  “It looks fantastic. You guys did a great job,” Hailey said.

  “I agree,” I said.

  “Well, thank you. I will cook steaks any day for the future champion.”

  I smiled. “That’s what I like to hear.”

  There was a moment of silence as we dug into our meals and appreciated the feast before us. The steaks were juicy, and the baked potatoes were soft and warm. It was a great meal, and one worth waking up for.

  We all chatted amongst each other during dinner, mainly about the tournament and what there was to do in Miami. The girls were thinking of going sightseeing and shopping at some point and wanted to know where to go. Matt and I listed the top ten places to visit, and he, of course, offered to take them anywhere that they wanted to go. I was sure that he was only trying to be helpful, but it was something that I was starting to get annoyed with.

  I tried to focus it on the fact that maybe he now had some interest in Mandy and that was why he wanted to tag along with the girls. That would have been fine with me, but his gaze still lingered on Hailey every now and again. I couldn’t exactly blame the guy; she was stunning to look at and he knew that there was nothing really going on between the two of us. But that thought annoyed me even more.

  “You guys are going to have to catch up on the drinking because Mandy and I are ahead of you for sure.”

  “Oh, that sounds like a challenge,” Matt said. “As long as Caleb promises not to strip if he gets too drunk.”

  I almost spit out my beer. “Hey, I was only trying to put myself through college.”

  The whole table laughed, and I was starting to feel like myself again. The group worked awesome together, and it was the
first time in a long time that I was genuinely having a great time.

  “Dinner was great guys, thank you,” I said. “Do we have room for dessert?”

  The girls shook their heads, “No way, that was a lot of food.” Hailey said.

  “Yeah, I’m good, too. I think I will get full on beer,” Matt added.

  “Okay, fair enough. Let’s get another round.”

  “Let’s go swimming,” Mandy added.

  We all got up and headed to the pool and slid into it. The water felt amazing, the perfect temperature for such a warm evening.

  “Let’s have a chicken fight,” Matt said.

  “What are you talking about?” I said.

  “The girls get on our shoulders and battle it out to the death.”

  I laughed, “Sounds fun, but maybe not until the death. What do you say, girls? Are you up for it?”

  “Sure, I can take my sister down a notch now that she’s living the high life,” Mandy said.

  “You wish,” Hailey replied.

  The girls awkwardly got up on our shoulders, and Hailey giggled as she almost slipped off mine. “Whoa, hang on up there.”

  Matt shouted, “Okay, ladies, are you ready for battle?”

  I couldn’t help but laugh as the girls attacked one another for the power to stay on top. They were giggling mercilessly; the scene was just too much for me to take. I could never have pictured myself in that scenario in a million years. Matt and I grinned at each other as we held on tight to keep the girls steady. Hailey ended up tossing her sister in the pool and whooped above me as the victor of the pool fight.

  “And the winner is: Hailey!” I said. Hailey slid off my shoulders, and when she righted herself in the pool, she gave me a high five. “We make a good team,” I said.

  “Oh, you know it.”

  Matt left the pool to retrieve more beer, and the partying really started to get serious.

  As the night went on, we all got pretty hammered. After the pool war, we had climbed out of the pool and dried off in the loungers, talking the night away. There were no awkward silences; it was just talking and laughing all night long. It was one of the best nights of my life. I could have easily had those girls around every night – it was just so fun to be around them.


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