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Wolfsbane: An Infinite Arcana Novella (Werewolves of Boston Book 1)

Page 11

by SJ Himes

  Jameson rolled until Rael was spread out beneath him, the old mattress springs creaking and complaining, but Rael didn’t care. If they broke his bed fucking, they’d just move to Jameson’s place and fuck there. Or the couch; hell, the floor.

  Rael sat up, straddling Jameson, and ripped off his shirt and tossing it away. He unsnapped his jeans and reached behind himself to tug off his shoes and socks, throwing them who knew where. Jameson stared up at him, eyes molten gold, and Rael rolled his cock over the stone-hard length trapped by the thin fabric of Jameson’s underwear.

  “Are you sure?” Jameson asked, hands coming up to hold him at the waist, thumbs caressing his lower abdomen. Rael shivered.

  “Yes.” Rael scrambled off the bed, and ripped his jeans off, taking his boxers with them, and he all but swallowed his tongue when Jameson took the chance to peel off his boxer briefs.

  He yanked on the single drawer in the nightstand and fumbled about for the bottle of lube he kept there. He tossed it onto the bed then crawled back on top of Jameson, since his bed wasn’t all that big and Jameson was huge. Jameson was smiling up at him, and Rael blushed at his eagerness, leaning down and kissing Jameson with every bit of desire and need in his body.

  Both naked, Rael enjoyed the sensations. Jameson kissed like they had eternity to get to the good stuff, but Rael wanted to feel every part of Jameson. He broke the kiss, panting. “Please fuck me, Jameson.”

  Jameson wasted no time—he spun them both, Rael on his back, Jameson looming over him, Rael’s legs wide, gripping the broad shoulders of the werewolf staring down at him with golden eyes bright with lust. The pendant Jameson gave him was cool against his skin, the gem catching light from the window, blue light glittering over the walls and their skin. He went to take it off, so as not to hurt Jameson, but he shook his head and said, “No, leave it on, I like how it looks on you.”

  Rael shivered at the possessiveness in those words, and he reached down for his thighs and lifted and spread his legs in blatant invitation. Jameson grinned, and slid down the bed, hands gripping Rael’s thighs, lifting his hips off the bed. A long swipe along his cock with a dexterous tongue made him shout, and a hard suck to the crown made him squirm. Jameson swallowed him whole, throat working around his cock, and Rael shouted out in shock and arousal, ready to burst. He shook from head to toes, and the powerful suction on his cock was overwhelming. A keen escaped his mouth, and Jameson pulled off just before Rael blew, a big hand tugging on his drawn-up balls, staving off his orgasm.

  Grinning wickedly as Rael glared down the length of his body at Jameson, the alpha nuzzled Rael’s heavy, aching balls and licked delicately along his crack, and Rael shouted again, hips jerking. A wet tongue laved over his hole, making him jump, and strong hands held him in place as Jameson rimmed him. “I’ve never…” he gasped as the tip of a tongue gently entered his body, wet and agile and taking slow, inquisitive tastes. “Oh fuck.”

  A satisfied growl echoed up from the alpha eating him out, and Rael sobbed as Jameson sucked on his hole and nipped the sensitive skin, making his muscles flex and jump in response. He shook his head back and forth on the pillows and his whole body felt like it was coming apart at the seams. A thick finger slid into him, teasing him open even more. Tongue and finger fucked into him, saliva dripping down his crack, and Rael grabbed at his cock with one hand, squeezing the base, hoping to keep himself from coming. “I’m so close, please, please, please.”

  His begging didn’t fail to move his alpha—Jameson slowly crawled up his body and notched his hips between Rael’s thighs, keeping them spread wide. Jameson found the lube, and leaned down, kissing Rael, who moaned loudly, tasting himself on Jameson’s tongue and needing more. His jaws tingled, his fangs growing, and he scratched along broad shoulders with fingers tipped by claws.

  Slick fingers slipped into his ass and he whined, lifting into them, needing more. Jameson kissed him again, fucking him with his tongue as the fingers withdrew, and the wide head of his cock notched into place. Rael thrust up, legs tight around a trim waist, and Jameson sank into him.

  A flash of burning, a deep stretch, and an ache he chased after suffused him just as Jameson sank slowly into his body. The hard length bumped into his prostate then, with a slick roll of Jameson’s hips, pushed until Jameson was balls deep and pinning him to the bed. Jameson kissed along his jaw and gently nipped his ear. “Okay?”

  “Yes,” Rael sobbed out, needing Jameson to move. “Please, more.”

  He started out careful and slow, pulling back halfway, then surging back in, as Rael panted and whined beneath him. Rael had no clue what he was doing, but his body did, and he found a rhythm, pushing up to meet the downstroke, Jameson rolling his hips just enough to put pressure on Rael’s prostate. Hard and hot and touching him so deep, Jameson made him ache and fly and he couldn’t stop the tears pricking at his lashes, scalding down to his temples. Jameson kissed away the tiny droplets, hips surging in a slow, steady rhythm that swept Rael higher and higher.

  “You feel so good,” Rael gasped out. “Don’t stop, please don’t stop.”

  “I’ve got you,” Jameson growled roughly. “Always.”

  Rael tightened his legs and wrapped his arms around Jameson’s neck, pulling him down, frantically kissing along his taut jawline and when he found the sublime length of his muscular neck, Rael wanted to bite. Rocking deeper, Jameson fucked him harder, arms curling underneath Rael to hold him still, keeping him in place as they both worked themselves closer to climax. “Can… can I… bite?” Rael gasped out, licking the spot on Jameson’s neck that he wanted to lay claim to.

  Jameson pressed in deep, held his position, and pulled back just enough to look Rael in the eyes, his bright gold and no longer human. “Mine,” Jameson breathed out on a low growl.

  “Yes, yes, all yours,” Rael promised.

  “Take your bite, mate,” Jameson said, then pulled back and thrust in hard, and Rael screamed as he came. Jameson curled over him, and Rael took his chance. He bit swiftly and his fangs pierced Jameson’s neck, hot blood blooming over his tongue. Rael continued to come, ass clenching tightly around the rigid length fucking him hard and fast. Jameson’s pace sped up, and Rael let go, howling, blood trickling from his lips.

  Jameson gently knocked Rael’s head to the side with his chin, a hand grabbing his hair and holding his head in place, baring his neck. Jameson struck just as he tensed over Rael and pushed in deeper than ever, swelling impossibly harder, and a hot burst of cum flooded his insides just as fangs pierced his skin and muscle. He bled as Jameson jerked over him with each burst of his orgasm, and he sighed in utter contentment and residual pleasure as Jameson gently withdrew his cock, cum leaking just enough to feel it, teeth still lodged in his neck.

  Jameson held him down, and took a few dragging mouthfuls of blood, claiming Rael so indelibly that no one would mistake him for anything but mated.

  Jameson threw back his head and roared, fangs bright with blood, eyes shining like the sun, and Rael was overwhelmed by pleasure and bone-deep satisfaction.

  A notification on his phone woke him, no idea how many hours later. His ass ached and his neck was sore, and Jameson weighed him down, all but lying on him completely considering how small the bed was, and Rael loved it. His phone beeped again, and he groaned, reaching for it so he could put it on mute. He wanted to get fucked again and then sleep for days.

  He saw the pack text alert, and blinked until his wavering vision cleared enough that he could make it out. “Huh.”

  A deep rumble came from behind him, and arms tightened around his torso. “What?”

  “Abigail had her baby sometime last night. Both mom and baby are fine.” Rael scrolled down to check the second alert. “Welp, glad we’ve left.”

  Jameson buried his face in the nape of Rael’s neck, nuzzling into his hair. “The baby isn’t an alpha, is he?”

  “Nope, she had a beta. Poor kid.” Rael shrugged one shoulder. “I don’t think anyone is goin
g to stick around without an alpha heir, not in the Southside Pack. Hell, if there even is a Southside Pack left, after Mom kicked Bertram’s ass on his front lawn.” Rael snickered. “Not our problem anymore. I have my alpha.” Jameson hugged him tightly and kissed the nape of his neck.

  Rael muted his phone and tossed it back onto the nightstand. It was late afternoon, and he heard Scylla puttering about in her bedroom. “Mom’s home.”

  “Hmmm,” Jameson hummed, rolling back and pulling Rael with him, draping Rael to lie on top of him like a giant body pillow. “She closed the door to your room when she got home an hour ago.”

  Rael stiffened and looked down at Jameson, worried. “She say anything?”

  Jameson gave him a brilliant smile. “Only a thumbs up and a smirk. That count?”

  “That’s so embarrassing,” Rael groaned and dropped his head, burying his nose in Jameson’s slightly hairy chest. Jameson smelled so damn good. Like wolf and cum and sweat. Mate. He took a tiny lick, humming happily.

  He heard his mom walking down the hallway before a knock came at the door. “You guys want Thai? I’m ordering take out.”

  “Yes, please, Scylla,” Jameson replied. “I’ll eat anything that has meat in it.”

  “Same, thanks Mom!” Rael added, and he dissolved into giggles when Jameson winked at him.

  Scylla snorted in amusement and walked off.

  Rael kissed Jameson, who gripped his head in big hands and promptly took over the kiss. One hand wandered down and grabbed his ass, and Rael gasped.

  “No sex when I can hear it!” Scylla yelled from the other side of the house.

  They broke apart, laughing. “I’m buying your mom some earplugs,” Jameson said with a wince.

  Rael sat up and climbed out of bed. “Or, ya know, I could just move in with my mate and have all the loud sex we want?”

  Jameson got out of bed and held him close, looking down at him with a soft smile. “I think that’s a great idea. Let’s find a place in Cambridge, close to campus, and you can skip the whole dorm experience.” He paused. “Unless you want the dorm experience.”

  “Rooming with strangers and dealing with overwhelmingly bad personal hygiene habits and drunk freshmen? Nope, no thanks, can’t get rid of me. You’re stuck with me forever.”

  “Deal,” Jameson agreed, smiling.

  “Stealing my baby, huh?” Scylla drawled as she grabbed her purse from the counter.

  Jameson opened his mouth to deny it, and Scylla laughed. “Don’t worry, getting Rael to do something he doesn’t want to do is almost impossible, and I’ve been trying for eighteen years.” Scylla went to the kitchen door and grabbed the door handle. “Though, if you break my son’s heart, I will rip you into tiny itty-bitty pieces.”

  “Understood,” Jameson nodded. “I’ll spend the next few hundred years making him happy, I promise.”

  “Good,” she gave him a toothy grin. “I’ll be back in twenty minutes with supper. Set the table for me?”

  “Sure,” he went to the cupboards and started looking for plates.

  She left, and Jameson set the table. Listening, he could hear Rael in his room, rummaging through his closet and dresser, packing a suitcase. Rael would be moving in with him at his place while they searched together for an apartment close to the Harvard campus. It was evening, and Jameson was happy to be in Rael’s kitchen, his home, while his mate packed to start their life together, and with nowhere he needed to be—no pack alpha to appease, no complaints to mediate, no drama. Peace and love and family, and it was everything he wanted.

  He closed a cabinet and heard glass break near Rael’s bedroom. “Rael?”

  Turning for the hallway, he took a few steps when Rael’s bedroom door shattered into fragments, smoke and green flashes of light erupting, shaking the whole house. “Rael!”

  He ran down the hall and over the broken door, wood crunching under his boots.

  Rael’s room looked like a bomb had exploded, the window obliterated, glass shards everywhere. Rael sat on his ass at the foot of the bed, one shaking hand outstretched, as if holding back an attacker. Magic swirled around him, untamed and chaotic, a deep moss green nearly black in hue, his panicked breaths loud in the sudden, oppressive quiet. Smoke curled in the breeze from the window, and Jameson growled in rage when he saw Chad, partially transformed, slumped over the remains of Rael’s desk. Magic held him down, the werewolf limply trying to free himself, blood from cuts dripping to the floor. He was absolutely wrecked, and while he was strong enough to transform into the bipedal form, it was readily apparent that Chad wasn’t experienced enough at using it to heal, the transformation fading back to human as he succumbed to his wounds.

  “Sweetheart, you alright?” Jameson went to Rael, kneeling by his side. Rael was shaking, sweat on his brow, but he appeared unscathed, though bits of debris covered him from head to toe.

  “The window…” Rael gasped out. “Came through the window.” Rael’s eyes were glowing, an unearthly blue. “He was going to kill me.”

  “He won’t get the chance to try again,” Jameson snarled. He put a hand to Rael’s face and gently rubbed a thumb over a sharp cheekbone. “Can you pull back your magic?”

  “Maybe…” Rael groaned, exhausted. He dropped his hand, and the power flooding the room abated. Rael slumped and Jameson caught him, lifting him from the floor and carrying him out of the bedroom. Chad was in no condition to escape, unconscious and dying. Rael was gasping, paler than normal, lips white, and he shivered in Jameson’s arms.

  He’d just made it to the living room when the front door burst inward, doorknob punching into the wall, a hulking silhouette of a werewolf in the doorway. Jameson set Rael down around the corner from the front door and turned to the partially transformed werewolf lunging toward him. Jameson’s transformation ripped through his clothing and he opened his jaw wide. The other werewolf wasn’t as tall, nor as wide in the shoulders, and Jameson leapt with everything he had, colliding with thunderous impact into the other werewolf.

  Slashing and biting, Jameson bore his opponent to the ground, the concrete walkway shattering under their weight. Screams cut through the evening air, but Jameson ignored them in favor of destroying the wolf trying to kill his mate. His nose told him it was Abigail’s father, and he bit down on an arm trying to swipe at his face and jerked his massive head to the side. Bones crunched and blood gushed, and Jameson spit out the arm he ripped from the shoulder socket, the other werewolf screaming in agony. A backhanded slap across a short, poorly transformed muzzle silenced the cries, and Jameson snorted in derision as he stood tall over his defeated enemy.

  “You wretched brute!” screamed an older woman, spilling out from the minivan parked a few spaces down the street. “Selfish asshole! You’ve ruined everything!”

  Mrs. Lauder was screaming over and over again, something about how the pack was gone and Abigail was stuck mated to a weak alpha who couldn’t keep his pack together. Sounded like the pack fell apart like he assumed it would once the news of Bertram’s encounter with Scylla made the rounds.

  He didn’t care about her ranting—she tried transforming, but only got as far as growing out claws when a burst of energy came shooting past his shoulder and slammed into her, knocking her head over ass down the sidewalk. Rael leaned against the ruined doorframe, pale and shaking, and Jameson checked the street before loping back to Rael’s side, catching his poor mate before he hit the steps.

  Chapter 13

  Rael collapsed into huge arms, the giant monstrous form of his mate holding him carefully to a furred chest. Too large to make it back through the doorway, Jameson sank into a crouch, holding Rael to him. Great golden eyes searched the immediate area, tufted ears twitching at every tiny sound and passing car. Sirens screamed in the distance, and Rael groaned, thinking he in no way wanted to deal with the mundane police.

  Muscles rippling and fur receding, Jameson shrank down from his massive werewolf form back to the man, though Rael still felt sm
all in his arms. Fingers brushed hair back from his eyes, and he sagged in Jameson’s arms, tired and stressed and wanting to leave. People were gathering in the street and around the perimeter of the front yard, taking pictures with their phones and talking loudly. The werewolf Jameson tore apart wasn’t getting up, and Abigail’s mother was out for the count.

  “Chad’s dead,” Rael murmured.

  “The room did explode around him,” Jameson replied with a wry smile. “Let’s get you inside before the police show up.”

  “Am I in trouble?” Rael was having difficulty gathering his thoughts. He was so tired.

  “I won’t let anything happen to you. I promise.” Jameson picked him up and carried him into the house, depositing him on the couch and draping a blanket over him. “I’m gonna call your new mentor and see if he’s gonna keep his word.”

  “Oh. Yay?” He hoped Angel still wanted to teach him after walking into the mess of the Morrow household.

  Rael had never seen a dragon in his life, and never expected to see one. He stared in shock at the tiny beast that hung from the cowl of Angel’s sweater, the little creature looking back at him, upside down and sideways.

  Jameson made Rael feel small, regardless of how tall Rael actually was, but standing next to Angel Salvatore, Jameson was a towering giant. Scylla was pacing around the house, occasional displeased growls disrupting conversations as she came across damage or traces of their attackers. Her territory had been violated and her child threatened, and she was in a slight rage that had no easy outlet, as Mrs. Lauder was in the back of a police cruiser, and Mr. Lauder was en route to Boston General, along with the arm Jameson ripped off with his teeth. Rael shuddered at the thought, though it was preferable to thinking about the corpse of Chad that the coroner wheeled out of the wreckage of his bedroom. Scylla had no one to kill, and Rael was trying to deal with the realization that he took a life.


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