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What Belongs to Her (Harlequin Superromance)

Page 24

by Rachel Brimble

  He halted outside the cell, the hair at his nape standing to attention. The tone of her voice alerted him to more trouble. He slowly turned. “What’s happened? Where’s Sasha? Is she all right?”

  “I assume she is now, yes.”

  “Meaning?” He frowned as irritation hummed in his gut.

  “Meaning, one of my officers escorted her into the fairground office this morning. She said she wanted a file.”

  “A file?”

  She nodded. “A file she knew exactly where to find...only whatever Sasha saw in there sent her running for the hills.” DI Garrett’s gaze grew intense as she stared. “Would you happen to know what file I’m talking about?”

  Sasha ran? Left the fair? He couldn’t imagine anything making her do that. He glared at the inspector. “Where is she now?”

  “I hope she’s at home. As for the file, it’s in our possession for the time being.” She nodded toward the corridor behind him. “Why don’t we take a seat in the interview room, Mr. Jordon. I’d prefer anything else we say be on record.”

  His gaze locked on hers, his feet welded to the floor. “It’s Kyle’s file, isn’t it? The file he gave me detailing the names of all his employees.”

  She brushed past him. “If you’d like to follow me.”

  John followed her, pulling his shoulders back and bracing himself for whatever was coming next. Whatever, or more likely, whomever Sasha had seen amongst that file of people had caused her to flee. He halted as realization dawned.

  No. No, no, no.

  He closed his eyes. How could he have been so stupid? How could he have not thought one of the people in that file could have been the man who’d hurt her, who’d touched her and made so many years of her life a constant battle to change and better everything he tainted?

  “Mr. Jordon?”

  He blinked and looked directly at Inspector Garrett. “What did Sasha say?”

  The inspector tightened her jaw. “As I’ve already said, we’ll talk more on record.”

  “Fine.” John stormed forward.

  They entered an interview room, where a plainclothes officer already sat at a table bearing a black tape recorder. John dragged his gaze from the cop’s steady scrutiny and took a seat on the opposite side of the table.

  DI Garrett cleared her throat and sat beside the other cop. She nodded at him, and he removed a fresh tape from its cellophane packet and slipped it into the recorder. “This is an interview with Mr. John Jordon, currently residing at...”

  Her voice faded into the background, overpowered by the thoughts and warnings screaming in his mind. He could have shown the contents of that file to Sasha days before. Why in God’s name did she have to open it when he wasn’t there to catch her when she fell? He screwed his hands into fists under the table and bounced his foot on the gray floor tiles.

  His face was hot and his heart beat an erratic tattoo against his rib cage. How well did Kyle know the man who molested her? Did he still know him? God, was he one of his damn cronies? The paid bloody help? Possibilities tormented him and ricocheted around his brain. He had to get out of there and back to Sasha. Take her in his arms and tell her everything would be okay.

  “Are you with us, Mr. Jordon?” The inspector’s voice cut through his reverie. “Can I get you some water?”

  John lifted his chin and met her steady green gaze. “Have you spoken to Sasha?”

  An imperceptible flicker of sympathy softened her gaze before she blinked and it hardened once more. “I think it best I ask the questions from here on in, don’t you?” She leaned forward on her elbows and laced her fingers. “Let’s start with the box Miss Todd was adamant she needed from your office early this morning. How and when did it come into your possession?”

  John shifted forward in his seat and mirrored her posture, adrenaline pumping through his veins and mixing with the fiery need to pummel his father into the ground. “My father left it for me at the house when I came here. It’s all the people who’ve worked for him in the past or work for him now. Each of their current statuses is shown on their individual CVs. I didn’t consider the file anything more than providing me with a foundation for something I would have to piece together when I found these people.”

  “So you have no idea what Sasha—” she glanced at the officer sitting next to her “—Miss Todd, would have seen in the file to make her react the way she did?”

  “No.” He gritted his teeth.

  “Are you sure about that?”

  He glared. “Yes, I’m sure. I care about her. Upsetting her is the last thing I’d do intentionally.”

  DI Garrett nodded. “I see.”

  Knowing he was giving away far too much of his emotions, John fought his heart to behave and scowled. “Did you ask her?”

  DI Garrett narrowed her eyes. “Miss Todd claimed she was going to the beach.” The inspector lifted an eyebrow. “Pretty out of character for someone who lives and breathes their work, wouldn’t you say?”

  John lifted his shoulders. Good girl.

  Over his dead body would he give the police any information until he’d spoken with Sasha. He dealt in facts and facts only. So far as he was aware, he could be completely off the mark about her molester’s face being in that file, and he wouldn’t impart such personal information to anybody, DI Garrett included.

  He faced her. “Do you have reason to think Sasha wouldn’t be telling you the truth?”

  A ghost of a smile whispered across the inspector’s lips. “I ask the questions, remember?”

  John held her gaze and said nothing.

  She leaned back and crossed her arms. “I have officers contacting every person in that file as we speak, Mr. Jordon. They’re speaking to people, checking they’re where Kyle says they are, according to the list of accompanying locations. They’re even checking they are the people Kyle claims them to be. For all we know, half the people in that file could be using aliases.”

  John nodded. “I agree.”

  She lifted her eyebrow. “You agree?”

  “Yes. I would even go so far as checking the ones he claims are dead are actually dead.”

  She smiled. “Glad to hear we’re thinking alike, Mr. Jordon. If they are dead, I’ll also be making sure they died under the same circumstances Kyle noted in his records.”

  John once more mirrored her posture and relaxed back. “I don’t trust him, neither do you. Maybe when your officers have completed all their hard work, they’d like to share the results with me. It will save me a hell of a lot of time.”

  She glared, all semblance of friendliness disappearing on a puff of agitation. “I’ll share information with you as and when I see fit.”

  He smiled, pleased he had her rankled. Sitting here, wasting time, was stretching his patience to breaking. Having a face-off with the inspector in this stuffy, drab interview room was like being questioned in the confines of a damn pressure cooker. He smiled wryly. Yet, at the same time, it was a satisfying way to release some of the rising frustration residing in a tight knot behind his rib cage.

  “I find no part of this investigation amusing, Mr. Jordon, and considering Miss Todd’s reaction this morning and your—” she quirked an eyebrow “—relationship status with her now, I would have assumed you wouldn’t, either.”

  His smile dissolved and he sat bolt upright. “I don’t. I don’t find any of this funny. I want to get out of here.”

  His snapped response revealed the level of tension running through his body, but he didn’t care. Inspector Garrett could know the depth of his feelings toward Sasha and so could the rest of Templeton for all he cared. What did he have to lose by letting the world know he loved Sasha? What did he have to lose but her rejection?

  He jabbed his finger onto the tabletop and glared as fury pinched hot at his face. “One way or another, I want the truth. That’s the only reason I’m in Templeton. I want to know who my father really is and whether it’s you who finds that out, or me, remains to be seen. Now,
am I being charged with something? Otherwise, I assume I’m free to get the hell out of here.”


  THE BUZZER OF her apartment door woke Sasha the next morning, and she lay still for a few moments, gathering her bearings. Dreams and nightmares had broken her sleep, leaving her body aching and her mind a mess. Blinking against the sunlight coming through the partially open blinds at her window, she stumbled from the bed, cursing when she stubbed her toe on the bedpost.


  Scowling, she shoved her arms into the sleeves of her robe and stomped from the bedroom. Clearly, whoever was at her door had zero patience or politeness as they steadfastly leaned on the buzzer. Well, that was just fine by her because the mood she was in...

  She reached the door and snatched it open. “Well, good morning...John!” She squealed and leaped at him.

  Laughing, he caught her in his arms as she locked her naked legs around his waist. “Well, good morning to you, too.”

  She kissed his cheeks and jaw as he carried her into the apartment, relief and excitement rushing through her. The door thudded firmly closed behind them and, grinning, Sasha pulled back. “I’m so glad to see you. I’ve been so worried....”

  He stared into her eyes. “You’ve been worried about me? I’ve been going out of my mind worrying about you.” He brushed the hair from her eyes. “Are you okay?”

  Ignoring his question because she couldn’t lie to him, she kissed him again. “When did the police release you?”

  “Late yesterday evening, I wanted to come straight here but figured you’d be sleeping and wouldn’t appreciate me hammering on your door.” His gaze lingered at her lips. “I hope I did the right thing, because when I’m looking at you now, I’m thinking I should have come over and to hell with the consequences.”

  Sasha laughed as her stomach knotted. How had she ever lived before without someone looking at her the way he was right then? “You did the right thing. I...I needed to be alone.”

  His smile dissolved, and he lowered her to the floor, slipping his fingers into hers and leading her to the sofa. Silently, they sat and when he pulled her into the circle of his arms, Sasha gratefully leaned her back against the strength of his chest. Neither of them spoke as the atmosphere changed from euphoria to sullen silence. Sasha closed her eyes. They both had so much to say, but she sensed John’s internal battle was equally as difficult as hers.

  She inhaled a deep breath and released her words in a rush. “The man who hurt me is still missing. Kyle has a profile of him in that file box. He must have known him.”

  His body stiffened around her. “And seeing that made you run, right?”

  Sasha turned to face him. “You know about that?”

  “The inspector told me and I put two and two together. I’m so sorry I wasn’t there.”

  “Don’t be.” She pressed a brief kiss to his lips. “You’re here now.”

  “We should find out more. We need to see Kyle.”

  She looked deep into his eyes and her eternal need to fight and be strong vanished. Instead, replaced by a need for him to take care of her. It was a dangerous place to be, yet one she didn’t want to resist anymore.

  He lifted his hand and gently drew his fingers down the side of her face to cup her jaw. “We’re going to get all the answers you need.” His dark blue eyes burned into hers. “Today.”

  “What are you going to do?” Her stomach trembled.

  “What are we going to do. Kyle’s visiting permit came through...he sent one for you, too.”

  “What?” Shock reverberated through her, quickly followed by a surge of panic. Sasha pushed from the sofa, her legs trembling. “Kyle wants to see me? Why?”

  He stood and put his hands on her waist. “I don’t know, but we’ll soon find out. We can go see him together and get the answers we’ve been waiting for.”

  She closed her eyes. “In my mind yesterday, I was halfway to the prison, but now it’s actually going to happen, I feel sick.” She opened her eyes. “Will he tell us the truth?”

  His jaw tightened as he lifted his shoulders. “What has he got to gain by lying? He’s dying. Whatever he has or hasn’t done, he will never be held accountable for it. He didn’t want me to sell you the fair, and he knew the son of a bitch who hurt you. I honestly think Kyle wants to tell you how and why.”

  Sasha pulled from his grasp and turned away, pressing her hand to the nausea churning in her stomach. “I’ll go get dressed.”

  “I’ll be with you the entire time we’re there. There’s nothing for you to be afraid of, okay?”

  She spun around. “What about you?”

  He glanced past her toward the window. “What about me?”

  She strode toward him and brought his hand to her lips. She kissed his knuckles. “This is the first time you’ve seen Kyle in twenty years. You can’t tell me you’re not equally, if not more, terrified than me right now.”

  “I’ll be fine.” He continued to stare toward the window. “If we leave in the next half hour, we’ll be at the prison right on the designated visiting time.”

  Sasha stared at the hardened line of his jaw before lifting onto her toes and touching a steadying hand to his chest. She pressed a lingering kiss to his cheek. “I’m glad I met you, John Jordon.”

  “I’m glad I met you, too.” He dipped his chin and looked deep into her eyes. “When we’ve done this with Kyle, we need to talk.”

  Sasha’s heart hitched and a heavy dread dropped low in her stomach. She stepped back and crossed her arms as though shielding her heart against a blow. “About the fair?”

  He smiled wryly. “God, I wish the fair was what I’m struggling with right now.”

  His eyes were dark with sadness and his shoulders slumped. Sasha frowned, although deep inside she sensed what was coming because the same thoughts had blended with thoughts of her molester all through the night. She’d fallen for John and had spent more hours of happiness with him than she ever had with anyone else. Yet, how long could it last when Templeton wasn’t his home and everything she wanted to make right was here? Would he stay with her? She wasn’t sure she could go with him.

  He smiled softly and took one hand from the clamp of her crossed arms. He tugged her forward and drew her against him. She let her head fall to his chest and the weight of his chin rested on her head. “I’m falling in love with you, Sasha. Big-time.”

  Heat seared her cheeks as joy filled her heart. She grinned and pulled back and looked into his beautiful eyes. “Ditto.”

  He winked. “Then we’ll deal with our feelings on top of whatever Kyle throws at us. I’ve got a funny feeling nothing gets past him and he’ll know what we feel for each other as soon as he sees us. He’ll know, and there’s every possibility it will give him more leverage than if we couldn’t stand each other.”

  She frowned. “You don’t know that. I can’t even believe I’m saying this after everything he’s put me through, but Kyle does have some humanity despite his wrongdoings. He’s helped people in the Cove. I don’t think he’d use our falling in love against us. You’re his son.”

  “I didn’t tell you why Kyle was incarcerated the first time, did I?”

  Sasha shook her head as a horrible foreboding stole over her shoulders.

  “He murdered my mother’s killer. He went after him and shot him dead.”

  “My God.” She raised her hand to her throat.

  “I’d lost my mother, then I lost my father. He never contacted me. Not once. When I came to Templeton, it was on his say-so and now he’s dying. He’s played me, just like he has everyone else, and now he’ll know we’re in love.” Anger stormed in his eyes. “I have no idea what he’ll do about it.”

  She stole her arms tightly around his waist. “He can’t do anything about it unless we let him.”

  His eyes remained full of doubt. “We’ll see.”

  * * *

  JOHN KEPT HIS chin high and his gaze hard as he and Sasha waited f
or Kyle to appear in the visiting room. The constant tremor in the very pit of his stomach refused to abate, and he prayed his insecurity didn’t show on his face. He glanced at Sasha, who sat rigid and upright beside him. She stared straight ahead at the closed door that would soon bring forth a man, his father, whom he hadn’t seen for two-thirds of his life.

  He turned and followed the direction of her gaze. He had no right to feel anything near fear. What thoughts would be running through Sasha’s mind at that moment? What emotions clawed at her good and decent heart?

  Although he longed to reach for her hand, they’d agreed during the ride there that they would strive to give Kyle zero indication to the nature of their deepening relationship. He was convinced Kyle would use it as ammunition. Sasha was yet to be convinced.

  She had told him that she sensed this was confession time for Kyle. Confession time that would either help or hinder them for the rest of their lives.

  The door opened.

  One by one the prisoners filed into the room, and John’s heart beat faster. The face he looked for resonated in his mind after years of pouring over the internet and TV images when Kyle was charged for drug offenses. John hated himself for doing so but was powerless to resist studying the man who sired him.

  Kyle came through the door, and Sasha’s sharp intake of breath beside him stretched John’s taut nerves tighter. He sat straighter in his chair as his father came toward them. His forehead was smooth of anxiety and his mouth drawn into a careless smile that knotted John’s stomach with irritation. However, there was no denying Kyle’s weight loss, the yellow tinge to his skin and the fact the man who’d once walked upright and confident, now walked with a slight stoop as though he carried a leaden weight on one shoulder.

  No one spoke as Kyle pulled out the plastic chair on the opposite side of the desk and sat. He placed his forearms on the surface and gripped his hands together. His gaze bore into John’s with such focus, it was as though Sasha wasn’t there. John met his father’s unwavering stare. He wouldn’t forget who this man was and the things he had done to him, to the new love in his life and to the tens of other people.


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