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Blind Devotion

Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  “You weren’t lying about talking.”

  “No, I wasn’t. I need you to tell me what you’re feeling, even if you moan out. Don’t keep any of those precious sounds away from me.”

  “I won’t.” She wouldn’t dare deny him.

  Everything he’d done to her body had been to give her pleasure.

  She heard more movement, and then his tongue flicked her clit.

  Crying out, she jerked on the bed. One of his hands pressed on her stomach. She covered his hand with her own trying to stop him from holding her down. Nothing stopped him from doing what he wanted to do. He held her down easily and ravished her pussy. His tongue flicked, stroked, and lapped up her juices.

  Fighting the pleasure was useless. Pussy was in control. All she could do was trust him as he took her down this path.


  “I know, baby. Relax, let go, and I’ll be here to catch you. I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  She trusted him more than she trusted her own mother.

  The pleasure built inside her. Letting out a gasp, she fisted her hands in the blankets and screamed as her release crashed into her. She thrashed on the bed, and Pussy held her down, stroking her clit.

  “It’s too much,” she said.

  “Let it take over. I’ve got you.”

  Her release went on and on. Throughout it all, Pussy held her, comforted her. He continued to touch her, whisper endearments to her as she came down.

  “There, baby,” he said, kissing her lips. She tasted her cream on his lips.

  She ran her tongue over his lips.

  “Do you like the taste of yourself?” he asked.

  The taste didn’t offend her, and she shrugged. “Thank you.”

  “Thank you for letting me taste your sweetness.” He slid his tongue into her mouth, and she opened her lips wider for him.

  “Are you going to fuck me now?”

  Sasha didn’t want him to forget or get turned off by her.

  “I’ll grab the condom.”

  “I wish I could see so I knew what you looked like.”

  “I’m an ugly ass, baby. Believe me when I tell you that you’re a sucker for a talented tongue,” he said.

  She chuckled. His good humor was one of the elements she loved about him.

  Don’t say love. He doesn’t do love. She wouldn’t risk him not coming around anymore.

  “I bet you’re hot,” she said.

  “You’ve not been around enough men to know that.” The bed dipped again. “I’ve got the condom on. I’m not going to lie to you. This could hurt. I’ll go slow.” He rested between her thighs, and she hated not being able to see him. Reaching out, she touched his arms, and he pressed his body to her.

  “I hate this,” she said.

  “Baby.” He cupped her cheek. The tenderness of his touch wasn’t lost on her. “You not being able to see doesn’t bother me. Being able to see your face and knowing I’ve put that wonder and the smile on it means the world to me.” His lips grazed hers.

  He jerked, and she felt the tip of his cock press against her.

  She gasped, and he slid his tongue into her mouth.

  “There’s only you,” he said, slamming deep inside her.

  Screaming at the explosion of pain, she gripped his arms as he held her hips. He didn’t move, but his head pressed to her forehead, holding her down.

  “I’ve got you, Sasha. I’m not letting you go.”

  “It hurts.”

  “I know it hurts, but it’ll be over in a moment. Stay with me, talk to me.”

  “It’s dark.” She moaned, wishing for once she was able to see his face.

  “I’ve got messy blond hair, baby. There was a time when I shaved it all off, but I like my hair. It’s too hard to be bald.”

  She chuckled and winced as the pain struck her again.

  “I’ve got brown eyes. They’re a lighter color than yours, and my body is covered in ink. I don’t work out for fun. I do it to pass the time, and to be part of the club I need to be strong. They all depend on me.”

  Both of his hands moved to her face.

  “I’m sorry for hurting you.”

  “You don’t need to be sorry.” She tried to smile.

  “And you don’t need to wish to be able to see. I can see for the both of us, and I know I’m the lucky guy here.”

  Gripping his arms, Sasha was charmed by his words.

  “You know what to say to make me fall for you.”

  He didn’t tense or say anything.

  Moments passed, and he took the time to kiss her lips. “I’m going to start moving now. Tell me if it hurts too much.”

  Pussy eased out of her. She tensed up expecting to feel nothing but pain. There was no pain as he moved out of her. When only the tip of him remained inside her, she whimpered.

  “Please, don’t stop,” she said. He pressed inside going deep within her.

  The pain changed, turning into something amazing. She didn’t know what it was only that she wanted that feeling to never end.

  “Tell me what you’re feeling, Sasha?”

  “It feels wonderful, Pussy. Please don’t stop.”

  “Call me Shane.”

  She spoke his name, and he thrust back inside her.

  “That’s it. When we’re here, alone and my dick’s inside you, call me Shane.”

  Groaning, she met him thrust for thrust. He kissed her deeply, and she followed him and his movements.

  “It has never been like this before,” he said.

  He sounded amazed.

  Pussy moved one of his arms behind her head, and holding onto the back of her neck with his other hand, he cupped her hip. They were body to body. His chest to her breasts, every inch of them was touching.

  He surrounded her with warmth. His cock was like a brand inside her pussy. She knew there was never going to be another man for her. Pussy had shattered all of her expectations with his words and body. He took her on a ride that was more than just sex to her. She was too far involved already.

  His hand went from her hip to grip her hand. Pussy slammed in deep, over and over again. She felt his cock push through the muscles of her pussy. Clenching down on him, she lost all of her senses as pleasure took over.

  “What have you done to me?” he asked.

  She didn’t respond. He didn’t need to hear her talking. His lips wrought havoc with her mind as he kissed her. She’d fallen for Pussy, and it wasn’t just down to this one chance fuck. No, he’d ruined her the moment he stopped to talk to her months ago. His voice played over her mind all the time.

  “So fucking good,” he said, plunging inside her.

  Holding onto his body, she cried out as another orgasm took her unawares.

  Pussy followed her into bliss, groaning out his release. His cock jerked inside her, and he collapsed on top of her. He was heavy, but she loved the feel of him against her. The darkness no longer felt so scary with Pussy in her life. He’d given her so much in such a short time.

  “That was amazing,” he said, kissing her head.

  Don’t keep it to yourself.

  “Don’t freak out, okay,” she said.

  “What is it? Did I hurt you?”

  “I think I’m in love with you. I know it means nothing to you, and this was just a one-time thing. I need you know how I feel.”

  He tensed but didn’t pull away from her.

  “I don’t do love.”

  “I do.”

  “How can you know you love me?” he asked.

  She forced the tears back that wanted to fall. “I just do. I feel it inside.”

  He jerked away from her. “I’m going to go and clean up.”

  You’ve fucked up.

  Air met her body. She frowned. “I don’t expect anything from you. I’m not waiting for a confession of love. I knew you couldn’t love me, Shane.”

  She started to panic. Getting to her feet, she tripped up, landing in a heap on the flo

  “Fuck,” he said, cursing.

  Sasha tried to reach out to get to her feet. Air met her arms again. Growling in frustration, she had no choice but to accept his help on the bed.

  “You don’t have to help me.”

  “Yeah, I do.”

  With her ass on the bed, she pushed him away. “I don’t need your help.”

  “Look, I’m sorry for being a dick.”

  “You can take me back home.”

  “I’m not taking you back to that dick.” She heard him sigh. “Shit, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have reacted like that. I don’t know what you want from me.”

  “I don’t want anything. I told you not to freak out on me. I’m not asking for anything.”

  “I’m not used to being like this.”

  “Don’t worry, I won’t tell you anything like that again.” She folded her arms over her breasts.

  “You’re not going back home. You’re staying with me, and I’m going to clean you up.”

  She squealed as he picked her up and carried her through to the bathroom. “You can’t do this to me.”

  “Actually, I can, and there’s nothing you can do to stop me.” He placed her down on her feet, keeping her steady with a hand under her elbow. “We’re going to take a long wash, and then we’re going to deal with everything else.

  Sasha nodded. “Fine.”

  Her body was starting to ache, and even though he’d pissed her off, she didn’t want to leave him.

  What did that say about her?

  She didn’t know and chose not to think about it.


  “They’ve fucking taken her, and now Penny is freaking out,” Kenneth said, pacing his office. Frederick sat behind the desk as if he had every right to be there with his fingers touching in front of him. The action reminded Kenneth of a cartoon evil villain, contemplating his next move.

  “And you’re sure Chaos Bleeds has something to do with this?”

  “Yes. Everyone I spoke to told me she’d gone with one of the men.” He couldn’t control her if she believed she could do shit on her own. Not only couldn’t he control her, but he also couldn’t make sure she found some freak accident that finally put her in the ground. Kenneth was so fucking angry. How dare one of those evil fuckers think they could ruin his future?

  He needed more money before he finally went into retirement. He’d fallen for Sasha’s mother, Penny, the first moment he saw her. Finding out she had a daughter had annoyed him, but he also knew there was no way of getting rid of Sasha yet. When they started arguing and he’d thrown her downstairs, he’d been panicked. The last thing he wanted to do was be sent to prison for murder. If Sasha was to meet with an “accident” that took her life then he didn’t have to worry about it. Frederick could fix that and take care of her irritating mother.

  “The Chaos Bleeds crew is doing me favors, Kenneth. I can’t stop them from taking what they want.”

  “I do you more favors. You practically own this town because of what I did.” Running fingers through his hair, Kenneth was so fucking angry. All of his careful planning was about to be smashed to smithereens. Sasha’s blindness had been a problem, distracting Penny. In the beginning he had seen Sasha as someone to control. Then that got tiresome, and now he just wanted Sasha out of the picture altogether with no way of it coming back on him. He wanted Penny all to himself

  “I’m grateful to you for your favors, but I want to remind you, Kenneth, I can fucking squash you like the bug you are. Now, I will ask Devil to give me back the girl and you can take her from me, but I can’t promise you they won’t come back and get her themselves,” he said.

  “I don’t care what you have to do. Get me back Sasha for Penny. I need her to die at the right time, when Penny has only me for support.”

  He’d take all of the crew out if he could. All he wanted was Penny’s daughter so that he could continue with his plan. Over the years he’d put in a lot of time with Penny and Sasha. He wasn’t going to let anything happen to Penny or let the shitty biker crew spoil his future. Penny still loved her daughter. All he needed to do was push the right buttons, and Penny would be eating out of the palm of his hand in no time when her daughter was dead. She was eating out of it now to a point, but Sasha stayed between them. He’d have killed Sasha a long time ago if he could have gotten away with it, but it wouldn’t do him any good if Penny blamed him for Sasha’s death.

  Chapter Seven

  In the middle of the night, Pussy stared down into Sasha’s sleeping face. She was too sweet and trusting for her own good. He tucked behind her ear some hair that was obstructing his view. After he’d showered her, removing the evidence of her virgin blood, he’d tucked her in bed. Lying next to her, he’d fallen asleep, but he was awake again.

  She loves me.

  He didn’t deserve her love. She should be with a man who’d give her everything her heart desired. Four years she’d been screwed over by that bastard, and he wouldn’t even let her have a dog to help her. Everything Kenneth did to her made Pussy uneasy. Her stepfather had to be isolating her on purpose. There was no other explanation for what he was doing. Her mother was hooked on pills and booze whereas Sasha was beautiful. She rivaled Angel’s sweetness as far as he was concerned.

  You can’t let her go.

  No, he couldn’t let her go, and he didn’t want to think why.

  “What am I going to do with you?” he asked, speaking the words aloud.

  Sasha continued to sleep on.

  You can’t leave her. Claim her for your own.

  “Shane?” Her eyes opened, and she frowned. Taking hold of her hand, he placed her palm against his chest.

  “I’m here, baby.”

  “You’re awake? Is it morning?”

  “No. I couldn’t sleep.”

  She closed her eyes again. “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “I’m watching you, and I was thinking about something.”

  Reaching behind him, he took another condom.

  Don’t wear it.

  He hesitated. Would it be wrong to fuck her without a condom? If she was pregnant with his child then he could use that excuse to claim her as his old lady.

  Don’t do it. She deserves better than that.

  Tearing into the foil, he rolled the rubber over his cock.

  “What were you thinking about?” she asked.

  Sliding between her thighs, he ran a finger through her creamy slit. She’d be sore, but he had no intention of rushing this time. Pressing the tip of his cock to her entrance, he stared down into her face and slowly glided inside her. He didn’t want to hurt her.

  She groaned, arching up to him.

  “You becoming my old lady.” He gripped her around the back and lifted up. Pussy turned so his back was to the headboard and Sasha’s legs were wrapped around his waist with his cock buried deep inside her.

  Sasha gasped. Her nails sank into the flesh of his shoulders.

  “What does that mean?”

  “You become mine. I claim you and marry you.”

  He gripped her hips, pulling her off his cock until only the tip remained inside her. Pussy growled as her pussy tightened around his shaft while bringing her back down. He thrust inside her a couple more times before he kept her steady.

  “Is that a proposal?”

  “Yes, I guess it was.” He’d never win awards for romance. Fortunately, he wasn’t looking to win any kind of awards at the moment.

  “You don’t love me.”

  “I don’t need to love you to want to take care of you. Your stepfather has an ulterior motive when it comes to you, baby. I don’t want to see you hurt.” He pushed some hair off the back of her neck. Placing his palm over her pulse, he felt how erratically it was beating.

  “But you don’t love me?”

  “No, I don’t.”

  “Do you know how crazy this sounds? My stepfather hasn’t got anything planned. He’s happy making his deals and treating my m
other like shit. There’s nothing going on.” She didn’t try to push him away.

  “You’re blind, without any means of fending for yourself. Do you think it’s a coincidence your mother is addicted to pills and booze? She’s got to have been given a reason for going for them. You said she wasn’t always like this. How do you know he hasn’t encouraged her to become this?” Pussy asked. No matter what she said, he wasn’t letting her go back to Kenneth. He was sure the Italian guy was Frederick. If so, then Frederick had a lot more plans than running shit and using them as some kind of delivery service.

  “My mom’s strong.”

  “She lost your father, and Kenneth turned up out of the blue when she wasn’t at her best. He took her, molded her into what he wanted.”

  Sasha rested her head against his chest. “What do you want me to do?” she asked.

  “I want you to become my old lady. Marry me, Sasha and I can protect you. The club can protect you once you’re mine.” The lies poured out of his mouth. The moment he took her to the club, they’d protect her. She was a woman in need, and they’d all do everything in their power to protect her.

  “Will you help my mom? Take her away from him for good?” she asked.

  “Is that the deal breaker?”

  “Yes. You’ve got to promise to take care of my mom, or I won’t do anything you say.”

  He knew he could force her hand. “I’ll do it.”

  Taking her chin in his hands, he stared into her face. She couldn’t see him. Her eyes were staring at his chin. It didn’t bother him.

  You’re falling for her.

  Taking a deep breath, he returned his grip to her hips. Easing out of her tight cunt, he slammed in deep. She cried out, gripping his shoulders with a death grip that surprised him.

  Over and over he slammed inside her, never letting up.

  She circled her arms around his neck.

  You took her virginity, her heart, and now you’re ruining any chance of another man giving her what you can.

  He cut the thoughts off, no longer caring what he was doing.


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