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Blind Devotion

Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  “Your daughter is unharmed, but my wife isn’t.” Devil stepped right up to the man. He was a good foot taller than Kenneth and wider.

  Pussy saw a flash of fear in Kenneth’s eyes, but he didn’t back down.

  “Give me back my daughter.”

  “I want an apology for my wife.” Devil spat the words at the other man. “Now.”

  “I’m not apologizing to your wife.”

  The moment was interrupted as another car pulled up outside of the clubhouse. Pussy saw Frederick Gonzalez get out of the back along with Ronald and Homer, his two cronies. One of them had killed Ashley. In his mind, he saw her severed head.

  “Devil, I’d back down if I was you.”

  Frederick approached, buttoning up his jacket. He gave off the air of being in control.

  These fuckers are going to die.

  “He hurt my woman.”

  “She’s not dead, is she?” Frederick asked. Devil gritted his teeth but remained silent. “Excellent. Then you don’t touch Kenneth. He’s a friend of mine, and I don’t let my friends get hurt.”

  “Ashley was your friend,” Pussy said, tensing ready to fight.

  “No, Ashley was a woman given to me to fuck. She passed her sell by date.”

  “You fucker,” Mia said, yelling. None of them had seen the women come out. Mia rushed past them all before they had time to react. She landed a blow to Frederick’s chest. Curse tugged her off. “You evil fucking bastard. She didn’t deserve to die. Ashley was a sweet woman. You’re a fucking monster who deserves to die.” She fought Curse to try to get to Gonzalez. Her sobs could be heard throughout the clubhouse.

  What were they doing working for this fucker?

  “I’ll take care of it,” Curse said. He was whispering to his woman over and over. Lexie joined her man, glaring at Kenneth.

  “I’m fine, baby,” she said.

  Blood was dripping from a cut on the side of her head, an instant bruise forming.

  “I suggest you keep your women in check, Devil. They’re getting a little too feisty for my liking.” Frederick ran a hand down his creased suit. “I didn’t kill her. I’ve got people to do it.”

  Pussy saw the smirk on Homer’s face. He tensed up and charged at the other man. Tackling him to the ground, he slammed Homer’s head against the tarmac. “You fucking killed her?”

  He didn’t give Homer chance to say anything as he perched over him, landing blow after blow against the man.

  Devil grabbed his arm and tugged him off the man. “Back away.”

  “He killed fucking Ashley.” He needed to avenge his friend. Ashley had been his best friend. He saw her smiling in his mind. They’d taken that away from her, and Pussy was never going to get that back.

  “Sasha is out in the open. I need you to hold your shit together,” Devil said.

  “I’ll hold my shit together as long as I can. You’ve got to promise me, we’re going to take these fuckers out.”

  Devil nodded.

  Stepping back, he joined the rest of his brothers in staring at Frederick.

  “Now, I’m just disappointed,” Frederick said. “We’re all friends, and yet you’re attacking my friends.”

  “You killed one of ours. You owe us,” Mia said, speaking up.

  No one stopped her. She was right in what she said.

  Glancing behind him, he saw Sasha standing alone. Reaching out, he grasped her hand and tugged her closer to him. She didn’t fight him.

  “Sasha,” Kenneth said.

  She tensed in Pussy’s arms. There was no chance of him letting her go back to that evil fucker. It wasn’t happening. He watched with satisfaction as Homer had to be helped up onto his feet. At least he’d gotten in some good punches before it was taken away from him.

  “You don’t get to talk to her.”

  “Sasha, honey,” her mother said.

  Her mother had climbed out of the car and come to join them. Pussy noticed the anger in Kenneth’s face. Yeah, he couldn’t let either woman go back with this fucker. There were plans brewing inside him, and Pussy knew they weren’t good plans.

  “Mom, what are you doing here?” Sasha wrapped her arms around his body, holding onto him.

  “You need to come home, sweetie. Your father and I are very worried.”

  Sasha shook her head. “No, I’m here with Pussy. He’s asked me to marry him, and I’ve said yes.”

  That’s right, fucker, she’s mine.

  “No, I don’t accept this. He’s coerced her into accepting,” Kenneth said. “She can’t get married without our permission.”

  “I’m over eighteen, and you’re not my father. My father died a long time ago, and he’d be happy with my decision.” She snuggled in against him. “I don’t want to leave.”

  “You’re not going anywhere.” Pussy kissed the top her head. “Tell your mother you want her here with you.” He whispered the words so no one else would hear. “You’ve got to trust me. He’s going to hurt her otherwise and use her to get what he wants.”

  “Mom, will you stay with me tonight? Please, I’d like for us to catch up and have some girly fun.”

  He watched her mother sigh. “Of course, honey. I’ll stay.” She crossed from their side onto his. Her mother was protected now. Glaring at Kenneth, Pussy made sure the other man knew who had won this time.

  “You can’t do this, Penny. You don’t need to stay with her.”

  “She’s my daughter, Kenneth. I’ll talk to you later, and I’m going to make sure she’s okay,” Penny said.

  “I’m afraid, Kenneth, you’re going to have to deal with her decision. I’m sure she’ll come to her senses soon enough,” Frederick said. “As always, Devil, it was a pleasure doing business with you.”

  “Not so fucking fast,” Devil said.

  Pussy watched as Devil swung back and slammed his fist against Kenneth’s face hard, knocking the uptight asshole on his butt. “That’s for hurting my wife. I suggest you afford a guard. When I see you next, I’m going to fucking kill you.” Devil picked up Lexie and walked back into the building.

  Pussy looked at Homer, remembering every part of his body. The next time they met, Pussy was the only one coming out alive.


  “Honey, what the hell is going on? Finding out you were missing scared me. I begged Kenneth to not stop looking until he found you. It’s not like you to not come home. When he found out about you, he wouldn’t stop ranting about the biker group in town. I couldn’t get him to make any sense,” her mother said.

  “I’m sorry, Mom. I shouldn’t have left you in the dark like that.” She was sitting on Pussy’s bed while her mother bustled around the room, clearly tidying up the mess. “Mom, sit with me. This is his room, and he’ll like it done a certain way.”

  “It’s filthy.”

  “It’s his room.” Sasha waited until the bed dipped.

  Her mother took hold of her hands, running shaking fingers over her wrist. She was going into withdrawal already, and it had been at least two hours since she last drank. Sasha was worried.

  “Mom, you’ve got a problem.”

  “I know I have, honey. Don’t you think I don’t know that?” She heard her mother sob. “When did things start to get so fucking bad? When did I mess up?”

  “Mom?” She reached up and placed a hand on her cheek. “It’s not your fault.”

  “Yes, it is. I’m the one who brought him into our home. I let him near you. If I’d been sensible you wouldn’t be sitting here blind.” She listened as her mother withdrew and started to sob. “It’s all my fault. I shouldn’t have taken the pills and started drinking. You needed me most, and I chose to look the other way. What kind of a parent am I if I can’t even look after my own daughter? When he told me you fell downstairs, I didn’t think it was possible, but I believed him.”

  Sasha wished there was something she could say to make it all better for her. There was nothing. Kenneth entered their lives, built up some fantasy wor
ld for her mother, and then destroyed it just as quickly.

  “You’ve got to stay away from Kenneth, Mom. He’s bad news, and he will hurt you if given half the chance.” She reached out to grasp her hands.

  “Oh, honey. Kenneth doesn’t want to hurt me. He wants me all to himself. It’s you he wants to hurt, and I can’t let him do that.” Fingers touched her face, pushing some hair out of the way.

  “What do you mean?”

  “He’s making plans, Sasha. Plans that keep you out of the picture and take you away from me and here. I came with him in the hope of seeing you settled and happy, but I know he won’t leave you alone completely. The moment I saw you with, Pussy, I knew you were finally safe, but Kenneth won’t stop until you’re gone. You’re a lot braver than I am.” Her mother tightened her grip. “You’ve got to stay away from Kenneth now. He’s dangerous, and he will try to get what he wants.”

  “Which is why neither of you are leaving this clubhouse,” Pussy said.

  His voice came somewhere in front of her.

  “What did you hear?” she asked.

  “All of it. You’re going to need to tell me exactly what you told Sasha, and I’m going to need to know it all.”

  Her mother stood, moving away from her.

  “Wait, please don’t do this without me.”

  “The rest of the club, do they need to hear this?” Pussy asked.

  “Only if they think they can help. I don’t want anything bad happening to my daughter. She’s been through enough.” Sasha felt her mother’s hands shake. They were getting worse with every moment that passed. “I’m going to need to go to rehab. I’ve got a serious problem, and I’m not strong enough to get through this.”

  “We’ll help you.” There was some more movement. “Baby, I’m going to touch you and help you walk downstairs. Are you okay with that?”

  “Yes. I’m okay.”

  “Go on ahead of us,” Pussy said.

  She heard the door opening, and the footsteps started to fade. “You can’t marry me, Pussy.”

  “Why can’t I?”

  “Today must have shown you that I’m a bad choice. I couldn’t protect anyone. I’m blind, and you need someone strong.” She hated saying the words, and the thought of losing Pussy over it was tearing her apart.

  He cupped her face, tilting her head back. “Now you listen to me, Sasha. We’re going to get married. You’re going to become my wife, and you’re going to do that because you love me. I don’t give a fuck about you being able to take care of yourself. That’s my job. I’ll take care of you.”

  “Pussy?” She went to complain. He silenced her with his lips.

  His tongue plundered her mouth.

  Moaning, she circled her arms around his neck, loving the feel of his hard body pressed against hers. He slid his fingers into her hair, tightening on the strands. “So fucking beautiful,” he said, muttering against her lips. “Now, no more talk of what you can and can’t do. I don’t need a protector, Sasha.”

  “I want to be everything you need.”

  “You are. Believe me, you’re more than you think you are.” He rubbed his nose against hers. “Stop stressing out. Come on, we need to get out of here and join the others before I fuck you again.”

  She liked the thought of him fucking her more than going to discuss Kenneth. Her stepfather always ruined the fun. Sasha hated his intrusion in her life. There were times she truly believed she’d never get him out of her life.

  Pussy took the lead, holding her hand and moving her downstairs. She held onto the banister and his hand like they were lifelines, which they were. Slowly, she moved downstairs with his aid.

  She heard the rumbling of voices as they were all talking. Some were laughing, while others clearly didn’t find anything amusing.

  Once they were inside the room, silence fell.

  “Come on then. I’ve not got all day to listen to this,” Devil said. “My woman is tucked up in bed because of your fucking husband.”

  Sasha winced, wanting to go to her mother.

  “Don’t. She needs to realize how bad he is.” Pussy held her tight to him. His fingers stroked her stomach through her clothing. She loved the way he touched her. He moved his touch to under her shirt. Pussy touched skin, and she felt like electricity had exploded all over her body. Closing her eyes, she tried to focus on what was happening in front of her. She couldn’t. His touch took her mind away from the problems they were all facing.

  She wished they were alone and she’d get to touch him without fear of anyone watching.

  “Tell us what’s going on,” Devil said. His harsh voice cut through her fantasy bringing her straight back to the reality of her situation.

  “I don’t know everything.”

  “Then tell us what you do know,” Death said.

  Sasha was getting good at recognizing people by their voices alone.

  “Kenneth’s planning his retirement. He’s getting all the funding together so that he doesn’t have to worry about money at all.” Her mother sighed. “He’s planning on having Sasha killed so that he can take me with him. The blindness upped the stakes for him as she can meet an accident without anyone knowing the truth. The last four years have been a façade. He’s been showing the town how loving and loyal he is toward Sasha so no one would ever suspect him of killing her or organizing for her to be hit. I heard him talking to Frederick, the guy outside. He’s got some paperwork to finish filling out, and then he can leave. Frederick gets the main seat on the Piston County chair, funds the town—”

  “And turns it into his own backyard of distribution,” Devil said, finishing off her mother’s sentence.

  “I don’t know what’s going on. I really wish I did, but I don’t. I only know that Kenneth has organized the sale of over ten warehouses in the surrounding area of Piston County,” her mother said.

  “He’s taking over the entire town,” Ripper said.

  There was silence after that.

  “Guys, take your women away. We need to make a call and then deal with the problem at hand,” Devil said.

  “Come on, baby. Don’t fight me on this.” Pussy took her hand, leading her back upstairs.

  “It’s bad, isn’t it?” Sasha asked. She didn’t need to be able to see to understand bad shit was going to happen.

  “Yes, it’s bad. I’ve got to go and deal with this. Your mother will take care of you. Have a bath, relax, soak, and I’ll be up when it’s all over.” Pussy opened his door, leading her inside.

  “I didn’t want to cause trouble,” her mother said.

  “You’re not. You’re helping us. We’re going to help you. You’re not going to die, and we’re not going to let Kenneth take my woman away. I’ll kill the bastard myself before I let that happen.” He kissed her cheek. “Stay here. Don’t leave.”

  The door closed behind him, leaving her alone.

  “He seems like a good man. Everyone believes they’re monsters, but they’re not. They’re all good men, I see it.” Her mother kept talking.

  “I love him, Mom.”

  “Good, because I’ve got a feeling he’s in love with you.”

  “No, he’s not. Pussy doesn’t do love. I don’t mind.”

  “Honey, you can’t see him to know what he’s like when he’s looking at you. Believe me, he’s in love with you, and he’s not going to let anything happen to you.”

  Sasha wanted to argue but decided against it. She liked the thought of him being in love with her.


  Frederick stared out of his hotel room sipping a glass of expensive brandy. Everything was coming together. Soon he’d own the states from Piston County through to Fort Wills. He already had a stake in Vegas as well. Ned Walker, Eva’s father, was going to be next on his list. No one was going to be able to touch him. He’d have the cops, the Feds, and any type of government agency eating out of the palm of his hand because they couldn’t do a single thing to stop him.

  Tiny, Devil, a
nd Ned were all cogs in this world. They were big in their own little towns and cities, but when it came to the big leagues, they were still little fishes who could be squashed. Frederick had watched them for years, pretending to know the kind of shit they needed to in order to get by. Little drug runs here or there, a few bonus hits on the stock market to keep funds flowing legally.

  He knew the real way to make money was through fear. No one knew how to challenge him as there was nothing he held dear. The women he fucked were a convenience that he used to scratch an itch. When he was done with women, he either gave them to business associates as part of a deal or got one of his men to kill them.

  For many years he’d wondered about taking over this place. He’d watched many people try and fail to take over Fort Wills and then try to take out Chaos Bleeds and The Skulls. Everyone failed to do anything or even put a dent in their lives.

  It was a challenge that he could no longer turn down. Tiny and Devil could be beaten, and he was going to show them all how to do it.

  “Boss, what’s going on?” Ronald asked.

  Frederick smiled. “Nothing is going on. We’re going to be setting up business in a matter of time.”

  “I’ve got word that Tiny’s planning on taking out your guy in the force. The one you’re paying to make life difficult,” Ronald said.

  “That’s fine. I’ve got plans in place for everyone.” Frederick sipped at his drink.

  “What do you mean?”

  “For every person Tiny or Devil kill, one of their own will die. Tiny lays a hand on my men, he loses one of his men, his wife, or his kid. Murphy and Tate seem like a good target.” He smiled thinking about the brass bitch that was Tiny’s spawn. “Let him attack. The moment he does, I click a button, and he loses one. I don’t know when or how, but it will be soon.”

  He’d put everything in place. His men were all around Piston County and Fort Wills. No one knew when he’d strike. Chaos Bleeds and The Skulls were ending with him. Frederick was going to show all the people who had failed that it was in fact possible to own the two towns. It just took careful planning to get the job done.

  Chapter Nine

  “What are you trying to say?” Tiny asked. They had The Skulls on speaker phone, and all the crew was present to hear it.


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