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On the Wings of Hope : Prose

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by Prokhor Ozornin Timong Lightbringer

  Everywhere have this Miracle entered, in each cell of the world, made for men, have it managed to come, having enlightened it and pleased. And did believe Wanderers of heavens that the Miracle mentioned would be the best one ever made for mankind, and bitterness and grief would be forever gone from faces of men, and they would rejoice their happiness and praise the beauty, saving souls of theirs. Yet the hope mentioned did not come true by that time, unfortunately.

  Haven’t seen people that greatest Miracle in their majority, never believing that so close to them could it reside and live. Through all lives of theirs have they hurried somewhere on the goals artificial, senseless, tiresome, and thus couldn’t see the Miracle. And have killed they that miracle divine, and made an ordinary out of it. And have indulged in the ordinary, and fallen asleep in hearts even stronger than previously.

  But haven’t died that Miracle, for by the Maker himself was it made - only in hearts of avaricious men have it been dying untimely. And till now have it lived close to men, yet many did pass by, for they have no need for a world wonderful, unusual, mysterious - yet measured and verified world do they desire. Haven’t belittled it from a blindness of men, and due to greed of theirs haven’t vanished. Still does it hope and wait for many to awaken, and still does it give itself away in all its generosity each and every day.

  But who of men is capable to trust with own heart that the Miracle mentioned can still be hidden just under his very nose?


  Warning : the God !

  - “Warning : the God ! Entrance is strictly prohibited for idle passers !” – Ivan read a sign on ordinary-looking gate, leading through a fencing to inconspicuous looking building. And there was a small addition slightly below – “The Entrance. Accept the hope, entering one !”

  - Oh, what only they won’t make, - he thought at first. - Trying to lure us this and that way. Oh, sure, we have heard plenty of these fairy tales of yours in due time, about the New World, End of the Millennia, the Second Coming, everything at once. And predictors all unanimously chattered in due time – “The world is changing, something is happening !”, and everything like that, and where is all that ? We cannot see it yet. And maybe it doesn’t even exist, if we cannot see it ? Or maybe it does exist, but we still cannot see it ? Who knows it for sure …

  Ivan began hesitating – to enter or not to enter ?

  Nobody cries aloud any calls, no one stands with banners and posters on corners … Somehow strange … unusual. Not a single sign of what is called promotion, no sort of marketing in that disgusting style “The Savior ! Only with us ! Only for you !”. Just some ordinary-looking gate … who even enters such ones – it doesn’t even looks like a door. Somehow wrong … not common style. But, on the other hand … who did say that God must correspond to some man’s idea about Him ?


  Ivan was starting to feel himself more out of place – not mainly due to his current reflections, but from some arisen during this moment aching and disturbing feeling somewhere in the depth of his breast, that if now he will pass this gate by, like he has been passing for all these years, hurrying somewhere in unknown distances on strangest affairs – he may not be able to find in the future this most ordinary-looking gate …

  And, after all, he was looking … he has been searching for Him for a long time. Since the very birth, if it’s possible to say so, he has been looking. In autumn silence of parks and conversations Soul-to-a-Soul with others, in noise of human crowds and rich furniture of churches, in endless loneliness of own Soul he has been searching for Him … He thirsted to once find Him so greatly, but all this was something not totally so … not totally right … He has been seeking Him for all his conscious life !

  And now … some sort of gate …

  Finally he decided. Pushed a gate with his hand, expecting to hear a scratch of ungreased loops – but instead of it shutters softly and silently swung open, he made a step forward – and …

  The world changed. Suddenly the city disappeared somewhere, as well as hurrying on affairs from work and for work thousands of sleepy people together with one thousand and one building … even the gate was no more. Now he was standing in the middle of some large hall with carved shining columns and ceiling, rising into infinite distances up and up … some soft of warm light surrounded him from everywhere.

  - Have I already died ? – Ivan was suddenly frightened. – My heart stopped pulsating and now my useless body is most probably lying on some dirty operational table, and a group of laymans in white dressing gowns is working on it while I am standing idle in this unknown new world ?

  - Greetings, Ivan ! I have been waiting for you ! – some immensely powerful, filled with greatest inner force and at the same time very melodious voice suddenly filled the area, coming, apparently, from all directions and at the same time somewhere from Ivan’s breast.

  - I … just … just … don’t know … what to answer …, - Ivan mumbled.

  - Don’t worry about it, - answered the Voice. – I can read minds. I have been watching you from your very birth … as well as many others. You desired to find me – and so now you are here. What is that you want to tell Me ?

  - So, are you really the Most Powerful One ?

  - Yes, - the Voice answered softly. – The First And The Last. The Beginning And The Ending. I am the One whom you call the Maker.

  - So, you are really ..., - and Ivan stopped short. – Well, certainly ! How could I forget about it !

  - Yes, - the Voice answered. – I truly exist. But many of your kind have forgotten and ceased to search for Me.

  - To search where ? – Ivan asked shy.

  - Inside and outside. I am inside and outside. All these worlds are Mine, and parts of Me are living inside you. I have once given you particles of Myself so that one day you can become similar to Me …

  - So that people become similar to God ?

  - Such is the true Evolution, Ivan.

  - So, you are together with all of us …

  - Yes, always I am. Now in your world as well. I have many homes, - invisible Voice was filling the room with matchless melodies and colors.

  - In our world too ? So, it means that the gate …

  - All your world is Mine. I can settle in any corner of it. I have no need for your empty praising. I desire to see all of you live, Ivan, with living particles of Me.

  - That’s why Your arrival was …, - the sudden guess enlightened Ivan’s heart.

  - Yes, - the Voice answered. – For this reason. I desire to see ones searching and coming to Me in their free will. They are capable of the true Evolution.

  - So all these people in temples and mosques, calling themselves believers and at the same time remaining the same from the very birth …

  - They can continue to believe in their illusions, if such is their wish. For some time.

  - And what of Your Son ? He was speaking of You and Your return in the due time …

  - He is together with Me as well. My second Son, - answered the Voice. – You dared to offense Him too much in the last time. This will not repeat any more.

  - Oh, how wonderful it is that You are together with us ! – a sudden shout of joy escaped Ivan’s breast.

  - The looking one will find. The going one will come. Accept the hope – and give it to others ! My time is coming ! – the invisible Voice filled entire enormous brightly shining room, and travelled, apparently, into the very core of human Soul.

  - Yes, oh my Maker ! I will tell them of You ! I thank You !

  The shining stream of light captured and shrouded Ivan. It, this Light of God, was coming, apparently, from everywhere – was shining from inside and outside. The sparkling stream shrouded him in a flash of time – and …

  “Savior ! Only with us ! Only for you !”, - Ivan confusedly read red shining letters on a sign of some striptease club.

  The gate was no more. The chance was accepted. Another world greedy stretched own hands towards him once a

  - Yes, oh Maker, I will tell all these sleeping ones of Your time, - Ivan decided. – Right now there is nothing more important than that.


  We are

  We are no longer the ones we used to be. Our past burned in the flame of self-rebirth, leaving the place for the Now, which has become a bridge to the Future.

  Our path lies in the Eternity, and only we ourselves can pass it.

  We all feel the breath of Universe inside us, and our hearts beat in rhytm with Hers.

  We are both old and young - for each of us is like innocent child in spirit.

  We foresee, not knowing for sure. We rejoice at the beginning of a new deed and feel sadness finishing what has been started. We love to transform believe into the trust. For without trust there can be no love.

  We accept this world as we managed to make it. And it will never be in our right to blame someone other for human mistakes.

  You may call us as you desire, for your mere words are unable to alter the essence.

  No more we have names, yet each of us has kept his essensial "I".

  We enter the battle in time and we know not fear.

  Curses and blasphemes of the Sleepers are the stones that only strenghten our arms, holding the shield.

  Wrath and hatred of theirs is the smoking fire. Yet the tears of the heaven will once extinguish it.

  We live, fighting, yet the battle is not our final goal. For it is transient.

  We are so different, but in this battle each of us is a warrior. And each holds his unique weapon.

  Weapon of yours is able to destroy you whole, yet weapon of ours is greater.

  It changes minds. It alters hearts. It transforms ones struck by it forever.

  For this weapon is a weapon of spirit. Nothing in the world is comparable with it.

  Our enemy is strong, for he is bodyless. That is why we are given this weapon.

  We fight desperately for we know no death. The one given the Blade Of Spirit has already died before.

  We knew not the timing, but were intended. We knew not ourselves, but were called for. The time will come - we'll be recognized. For great the battle is.

  Rejected ones will join our ranks. Enlightened ones will join our ranks. The Newborn ones will join our ranks. For great the battle is.

  The heavens cries at humankind's blindness, for even they have feelings. Yet there is always a dawn coming to replace the night.

  The time is rushing forward desperately, changing the world in a single vortex. And we are at the forefront of it.

  Always we are with you, for we do love this world.

  So say We - warriors of the New Age.


  When the Sleeper awakes

  - Mister Coordinator, when the Sleeper will awake at the long last ?

  - Do you ask about that me, Admiral ? As I have suspected, it’s better for you to know.

  - The free will, mister Coordinator, the free will … Perhaps, we have committed an error, after all ?

  - I will remind you that it was our joint project. There are no mistakes, only statistical errors and percentage probability.

  - And now you are speaking mathematician’s tongue.

  - And what else should we do right now ? We can only observe.

  - Observe his agony ? He is dying directly before our eyes, dying painfully and unstoppable.

  - So he has chosen. The Majority-s, you know, sometimes outweighs.

  - And what about the Awakened ?

  - He’s still a baby. He has yet to grow up.

  - Beautiful little one, isn’t he ?

  - Certainly.

  - I am so glad about him.

  - So do I.

  - Tell please, what forms of curing medicine have been applied to the Sleeping one up to today ?

  - Initially – numerous enzymes of prophetical nature, sort of. Two thousands of parsecs ago the strongest possible antibiotic has been injected.

  - Which has been successfully removed by organism in the first vomit reflex.

  - Approximately so. I tell you – he’s almost hopeless.

  - And what about methods of shock therapy ?

  - Yet to be applied. Already soon.

  - Have been the patient informed in advance ?

  - Two thousand of parsecs ago, when disease signs were already on his face.

  - They are already on the face ?

  - Now it’s terrible even to look at him. I will not advise you doing so.

  - And what about the newest local antibiotics of unique type ? I mean these, you know, returnees from non-existence.

  - A part of them has been already injected, some have not been made yet.

  - Do you believe that will help ?

  - Such probability too cannot be neglected.

  - Will they be injected simultaneously with the beginning of shock therapy ?

  - Shortly before that.

  - And then ?

  - It’s for him to decide.

  - Do you think he is still capable ?

  - I hope so.

  - Well, and how does Awakened one fare ?

  - He has already learnt to read thoughts and gained the vision of the future. I believe he’ll grow into a nice one.

  - I am too very happy with him. Even though he is a blood brother of the Sleeper.

  - By the way, you have given me an excellent idea. As soon as this little one will grow up and be ready to read souls, it will be possible to send him to help, so to say, his elder brother to, so to say, move him away from the unjust path. Certainly, we will protect the Awakened one in all ways accessible to us. Minority, well, you know, is counting on our support.

  - Perhaps we should delay a little the begging on this shock therapy ? Wait, until little one will grow up a bit ? This Awakened has already expressed desire to help the brother, as far as I know.

  - I will consider your option, mister Admiral. I will consider it …


  World of God

  With a love for God

  The newborn God was cheerfully walking on city streets, which name He didn’t remember for now. And what is the reason for a Maker to remember human names? Unless only for people.

  The sun was joyfully shining Him and its beams were playing in puddles which have remained from a recently came rain. He loved such a weather greatly – and playful Angels of Elements with both awe and joy in hearts satisfied this His request.

  And yesterday there was snowing over this nameless city in spite of the fact that average day temperature usually reached 30 degrees in the “plus” side. And the day before yesterday the densely covered by clouds sky was suddenly cleared of all white fluffy figures in some fifteen minutes.

  Probably, someone even was christening himself, or, say, cursing weather forecasters with all colors of rainbow shining today in the distance over a sea smooth surface, starting from gray-brown-crimson-in-a-speck. And the God was cheerfully walking forward, inhaling the aroma of sea, brought by the air, and spraying water drops from puddles which have not yet dried up. He was happy to live in this made by Him world. For after all, what can be better than to feel your own creation from inside?

  Today He was simply walking on streets of this anonymous sea city, enjoying His life. A life of a human, if it’s possible to say so, - for He will enjoy the life of Almighty God a bit later. And, eventually, the life in a human body had its good advantages as well.

  Suddenly something started humming in a stomach persevering and tenderly, even, to say so, totally human-like. Purr-purr-purr. A then – puuuurrr! And then – whoooo! With all voices at once.

  - Maybe I should have a supper? – thought the Newborn God, and, having seen through a bird’s eye view all the panorama of His present city-surroundings, defined for Himself the next building, where He could stop. Just some ten minutes of walking.

  The God smiled once again. Most certainly, He could reach this tavern in some thirty seconds – but what ot
her surrounding him people would think if He has suddenly soared up like a bird? It may be so that some compassionate old woman or some persistent atheist would have a heart attack. And He didn't want to cause harm to anybody, even inadvertently. And, eventually, it was His righteous beloved ones who had still have to fly.

  Top-top-top. Chpok! – and splashes from a puddle, through which He stepped over, scattered on several meters on all diameter of a described by them circle, having almost sprinkled in addition the passing by man.

  - Hey, watch where are you going, bungler! – he shouted on his way, still hurrying very far into the unknown even for him dales.

  The God wanted at first to say something like : “My God, forgive him, please”, like as in due time He was asked many times by His Son, who have arrived to this world as well, - but then thought that it’s somehow inconveniently to ask himself. And wrong as well, probably.

  And so He simply continued His way. He was still happy.

  Well, here it is. And even the sign hangs over here, carved with beautiful small letters.

  Tavern “On the brink of the Universe”. And slightly lower an addition – “Feel the aroma of divinity”. Amusing name.

  The incarnate Creator accurately opened a door, and carefully entered the building.

  - We are closing in half an hour, but I am sure that you can still taste our aroma of divinity! – run-up fellow waiter smartly assured Him.

  - Yep, - the God said approvingly. – And what do you have in today’s menu?

  - Oysters by French, slope by Spanish, dranniks by Belarusian, pelmeni by Russian, sausages by German …, - the fellow started to listing.

  - Various things you have here, - God smiled. – And something a little bit more, say, exotic?

  - Mmm … - the waited hesitated for a moment. - Galushki by Ukraine?

  - Suits! – the God was delighted. – It’s always pleasant to remember own good youth! – He added after a pair of seconds and smiled again.

  - A pair of glasses of water, if you don’t mind, - God responded good-natured. – I think it will suffice.


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