Artist's Dream

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Artist's Dream Page 15

by Gerri Hill



  “What’s wrong?” she asked.

  It was only then she noticed the tight grip Luke had on the wheel as her eyes stared straight ahead.


  But Cassie couldn’t dismiss it that easily. She reached over and laid her hand on Luke’s thigh, squeezing lightly. Luke tensed, and Cassie saw the way her breath caught.

  “Please tell me.”

  Luke finally turned, meeting her eyes.

  “I want to make love with you,” she said quietly. “And every time I kiss you, it’s harder and harder to stop, to give you the time you need.”

  “I didn’t… I didn’t want you to stop,” Cassie whispered. Her hand relaxed and she rubbed the strong thigh beneath her fingers, feeling Luke tremble as she made her way up Luke’s thigh, stopŹping only when she reached the crease in her jeans.

  “Cassie, I’m going to drive us right off the road if you don’t stop,” Luke warned.

  But Cassie didn’t stop. Her hand slid intimately between Luke’s thighs, feeling the heat between her legs. She gasped as Luke squeezed her thighs together, capturing Cassie’s hand for a moment before opening them again.

  “Jesus Christ, woman,” Luke murmured.

  Before Cassie knew what was happening, the Lexus pulled to a stop on the side of the road. Luke’s eyes peered into hers for only a second, then her lips were there, covering her own, tongue

  demanding entry and Cassie opened gladly. Her heart was poundŹing so loudly in her ears, she didn’t hear the traffic as it sped by them. Hands settled in Luke’s dark hair and she groaned from the intensity of their kiss. She welcomed Luke’s hands as they slid over her body, cupping her breasts, kneading gently as her thumbs raked over erect nipples. Cassie wanted to rip open her shirt, she wanted Luke’s warm mouth on her, but Luke’s hands left her breasts, sliding past her waist.

  Luke’s mouth pulled away, but Cassie guided her back, her moan mingling with Luke’s as her tongue slipped inside Luke’s mouth. Luke’s hands slid to her thighs and Cassie’s legs parted, her hips arching. When Luke’s hand cupped her intimately, pressing the seam of her jeans against her aroused center, Cassie couldn’t breathe. She leaned back against the seat, her chest heaving as if running. She felt her own wetness, and she pressed against Luke’s hand, all control lost.

  Finally, Luke eased the pressure, her hands moving from between her legs to rest on her thighs. Light kisses replaced the fervent ones of earlier.

  “Don’t stop,” Cassie nearly whimpered.

  “Yes,” Luke whispered.


  Luke brushed the hair off Cassie’s forehead, then placed a light kiss there.

  “Yes,” Luke said again. “Our first time is not going to be in a car.”

  “Details,” Cassie murmured, and Luke smiled.

  “Do you know how badly I want to touch you? I could feel how wet you are,” Luke whispered.

  Cassie closed her eyes, her chest still heaving.


  Complete silence settled over them as they drove slowly through Sebastopol. Luke’s hand played upon Cassie’s thigh, rubŹbing gently back and forth. Cassie’s eyes were closed as she rested her head against the cool leather seats. Occasionally her own hand

  would cover Luke’s, then slide up her arm, only to stop again when she realized how involuntary her touch had become.

  When they pulled into Cassie’s drive, her stomach rolled nervŹously. She wanted Luke to stay. But she wasn’t certain Luke would.

  In fact, Luke left the ehgine running, and they looked hesiŹtantly at each other.

  “I better go.”

  “I want you to stay.”



  It was only then that Cassie realized they were both breathing hard. She never imagined that she would have to be the one to lead this, but she took Luke’s hand and held it between both of hers.

  “I want this,” Cassie whispered. In fact, she was surprised at how sure she was.

  Luke’s mouth parted, but still she hesitated.

  “Please. Don’t make me beg you.”

  Luke closed her eyes for a moment, then opened them to Cassie.

  “I won’t stop this time. I’m going to make love to you.”

  Cassie’s eyes softened, and she reached out a hand to brush Luke’s face.

  “No. I don’t want you to stop. I would take you into my bedŹroom, but I’m kinda new at this,” she murmured, getting a half-smile from Luke. “I wouldn’t know where to begin.”

  Luke raised an eyebrow, and this time Cassie was rewarded with that lazy smile she had grown to love. She didn’t resist as Luke pulled her close and kissed her softly, but their kiss turned hungry. Luke pulled away first, her eyes once again questioning.

  “Please come inside,” Cassie said.

  She didn’t wait for an answer. She walked through the house and into her bedroom, turning to find Luke there. Cassie moved into her arms without speaking and they stood there, holding each other, feeling the rapid beating of each other’s hearts.

  Then soft lips moved over her neck and Cassie sighed, her head

  falling back in surrender. She was conscious enough to realize she wasn’t afraid of this, then all thoughts fled as those same soft lips captured hers.

  “We can still wait, you know,” Luke murmured against her lips. “I want you to be sure.”

  Cassie didn’t answer with words. She stepped back and pulled her shirt out of her pants, unbuttoning it slowly, watching as Luke’s eyes darkened even more. She tossed it aside, reaching behind her to unhook her bra but Luke stopped her, her own hands releasing the clasp and exposing her breasts. Luke’s hands were on her, cupping her swollen breasts as her hot mouth covered Cassie’s. Cassie’s mouth opened, letting Luke inside, taking her tongue, swallowing the moan that followed.

  Luke’s lips left Cassie’s mouth, nipping at her neck and throat, moving with agonizing slowness to her breasts.

  “Yes,” Cassie murmured. Her hands dropped to Luke’s waist, trying to reach under her sweater, wanting to touch her, but they stopped when she felt Luke’s tongue graze her nipple. Her breath held as Luke’s mouth closed over one tender breast, sucking the nipple inside. Cassie’s head rolled back, eyes shut to the sensations ripping through her. “God, yes,” she murmured again. Finally. She felt complete. She felt as if all the questions of her life were being answered … by this woman. This woman was what had been missŹing in her life.

  She felt Luke’s hands leave her breast, slide expertly past her waist and cup her hips, bringing Cassie flush against her. Cassie’s thighs parted and the ache between her legs became nearly unbearable. Her hands reached for Luke, moving over strong shoulders, holding her near.

  Luke’s mouth left Cassie’s breast and she raised her head, their eyes locking together, both their chests heaving as if they had been running.

  Cassie’s lips trembled, and she murmured, “Touch me.”

  Their eyes never wavered as Luke’s hand moved to the button on her jeans, releasing it and the zipper in one quick motion.

  Warm hands slid inside, under the waistband of her silk panties and pausing only once when they reached the soft triangle of hair. Their eyes still locked with each other, Luke moved again. Cassie’s breath caught as Luke’s fingers slid into her wetness for the first time. Cassie’s eyes slammed shut as she tried to stifle the moan that escaped from her lips.

  “Oh,” she breathed. Her legs threatened to buckle as Luke pushed her jeans down, urging her to step out of them. Then they were on the bed, Luke still fully clothed as she settled her weight over Cassie’s naked form.

  “You’re so beautiful,” Luke whispered and captured her lips again. Her hands traveled over Cassie’s body, igniting fires where they landed.

  Oh God, God, Cassie thought as she felt Luke slide down her body, pausing only briefly at her breasts. When Luke’s tongu
e wet a path across her stomach, Cassie’s hips arched when she realized her intention and her hands at Luke’s shoulders urged her down farther. Yes. She wanted Luke’s mouth on her where she needed her the most, where no one else had ever been. The fire between her legs was too much, too much for her to bear even a second longer. Luke buried her face at Cassie’s waist and Cassie held Luke to her for a moment, then gently pushed at her shoulders, telling Luke that it was okay, telling her that was what she wanted. All thought left her then as Luke kneeled before her, and her hands parted Cassie’s thighs. When Luke’s mouth touched her, Cassie screamed out her pleasure, unable to stop the sounds coming from her. She flung her head back, hands gripping Luke’s shoulders as she tried to anchor herself, tried to hold on to her sanity.

  “Oh, God” she breathed as Luke’s tongue moved over her, into her. Then her thighs opened wider, her hands on Luke’s head holding her there, pressing Luke harder against her. Luke’s lips suckled her clit, tongue driving her mad as she felt her orgasm build, felt the first tremors threaten. She didn’t want this to end, and her hands gripped Luke’s shoulders harder as she tried to proŹlong her pleasure. But she couldn’t stop the eruptions of her body,

  and her orgasm hit with such force, her hips lifted off the bed as her fingers dug into Luke’s shoulders, and her breath hissed between her teeth as she screamed out her pleasure.

  Her fingers relaxed their grip on Luke and her eyes squeezed shut as she tried to catch her breath. Luke’s head rested on Cassie’s thigh, and Cassie could feel Luke’s rapid breathing against her leg.

  “That was the most incredible thing I’ve ever experienced,” Cassie finally murmured. “Come up here.”

  She pulled Luke to her, brushing the damp hair off her foreŹhead. Her thumb touched Luke’s lower lip as Luke sought her eyes.

  “I’m sorry,” Luke finally whispered.

  “Shhh, shhh … no.” It was her turn to capture Luke’s eyes. “I wanted you, needed you like that. Don’t you say you’re sorry.”

  “Are you okay? I shouldn’t have …”

  “Yes. You’re such a sweetheart, Luke, do you know that? You’re the first person that’s ever … made love to me like that.”

  Cassie’s eyes softened, and she leaned forward, kissing Luke lightly, tasting herself on Luke’s lips. Her mouth went back for more, her tongue grazing Luke’s teeth before slipping inside her warm mouth. She felt surprisingly in control, and her hands had a will of their own as they boldly touched Luke’s breasts for the first time, her thumbs rubbing over the taut nipples as they pressed against Luke’s sweater.

  Luke moaned into her mouth, and Cassie pushed her down on the bed, laying her naked body across Luke’s still clothed one.

  “Let me make love to you,” Cassie whispered. Her eyes searched Luke’s, trying to read them, seeing only desire as her mouth covered Luke’s again. “Teach me.”

  She tried to tell herself that she didn’t know what she was doing, that she had no idea how to please a woman, but her hands wouldn’t wait. They pulled Luke’s sweater over her head in one motion then eagerly touched soft, smooth skin. Luke’s exquisite body unfolded before her, Luke’s muscled frame surprisingly soft to her touch. With a groan, her mouth found Luke’s breast, and

  her tongue danced over the swollen nipple before sucking it into her mouth.

  Her body knew exactly what to do, even if she didn’t, and her hands cupped Luke’s small breasts, holding them for her greedy mouth as Luke’s hands in her hair held her there.

  Desire burned inside Cassie, and she fumbled with Luke’s slacks, but the buttons refused to cooperate. She sat up, her mouth leaving Luke’s breast, Luke’s whimper sweet music to her ears.

  “Please,” Cassie begged. “Help me with these.”

  Luke’s smile was gentle as she slowly unbuttoned them, but Cassie’s eager hands pushed Luke’s aside, and she shoved the slacks down Luke’s legs, thin cotton briefs now her only barrier. She bit her lip and swallowed, wanting to tell Luke that she was scared, that she didn’t know what to do. But Luke’s eyes were closed, her hands moving to Cassie’s face, urging her mouth back to Luke’s breast.

  While Cassie’s mouth feasted, her hands moved over Luke’s body, loving the way her velvet skin felt to her touch. Her hands moved down Luke’s thighs then slowly back up again. She wanted so badly to touch Luke that her hands trembled when they touched soft cotton. Her lips moved back to Luke’s mouth, groanŹing when Luke’s tongue met her own. Then Luke’s hands moved over her back, cupped her hips and brought Cassie intimately against her, the thin cotton barrier the only thing separating them. Cassie’s hips surged against Luke, straining to touch her and their hips and pelvis rocked together and Cassie felt wetness flood her again. Without thinking, her hand moved between them, slipping past the offending barrier, her fingers sinking into warm wetness.

  “Oh, Luke,” she groaned. She couldn’t have imagined this feelŹing, the wetness surrounding her fingers, hips rising up to meet her hand, warm flesh enveloping her, holding her captive. Her finŹgers moved through the wetness with ease, then, at Luke’s urging, her fingers slipped inside, delving deep, meeting Luke’s rising hips. Cassie’s eyes were half-opened as she watched pleasure transform Luke’s face.

  Then Luke gently pulled Cassie from inside her, pressing Cassie’s fingers against her, showing her the rhythm she needed as Cassie stroked her. Luke’s hands left her, fists digging into the bedŹspread and Cassie’s mouth covered her breast again as her fingers stroked Luke faster until Luke’s hips surged up to meet her, and she heard her name gasped from Luke’s lips again and again.

  “Cassie,” Luke breathed, and she gathered Cassie to her.

  Cassie felt Luke’s heart pounding beneath her ear, and she closed her eyes, hoping she had given Luke pleasure.

  “I’ve wanted you for so long,” Cassie murmured. “I had no idea it would feel this way.”

  Her last conscious thought before an exhausted sleep claimed her was Luke’s lazy hand moving between her thighs … and her own mouth still at Luke’s breast.

  Chapter Twenty-five

  Cassie woke slowly, disorientated. She was sleeping at the foot of the bed, the sheets and comforter a tangled mess on the floor. She sat up then, and a contented, exhausted smile warmed her. Every muscle in her body screamed as she rolled over, and she closed her eyes again, wanting to savor her night with Luke for a little longer. Her body quivered as she thought of Luke’s fingers touching her, moving over her … and in her. They had done incredibly intimate things with one another last night, but Cassie felt none of the embarrassment that she had anticipated. She rolled onto her side and replayed the scenes from last night.

  “Am I doing this right?”

  “You’re perfect.”

  Now she blushed as she remembered her uncertain question to Luke as her hands had spread Luke’s thighs. And she blushed again as she remembered Luke’s mouth on her body, Luke’s lips and tongue taking her as she ripped the sheets from the bed.

  “Jesus,” she murmured, and she squeezed her legs tight. She was ready. She wanted Luke again.

  Then she sat up. Where was Luke? The house was too quiet. She swung her legs over the edge of the bed and sighed, her body protesting. When she rubbed her face with her hands, Luke’s scent assailed her, and she brought her fingers to her nose, feeling weak all over again. She wanted her mouth on Luke. She wanted to taste her… she had wanted it last night but she had not dared. She had felt clumsy, foolish, wanton. But now, the desire was too strong. She licked her lips, imagining Luke under her mouth, imagining her wetness, and she groaned again.

  She had nothing to compare this want and need to. Perhaps it was just all these years of pent-up desires finally surfacing. She had a lot of time to make up for.

  She reached for her robe and saw her clothes neatly folded on the chair beside the bed. Luke must have folded them. Her clothes had been where she had left them. In a forgotten heap by the bed.

  In the kitchen, she saw the note. She was afraid to go to it, and she stood staring at the table for the longest time. It was good-bye, she knew. She was to have just one night. In her mind, she saw how inadequate she must have been. Luke had run. Cassie thought, perhaps foolishly, that Luke had enjoyed their lovemaking, that Luke had been … satisfied.

  She wrapped her arms across her chest, then made herself walk to the table. The first sentence stilled her nerves a bit as she let out a sigh of relief.

  “I didn’t want to leave your arms this morning, Cass,” Luke had written. “Last night was so incredible for me, I hope it was for you, too. I thought you might need some time to yourself. I won’t force things. Call me when you’re ready. And if you change your mind, I’ll understand.”

  Cassie closed her eyes, clutching the note to her. Change my mind? God, after last night, was there any doubt? It was far too late for Cassie to change her mind. She read the note again, wondering if the last sentence was hard for Luke to write.

  She made coffee in a daze, her mind never wandering far from

  last night. She didn’t know how she was supposed to feel this morning, and she couldn’t seem to concentrate on anything. The scenes in her mind were like a motion picture, and she continued to rewind every one, over and over again.

  She should be exhausted but she felt very much alive. And happy, she noted, as she smiled to herself. She felt… free. Finally.

  She took a steaming cup of coffee and filled the bath, then slipped into the hot, bubbly water, enveloping her skin much like Luke’s hands had done. A lazy smile covered her face, and shutting her eyes, she allowed Luke’s hands to roam over her again.

  Cassie could feel the change in herself. She wondered if it would show.

  But she no longer cared, she realized. This newfound sense of freedom that she felt wasn’t going to be easy to hide. Luke had set her spirit free and all Cassie felt like doing now was embracing her happiness, embracing her new life.


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