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The rise of Lucin tcos-2

Page 8

by James Somers

  Tiet remained the only one still sitting. His wife, their son, Wynn, Grod, Emil, Merab and Jael had all bowed on their faces committing to Elithias through the pajet. Tiet looked among them and saw the prophet standing over Kale as the boy prayed. Aija looked up from the boy and stared directly at Tiet. His ribs ached again and his breathing became labored. He shook as the prophet's gaze fell on him like a great weight. Aija walked over to Tiet, maneuvering through those on the ground. The prophet stood over the Barudii king. Tiet remained frozen in place.

  "Will the king turn to Elithias today?"

  Tears threatened to fall across his cheeks. "Why did my people have to die?" Tiet asked.

  "Men killed your people, my king," Aija said, "The Eternal One kept you alive and your family and he will yet use you to accomplish his will for us, if you will submit yourself to him and surrender. When Elithias comes, all will be set right-after the darkness of night a new day is coming."

  Tiet surrendered his will and got to his knees as the prophet knelt beside him and they prayed together.


  The moment seemed to last a long time. But when Aija calmed the people again, only ten minutes had passed. "Men and brethren a wonderful thing has happened to you in turning to Elithias," Aija said. "For all of you that have committed yourselves to the Eternal One, the promise of eternal life is now yours. But the time is still upon us for judgment. Now, go and seek your refuge in the mountains and do not delay for the fallen one has come."

  The thunderous roar of a starship's engines howled throughout the small city. People began to scream as they rushed for the building's exits. Tiet and the others made their way out of the meeting hall in turn and saw a building crumble under fire from a Vorn warship coming close overhead. They followed the flow of screaming attendees as they ran toward the base of the mountain that hung over the Great Hall.

  A natural alcove in the rock provided extra protection to the building and provided the citizens with a quick way out in case of attack. Tiet saw Aija directing people into the tunnel carved through the face of the rock. Wynn and Grod brought up the rear of their group as they tried to stay together among the throng of people evacuating the provincial town.

  Blasts rang out behind them as the first cruiser was joined by others appearing over the horizon. Tiet recognized them as the ships that had been part of their Castillian fleet. The only explanation appeared to be that the symbytes had now decided to use them to launch an attack on this planet. They had left Castai. The thought of other planets being overcome by the Symbytes made his flesh crawl.

  Smaller craft streamed out of the fighter bays at the rear of the warships. They swept through the city, tearing through buildings and people who tried to flee toward the mountains.

  The approached the entrance to the mountain tunnel, but the prophet Aija was no where to be found now. Behind them, speeder pods closed in. The small one-man vehicles had been built for high velocity ground warfare. They sped across the terrain-their turbines howling with the intake of wind. Blaster cannons on the front of the pods sprayed the Guniran evacuees as they fled for the mountain tunnel. Tiet's group kept up the pace, making their way into the tunnel as the pods approached.


  Inside, hundreds of rail cars sat docked while others continued the exodus through the mountain along four point equidistant metal rails. Each car held four people and could travel at speeds up to ninety miles per hour. Row upon row of cars and there respective rails led into the rock wall ahead.

  Kale and Emil found two cars together and yelled for the others to get in. Kale and his parents boarded one along with Merab as Grod, Wynn, and Jael boarded the other with Emil piloting. Kale fired up the thrusters in his car and switched on the radio as he signaled to Emil in the adjacent car with three fingers held up to the window followed by one finger. Emil switched his radio to channel thirty one and placed the headset on as the thrusters took up a steady hum in the rear of the vehicle.

  All around them, rail cars burst away into the mountain through the one hundred tunnels available to them. People piled up in lines to get safely into a tunnel as the sound of laser cannons continued to pound in their ears from outside.

  Emil launched his car as others behind him in line brought their thrusters to readiness for launch. Kale followed suit and they blasted away into the darkness with only a single headlight and the rails to guide them.

  "Emil, do you copy?" Kale asked.

  "I copy. What's the plan?"

  "Whichever one of us gets to the hangar first begins the launch sequence for the Equinox."

  The ship had been docked in the Guniran hangar after the Council allowed their group to move into a dwelling inside the province, according to Aija's command.

  "We'll meet you there."

  "Copy that."


  Lucin's fingers drummed along the arm of his command chair as he watched the invasion in real time on the main viewer. He now had the host body of commander Zurig for his use. He leaned forward analyzing the incoming scan data on the display and the reports from the squad commanders on the ground.

  What Lucin had feared was already taking place. The collective mind was fading and while he still commanded the individuals, they were not one in mind as the Baruk had been. The number of those assimilated had simply been too many considering the strong will of these humans. He still wanted the boy and his power-a more fitting host for his glorious reign over humanity.

  "What are we getting on scans of the mountain?" Lucin asked.

  "Not much, sir, we have a lot of interference from heavy metals," the science officer said.

  If they are running through a rail car system through the mountain, then they must be expecting to go somewhere that could provide them all with a way of escape, he thought.

  "Bring us around, helmsman. I want to be waiting on the other side of this mountain when they emerge."

  "Yes, sir."

  The Vorn warship left the main group, still attacking the city, and began its trek over and beyond Mt. Ortiss. Smoke pillared up into the sky behind them as the Guniran province fell to their onslaught.


  Kale pushed the rail car's thrusters to the limit as they sped through the mountain. The rails groaned under the pressure along with the glide-wheel assemblies on the car as they strained to maintain the vehicle's integrity. The gravitational forces pulled unrelenting on the passengers, but Kale had to keep pushing hard to maintain the distance between them and the attack pods.

  Something flashed off of the rock behind the headlights corona. Then the car shuddered as a laser blast sheered off one of the glide-wheel assemblies.

  "We've got a pod on our tail!" Tiet said.

  "This thing won't go any faster," Kale said.

  The car shifted around the next sharp turn on the four point rail and metal squealed for mercy.

  "What's that?" Mirah shouted.

  "We've lost a rail guide! We're only anchored at three points now," Kale said as he examined the system failure warnings on the control display.

  "How long will that hold us?" Merab asked from the rear seat.

  "Not long enough," Tiet said. "Kale, if we don't slow down a little the other rail guides will twist off…"

  "And if I slow down the pod blows us away. I could collapse the tunnel maybe, but we're traveling so fast it might hit us first or the pod might get through before it came down."

  "No," Tiet said, "I want you to slow down a little and-"


  "-And then when I tell you, deploy the drag chute."

  "I get it."

  Kale reduced thruster power slightly and the car slowed a few miles per hour in speed. He sensed the pod gaining on them. At the same moment, Tiet yelled, "Now!" Kale triggered the release and the chute burst away. The wind speed caught the chute's billowing folds and it bloomed to its full circumference, trailing behind the car and quickly reducing its speed.

  "Release it!" Tiet shouted.

  The pod came upon the rail car abruptly and blasted away with its laser turrets as the billowing canopy flew back and enveloped it like a Carcarion Jellyfish. The blinded pod-pilot failed to follow the tunnel path on the next turn. The pod dragged against the tunnel wall, then burst into flame leaving a burning carcass of debris on the ground as the rail car continued on ahead.

  Kale tapped the microphone, "Emil, how are you guys doing? Any pod trouble?"

  "No, we've had a pretty smooth ride. We're almost to the hangar. Father will get the Equinox ready as soon as we arrive. How about you?"

  "We've had some trouble-we lost a rail guide to a pod attack, but I think we're okay now. I've reduce speed to compensate. We should be there soon-don't go leaving without us."

  "Always ruining my well-laid plans-copy that."

  Tiet leaned forward behind his son to look at the map readout. They approached the terminal point on the rail that reached into the hangar, but their speed was still too fast.

  "Ease off the power all the way, Kale."

  The hydraulic brake system flashed a failure warning on the display. His father was right, they were approaching too fast. Better deploy the drag chute…oh boy.

  Kale pulled the throttle all the way back to the lowest thruster setting, but the glide rate remained steady.

  "We're not slowing down fast enough!"

  Tiet reached over his son, pushing him into the canopy with the effort and grabbed the lever for the rear grapple. He pulled the lever and the grapple shot away from beside the thruster vent and found a purchase in the rock wall.

  The tow cable threaded out fast and the cable tensioner quickly slowed its release rate to slow the vehicle. The end of the rail came fast and they slammed into it, but not as hard as they could have. Tiet pushed the damaged canopy open allowing everyone to get out.

  The rail car had been smashed up pretty good, but they were still alive. Kale helped his mother. They made their way onto the platform where the Equinox was exhausting from its engine vents across the hangar bay. Other cars came through but not many. Evidently the pods had stopped the others before launch.

  Kale ran on ahead to the ship. He needed something. The boarding ramp stood down for them and Tiet, Mirah and Merab made their way up into the ship. Kale ran back down past them as they entered.

  "Where are you going?" Tiet shouted after him.

  "They're coming! Get the ship going, I'll be back!"


  Juli came running after Kale in the hallway. "Where is he going? Emil said we were leaving."

  "He'll be back in time," Mirah said. "Let's get you strapped into a harness-things are about to get rough." She calmed Juli, who looked like her viral illness had still not abated. Heat radiated from her skin. She had left her in bed while they went to the meeting, but she probably wouldn't be able to go back to sleep now.

  She strapped the girl into a flight chair and checked her temperature again.

  "I'll be right back. You need something to bring your fever down again."

  The whining sound of approaching pods flooded the busy hangar as people boarded several large transport ships. They were large enough together to accommodate nearly the entire population of the province. Not even a third of that number had made it to the hangar. The people scrambled for the transport loading ramps as the pods came through the numerous rail car tunnels. The pod fighters immediately rained down a firestorm on the transport ships and those trying to board them.


  Kale ran toward the hangar's rock wall where the pods came through. He had a Barudii blade in hand. A pod veered in his direction. Laser blasts strafed the pavement on either side of him as he seized the attacker with his mind, pulling the pod down. Kale leaped up to it as it descended. He used the pod as a springboard, leaping away higher as it continued downward and slammed into the hangar floor.

  Kale flipped over in a tight ball higher and higher and then unfolded to land on another pod. He used the centrifugal force of his somersault to slam his ignited blade straight down through the top of the pod cockpit. He hit the pilot square on and leaped away again as the pod dropped out from under him.

  An alarm sounded all over the huge bay. The main hangar door started to retract. Open sky peered inside from beyond-freedom for the Gunirans if they could get the transports away in time. The pods blasted away at the large ships as they groaned to bring their hulking masses up from the tarmac. Other than scorch marks, the small pods did very little damage to these behemoths-flies biting at giants. But for those caught outside the fleeing vessels the pods brought the sting of death.

  The Equinox waited to move out. Kale landed back on the pavement and released a few spicors at some incoming pods and then he sprinted for the boarding ramp. All but one spicor slammed into their targets and brought the pods down in flashes of debris and fire.

  Kale sensed his father's urgency-they had to escape before the warships figured out where they had run to. He ran up the ramp and triggered the mechanism to raise it. When Kale got to the bridge, Grod had already activated the thrusters to raise them off of the platform. As the ship swung around, three Guniran transports made their way up and out of the underground hangar bay ahead of them.

  Huge bolts of blaster fire pummeled the shields of the first transport. It had to be a big warship out there beyond the open bay door-nothing else could bring down that kind of firepower. Grod used the advantage of their smaller size to move the Equinox ahead of the third transport in line to get out. The Equinox glided under the belly of the second ship as more laser fire slammed into the first ship.

  As the Equinox slipped between the ground and the second transport two Vorn battle cruisers hovered overhead. The warships blasted both of the transports that had emerged from the hangar bay. One of the Vorn ships launched a barrage of missiles that spiraled individually on track for the first Guniran transport which lost shield power. The missiles scattered along its forward bridge section and along the top and sides of the vessel, pitting it badly with multiple explosions and penetrating the hull.

  The first Guniran transport began to drop out of the sky much faster than it had ascended. With a short fall it plowed into the ground creating a thunderous roar felt throughout the hull of the Equinox. Grod kept the ship low to the ground while the other transport climbed for more altitude under continuous fire from the Vorn warships.

  Wynn sat at the weapons control console, using their limited fire power as best as he could, but it just wasn't enough to fight a heavy cruiser. Evasion was their only recourse. The warships concentrated their efforts on the big transports. Grod veered hard to port to keep away from a near strafe line that scorched the ground behind them. A crashing sounded from back in the crew cabin area.

  "What was that?" Tiet asked.

  "I'll check on it, Father."

  "I'll go with him," Jael said as he unfastened his flight harness.

  The pair made their way to the rear hall behind the bridge compartment, bracing themselves against the walls at regular intervals to counter Grod's evasive maneuvering.

  Kale sensed a stowaway in his own compartment. The auto-door slid away to reveal a surprising guest.

  "Aija, sir. What are you doing here?" Kale asked.

  "Planning to leave, the same as you," he said trying to steady himself against the gravitational forces in play throughout the ship.

  "We expected that you had evacuated aboard one of the Guniran transports," Jael said.

  "And well I would have, but the Lord bid me to enter your ship before takeoff."

  "I don't understand."

  "Young master Kale, there is much work to be done, but we must get to the right place to do it. Are we ready to make a transgate jump?"

  "No, we're trying to evade the warships."

  The prophet pushed past him, heading for the bridge-his cane tapping the metal flooring in time with his stride.

  "Aija?!" Tiet exclaimed. "How did you-"

  "My King, we must jump to Draconis


  "Please, there isn't time to explain."

  Tiet locked eyes with the prophet. "Grod, we've got to jump to Draconis."

  "I'd be happy to be anywhere besides here, but I can't program the sequence right now," he said as he fought the ship's controls.

  Wynn's flight chair tracked sideways to the transgate controls at the science station. He began setting coordinates for the jump by reinitiating the same coordinates they had used for the recall gate to rescue Kale and the others before.

  "We're running out of room fast," Grod said as the Equinox approached a huge mountain range. The ship skimmed just above the tree line trying to remain elusive with the warships after them. Grod spun the ship around and headed back toward the cruisers pursuing them. A total of six now had them in pursuit.

  "If you're going to do it, you had better make it fast," Grod said.

  Wynn finalized the command sequence and tapped the initiate button. The ship began to stream through a self made tunnel of light as they came upon the Vorn cruisers fast. Just before they would have collided with the warships, the trailing photons enveloped the Equinox completely. They disappeared.


  A pungent stench filled their nostrils as they exited the Equinox-the aroma of decay, the scent of death. Kale was glad that Juli was sleeping again-she wouldn't have been able to handle the sight of all this-her former civilization in ruins like this.

  Sector City appeared much different than when they had left it three months ago. It looked like intense fighting had taken place all over the city. Nothing moved that wasn't carried on the wind and the only people visible were the multitudes strewn in the streets and even the carrion feeders had long since given up on them.


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