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The rise of Lucin tcos-2

Page 16

by James Somers

  "It's quite a story and one I may share at a later time, suffice to say, The Eternal One cursed me to a low form and I have triumphed over the condition he left me in to seize the minds of his beloved humans. Since coming to this planet, I have only seen my powers grow exponentially, until now I feel almost invincible."

  "My fellow Agonotti have been experiencing the same thing recently," said Vock. "Perhaps it was your coming again to us which has caused the return of the power we once knew?"

  "Perhaps. Whatever the reason, we must seize this opportunity to gain full control of the humans."

  "Of course, we are at your disposal my lord," said Vock. "Our brethren are waiting nearby and we shall assemble the other groups spread across the continent as soon as possible." It was easy to relinquish his new authority over the Agonotti to his former lord, Lucin. Just being in his presence again was an intoxicatingly evil thrill. Events were changing so rapidly in their favor, that it just seemed right that he had returned to them. "I should inform you that there are rebels working against us on this planet, my lord. We have been working diligently to root them out, but they have proven very resourceful."

  "I've encountered them as well. Don't worry, Vock, I've recently sent some new allies to flush out the prey for us. We should see them appearing very soon and we'll be prepared to greet them properly this time."


  KALE, Emil and Juli walked into the Sector city base library. There were not all that many people in the place. Half of the lighting was shut down and of the few people occupying chairs and couches; Kale thought most appeared to be sleeping. As the trio passed the attendant desk they saw that no one was even working behind the counter.

  "Doesn't look like this part of the base gets much use," said Emil.

  Kale made his way over to a group of computer displays stationed on long rows of tables. Juli sat down next to him.

  "I'm going to look around a little," said Emil as he walked past them.

  Kale tapped the display and it responded by blinking on. A symbol for the base library appeared in color, but there was no keyboard to utilize.

  "It's probably voice activated," posed Juli and she spoke a command to the display. "Show library database, please."

  The computer responded by changing screens to a catalog of possible selections and said, "Please, state or touch category."

  "Religious texts," said Kale.

  The screen changed again to another menu of categories. Many religious documents were listed that Kale did not recognize, except for the one he was interested in. "The Logostus," said Kale and the computer responded again.

  "What are you looking for specifically?" asked Juli.

  "I'm not quite sure," said Kale, "I would like to see something about this prophecy of the empty hand that Aija spoke of."

  The computer captured phrases from his statement again and the separate sixty six documents that comprised The Logostus were replaced by specific scriptural references to "prophecy", "empty hand" and "Aija."

  This thing is a bit sensitive, thought Kale. He noticed that many of the references were from subheading books of The Logostus that he recognized and quite a few were simply the names of those prophets which had authored them. Under the reference for "empty hand" was the subheading title "Book of the Kingdom Two" and a verse reference with it. Kale tapped the screen to access it and the scripture appeared on the screen. He and Juli studied it carefully. Evidently it was the only reference to the prophecy in the entire Holy Book.

  "It says, the fallen shall be taken and reserved in chains unto the great day of Elithias' judgment, and also-"

  The computer threatened to take phrases and shift the displayed information again. "Computer, touch interface only," said Juli and then she continued reading the passage as Kale read along with her.

  "-on Draconis the Mithrial sons shall fall in Sayir to the one with no weapon in his hand. The fervent prayer of the righteous avails much."

  "What is Sayir?" asked Kale.

  "It's a mountain, to the west of Sector City," said Juli.

  "If the Agonotti are these Mithrial sons, being referred to in the Logostus, then it looks like they are going to be destroyed at that mountain," deduced Kale.

  "The reference sounds a bit like prayer does them in, doesn't it?" asked Juli."

  Kale tapped the scripture reference for "Aija" that appeared on the screen. The computer brought up several scriptures where the man's name appeared along with a commentary reference that gave general information on the subject. Kale could quickly see from the commentary reference that the prophet they had come to know recently had this person as his namesake.

  "This commentary says that Aija was a prophet during the time of Elithias, when he appeared on Castai," said Kale. "Apparently this Aija was a forerunner to Elithias' appearance in human form when he came to provide a pardon to mankind."

  "And our Aija is the last prophet; a forerunner of Elithias' return in order to establish his kingdom!" said Juli with sudden insight. "It's beginning to make sense to me."

  The pair continued searching other references together. The puzzle pieces of Aija's words were beginning to take on the form of a clearer picture, at least in part.


  EMIL had wondered to another portion of the library, away from Kale and Juli. He actually did want to find some information, but not with them present. Emil sat at one of the computer displays running through his own set of references. On the screen, were subheadings for the Vorn clan and for the Horva clones. All of the references were old. Apparently nothing beyond the time of the war was to be found in the system.

  Emil was stunned to see all of the information referring to his people having been created as clone mutations of the Vorn for the purpose of fighting their battles for them. His father had never explained their origin and it had never been a subject he had been taught about while in school on Castai with Kale.

  The commentary was telling him that the origins of his people were as slaves; highly adept warriors, but nonetheless, made to be slaves. There was also listed under the Horva subheading a commentary on General Grod. Emil tapped the screen and a record of his father's wartime exploits were laid out before him. There was an obvious bias against his father in the wartime commentary. Emil supposed that was to be expected from someone who was on the opposite side of the conflict. He knew from Kale's father that he and his father had been sworn enemies at one time, but that through events taking place during the conflict with a clan called the Baruk, the king and his father had become allies and eventually the greatest of friends.

  Emil was glad that so much had changed between the two men. The thought that he and Kale might have been mortal enemies otherwise was very unpleasant. The commentary showed the Vorn clan native to the planet Demigoth. This was evidently where his father and the other Horva clones of the first generation had been created. Someday I must visit this planet Demigoth, he thought. Emil commanded the computer to turn off and he sank back into his chair. He closed his eyes and let the information soak into his mind. All of that is in the past, he reminded himself.


  "GENTLEMEN, having explained all of these things regarding the nature of this conflict, I do hope we can count on your support," said Tiet as he stood addressing the other rebel leaders by video conference.

  "I think I could speak for my fellows in this-we are worried about the numbers we are going to have to face in comparison with the number of capable soldiers we have," said Commander Jarac. "It's certainly not that we disbelieve the prophet you mentioned or the prophecies-I am personally a devoted follower of Elithias, but how do we know that this is the proper time to face this enemy?"

  "Men, I can give you no assurances. I can only speak from what I know and believe, and I firmly believe that Elithias has commissioned me to lead the people of Draconis against this gathering army. If you do not face them now, openly, you will only prolong the inevitable, and end up running for your lives as they grow ev
en stronger. And besides all this, how can we hope to obtain the blessings of The Eternal One when we are not willing to trust him?"

  This was a cutting blow-it was immediately apparent on their faces. It was not anger, but guilt that Tiet saw in their expressions. But he had told them the truth and he felt good about it. If it was indeed Elithias' purpose to have him lead these rebels in battle, then he would certainly be leading them.

  Alec stepped in before the silence became awkward. "My brothers, may we take a vote to confirm?" he asked as he stepped before the viewer next to Tiet. "All those willing to follow the will of Elithias in this matter and lend us your assistance in this struggle, please signify by the uplifting of your right hand.

  Excellent move, thought Tiet. Now, they were cornered somewhat by their convictions.

  Slowly but surely, all hands went up.

  "Excellent, gentlemen. With the enemy forces already massing nearby, we will need you to bring your troops to our location as soon as possible and-"

  Suddenly the transmission was cut and the lighting flickered and went out along with all power. Emergency lighting quickly came on, but it was pale in comparison and no other power appeared to be operating.

  "Power is out," said Grod.

  "Something is wrong," said Alec. "It would have to have been done deliberately-our systems are completely separate from the city and hidden."

  "We may need those reinforcements sooner than we thought," said Wynn.

  Tiet's communicator pin beeped to life. "Tiet, what's happening?" asked Mirah.

  "We're not sure. Standby; we may need to evacuate the complex."

  "I'll get prepared just in case. I may need the boys to help me get my patient Ramah to the ship."



  KALE and Juli were holding hands at the computer console. They were still looking through information; at least they were pretending to look through the data. Juli had placed her hand on top of Kale's as it lay on the tabletop. Kale hadn't taken his eyes off of the screen, but he had turned his hand over to take hers and hold it.

  The power flickered several times and then the computer and all of the lights went dark. A lone emergency light pod switched itself on in the far corner of the room. Juli squeezed Kale's hand tightly, "What's happening?!"

  "I'm not sure, but it can't be good," said Kale.

  The pair got up from their seats and crossed the room, trying not to bump into the furniture. "Emil?!" shouted Kale as they searched for their friend.

  "I'm here," said Emil as he made his way across the room toward them, "I guess you two didn't turn out the lights to kiss, huh"

  Kale would have blushed, had it not been a dangerous situation they were in. "Let's just get out of here and see if this power outage is everywhere," said Kale.

  The group made their way through the dark maze of tables and printed books on shelves and out into the corridor in from of the library. "Looks like the power is off everywhere," said Emil.

  "We need to get to your father," said Juli.

  "Let's make our way back to the war room," said Kale. He and Emil pulled their weapons and kept them at the ready. "Keep your senses sharp, Emil," said Kale. "There's no telling what kind of surprises we might find in the dark."


  POWER conduit control boxes, sparked out their anger over the attack by the aerogores. The cables were severed that supplied power to the base and the junction boxes were destroyed. All the lights in the corridor were out except for a few lone emergency lights here and there.

  The group of aerogores moved quickly to the end of the maintenance corridor. The door clicked as a manual release switch engaged through the actions of someone on the other side. The door opened and a man with a hand held light moved just inside the door. As his light illuminated the group of aerogores in the corridor, he tried to scream, but he wasn't allowed the time.

  The aerogores pounced and the first kill was made. They were inside the main compound now. The group of reptilian predators surged forward in great numbers. There were people everywhere, all waiting to be plucked by the deadly beasts, but to feed was not their purpose. They moved swiftly into the populace. Screams began to flood the corridors of the underground base as the aerogores spread out in every direction they could.


  ALEC was at the north entrance to the conference room trying to finagle the manual door control to get it open. Two soldiers acting as his personal bodyguards were with him as the door unlocked and slid open under the manual release mechanism he had activated.

  Suddenly, as he stepped into the doorway, a gaping maw snatched him up ferociously. Rows of hot knives pierced his body as he screamed and then the reptilian beast rent him in two, tossing the remains across the room. Alec's bodyguards immediately fired at the nightmare as it stepped into the room, barely visible in the low emergency lighting.

  Tiet and Wynn had their blades drawn and ignited-Grod activated his plasma glove. The beast launched a burst of flame at one soldier as another of the monsters sailed over the first into the conference room, pinning the other man to the floor and tearing away his life in an instant. A spicor from Wynn's hand caught the first animal in the side of the head; disintegrating a large enough portion to drop it dead. Tiet deftly carved an arc of light into the second as it was busy dismantling the bodyguard pinned under its foot.

  Multiple screeches coming from the room beyond the open doorway were cause enough for Tiet to back away from his kill. There were more of them; a lot more.

  "Aerogores!" shouted Grod. "Just like the ones we faced out in the city."

  "Or those same ones have tracked us down here," said Wynn.

  Behind them, an ellipse of light carved through the other locked doors. The piece fell into the room and Kale and Emil entered.

  "Not these things again!?" said Kale

  More of the creatures were beginning to move into the room; sniffing at their dead ones and glaring at the burning corpse of the first bodyguard that had been attacked.

  "Tiet, I don't think this is a fight we want to have right now," said Wynn.

  "We've got to get everyone out of here!"

  Tiet tapped on his communicator pin. "Mirah, evacuate the facility. You've got to get to the ship now and get out of the base."

  "I can't leave. My patient, Ramah, is too weak."

  "Don't worry, I'm sending the boys down to help." He turned to them. "Boys, get down to the Med-lab and help her get the girl to the ship. Tell everyone you come across to get to the ships and evacuate the base immediately."

  Grod blasted one of the beasts standing in the doorway with his plasma glove. It writhed in agony and after a few seconds, moved no more.

  "And be careful," said Wynn. "They may have entered the base through more than one entrance."

  "Come on guys!" said Juli, terrified, from just beyond the portal they had cut to gain entrance.

  They obeyed without any argument; stepping back through and heading away quickly into the darkness with the glow cast by their ignited blades as their only light.

  Flame erupted from one of the aerogores as it peeked inside the room from behind the two dead in the doorway. The men could hear many more writhing and screeching in the darkness beyond.

  "Maybe we can hold them here," suggested Tiet as Grod fired more bursts of plasma energy at the creatures trying to enter through the doorway.

  Pounding from above drew their attention. They looked up only to find another aerogore smashing its way through the mesh grille that covered the ventilation conduit in the ceiling. It fell by its own weight into the room, just in front of them, and recovered quickly; springing into action against them. Tiet was the closest and bounded away from its lightning fast strike as Wynn hit it broadside with a spicor disc. It howled and fell over going wild from the pain of having a quarter of its abdomen obliterated by the resulting dispersion burst.

  Heavy steps were heard again from above as more of the monsters filed through the
conduit and headed into the room. Tiet leapt over the one still writhing on the ground and followed his companions out of the conference room using the portal cut by the boys. There was almost no emergency lighting visible at all in the corridor. They hoped they were alone for the moment. The lack of light gave the animals a definite advantage.

  "I don't sense anything out here," said Wynn cautiously.

  Behind them, multiple aerogores were pounding away at the locked doors. The cut portal was much too small for any of them to fit through, but they were denting the door noticeably and it was quickly giving way to the abuse.

  "They'll be through that door in seconds," said Grod.

  "Come on, we've got to warn everyone we can to get out of here before the place becomes overrun with those things," said Tiet as he ran off into the dark corridors ahead with the others taking up pursuit.


  KALE, Juli and Emil moved quickly through the darkened corridors of the base. They entered one of the junction areas with a larger chamber and other corridors heading off in different directions from it. It contained a service hall that normally would have had people eating inside, but the place was abandoned at the moment.

  Emil's foot bumped into something as they made their way through the area. He lowered his ignited blade and saw the upper portion of a woman's body lying on the ground at his feet. He stepped back in disgust; her lower body was nowhere to be found.

  Juli screamed up ahead, next to Kale. It was another grisly discovery. As he joined them where more clusters of emergency lighting pods made the visibility better, Emil could see that there was a great many more people slain in the area.

  "It smells terrible in here," said Juli.

  "Yeah, unfortunately we've smelled it before," said Emil.


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