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Kenneth Clark

Page 58

by James Stourton

  10. The dinner took place on 6 November 1936. I am grateful to Stephen Conrad for this information and reference

  11. Letter to Theodore Sizer, 27 October 1938, Stirling Library, Yale

  12. Interview with author, 2013

  13. Kemp, Leonardo, p.63

  14. Ibid., p.21

  15. Ibid., p.10

  16. Now in the National Gallery, Washington

  17. Kemp, Leonardo, p.223

  18. See Luke Sysons, Leonardo da Vinci exhibition catalogue, National Gallery, London, p.63

  19. Letter to Arts Editor, 18 May 1949, Tate 8812/1/4/189

  20. BBC Radio, 1 February 1973, British Library Sound Archive, Disc 196

  21. Letter from Vita Sackville-West to Clark, 11 August 1939, I Tatti

  22. New Statesman, 5 August 1939, pp.219–20

  23. Letter from Berenson, 12 August 1939, Cumming (ed.), My Dear BB, p.215

  24. Michael Levey, obituary of Kenneth Clark, Proceedings of the British Academy, Vol. LXX, 1984

  25. Clark, Another Part of the Wood, p.259

  26. Harries, Nikolaus Pevsner, p.138

  27. First published as ‘A Western Criticism of Chinese Painting’, The Listener, 22 January 1936

  28. Although frequently used as a lecture, it was also published as ‘An Englishman Looks at Chinese Paintings’ in the Architectural Review, Vol. CII, July 1947, pp.29–33

  29. Postcard to Clive Bell, undated, King’s College, Cambridge BLM/11

  30. See Clark’s letter to The Times on the subject, dated 27 March 1939

  31. Letter to the Academic Assistance Council, 8 May 1934, Papers of the Society for the Protection of Science and Learning appeals, Bodleian Library

  32. Jack Beddington, who initiated the Shell poster campaign – Betjeman’s ‘Beddy Ol Man’ would reappear at the MoI

  33. Letter, 15 February 1937, Tate 8812/1/3/2651–2700

  34. Jacob Burckhardt, The Civilisation of the Renaissance in Italy, published in German in 1860 and in English in 1878

  35. Clark, Another Part of the Wood, p.258

  36. Ibid.

  37. Letter to Jane, undated, c.1940s, Saltwood. Elsewhere Clark states that it was the publication of a book by a French scholar which made his unnecessary

  38. ‘The Universal Man’, lecture given in July 1971 at the Ditchley Park Foundation, Oxfordshire (a body dedicated to Anglo–American relations), exploring Alberti, Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin

  Chapter 15: Director versus Staff

  1. Published in Apollo, January 1984

  2. Clark speaking at the BADA dinner in May 1936, Tate 8812, Press cuttings

  3. Clark, Another Part of the Wood, p.263. Leo Planiscig (1887–1952)

  4. Penny, The National Gallery Catalogues: The Sixteenth Century Italian Paintings, Vol. 1, Bergamo, Brescia and Verona, p.296

  5. Michael Levey, obituary of Kenneth Clark, Proceedings of the British Academy, Vol. LXX, 1984. Levey told Caroline Elam that the curator in question was Neil MacLaren

  6. Ernst Gombrich (1909–2001), whom Clark rated as the greatest among contemporary art historians

  7. Letter to Samuel Courtauld, 8 July 1937, National Gallery Archives

  8. Letter to Edith Wharton, 11 July 1937, Beinecke Library, Yale

  9. Letter to Berenson, 22 July 1937, Cumming (ed.), My Dear BB, p.186

  10. Undated letter, presumably around October 1937, ibid., p.189

  11. Letter from Berenson, 21 October 1937, ibid., pp.190–1

  12. Burlington Magazine, November 1937, Vol. LXXI, No. 416, pp.198–201

  13. C.F. Bell, letter to The Times, 5 November 1937

  14. Letter to The Times, dated 5 November 1937

  15. Daily Telegraph, 20 December 1937

  16. Letter to G.H. Blore, 25 January 1938, National Gallery Archives

  17. Letter to Janet Stone, September 1968, Bodleian Library

  18. Penny, The National Gallery Catalogues: The Sixteenth Century Italian Paintings, Vol. 1, Bergamo, Brescia and Verona, p.296

  19. Clark, Landscape Into Art, pp.57–8

  20. Told to the author by Philip Pouncey, c.1988

  21. Pope-Hennessy, Learning to Look, p.54

  22. Walker, Self-Portrait with Donors, p.293

  23. Minute of meeting Lord Balniel and Harold Isherwood Kay, undated, c. March 1938, Crawford Papers, National Library of Scotland

  24. Ibid.

  25. Letter to Lord Duveen, 24 January 1936, Tate 8812/1/3/953

  26. Minute of meeting Lord Balniel and Harold Isherwood Kay, 1 April 1938, Crawford Papers, National Library of Scotland

  27. Letter to Lord Balniel, 23 April 1939, Crawford Papers, National Library of Scotland

  28. Minute of meeting Lord Balniel and Harold Isherwood Kay, 1 April 1938, Crawford Papers, National Library of Scotland

  29. Minute of meeting Lord Balniel and Martin Davies, 1 April 1938, Crawford Papers, National Library of Scotland

  30. Ibid.

  31. Letter to Lord Balniel, 23 April 1938, Crawford Papers, National Library of Scotland

  32. Letter to his mother, 9 February 1938, Saltwood

  33. Conlin, The Nation’s Mantelpiece, p.158

  34. I am very grateful to Professor Christopher Brown for supplying this portrait of Martin Davies

  35. Letter to Lord Balniel, 23 April 1938, Crawford Papers, National Library of Scotland

  36. Ibid., 3 May 1938

  37. Interview with Colette Clark

  38. Letter from the Duke of Buccleuch to Clark, 12 January 1938, National Gallery Archives

  39. Letter from Clark to Victor Mallet, 28 January 1938, National Gallery Archives

  40. Trewin, Alan Clark: The Biography, p.20

  41. Letter to Lord Balniel, 17 October 1938, Crawford Papers, National Library of Scotland

  42. Letter to Ben Nicolson, 14 April 1939, private collection, copy at Burlington Magazine

  Chapter 16: The Listener and the Artists

  1. The Listener, 22 February 1940, No. 580, ‘The Artist and the Patron: Eric Newton interviews Kenneth Clark’

  2. BBC Radio, Let’s Find Out, 15 February 1966, British Library National Sound Archive

  3. Clark, Another Part of the Wood, p.248. Today all but two plates have gone missing, last seen at auction in Germany

  4. Herbert Read (1893–1968), poet and the leading British apologist for international modern art

  5. All quotes from ‘The Future of Painting’, The Listener, 2 October 1935, No. 351

  6. See ‘Ben Nicholson and the Future of Painting’, The Listener, 9 October 1935

  7. Roland Penrose (1900–84), collector and biographer of Picasso, and a surrealist painter himself

  8. Letter to The Listener, 9 October 1935, written under his pseudonym Douglas Lord

  9. Letter to Edith Sitwell, 12 August 1949, Harry Ransom Center, University of Texas

  10. Letter to Janet Stone, 4 September 1975, Bodleian Library

  11. A review of the Rouault exhibition at the Mayor Gallery, The Listener, 23 October 1935, No. 354

  12. Letter from Ben Nicholson to Clark, 5 May (no year, but presumably 1936), I Tatti

  13. Letter from Charles Collins Baker to D.S. MacColl, 7 January 1936, University of Glasgow, MS MacColl B30. Clark once wrote that ‘MacColl stands like a tall flamingo among the quacking ducks’

  14. Published in Commercial Art, 17 August 1934, Vol. XVII

  15. Clark, ‘Aesthete’s Progress’, John Murray Archive

  16. ‘Henry Moore at Eighty’, Sunday Times, 30 July 1978

  17. Letter to Sir Alan Lascelles, 17 November 1944, Windsor Royal Archives

  18. Berthoud, Henry Moore, p.157

  19. Secrest, Kenneth Clark, p.109

  20. Ibid.

  21. Clark, Another Part of the Wood, p.254

  22. Clark, ‘Aesthete’s Progress’, John Murray Archive

  23. Secrest, Kenneth Clark, p.107

  24. Letter from Graham Sutherland to Clark, Febr
uary 1938, Tate 8812/1/3/3101–3150

  25. Letter to Henry Moore, 3 August 1939, Henry Moore Foundation

  26. Secrest, Kenneth Clark, p.107

  27. Letter to Gertrude Stein, 5 January 1939, Beinecke Library, Yale

  28. Letter from Graham Sutherland to Clark, undated, from Menton, Tate 8812/1/4/120

  29. Hillier, John Betjeman: New Fame, New Love, p.102

  30. Secrest, Kenneth Clark, p.110

  31. Fraser Jenkins, John Piper: The Forties, exhibition catalogue, Imperial War Museum 2000–01, p.20

  32. Lycett Green, John Betjeman: Letters, Vol. I: 1926–1951, p.240, letter from Betjeman to Clark, 5 October 1939

  33. Harris, Romantic Moderns, p.107

  34. Clark, Another Part of the Wood, p.251

  35. The Trust brought in about £500 a year, of which half was recovered tax. Pasmore received £15 a month. See letter from Clark to Guy Little (his accountant), 6 January 1944, Tate 8812/1/1/27. The Trust was dissolved in 1952

  36. Letter from Graham Bell to Clark, undated, I Tatti

  37. Clark, Another Part of the Wood, p.251

  38. These were mostly given via the CAS in 1946

  39. Quoted in Chris Stephens, ‘Patron and Collector’, ‘Looking for Civilisation’ catalogue, 2014, pp.97–8

  Chapter 17: Packing Up: ‘Bury Them in the Bowels of the Earth’

  1. Clark, The Other Half, p.5

  2. Jane Clark, diary, 3 June 1939, Saltwood

  3. BBC Empire Broadcast, 28 August 1939, Tate 8812/2/2/676

  4. Clark, Another Part of the Wood, p.277

  5. Bosman, The National Gallery in Wartime, p.19

  6. Letter to his mother, 17 August 1939, Saltwood

  7. BBC Empire Broadcast, 29 August 1939, Tate 8812/2/2/676

  8. Letter from Lord Balniel to Clark, 20 September 1939, Crawford Papers, National Library of Scotland

  9. Letter to Jane, undated but postmarked 2 December 1939, Saltwood

  10. Letter to Lord Balniel, 26 October 1939, Crawford Papers, National Library of Scotland

  11. Clark, The Other Half, p.6. Unfortunately this story is deflated by Rawlins, who while acknowledging that they did consider letting out the tyres, adds that in the event it turned out to be unnecessary. See Rawlins, War Time Storage, p.13

  12. BBC Home Service talk, Pictures Come Back to the National Gallery, 10 June 1945, Tate 8812/2/2/683

  13. Letter to William Gibson, 21 August 1941, National Gallery Archives

  14. Clark, The Other Half, p.7

  15. Letter to Jane, 28 February 1937, Saltwood

  16. See Accountant’s File, Percy Popkin, Tate 8812/1/4/344

  17. One of the more surprising consultations was when Read wanted to apply for the directorship of the Wallace Collection

  18. Letter from Herbert Read to Clark, 4 April 1939, Tate 8812/1/3/2651–2700

  19. Ibid., 3 May 1939

  20. Guggenheim, Out of this Century, London, p.200

  21. Letter from Herbert Read to Clark, 12 September 1939, Tate 8812/1/3/2664

  22. Letter to Miss Dorazio, 7 June 1973, Tate 8812/1/4/301

  23. Ibid.

  24. BBC Radio London, ‘Interview with Roger Clark about Bernard Berenson’, 27 August 1976

  25. This account is held at I Tatti among the Clark Papers. Nicolson published a very similar account in his Diaries (entry for 14 June 1939)

  26. Clark, Another Part of the Wood, p.273

  27. These notes are held with the Lippmann Papers at Stirling Library, Yale

  28. Clark, Another Part of the Wood, p.273

  29. Letter to his mother, undated, c.October 1939, Saltwood

  30. Clark, Another Part of the Wood, p.278

  Chapter 18: The National Gallery at War

  1. Conlin, Oil and Old Masters: How Britain Lost the Gulbenkian, p.160

  2. Lees-Milne, Ancestral Voices, p.163 (entry for 2 March 1943)

  3. Michael Levey, obituary of Kenneth Clark, Proceedings of the British Academy, Vol. LXX, 1984

  4. Tate 8812/2/2/677

  5. Bosman, The National Gallery in Wartime, p.40

  6. ‘From the Audience’, Hess et al., The National Gallery Concerts, p.7

  7. Letter from Myra Hess to Clark, 14 June 1941, Tate 8812/1/3/1301–1350

  8. Letter from Miss Lamont to Clark, 2 January 1940, Saltwood

  9. Letter to Berenson, 1 November 1939, Cumming (ed.), My Dear BB, p.234

  10. Nancy Thomas (1918–2015), Clark’s secretary at the National Gallery 1936–39. She went on to become a distinguished BBC producer

  11. Letter to Berenson, 1 November 1939, Cumming (ed.), My Dear BB, p.234

  12. Letter to his mother, 9 October 1939, I Tatti

  13. Letter to the Earl of Radnor, 16 September 1941, Tate 8812/1/1/7–8

  14. Letter to Lord Balniel, undated, Crawford Papers, National Library of Scotland

  15. The Times, 19 January 1942

  16. The idea had in fact first been proposed by Echoes PR agency in 1936 as ‘Picture of the Week’

  17. Broadcast 6 February 1942

  18. Letter to Lord Stanhope, 11 December 1941, Tate 8812/1/1/10

  19. Letter to Eric Maclagan, 6 January 1940, Tate 8812/1/1/2

  20. Browse, Duchess of Cork Street, p.81

  21. Ibid., pp.83–4

  22. Letter to Spender, 8 May 1942, Tate 8812/1/1/8

  23. Henri Bergson, French philosopher (1895–1941); famous for his élan vital

  24. Mellor et al., Recording Britain: A Pictorial Domesday of Pre-War Britain, p.7

  25. Spectator, 16 June 1944

  26. Lascelles, King’s Counsellor: Diaries, p.101

  27. Letter from William Gibson to Courtauld, 4 December 1940, National Gallery Archives

  28. Letter to William Gibson, 7 December 1940, National Gallery Archives

  29. Letter from Gulbenkian to Clark, 11 September 1942, Tate 8812/1/4/165b

  30. Letter from William Adams Delano to Clark, 21 July 1942, Tate 8812/1/4/165b

  31. Letter from Gulbenkian to Clark, 5 March 1943, Tate 8812/1/4/165b

  32. Lees-Milne, Ancestral Voices, p.280 (entry for 8 December 1943)

  Chapter 19: The Ministry of Information

  1. McLaine, Ministry of Morale, p.217

  2. Clark, The Other Half, p.9

  3. I am much indebted in this chapter to Henry Irving, the senior researcher on the London University MoI history project. He has directed me to various papers at Kew and made invaluable suggestions on the text

  4. Letter to Jane, undated (postmarked 7 September 1939), Saltwood. The 16th Earl of Perth, after a distinguished diplomatic career, was briefly Director-General of the MoI

  5. Letter to Jane, 11 September 1939, Saltwood

  6. Letter to Lord Lloyd of Dolobran, 20 September 1939, National Gallery Archives, 268.3

  7. Letter from Lord Lee to Lord Macmillan, 18 September 1939, Tate 8812/1/3/1601–50

  8. Trewin, Alan Clark: The Biography, p.34

  9. Nicolson diary, 3 August 1940, Balliol College Archive

  10. Clark papers are to be found in numerous files at the MoI Archive at Kew, and particularly in the minutes of various committees he sat on. See TNA, INF

  11. Sir John Reith, later Lord Reith (1889–1971), Director-General of the BBC and its most influential servant, who set a pattern of public-service broadcasting

  12. Sir Alfred Duff Cooper, later Viscount Norwich (1890–1954), Conservative Party grandee and diplomat; married to the equally celebrated Lady Diana Cooper

  13. ‘Artists and War’, Clark, The Highway, Special Art Supplement, December 1939

  14. Clark, The Other Half, p.14

  15. Letter from Henry Moore to Clark, 23 December 1939, Tate 8812/1/3/2040

  16. Letter from Lord Bearsted to Balniel, 20 December 1939, Crawford Papers, National Library of Scotland

  17. Letter to his mother, postmarked 15 February 1940, Saltwood

  18. Interview with Kenneth Clark, K
inematograph Weekly, 11 January 1940

  19. Daily Herald, 19 January 1940

  20. Letter to Sir Victor Schuster, 15 October 1941, Tate 8812/1/1/10

  21. Sunday Times, 4 February 1940

  22. Nicolson diary, 2 April 1940, Balliol College Archive

  23. Clark, The Other Half, p.37

  24. Tate 8812/1/1/6

  25. Colin Clark, Younger Brother, Younger Son, p.188

  26. Letter from Betjeman to Clark, 20 January 1949, Tate 8812/1/3/251–300

  27. Taped interview with Clark by Bevis Hillier, in possession of the author

  28. Hillier, New Fame, New Love, p.145

  29. Ibid., p.161

  30. 10.15 a.m., 21 February 1940, Tate 8812/2/2/2

  31. Lecture given 26 November 1940. Text Tate 8812/1/1/70

  32. Taped interview with Clark by Bevis Hillier, in possession of the author

  33. Beddington was behind the Shell poster campaign that Clark admired. He dreamt up one of the more popular MoI slogans: ‘Be Like Dad; Keep Mum’

  34. Clark, The Other Half, p.15

  35. McLaine, Ministry of Morale, p.10

  36. Nicolson diary, 27 May 1940, Balliol College Archive

  37. I am grateful to Henry Irving for pointing this out

  38. Part 1, Policy Committee Meetings, 1 May 1940, Kew National Archive, TNA, INF 1/848

  39. Speech given at the Royal Festival Hall, 8 March 1965, Tate 8812/1/4/293

  40. Nicolson diary, 8 November 1940, Balliol College Archive

  41. Ibid., 27 May 1940

  42. Ibid., 8 June 1940

  43. Two undated letters from Jane Clark to Lord Crawford, Crawford Papers, National Library of Scotland

  44. Nicolson diary, 21 October 1940, Balliol College Archive

  45. Letter to Lord Crawford, undated, Crawford Papers, National Library of Scotland

  46. Nicolson diary, 17 April 1941, Balliol College Archive

  47. Knox, Cartoons and Coronets: The Genius of Osbert Lancaster, p.49

  48. Letter to Jane, 15 September 1940, Saltwood

  49. See Nicolson diary, 5 February 1941, Balliol College Archive. The pamphlet was completed by 25 February

  50. Letter to Jane, 15 September 1940, Saltwood

  51. MoI, National Archive Kew, TNA, INF 1/250

  52. Clark memorandum, 30 August 1940, MoI, National Archive Kew, TNA, INF 1/251

  53. Ibid., 21 July 1941, TNA, INF 1/312

  54. Ibid., 22 January 1941, TNA, INF 1/849


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