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Playing for Keeps/Body Check (Rules of the Game)

Page 5

by Heather Peters

  And then the accident happened.

  The accident that separated them forever.

  Because of her lies.

  Only Grace knew the truth. And the papers revealing her miscarriage were locked away in the house, where Jenna had never touched them again.

  Now, he was hurt, and she wanted to help him.

  She already decided she'd take him home with her after his surgery. She couldn’t stand the idea of him going back to a hotel room alone while he recovered.

  She'd arrange to have the physical therapist come to the house to help Nick get back in tip top form, so when he returned to his team, he'd be one hundred percent.

  It was the least she could do for Nico, the man she would love always.


  Groggy and sore, Nick gradually regained consciousness and opened his eyes to see Jenna sitting by his bed.

  The last thing he remembered was Jenna rushing him to the hospital. He recalled the pain growing so intense, he nearly passed out. He was told in the emergency room that besides the torn rotator cuff, he also dislocated his shoulder while he and Jenna were making love.

  He smiled at the memory. He would risk the pain again if he could have her in his arms, crying out his name, and coming apart in his arms.

  "Hey, you." His voice sounded like gravel, and his shoulder ached.

  He watched as her smile curved those beautiful lips. She rose and approached the bed, and caressed his face in her palm.

  "Hey Dante, how are you?"

  Nick managed a short snort when she leaned down to kiss his mouth. "I'd feel better if you climbed in here with me."

  "Don’t count on that." Nick's ortho doctor entered the room with a chart in his hand, and reading glasses perched on the tip of his nose.

  After Nick introduced Jenna, the doctor nodded and continued his evaluation.

  "Ok, Nick, we fixed the torn cuff, and put your shoulder back in its place. How did you manage the dislocation anyway?"

  Nick watched Jenna flush beet red, and he laughed. "Lifted something I guess I shouldn’t have."

  Standing behind the doctor's back, Jenna looked at Nick with fire in her eyes, and made a slicing motion across her neck. His smile widened.

  "Well, we want you up and out of here tomorrow morning, and I've scheduled rehab for you the day after that. If you want, we can have the therapist come to your house."

  Because Nick couldn’t answer, Jenna spoke up. "He's going to be staying with me, at my house."

  Relieved that Jen would be taking him in, Nick mouthed the words, 'thank you' and turned back to the doctor. "What do you say, Doc, what's the verdict on my pitching arm?"

  "I won't know anything until your rehab is completed and we ex-ray you again. I'm targeting that to happen in early January." The doctor looked at Jenna. "No exertion on that shoulder, except for therapy, understand?"

  Jenna nodded. "I understand. I'll pick him up tomorrow and take him home."

  "Good, I'll have the nurse write you up some scripts and instructions."

  When the doctor left, Nick held his good arm out for Jenna, who took it and kissed his knuckles. "Don't be cocky, listen to your therapist and get through rehab."

  "How can I ever thank you, Jen?"

  "By healing so you'll be in top shape on opening day."

  "Looking to get rid of me already?"

  She frowned, her thin eyebrows forming a V. "Of course not, we just want your arm to be perfect so you'll be able to pitch again and win another pennant."

  Nick wondered why she was talking about him going back to California. He wasn’t even out of the hospital yet, and she was talking about his departure. After what happened in the café, he thought for sure that she'd talk about them, and where they went from here.

  But for now, all he wanted was to go home with her, be cared for by her and enjoy being with her every day.

  The rest wasn’t important.


  That evening, Jenna was getting the extra bedroom ready for Nick when Grace came in and stood, hands on hips, a sly smile curving her lips.

  "Well, well, a couple of days ago you couldn’t wait for him to go back to California, and look at you today, getting ready to play house."

  Jenna turned from where she sat on the floor in the large walk in closet amongst a stack of boxes, toward the voice of her younger sibling and stuck out her tongue.

  "Very mature, darling sister. So when does my brother in law get here? And what the hell are you doing anyway?"

  Jenna blew a long strand of wayward hair from her eye. "I don’t even know what's in some of these boxes, so I decided since Nick will be here for a while, and only until he's well enough to leave, what better time to straighten up?"

  Grace joined Jenna on the floor and lifted some boxes, labeled, 'books', 'taxes', 'restaurant lease' and the like. There was also a rectangle sized boxed that contained Nick's college jersey, his cap, still sweat stained and wrinkled from wear, and his old mitt. A couple of baseballs joined the rest of the ensemble.

  While Jenna stacked some boxes in a corner to make more room accessible, Grace lifted a small plastic bin bearing the label, Jenna/Medical Records. "Hey, look what I found."

  Jenna turned and immediately froze. She looked at the box, then at Grace. "I always meant to put those in the safety deposit box at the bank," Jenna said, as Grace sat on the floor next to her sister. "Open it."

  Grace lifted the lid and Jenna saw her past flash in front of her as she shuffled the various yellowed documents. Her birth and baptismal certificates, school report cards, greeting cards from her parents, a myriad of forgotten memories.

  And on the bottom, the medical reports on the car accident that had taken the life of her parents, and injured herself and Grace.

  Grace slid her arm around Jenna. "Put it away. What's past is past. Let's go have some lunch. How about a delicious pepper and mozzarella frittata?"

  Jenna shook her head and focused on one particular envelope. Opening it, she slid out her marriage license. Under that, her marriage certificate. Jenna allowed herself a few moments to read the words that bound her to Nick in marriage, all those years ago. She sighed deeply, and underneath, she spied the papers that documented the loss of her unborn child, the date and place.

  "I should have told him, Gracie. It's not fair and I was wrong. If I even thought of having any kind of relationship with Nick, I can't live with a lie. Secrets have a way of creeping up on you, and mine is a biggie. He needs to heal, and he needs to go back to California and find someone he can share a life with, have children with."

  "Ever since we were kids, I always knew you and Nick were a forever kind of couple. Tell him, Jen, get it out in the open. Then at least you will know that it's done and over with. I think he'll forgive you. Don’t give up."

  Jenna swiped at the tears that fell onto her cheeks, as she shook her head and placed the papers on top of the pile then slowly closed the lid.

  Both sisters stood up, and Jenna placed the bin on top of the box that housed Nick's college baseball uniform.

  "It's ok, honey, let's go have lunch."

  Jenna managed a smile through the tears. "If only we could solve all the problems of the world with food?"

  Grace shrugged, and smiled, then hooked her arm through Jenna's and led her to the kitchen. "We're Italian, what else is there?"


  Nick was trying to put his shirt on when Jenna came to the rescue at the hospital the next morning to pick him up.

  "Ah, my angel of mercy. Help me on with this thing, would you?"

  Jenna tenderly slipped his sore arm into the arm hole of his shirt, then buttoned it for him. "Don’t get used to this, Nico. This is temporary. You can stay with me and Gracie until you're back on your feet, or should I say, shoulder."

  "I think we should talk about what happened the other day at the café. And since you're so good at avoiding the subject, why don’t I start?"

  "I don’t want to talk about it,
Nico. Let's just get you back to the house and get you settled in."

  He lifted her chin with his hand. "If you don’t want to talk about it, why are you letting me stay with you?"

  "Because I feel partly responsible for what happened to your shoulder."

  He nodded and frowned. "So, you'll let me come live with you, sleep in a separate room, torture me knowing that I'm so close but can't touch you, but you won't talk about making crazy ass love in your café. Does that about cover it?"

  She bit her lip and averted her gaze from him. What was she not saying? Why did Nick get the feeling that she hadn't told him everything?

  John Matera joined Jenna and Nick at the hospital, volunteering to help get Nick and his stuff back to Jenna's house.

  Nick's agent and good friend joined them on the elevator, down to the curb, where John's car was parked, and the trio made their way to Brooklyn.

  She was mostly quiet on the way to Carroll Gardens, so Nick found a way to make her talk. Food, of course, could do the trick.

  "So, what's for dinner?" he quipped.

  She turned and managed a tiny smile. "It's nine thirty in the morning."

  He shrugged and cuddled up to her, making sure not to jiggle his newly repaired shoulder. "Seems when I'm with you, I'm hungry all the time."

  Now she laughed and shook her head. Looking at her, Nick swallowed hard. She was no longer that fresh scrubbed college student he'd fallen in love with all those years ago, but she was lovelier than ever.

  His heart ached for her. He'd never stopped loving her. Now, being blessed with this time with her, he vowed to have what they had years ago, only more so.

  "Jen, did I thank you for this? For taking me into your home."

  "You're very welcome. I've set up the extra bedroom in the back of the house. You'll have your own bathroom, TV, radio. We have a small gym in our basement, and you'll have access to a treadmill, elliptical, some weights, when you can manage your shoulder, stuff like that."

  Nick smiled and planted a soft kiss on her warm lips and reveled in her response. "I love the way you taste."

  Jenna averted her eyes and looked out the car window. "Let's take one day at a time, ok?"

  He could refuse her nothing. "Ok, baby. Whatever you want. One day at a time."

  She nodded. They sat in silence for long moments. Then Jenna murmured, "Eggplant."


  "Dinner. Eggplant rollatini, gnocchi with marinara sauce, and arugula salad with mozzarella and garlic lemon oil."

  Growing tired from the effects of the painkilling drugs and the anesthesia from surgery, Nick leaned his head on her shoulder and took a deep breath. "I've died and gone to heaven."

  "Don’t get used to it, Nico."

  Nick closed his eyes and inhaled the female scent of her. Citrus, floral and Jenna.

  She was wrong. He intended to get very used to it.


  Nick entered the house behind Jenna. It was a lovely brownstone in the heart of Carroll Gardens, two stories and very spacious. It had been the same house she’d grown up in. He still remembered picking her up here for dates when they were in college, before she moved to Italy. Before he left for California. Before tragedy and heartbreak entered their lives.

  The furniture was not the same, nor was the flooring or wall colors, but it was Jen's house. Nick was not so naïve to think that he was invited to stay here because Jen was once again madly in love with him. Although he hoped it was true. Not that he was complaining, but her behavior seemed to exude guilt. But she'd told him everything, about her breakdown and her reluctance to have him surrender his career to care for her.

  With John and Grace entering behind Jen, Nick's fatigue had gripped him. Sleep had eluded him in the hospital, and he also wanted a shower, but couldn't expose his shoulder to one just yet. So he'd have to settle for sponge baths at the bathroom sink.

  "The bedroom you'll be using is in the back of the house, Nico. It's quiet and private, nice and big. Your own bathroom, beautiful view of the back yard and garden. Plenty of closet space, and we placed a TV in there for you too."

  Through his pain and exhaustion, Nick felt a calm wash through him knowing he was with her.

  He followed Jenna into the room that would be his for the next few weeks. It was perfect. Large enough to fit a king-sized bed, it also housed a cherry wood triple bureau and a massive armoire, which would fit every single article of clothing he owned, plus more. A large flat screen TV was mounted on the wall facing the bed, and glass doors led outside to a rather spacious back yard, complete with rose garden.

  Jenna must have seen how tired he was. She placed his luggage on the floor and approached him.

  "Why don’t you lie down for a couple of hours? I'll call you when dinner's ready."

  "Sounds great. I am kind of wiped out."

  Grace hugged him, John waved as he left the room. Which left Jen and Nick alone.

  "Look, Jen, I know I told you before how much I appreciate this, and I'm not complaining, but why the sudden turn around? Less than two weeks ago you wanted me drawn and quartered for showing up at the café. Now, seems I'm the guest of honor at Casa Valentine."

  Her eyes caught his and held. They told him nothing except warmth and maybe a little hesitation. "It’s the least I can do till you're well enough to go back to California."

  Her humor didn’t reach her eyes. Again, Nick couldn’t read her. Guilt, regret, maybe a little bit of love left over for him? He didn’t know, but he had time now to talk to her, get to know what was on her mind.

  He already reacquainted himself with her luscious body, but he wanted more. More of her kisses, the touch of her hands on him, her mouth on his, her tongue meeting and dancing with his own.

  Maybe, he thought as she left the room and shut the door, there was plenty of time now to get her to open up and maybe, see a way open for them to start again.


  Jenna invited John to stay over for dinner, and the four of them sat around the dining table, enjoying the dinner that Gracie and Jenna put together.

  Nick seemed to savor the gnocchi and eggplant, and the four of them polished off two bottles of vintage red from the café.

  By the time dinner was over, and espresso, pastry and Italian cheesecake was served, Nick grew tired and his shoulder ached and throbbed. But he was enjoying the company. It felt so good to be home. He licked the thick custard like cream from the cannoli and groaned aloud. "Geez, this is so good."

  "Don’t talk with food in your mouth," Jenna joked, then sipped the strong bitter Italian coffee, flavored with a licorice liqueur called anisette.

  "I can't help it. I haven’t had pastry this incredible in years," Nick pointed out, popping the rest of the sweet treat in his mouth.

  After a wonderful evening, Nick was exhausted. Grace walked John to his car, and Jenna was cleaning up in the kitchen.

  Nick followed her.

  As tired as he was, he picked some lighter dishes with one hand, and carried them to the kitchen, placing them in the dishwasher, while Jenna covered leftovers, and placed them in the refrigerator.

  "Didn’t the doctor tell you to lighten up on that arm, Dante?" Jenna took the utensils from his hand and gave him a dirty look. "Seems you can't follow instructions."

  Nick stood behind her, and circled her within his good arm. "Tell me what you want, and I'll show you how well I can follow directions," he whispered, and inhaled the citrusy scent of her hair.

  Jenna turned and faced him, frowning. "Bedtime, Nico."

  "Is that an invitation? I accept. Let's go."

  She playfully pushed him out of the way. "You're exhausted. Buono notte, Nico."

  He kissed her hard and fast on her frowning lips, savoring the taste of wine. "Tell me you'll tuck me in and I'll wake up so fast I'll make your head spin."

  They both heard Grace re-enter the house. Nick shrugged and looked at Jen. "I'll never forget this, Jen. It's wonderful to be here. Thanks,
and goodnight."

  Jenna called after him. "Rehab starts tomorrow, Nico, get some rest."

  He shook his head all the way to the bedroom she'd prepared for him.

  She was trying to distance herself from him, but it wasn’t going to work. As he undressed and crawled under the fresh, crisp sheets, he realized how tired he was. Boy, surgery was a bitch.

  "But soon, Red, soon, I intend to have you share this bed with me, and then..."

  But he was asleep before he could complete his carnal thoughts of Jenna.


  Rehab was a bitch. Nick completed the last of his exercises, and cursed a blue streak to no one. He realized that he had to hurt to heal, but his shoulder was screaming for mercy, and after 100 shoulder lifts, he was smelly, sweaty, and mighty grumpy. But he wasn’t done yet. Next, the treadmill.

  Deep incline, an hour. Fuck.

  The ipod in his ear pumped out an eclectic mix of the Grateful Dead, Eminem, and Metallica to get his juices going. He'd decided not to join a gym, because Jen and Gracie had put together a great home work out room. And it would give him more time with Jenna. Even though she worked long hours at the café, he enjoyed knowing he was there every night when she came home.

  After his physical therapist left the house each day, he'd work out on his own. He performed a hundred fifty crunches, lifted weights, and then worked on his overall abs and pecs to keep in shape.

  He'd gained about ten pounds since he'd been here. Jenna's food was incredibly decadent, and Nick had given himself a pass by sampling every delectable crumb.

  After two weeks of no sex, great food and feeling the hint of healing in his shoulder, it was back to work to lose those extra pounds. He decided to step up the treadmill by running at least five miles tomorrow. That should do the trick.

  Jenna usually put in a twelve hour day at the cafe, but she had the night off tonight, and he was going to try and get her alone, and spend some quality time with her. His self imposed celibacy was starting to torture him. Nick had an almost constant erection since he'd walked into this house, and it was driving him insane. Every time Nick touched her, she smiled, usually touched his hand or face, and backed away. She had to know how he felt about her. And tonight was the night.


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