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Eden's Pleasure (Pulse Book 1)

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by Rose, Jennifer

  Copyright © 2014 Jennifer Rose

  All rights reserved.

  This book is purely fictional. Names, characters and events are the mind creation of the author. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead or events is entirely coincidental. This book shall not be copied or reproduced in any way, shape or form without the written consent of the author Jennifer Rose.

  Created and printed in the United States



  All songs, titles, and lyrics are the property of the songwriters.

  Book covers design by Sarah Foster of Sprinkles On Top Studios.

  Typesetting and formatting by C.L. Foster

  To Justin, Ethan and Kelsey because without your love and support, this crazy mom would never have succeeded in making her dreams a reality.

  I love you dearly.


  Special thanks go out to the following:

  Robin M, for encouraging me to take that all important first step and write, write, write.

  Bradley M and Jessica B, Lynn M and Sandra K, thanks for letting me bounce ideas off you and for all your support while I whined, moaned and complained. You kept me on track.

  MAI Editing Services.

  Melissa Burton-Editor.

  Sprinkles On Top Studios, for the fabulous book cover and bookmarks.

  Rock Wat Designs, for creating outstanding swag.

  And thanks to you, because if you’re reading this it means you purchased my book and I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

  Jennifer Rose

  Each rung of the ladder had been successfully stood upon. With a tight grasp, fear swept aside, she had climbed to the top by the sweat of her brow and the sheer determination to get what she so rightly deserved and the end result was finally here.

  This was it, the night she had been waiting for, the night she worked like a bitch for. This was her baby. She had put it together, formed her team, and then spent endless hours in her office tired and alone, forsaking everything, sacrificing it all. Success felt just the way she had imagined it would.

  Powerful! Dominating! Commanding!

  Eden stood in the elevator, with her last-minute date Reece, as it ascended to the roof top restaurant where tonight’s event was taking place. Taking the opportunity to check herself out in the mirrored walls, she was happy with her look.

  Damn girl you look fine! she thought.

  She wore a little, black, curve hugging dress that fell perfectly in all the right places. Choosing to wear her hair down, her long, blond, curly tresses and blue eyes, combined with the black slinky dress, made her feel powerful and sexy. This was a fun night after all. Black lace covered leather stilettos gave her the height she needed at a mere five feet tall and they made her legs look fantastic, which didn't hurt either.

  Before she stepped from the elevator with Reece, she took the time to examine him. This guy was good, no mushy shit. No roses and romance. Perfect. But she couldn’t help noticing how gorgeous he was, like he had just stepped out of GQ magazine, oozing sex appeal. Mikala had outdone herself this time. His scent was intoxicating and virile. He had blond hair slicked back and water blue eyes, dressed in a navy suit with a crisp white shirt and a blue tie to match his eyes. He was perfection. The night was going to end on a high when she got him back to Pulse.

  There was chatter and laughter from the assembly of maybe 40 people, most she recognized but a few were unfamiliar. Coming to greet her from across the room was Mr. Hawthorn's wife, Lois. She was warm, welcoming and hugged everyone she came into contact with, friend or foe. She threw her arms around Eden and then air kissed each cheek, in that grand European gesture that was so overplayed at social gatherings among Boston’s upper crust.

  Stepping back to have a better look she said, "You look fetching tonight!" Who says fetching anymore? Eden thought smiling graciously. Lois took her by the hand and pulled her into the main area, handing her a glass of champagne from a large side table, covered in a multitude of finger foods and bubbling Champagne flutes.

  Lois waved her hand radically in the air to draw her husband’s attention he was deep in conversation with Rheanna Dean. She was a nightmare PR for ‘Dean’ which Eden had the unpleasant misfortune of dealing with while submitting her winning bid. A couple of others stood with them, and Eden didn’t recognize either one. Hawthorn came over and gave Eden a tiny peck on her cheek. She and Rheanna scowled at each other when their eyes met. Whirling around Eden faced the gathering crowd, feeling no need to give the bitch any further attention.

  Mr. Hawthorn cleared his throat. "Now that we’re all here, I'd like to congratulate Eden and the entire team for their hard work and dedication in winning the contract with ‘Dean Construction Enterprises’." He took Eden by the hand and stood her at his side, she smiled up at him. "I'd also like all of you to please help me celebrate the addition of our newest Design Executive to McLean & Associates...Miss Eden Fox!"

  Eden's mouth dropped open. He hadn’t warned her of the announcement and had caught her rather off guard. She choked back tears as applause rang out, hugs and air kisses coming from everyone. She was shocked that he had chosen this moment to make the announcement, but it really was not unexpected. She had known the position was hers and she was elated. This was what she had worked so hard for. It was finally here and she was going to enjoy every last moment of her victory.

  Mr. Hawthorn took her empty glass and replaced it with a fresh one. “I hope you’re happy with the position Eden. This is quite a night for you. We’ll meet in the morning and discuss your new contract, but until then, enjoy yourself. I know my son Paul would be happy to twirl around the dance floor with you, I’m sure.”

  Eden felt sick at the idea of his son’s slimy hands touching her.

  “Well my date may have something to say about that.” Eden awkwardly gave a laugh, looking at Reece with a help-me-out-here look. He placed his arm around her waist possessively. “Thanks Mr. H. for everything.”

  “I’ll be right back Eden, can I bring you anything?” Reece asked.

  Shaking her head no, he removed his arm from around her waist, gave her a peck on the cheek and strolled off towards the small bar set up by the elevator. Great, she thought, leave me to the vultures, you little shit.

  Hawthorn stood with Eden while Rheanna and a very tall, dark haired gentleman approached them.

  "Let me make the introductions,” Hawthorn said. “This is Rheanna, PR for ‘Dean’. I think you know each other.”

  “Yes we’ve met, nice to see you again Rheanna,” Eden said, holding back her desire to tear her eyes out. She hated the Dragon Lady, as she called her, and their past dealings had not been pleasant ones.

  Holding her hand at her mouth, she feigned a yawn. “Yes, I’m sure,” Rheanna snorted.

  “I know you haven’t met Chase yet, he has been out of the country. Chase is the CEO at Dean.” Mr. Hawthorn stepped aside to allow the pair to shake hands.

  And the hottest thing on the planet, Eden thought to herself. When Chase took her hand to shake it she was sure she felt a spark. The heat from his touch sent a shiver through her body and she suddenly felt the need to fan herself.

  “It’s very nice to meet you, Miss Fox,” Chase said, staring into her eyes. He definitely exuded power, it could be felt in the air. His slow, sultry voice only added to his beauty.

  His raven black hair and carefully groomed beard were the perfect contrast to his sparkling, emerald green eyes and thick, long eyelashes that any girl would give her right arm to have. His full lips parted into the most amazing bright smile and Eden felt herself melt into a puddle
at his feet.

  “It’s my pleasure, Mr. Dean,” she said wanting to move closer and lick her tongue across his lips.

  CEO. So young to have such an important position, but it's a family business after all, she thought as she watched him. She carefully etched his features into her memory for future use, should she feel the need when she was lonely on a cold, dark night.

  "Congratulations on your promotion Miss Fox. I’m sure we will be working very closely together on this project. I’ll have my secretary contact your office to make arrangements for a meeting. But this is a night for celebrating, so let’s have fun." He smiled and she felt herself melt a little bit more. His smile was truly magnificent.

  Suddenly aware of what he had said, Eden asked, “Wait, what do you mean, working close together?” She was confused, it wasn’t the norm to work in direct contact with the higher ups, and she definitely didn’t work with CEO’s.

  “We’ll talk Miss Fox, but not now,” he expounded and she immediately ceased her inquiry. His power to dictate was astonishing, almost stimulating.

  No mixing business with pleasure, she reminded herself. Damn!

  Eden could feel Chase watching her as she made her way around the room, the sensation making her feel slightly empowered. It was very nice having this attractive man’s attention. This could be very distracting if she did indeed have to work side by side with this gorgeous hunk. He had her coming unwound, which was ridiculous and so not like her.

  Eden was distracted by thoughts of Chase running through her head. He had her in some kind of spell. She glanced around the room at every chance just to get a look at him. Occasionally their eyes would meet and he would smile ever so slightly, causing her to tingle all over. A man had never made her act so silly. She was a take charge gal, but somehow she was beguiled by him. Her heart felt something strange stir inside. What was it about this man that had her struggling with herself?

  She turned to put her empty glass on a nearby table as Paul, the boss’s obnoxious son, swooped in, taking her by surprise. He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close. He had obviously had far too much to drink, his breath in her face stinking of liquor. He proceeded to smooth his hand down her back, gradually heading south of the equator.

  "Miss Fox, would you do me the honor of joining me on the dance floor?" His words slurred.

  She was horrified, but didn't want to cause a scene. Uncomfortable, she took his hand from her behind, placing it between her palms, like two friends meeting, and squeezed hard. "Thanks, but no thanks!"

  He took hold of her wrist and brusquely pulled her close again. He smelled grotesquely strong of alcohol and cigarette smoke and all she wanted to do was claw his face to get rid of him. She turned away in disgust, holding her breath so she wouldn’t gag and throw up on him.

  "Miss Fox. I'm sorry for taking so long,” Chase jumped in. “I believe this dance is mine?" Chase said, giving Paul a try-me glare and placing her hand in the crook of his arm and then walking her away from Paul’s advances.

  Paul scowled at the pair and stuck his hands in his pockets, walking away in defeat towards the bar while spewing profanities under his breath.

  "Oh thank you!" Eden said, holding one hand to her chest while silently willing her heart to start beating again. “The boss’s son…awkward.” She rolled her eyes and Chase laughed. A beautiful, sexy laugh she could have listened to all night.

  "Not a problem, I've heard about him. You looked like you needed rescuing." They both laughed. "Shall we dance?" he said, gesturing to the dance floor. “We can’t have him think that I backed out of sharing the dance floor with such a beautiful woman. He may get suspicious.”

  Shaking her head as he held out his hand, she said, "I don't dance. Actually, I should say I can't dance. Two left feet." Eden laughed, turning away from him, but he took hold of her elbow and pulled her back.

  "I can dance,” he stated with a splash of demand in his tone if she wasn’t mistaken. “Give it a try. You wouldn’t leave me here to dance all alone, would you?" He held out his hands in anticipation and she couldn't help but come forward to join him. His gaze had a demanding pull she couldn’t label.

  "Ok, but if I step on your feet and embarrass you, it'll be your burden to bear, not mine!" she grinned up into his beautiful eyes. “You’ll have the sore feet to deal with.”

  His laughter had her heart soring. “I think I can handle that.”

  He took her hand and gently placed it on his shoulder, encircled her waist and took her other hand into his. He moved her gracefully around the room. Chase certainly did know how to dance. She felt light on her feet, molding to him. He was at least a foot taller, causing her to stare at his chest. He looked down at her and she shared his gaze.

  She studied him closely. He was beautiful, not at all her type, especially with his raven hair like his sister Rheanna’s and his strong, chiseled features. He had a carefully groomed beard and mustache which she had never found appealing, but it made him appear ultra-masculine, unlike the more boyish faces she was used to dating.

  His scent was musky, his cologne rugged but sweet at the same time, expensive and intoxicating. He was tall, six foot five at least, towering over her tiny form. Broad shoulders and, from the feel of him through his expensively tailored suit, he was muscular, ripped even.

  Eden came back from her thoughts only to discover that he was still looking at her, the corner of his mouth curled up in a slight smile. Shit, he caught her in her entrancing daydream. Blood rushed through her, warming her face as she felt herself turn red before looking down, disconnecting her eyes from his.

  He touched his fingers to her chin and raised it up to look into her face. "You’re beautiful when you blush," he whispered. It was a whisper that ignited your core and caused your panties to dampen without warning, a whisper that you dreamt a man would make use of while making love to you.

  She laughed nervously. He spun her around, holding her tight. His large powerful body pushed against hers, making her feel comfortable and sheltered, which seemed completely ridiculous since she barely knew this man.

  Chase slowed to a stop. “Would you like a drink Miss Fox? We could take five and talk.”

  “I’d like that,” she said, and they proceeded to the bar where he ordered them drinks, handing her a glass. Then took her by the hand, surprising her with his boldness, and strolled to a table outside to sit under the stars. The sky was unusually clear tonight and the stars seemed to be just a tad brighter from this view, unimpeded by the city lights below them.

  He pulled out the chair for her to sit, taking the seat opposite. He leaned forward, resting his arms on the table. “So, are you exclusive?” he asked.

  “Pardon me?” she asked, dumbfounded by his question. She needed to give her head a shake and pull it together. This man was her new boss after all.

  “I mean do you moonlight, design privately?” he asked with a slight laugh at her misconception.

  “Oh. Yes I design privately.”

  “I ask because I have a room in my apartment that could use your magic touch.”

  Eden’s brows furrowed. “Magic touch? I can’t say that my designs have ever been referred to as magic,” she said with a snicker. “But I’ll give you points for using a pickup line I’ve never heard before.”

  Placing his hand over his heart in an exaggerated action he joked, “I’m wounded…”

  “I’m sure.” Eden laughed, finishing the last of her drink and setting it aside.

  “Seriously, I do have a room in need of attention. Would you consider having a look sometime?” he asked.

  She looked at him with curiosity, playing with her empty glass. “Maybe I could do that…sometime.”

  Eden too leaned on the table edge, crossing her arms in front of her, bringing her all that much closer to Chase. She could smell his cologne and it was heady, making her take it in deeper as she inhaled. They stared into each other’s eyes, not saying a word. Maybe it was the alcohol,
but she felt relaxed and familiar with him.

  He took his glass and placed it to his lips, taking a long slow sip. Eden felt hectic inside at the sight of his moistened lips and licked her own out of sheer lust. This did not go unnoticed by Chase, who smiled with amusement, moving his hand across the table and placing it on her arm.

  He was up and at her side before she could respond. “Let’s dance.” He took her by the hand and pulled her into his arms, moving in the direction of the dance floor. A take charge man, she could feel it. She normally stayed away from his type, but from him, she kind of liked it, and almost looked forward to his next move.

  “I’m looking forward to working together and getting to know you,” he avowed, breaking the silence and the spell he had her under.

  “I’m just the designer on the project. I don’t think we will be working that closely.” She didn’t know quite what to say. “I don’t usually work with CEO’s.”

  He pulled her a little tighter to him. “We’ll have to see what we can do about that Miss Fox.”

  Catching her breath, she felt a rush of color rising. She hated when she blushed, it was so childish. Back in high school, she was the butt of many a joke, as boys took turns to see who could light her up the most and money was exchanged with loud laughter. She cringed at the ghastly recollection.

  “You really are beautiful when you blush.” He leaned into her face to kiss her gently on the cheek, startling her. Her temperature rose drastically and she gasped.

  Pushing out to break free of their embrace, she looked around to see if anyone had noticed his move of intimacy. He immediately released her, not forcing her to stay in his grip. Slowly her hand fell free from his, but Chase never took his eyes from hers.

  Reece came over at that moment and smiled. “I’ve been looking for you.”


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