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Eden's Pleasure (Pulse Book 1)

Page 27

by Rose, Jennifer

  “You look like shit, sweetheart.”

  “Thanks for that,” she said, slapping his hand away playfully. “Coffee?”

  “Sure, black. Here, this is for you.” He handed her the envelope as he had been instructed, trading it for a mug of hot coffee.

  She looked at Mason, questioning. “What’s this?”

  “An envelope.” His vague, smart-ass answer was so like him.

  “I can see that. Did Chase ask you to bring it?” she asked, hopeful that Chase was still interested in his pursuit. It was a selfish thought, making her feel somewhat ashamed of herself.

  “Yes and no…it’s actually from Mrs. Dean. But do me a favor and wait till later to open it?” Mason asked.

  “Ok. So, how are you doing?” she asked, topping up his mug. He reached out and took a gentle hold of her wrist, surprising her because he was not at all a touchy-feely person. She sat next to him before he let go.

  “What are you doing, sweetheart? Is this really what you want? Don’t you care about him anymore?”

  “Of course I care. got complicated, Mason. I always knew that it would.” She tried to make him understand with as few words as she could.

  “Listen to me, sweetheart. I wouldn’t normally tell you this because I’m not into all this mushy shit, but…he’s got it real bad for you, he’s hurtin’!”

  “But he doesn’t want a relationship…and I think I do.” She came clean to him, not wanting to deny it any longer.

  “Well I think that’s bullshit! He misses you…he doesn’t sleep in his room you know. Actually, he doesn’t sleep. He wanders around the apartment all night, barely eats a thing, and he’s been drinking again…a lot! And you don’t look like this break up is doing much for you either.”

  “You don’t think I want to come back? That I’d go this minute and pack my bags if I thought that he wanted more with me? I love Chase…” The room went silent when she realized what she had just revealed. Her face went pale, and she bit the inside of her lip, wishing that she could take it back.

  “Holy shit!” Mason smiled at her.

  Her hand clamped onto his huge arm, wide-eyed and pleading. “Mason! That has to stay between us, ok? Promise me you won’t say a word,” she demanded in a panicked voice.

  “Only because it’s you, sweetheart, I promise. But you gotta tell the man, put him outta his fucking misery.”

  “I want to, I really do but…”

  “He deserves to know. All this lovey-dovey bullshit is giving me a headache. Just fucking tell him!” He walked his mug to the sink and rinsed it out, adjusted his jacket, and met her at the door.

  “I’ll see ya around, sweetheart.” He leaned in, kissed her cheek, and winked before closing the door behind himself.

  She had finally admitted her feelings to someone other than Mikala and herself. The thought of telling Chase was torture. She had to tell him, Mason was right. Even if he didn’t share the same feelings, he had to know. She vowed to tell him when the time was right. For now, she needed to deal with the ominous envelope.

  October 30th, 2012

  Dear Eden Fox,

  Let me take a moment to ask that this proposal be kept as a private matter between myself Deanna Dean (Party I) and you, Eden Fox (Party II).

  It has come to my attention that the employment contract between yourself and McLean & Associates has been terminated. Please be assured that the reasons for the said termination are of no concern to this company.

  Dean Construction Enterprises believes that it would be very beneficial to both Party I and Party II to take advantage of this termination by forming a joint venture. In combining our specialties, the need for sub-contract negotiations would be eliminated, therefore creating a strong in-house workforce.

  An initial investment need not be a concern to Party II. Dean Construction Enterprises would embody any and all material investments and all costs incurred.

  Please read the enclosed contract. It is recommended that you have your lawyers read it over.


  Deanna Dean

  Eden, please consider this a very serious proposal. It would make me very happy to have you as part of our team. Call me personally to arrange a meeting when you reach a decision. 617-555-8550.

  She slid the contract from the envelope and scanned it quickly. This proposal was serious, very serious. Eden would have to think long and hard concerning such a monumental undertaking. This was far more than she had ever considered as part of her career.


  The clean up after the evening’s events had taken the better part of two hours. Eden was exhausted and sat with her feet on one of the coffee tables, cuddled back into the overstuffed sofa. Mikala brought over a much-needed bottle of water and threw it to her.

  “So I never got a chance to ask what the gorgeous blond hunk wanted,” Mikala said, curling up next to Eden.

  “What blond?” Eden asked, closing her tired eyes.

  “That came looking for you today…I sent him up to the apartment. Surely you didn’t miss him. He’s built like a brick shithouse. Mason, right?”

  There was that mouth again, always so eloquent and graceful. Eden was glad that Mikala had brought up Mason. She needed to talk to her, regarding the contract. “Yes, that was Mason. Don’t pretend you don’t know him. He’s Chase’s best friend and bodyguard,” she explained.

  Mikala nodded, slipped her hand between her legs and moaned with a smile. “He’s hot. Do you know any ugly men, honey?” They laughed, and Eden shook her head.

  “He brought me a contract proposal from Dean Construction. It’s a really big contract, I mean really big Mik.” She emphasized “big” with her hands like a man exaggerating the size of the fish he caught.

  “A design thing? Chase wants you to design something?” Mikala asked, not really aware of what exactly it was that Eden did, except draw beautiful rooms.

  “Actually, it was Deanna Dean, his mother. She sent the proposal.”

  “His mother? This is going to be interesting, keep going.” Mikala settled into the sofa more comfortably. Eden sat up, cross-legged, facing her.

  “Basically, what it proposes is that I would be working for Dean Construction Enterprises but running the entire design department.”

  “So they have a design department but contracted you to do designs for them…I’m confused.”

  “No, they don’t have a design department. What they want is to create a design department of their own and have me run it. Do you understand now?”

  “That’s fan-fucking-tastic, honey! So, you’re going to say yes, right?” Mikala asked with an air of excitement.

  Eden ran her finger over her lower lip in thought. “I don’t know what to do, Mik. I’d love to say yes right now and sign the contract. It would be a great opportunity for me, but I’d be working for Chase. I don’t know if either one of us could handle that.” Eden’s happiness was now replaced by doubt and uncertainty.

  “Come on upstairs and sleep on it. You’ll have a better perspective in the morning.” Mikala was right. She turned off the club lights, and the pair headed to the apartment. Once inside, Mik turned out all the lights, leaving a small nightlight lit in the kitchen for Eden’s sake.

  “Goodnight, Mik. Sleep tight.”

  “I will while visions of the blond hottie run through my head and B.O.B. does his job.” They laughed, and Mikala slapped Eden’s rear end as she jogged off to her room.

  Eden lay awake watching shapes appear on the ceiling from the shadows of clouds moving past the moon. Sleep wasn’t going to come tonight, probably wouldn’t again since she left Chase, a regret that fell heavy on her chest.

  Not wanting to disturb Mikala, she turned on the small overhead light at the kitchen island, and read over the contract for the umpteenth time. This opportunity was a once-in-a lifetime chance to secure her career, not to mention financially, it was a dream come true.

  The only thing holding her back was Chase. The
idea of seeing him every day, of having to sit across from him at meetings, traveling in the elevator, walking through the same halls and talking with him on a business level without the personal warmth. How could she do it? She took her cell phone from the counter and re-read Chase’s last two texts.

  I have to take charge of my own destiny! she concluded.


  The next morning, she woke bright and early from the little sleep she managed to get. This was the first day of the rest of her life. She was putting her foot down and taking charge. No man, no matter what she felt for him, was going to come between her and what she worked so hard for. She had an opportunity to move forward, and she was taking it by the proverbial balls and running with it, come what may.

  She tiptoed down the hall, closed Mikala’s door and grabbed her cell phone to make her call. She told herself that it was like any other contract negotiation that she had been involved with. I’m a tough-ass businesswoman! She sat down on the sofa and dialed the number, smoothing her pj’s as if she were going to be seen, and waited for the line to connect.

  “Hello?” The voice on the other end of the phone was sweet and calm, putting her at ease right away.

  “Mrs. Dean? This is Eden Fox.” Her voice sounded shaky and nervous. She covered the speaker of the phone and cleared her throat in hopes of gaining a solid composure.

  “Eden. I’m very happy to hear from you. I didn’t expect a call so soon, though. I’m hoping that this means you have reached a decision?”

  “Yes, I believe I have, Mrs. Dean.”

  “Please call me Deanna. Are you free to meet for lunch at one o’clock at Blu?” she asked, catching Eden wholly off guard. That would leave no time to prepare her usual oration when pursuing a contract, but she would manage. This was like no other contract she had ever vied for, after all. The enterprise was making every effort to snag her, negotiations were reversed. This was new.

  “Yes, Deanna, I am free. Thank you.”

  “I look forward to seeing you. Oh and Eden? Let’s cut out all the formalities. I don’t run things quite as stuffy as my husband did…goodbye for now.” Eden hung up and buried her face in one of the sofa cushions, screaming with delight.

  “I take it you have a meeting with Mom?” Mikala asked as she trudged by toward the kitchen, tying her robe closed and yawning.

  “Yes. I’m meeting Mrs. Dean at one. We’re meeting at Blu.”

  “Oh, very nice! And you’re saying yes? Like I need to ask from that smile slapped across your kisser and the roaring into my cushion. Tell me there’s coffee.”

  “There’s coffee, and yes, I’m saying yes.” She threw the cushion into the corner of the sofa and ran into the kitchen, joining her half sleeping friend, shaking her arm violently.

  “Calm down girl. You’ll pull something or wet your pants!” Mikala said with a sour look on her face. She was by far the worst morning person imaginable. Even the Grinch couldn’t outdo Mikala’s pissy demeanor in the morning.

  Eden took two bowls from the cupboard and poured cornflakes into each, followed by milk, and placed one in front of her friend. She took a spoon and proceeded to wrap Mikala’s hand around it before sitting at her bowl and digging in with enthusiasm.

  “Eat, Mik.”

  The spoon rattled on the countertop. Mikala lit up a cigarette and sipped her coffee. “What about Chase? What are you going to do when it comes to his part in the equation?” she asked, yawning and picking at the contents of her bowl with no interest in eating such slop, as she called it. She took a long drag and blew the cloud of smoke away from where Eden sat.

  “I’ll deal with that when the time comes. For now, my dealings are with Mrs. Dean. I want this, and I am willing to put everything aside for now to get it.”

  As much as Eden was hurting and as much as she wanted nothing more than to run to Chase and confess her undying love to him and beg him to take her back, she needed this. She needed to stabilize her spiraling world, get her ass back on track, and get Eden back.

  “Such confidence! Now you’re talking like the old Eden, the all-business Eden, the take-no-shit Eden. Just do yourself a favor, honey,” she said, dumping the contents from the bowl into the garbage under the sink, pouring another coffee and lighting another cigarette. “Don’t forget the Eden that you’ve become.”

  “I don’t understand. Who exactly have I become?” Eden furrowed her brow and tapped her spoon onto her palm.

  “There’s a kinder, gentler, and take-life-a-little-less-serious Eden. You met her, you know her now, and you need to keep hold of her. Invite her to play every now and then. All business and no play will make Eden a very dull, lonely girl,” Mikala warned.


  Blu was fairly busy. It was, after all, the hot spot to be on a beautiful fall day. The views were spectacular. Deanna Dean was waiting at a table by the window reading over the menu as the hostess showed Eden to her seat, handed her a menu and asked if she’d like something from the bar. She ordered a Perrier with lime over ice and put her hand out to her dining companion.

  “It’s wonderful to see you again, Eden.” Mrs. Dean was such an elegantly beautiful woman. She shared her emerald eyes and smile with her son, making Eden very much aware of how much she missed him.

  “I’m glad to see you too, Mrs. Dean…sorry, Deanna,” she corrected herself just as Mrs. Dean was about to protest.

  A waitress came over and set their drinks before them, chanting the well-rehearsed day’s specials, and waiting for their orders. They both ordered the grilled shrimp salad, noting to each other in stereo that it was the best salad on the menu, and they laughed. They enjoyed small talk during the meal and both passed on dessert, ordering coffee while they turned to the business of the day.

  “Let’s get down to business, shall we?” Deanna asked as she took the contract from her briefcase and laid it on the table facing Eden. Eden did the same with her copy.

  “You read it over completely? I don’t think you had a chance to take it to your lawyer. Did you want to do that before you sign?”

  Eden shook her head confidently. “No, actually it was pretty straightforward and clear,” Eden said, happy with her decision.

  “Very well. You saw that there will be no crazy clauses included. Your personal life is your own.” Deanna looked at her with a quiet reassurance that Eden appreciated. “I don’t like fine print and hidden agendas. I like straightforward and to the point.”

  “I do too.” Eden squirmed when she thought for a moment that she wasn’t at all being straight forward or to the point with Chase, but now was not the time. She refocused on Deanna’s words.

  “After much discussion, we decided to dedicate the twenty-fourth floor to the design department. I think it’s being used for storage and meeting rooms at the moment or it was. It’s actually a huge waste of space. Sound good so far?” Deanna asked, finishing her coffee.

  “It sounds wonderful.”

  “The floor has or will be gutted in the next few days. You’ll be free to design it to your liking, after all, it’s going to be yours. We have a full work crew waiting to get going. You will have two weeks max to complete it. Will that be enough time?”

  “Sure, I think that will work. I have a lot of suppliers with ready materials, so I shouldn’t have to order anything. I hope it’s ok if I use them?” Eden felt a sense of panic come over her, an excited panic.

  “You’re in charge. You choose your suppliers, personnel, and designers. Do you have any other questions or concerns?” Deanna asked.

  “I just have one…why me? I mean, this is a great opportunity, and I’m looking forward to working for you…it’s just that it came out of the blue, so sudden,” she tried to clarify without sounding like an ungrateful cow.

  Deanna set her cup down and wiped her mouth with the linen napkin from her lap and smiled. “I understand what you’re asking. So let me reassure you…Eden, you’re very good at what you do. Your designs speak for themselves. You have
an excellent reputation, and you come highly recommended. You’re the perfect candidate, and I would have never considered you if I had any doubt at all…I do have one concern though.”

  Eden’s heart thumped loud, and she choked back her fear. “You do?”

  “My son is a huge fan, very taken with you, Eden. I just hope that your relationship with my son, whatever that may be, will not interfere. I’m also sure you won’t let it,” Deanna finished and looked up with a smile at her son, now standing next to their table.

  “Ladies.” Chase was dressed in dark blue jeans with a white t-shirt and an aviator jacket. He looked breathtakingly casual, and Eden heated when she caught his delicious scent. He leaned forward and kissed his mother on the cheek before sitting beside her.

  “It won’t, Deanna, I promise you,” Eden guaranteed her.

  Eden’s heart was racing, and a familiar sensation of ardor rolled over her. She got her first taste of how difficult it was going to be working with Chase’s company. A vision of her stretched over a boardroom table while he drove himself to sexual climax shot through her head. She took a sip from her coffee cup, drinking the cold liquid to stop the blush that threatened to give her away, a blush that Chase knew oh-so-well and would recognize immediately.

  “Eden, I asked Chase to witness the contract signing. I hope you don’t mind?”

  “Not at all, Deanna. I’ll just find my pen,” Eden said, as she searched her purse.

  “Here, use mine.” Chase held out his pen to her. She took it, making full eye contact with him. His eyes sparkled, and his smile was distracting, but she pulled herself out of her wicked fantasies to take care of business.

  Eden signed both copies as did Deanna, then it was Chase’s turn. As his pen touched the papers he stopped and looked up at Eden, and his tongue smoothed over his lips as he hesitated. “You’re sure this is what you want, Eden? And you’re happy?” Chase asked her, waiting for an answer before continuing.


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