Duty Bound Desire: The Sheikh's Forced Marriage (Desert Desires Book 1)

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Duty Bound Desire: The Sheikh's Forced Marriage (Desert Desires Book 1) Page 5

by Jennifer Jansen

  She looked over at Nabil who was intently watching her. ‘How do you like it Yasmiiin?’ he asked, again drawing out her name in that deep, sonorous voice.

  Yasmin couldn’t help the smile that spread across her face. ‘This is such a lovely gesture on your part. It, it’s really touched…’ my heart, she wanted to say. ‘Me,’ was the word she opted for. It was the safer option. It showed he had actually thought about personalising their wedding night. As much as was possible, of course. ‘It’s very thoughtful of you,’ she said softly.

  There was a smile behind his eyes as they stayed on her but he said nothing more.

  He moved over and stood with her next to the bed. He slowly moved his hands from her wrists up to the top of her arms and settled them gently on her shoulders, his thumbs gently running side to side. Yasmin could feel the heat from his hands. It felt wonderful. Soft, tender.

  Nabil’s gaze drifted from her face, all the way down to her feet, his eyes lingering at her breasts before moving back up to her eyes.

  He gently pulled her body close to his again and ran his hand down her back gently stroking it as his mouth moved over hers making those butterflies crazy once more.

  ‘Let’s get to know one another. Slowly,’ he said in a husky voice. ‘Turn around.’

  Yasmin froze. She swallowed hard. He just smiled down at her.

  ‘If we are to make heirs it is necessary for the gown to come off, is it not? And isn’t the zipper at the back?’

  Yasmin slowly began to turn, hands trembling now, breathing ragged. Nabil’s hand came up and moved her hair to the side of her neck letting it drop around her shoulder. Then he reached up and began tugging at the zipper. It immediately began to slide down and as it did so, Nabil’s knuckles gently grazed her back. Yasmin sucked in a quick breath and she heard a deep chuckle of satisfaction from behind her. Knowing that his slightest touch could have this effect on her, she panicked even more.

  He pulled the zipper down even further revealing more of her body. It was his turn to inhale sharply this time, she heard it from close behind her. The back of his hand trailed the top of her back all the way down to her buttocks. She closed her eyes, the feeling intimate and sensual. Warm breath brushed against her skin as he bent his head and planted a gentle and sensual kiss on her shoulder. Not only at the sheer heat of his mouth, but at the zing of electricity that just jolted her body.

  He had her trembling already despite her best efforts to control it. Sharing a bed with this man would be explosive. She could feel it in every fibre of her being. And it terrified and excited her in equal measure.

  Nabil slowly and gently moved his lips along the back of her shoulder and across her nape, grazing and teasing. Yasmin liked the tenderness and slowness and her eyes fluttered closed as the sensations moved through her.

  As if sensing her every emotion, Nabil’s voice echoed behind her. ‘Do you like this?’ he whispered close to her nape.

  Yasmin exhaled loudly and instead of answering with words, let out a small throaty groan.

  A deep, satisfied rumble came from his throat. She could feel his manhood jutting into her lower back, his hands now moving slowly forward along both sides of her body, up under her breasts. A loud sigh escaped her and she raised her hands over his, following with his movements around her chest and leaning her head back into him. His breathing was coming slightly harder now, just as hers was. ‘Yes, that’s it. Relax, habibti.’

  She felt his hands turning her to face him again. Yasmin was left almost breathless by the purposeful intent burning in his eyes.

  He took a small step back and she watched as his hands went to his shirt and nimble fingers flicked open button after button in slow measured movements. Yasmin watched as strong hands slowly removed the white shirt up and over his shoulders, had to take another breath in. Her eyes dropped to the vision before her – a chest of rock-hard muscle beneath bronzed skin upon which sat a cluster of dark hair all the way down…just down.

  With great concentration she moved her gaze back up to his face believing it would be a safer place to look. But she was immediately assailed by those ember eyes which took her breath away and a knowing smile that once again had her blushing all over. A small chuckle erupted from deep within him. ‘We’ll get to that soon enough,’ he said silkily.

  He placed both hands on her shoulders so gently and Yasmin could feel the heat from his hands. She felt like she was being singed right through to her very soul.

  Every so slowly, he placed his fingers through the thin straps holding up her gown and slid them off. Yasmin could feel the cool air whisper over her nipples. And there she stood. Completely naked as her gown pooled around her feet.

  Her breasts, indeed, her entire body was now exposed to his searing gaze. The heat of his eyes was almost too much for Yasmin to bear. She watched hypnotically as Nabil’s nostril’s flared slightly clearly showing her he wasn’t as cool and collected as he always showed.

  His eyes dropped to her breasts and he sucked in a deep breath, another sign that he was just holding onto his frayed control. Slowly, they moved further to her belly button and lower, settling on her thighs. Yasmin thought she saw a look of fierce possessiveness that flashed in his eyes. It disappeared a moment later when Nabil again put on his face of duty mask.

  Yasmin had to stop herself from squirming under the intensity of his gaze. She had never been looked upon in such a way before. She felt completely exposed and vulnerable, but at the same time, she felt the exhilaration of power. How could she, as inexperienced as she was, have such an effect on such a man?

  Looking back up into her eyes, Yasmin heard a rough sound that ripped from his throat. ‘Oh but you are truly magnificent.’

  His eyes, his words, his powerful body was intoxicating.

  His hands moved to his trousers and she stood mesmerised as they fell to the ground. He stood there completely naked and completely aroused. Her eyes widened and her mouth went dry. His manhood left her gasping.

  As she stood staring at his body, all sorts of thoughts swirled through her head. Would she be able to take him? What would that feel like inside her? What would it feel like in her hand? Her wanton thoughts shocked her. This wasn’t her. She wanted love, not just sex. Raising her eyes back up to his, Yasmin could feel herself blushing once again and cursed her traitorous emotions for betraying her so easily.

  Yasmin bit one side of her lip, her brows furrowing. Hesitation growing.

  ‘Surely as an almost doctor you’ve seen a naked man before,’ he teased.

  She froze for a moment. ‘Not one like you,’ was all she could think of to say. She quickly chided herself as another deep chuckle came from deep in his throat.

  Nabil waited a few seconds after which he made to move. As if reading her mind he spoke in a low voice. ‘I understand your apprehension, habibti, but as I told you, things will move very slowly, and I will ensure your comfort is the priority.’

  Then he closed the small gap, his hand coming up to caress the side of her face. ‘If it’s your lack of experience you are worried about,’ he whispered leaning in closer, ‘we’ll change that. Slowly.’ His eyes seared her. ‘And as I mentioned before, we have good chemistry. I know you feel it too. There’s no need to pretend otherwise.’

  She instinctively placed her arms around herself, covering her breasts. Something about his words making her feel exposed on a different level.

  Nabil placed a finger under her chin and tilted her head upward forcing her to look up at him. She could see that heat in his eyes.

  ‘Do not be afraid to show yourself to me, Yasmin for you are beautiful and I am now your husband. I want to look upon you.’

  As he said those words his eyes dropped to her breasts and then he reached out and removed her hands from her chest. His gaze wondered over her again, then lower to her hips. Her nipples swelled and peaked. She could feel the air brushing against them, anticipation rising within her.

  Yasmin didn’t move,
just stared at his face. His eyes were dark and hooded and a hunger burned. She had never seen anything like it. It excited and frightened her at the same time. He was so raw in his masculinity, so powerful in his sexuality.

  Nabil’s face was serious. He looked to be just holding himself back.

  He took her by the hand and moved them both closer to the bed. Pulling back the covers he motioned with his hand for her to move onto the bed. When Yasmin hesitated for a moment, Nabil just waited. He waited for her. When she felt ready she began to move and only then did he also move, lifting her with a gentle but swift movement and placing her on her back in the middle of his big bed.

  One knee came onto the bed and he moved his large body onto it, coming over her in one fluid movement. Despite holding himself up on his elbows, she could still feel his weight pinning her to the bed, his mouth already claiming her, his lips moving slowly but purposefully over hers. He moved his tongue tenderly over her lips. He gently parted them with his tongue and then plunged it into her soft interior. Yasmin relaxed into the pleasure of it and began to very slowly unwind under his soft coaching, his expertise evident. Her body responded and with a small whimper of helpless delight and she once again threw her arms around him. Nabil tightened his hold on her and deepened the kiss, crushing her mouth under his with a fierce determination.

  He was in control and she thought at this point it best for her to just lie there and let him do what he obviously knew how to do well.

  He slipped his tongue lower, slowly kissing her neck. Soft kisses caressed her skin, his soft, full lips stroking, engaging. Moving lower, those lips patiently and methodically enlivened her nerve endings along her shoulder, on her collarbone and then even lower towards her chest. Yasmin allowed herself to experience the sensations as Nabil gently stroked one breast with his tongue. Moving closer to her already sensitive nipple he moved around with such expertise that even a small flick of his tongue made her back arch, her head draw back, and she dug her fingers into his shoulders feeling his muscles straining. A small whimper left her lips and she heard Nabil groan, ‘Yes, that’s it,’ as he moved from one breast to the other.

  He continued the onslaught of her senses, moving slowly down her body until he was now at her most sensitive area. She didn’t open for him. He lifted his head and looked at her with those searing eyes. Then he slowly moved one of his muscular thighs between hers, and then the other. He opened her legs, using his powerful body to keep them wide. Yasmin held her breath as his gaze caught hers for a quick moment and she could see the wildness in his eyes.

  Then he slowly lowered his eyes again to her exposed flesh and a low, deep rumble came from Nabil’s throat. ‘Truly magnificent.’

  He held her legs open with his hands and slowly began to caress her inner thighs. Yasmin was amazed he could display such gentleness and strength at the same time. She could hear his breathing become harder but he seemed to be keeping himself under strict control, making sure he kept as slow a pace as she needed.

  Suddenly, he lifted his gaze and caught her eyes. Yasmin had never seen such fire, such desire ever before. And for the very first time, she felt the true power of Nabil Al-Massoud as his focus was completely on her.

  ‘Now, l want to taste you,’ he said softly but with all the command he was used to. Yasmin’s breath caught. What would that be like?

  He moved one hand under her buttocks and lowered his head. And with the slowest, most sensual movement, he began to stroke her folds with his tongue. She could feel the heat, not only from him, but within her, rising. Yasmin had never felt anything like it before. The heat continued to gather in her pelvis. She tried to suppress a small cry but it came out anyway and she heard Nabil groan with satisfaction. He gently prodded her most sensitive bud with his tongue and she could feel her nerve endings tingle like never before. She began to feel an overwhelming desire as her new husband’s expert tongue and hands teased and taunted her. ‘Oh God,’ she cried, her hands tugging at the bed sheets as the intensity kept building.

  Once he was satisfied he had taken her body to a place of relaxation and desire, he glided up the bed still keeping himself between her legs. His mouth now hovered close to hers again. He gave her one quick glance with that burning desire in his eyes. Her body throbbed with an ache she had never felt before and she moved her hips just slightly letting him know what she wanted. A sexy, knowing smile crossed his lips and he slid his hand under her hips, lifting her with ease, his arousal right at her core. His breathing was ragged, as ragged as hers, and in one slow but determined movement he gently drove himself into her. She cried out at the pain but he put a hand on her head and stroked her hair gently.

  ‘Give your body a few moments to get used to mine,’ he said, his voice husky, his bunched muscles telling her he was just barely restraining his passion. He had stopped moving.

  Nabil kept his eyes on her face, watching her every sensation and using it to guide him. Only when he seemed satisfied that she was ok did he begin moving again his body rocking slowly back and forth incredibly gently, ensuring he wasn’t hurting her.

  Yasmin cried out in delight as she felt the length of him smoothly sliding in and out of her. She could hear Nabil’s breathing coming louder and faster just like hers, keeping to the slow rhythm that he had set. The pain was still there but beginning to fade and she sensations she’d never felt before surfaced. Yasmin kept breathing with Nabil’s rhythm.

  He moved his mouth over hers and she could feel his lips curve into a smile. In a deep, rough voice he said, ‘I knew this would work.’ And then he plunged his tongue into her soft interior while his body continued its gentle rocking.

  She vacillated between holding herself back and letting herself go. She wasn’t sure she should be enjoying what Nabil was doing to her so much considering the circumstances, but his body and his hands were so skilled and so tender that all thought of resistance quickly faded. She had never imagined that it could be like this. She let her mind go and allowed her body to just feel the new sensations.

  Nabil moved one of his hands down towards her core, and as he kept moving his body in and out of hers, his fingers gently and expertly rubbed her sensitive bud in such a way that her entire body began to quiver in small bursts of ecstasy that she couldn’t control, and she called out his name as her body convulsed in a most gentle release.

  She could hear Nabil’s breathing becoming rough. With her release, he began to thrust himself even deeper inside her, his face clearly revealing his climax was coming, and she felt a rush of liquid heat pulse into her as he roared to completion, crushing her to the bed with his powerful body.

  Yasmin stared at the ceiling trying to regain some sense of balance in her body and especially her mind. He pushed himself up on his elbows and looked down at her. His eyes shone with a satisfaction and, as far as she could tell, what seemed to be…surprise. Then he moved himself onto his back and reached for her bringing her half-way over his body, her head on his chest and his arm around her.

  ‘I…I wasn’t expecting it to be so…’

  ‘Exquisite?’ He offered.

  ‘Yes. Exquisite,’ she repeated, hearing him chuckle next to her ear.

  She didn’t expect to feel the closeness she felt in her heart and then, she didn’t expect to feel the harshness of reality as she remembered her marriage was only for political purposes and none of what just happened was real, not in the sense of the heart.

  Then, without warning, he quickly hauled himself out of bed. Looking down at her, Yasmin couldn’t quite decipher the look in his eyes. ‘This can definitely work,’ he said gruffly. ‘As long as we both remember the rules of engagement.’

  Yasmin lay there, not sure how to feel. Not sure what to think. He had been so gentle and so caring. She had felt they had really connected on a deeper level. But the way he had jumped out of their bed with such haste had left her head spinning and her heart in pieces.


  The water was on high and spraye
d roughly on his head. Nabil stood under it for a few minutes. He needed some recovery time from this unexpectedly explosive sexual encounter with his new wife. His mind, which was always alert, now felt hazy and his body still throbbed – for her. And he didn’t like it one bit.

  He turned the cold water on full and stood under it as the icy liquid blasted him. He wavered between his impulsive desire to walk back into that bedroom and take her again, and his need to regain some sort of control over his dispersed emotions. The best sexual encounter he had had so far in his entire life, and it had been with Yasmin. His virgin princess.

  The feeling of watching Yasmin experience every new sensation right there in front of him was something that would stay in his mind forever. Watching her eyes as her body reacted to him, was the most erotic experience of his life. Every touch, every movement, every sensation was written across her face. He stood under the spray remembering her eyes as he touched her. Her eyes as he entered her. The small whimpering moans as his hands stroked places no man had ever gone before. She was such a sensual woman despite having no experience. It would be his pleasure indeed, as well as hers of course, to allow her to gently discover her own sensuality with his guidance.

  He hadn’t really expected to get so much pleasure from this coupling, despite finding his wife physically attractive. And that was dangerous. He cursed as he moved a bronzed hand over his face to wipe away the water. Stepping out of the shower he began to feel relief at some sense some control returning. There was a deep need in him to keep himself disconnected. He had to keep his head clear. Things had to be kept simple. That’s was the only way everything would work out.

  Chapter 4

  Three days. It had been three days since she’s last seen her husband. Three days since that potent dynamo, had turned her world upside down and cut contact without a word. Three very lonely days during which Yasmin had enough time to think and think until her mind was swimming with fears and desires she could barely take it. Thoughts about her country, thoughts about her crushed dreams, thoughts about her loneliness.


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