Duty Bound Desire: The Sheikh's Forced Marriage (Desert Desires Book 1)

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Duty Bound Desire: The Sheikh's Forced Marriage (Desert Desires Book 1) Page 6

by Jennifer Jansen

  And thoughts about her husband.

  Yasmin had awoken alone that first day after her wedding. She assumed she’d see Nabil later in the day, not realising which day it would actually be.

  Yasmin’s body was so tender after her wedding night. Nabil had been extra gentle and so thoughtful that night. She began to get a glimpse of a man she liked. He had been so careful with her, handled her like a treasured gem. He made her feel like she was precious, made her feel cherished. And that made her feel sad. Sad because she knew he didn’t really love her. Could she live with just feeling like she was precious to someone? Wasn’t that close enough to love?

  ‘This can definitely work,’ Nabil had said as he had jumped out of bed after they had made love. ‘As long as we both remember the rules of engagement.’ And her heart had sunk to a low she never knew existed. Is that why he had fled so fast?

  Suddenly, a deep voice cut through her unsettling thoughts.


  Yasmin jumped. She turned with a start. Nabil stood in the doorway, his powerful frame leaning against the side, his gaze on her. She stood. Looking at her husband, just registering what he had said. Beautiful.

  He smiled. ‘It’s beautiful isn’t it?’ He said motioning with his head towards the sea.

  ‘Oh – ah – yes, yes it’s…beautiful,’ she stammered, surprised by his appearance.’

  She stood staring at him. Slowly and with grace, he eased his shoulders away from the doorframe and moved across the balcony taking a seat opposite her. Yasmin sat too, sexual awareness zinging through her body at the sight of him. There was silence for a moment and she felt an awkwardness as his gaze focussed on her. She couldn’t guess what was going through his mind.

  ‘So, what have you been doing with yourself?’ He asked lazily, almost as if he had to pretend to care.

  What have I been doing with myself?! The question stirred frustration within her. He’s the one who disappeared without a word. She remained silent for a moment thinking about the warm, generous man on her wedding night and this seemingly cold and detached man in front of her.

  ‘What have you been doing with yourself?’ She bit back, not bothering to hide her irritation.

  His brows furrowed, his eyes slightly wide. This seemed to have taken him by surprise. Yasmin was satisfied that she had managed to burst his bubble of calm, even if it was for just a second. He then narrowed his eyes slightly, composing himself. ‘I’m not used to having to explain myself, Yasmin. I’m not used to reporting to others, telling them where I’m going and what I’m doing, and I’m not about to start now,’ he said with an unmistakably admonishing tone.

  Yasmin stood, her chin slightly jutting out. ‘Well get used to it,’ she shot back, surprised at her own audacity. She might have been forced into this marriage but she would not be treated as less than equal. ‘As you yourself said on our wedding day, I’m now your wife – with everything that entails.’

  She waited for another reaction. An angry one. The air became thick. She wondered if she had overplayed her hand.

  But instead of the serious come-back she was expecting, a brilliant, flashing smile appeared on his face. ‘Touche′’ he responded simply.

  Yasmin couldn’t help but be impressed with how well he had taken her throwing his own words back in his face.

  She watched as Nabil moved smoothly across the room and poured himself a glass of cold water.

  ‘And now that you’ve made your point quite clear, I shall tell you where I’ve been and what I’ve been doing, habibti,’ he said silkily. ‘You were told before we were married about the situation with your neighbour. You were told it was serious. Very serious. Indeed, it’s the only reason we are married. I have been working with your father and brother as well as my country’s intelligence service and military trying to avoid a major conflict.’

  She felt foolish. She quietly mumbled, ‘Of course.’

  ‘I’m a man of my word, Yasmin,’ he said, his tone now back to serious again. ‘I always uphold my end of a deal. I have respect, for myself and for those around me,’ he added, his eyes stern, his lips in a firm line.

  There it was again. Respect. He had mentioned this before. It seemed to be a concept that he defined himself by. It was indeed a quality she herself admired and valued.

  A few moments of silence passed between them. Yasmin watched as he raised the glass to his lips, admiring both his strong hand and his full, beautiful mouth which kissed her with a passion she never knew existed. But his gaze stayed on her the whole time, never leaving her eyes.

  ‘Ah, I know what it is,’ he said, his tone changing completely to a playful lilt, a wolfish grin widening on his lips. ‘You’ve missed me.’

  Her back stiffened, her eyes glued to his handsome face. His intense, dark eyes and now stubbled jaw gave him an even deeper edge to his masculinity. And the sensation she had only experienced on her wedding night was again moving low in her pelvis. She had to concentrate to breathe. But her mind was taking her back to that night, to the man he had shown her.

  ‘After the night of passion we shared, I’m not surprised,’ he said, moving in closer, teasing her now. He just smiled down at her and began his approach, the air of intimacy again thick between them. ‘Get ready for a repeat performance. Heirs, after all, to carry on the Al Massoud line, is part of your role here.’

  As always, Yasmin’s colour heightened and she cursed her traitorous emotions for betraying her so easily every time. Not only was she irritated with herself, but she was furious with him. She wanted to slap him for his arrogance – and kiss him for his sexual proficiency.

  Obviously, she didn’t have the same effect on him that he had on her, she ruefully mused. His musky scent moved through the air and assailed her senses. He reached out a muscled, tan hand and Yasmin held her breath, anticipating his touch. Instead, he took a wisp of her hair and gently placed it back behind her ear, the gesture so surprisingly intimate and thoughtful. Her body reacted to him, becoming alert, anticipation rising.

  As if reading her mind, Nabil placed his hand on her elbow pulling her close, pressing her body against his. She could feel his hot breath against her face as he leaned down. ‘Don’t be angry with me for being competent at what I do. We both reap the rewards of that,’ he whispered, and she wondered if he could read her mind. ‘I missed you,’ he breathed, his voice low, his eyes gleaming with intent. He then closed the small space left between them and took her lips in a searing kiss. She melted into him, her hands coming around his waist and across his back. This was all the invitation he needed.

  Nabil scooped her up, she could feel his strong arms holding her tightly against him. Her feet were off the ground. He slowly made his way inside, cradling her like precious treasure, and headed to their bedroom.

  Placing her gently onto the bed, she could feel the cool sheets soft against her skin. He moved over her lightly teasing and nipping her bottom lip. She wanted to feel him closer. She arched up, crushing her breasts against him. He responded by pushing her harder onto the bed, his semblance of gentleness now clearly waning. And she liked it. She liked his hunger for her, the fierceness of which was intoxicating. And she realised that despite his patience, despite always seeming to be in control, he was every bit as passionately aroused as she was.

  She could feel his urgent need for her pushing up against her thigh, which he had pushed open with his strong legs. His breathing was fast already as his mouth ravaged her and his hands moved expertly over her body. Her mind was telling her, hold yourself back a little, you hardly know him. But her body had taken charge and soon enough it had shut down those rampant thoughts. Yasmin allowed herself to once more fall into Nabil’s sensual indulgence.

  Yasmin found herself in the midst of urges so primal and strong and she pulled him closer, needing more contact. She heard a small satisfied laugh escape from Nabil’s mouth as he kissed her, his strong hand moving up under her shirt and cupping her breast. The heat he exuded
was too much to bear.

  She lifted her hips to come closer to him wanting, needing that connection now as the heat in her pelvis was rising fast. Unexpectedly, Nabil lifted his head away from her mouth and she almost cried out no! But then she watched as he knelt between her legs, his hands swiftly removing his t-shirt revealing the muscular chest and broad shoulders she so wanted against her own skin. He then reached down with a sexy grin and removed the shirt over her head, his eyes glinting with male satisfaction as he looked down at her breasts which had been immediately exposed as she was not wearing a bra.

  He leaned down and took one taut nipple into his mouth, the heat singing Yasmin as it had done that first time. And if she could barely breathe now with the intensity of his mouth, when the tip of his finger slid down and found her damp silkiness, she cried out a breathless moan that had him immediately move her pants down with an urgency she herself was feeling. Her husband was touching her, moving his fingers with a methodical expertise she couldn’t help but buck against him wanting more, shivering and shaking as the heat rose inside her.

  She watched him watching her, his lips parted, his eyes intense and powerful. And under his watchful gaze Yasmin exploded into a thousand tiny pieces, her body convulsing around his hand, her cries fulling the room. He removed his hand and replaced it with the tip of his penis, hard and hot. She wanted him, wanted his invasion with a fierceness that shocked her.

  And he obliged without so much as a pause, moving himself inside her, gliding with the rhythm of her orgasm. She wanted him, wanted more but unable to speak she could only whimper and sob at the intensity of their perfect merging.

  After it was over, Nabil didn’t jump out of bed and head for the bathroom. At least not right away. This time held her in his arms. But only for a few moments. She had closed her eyes and was enjoying his embrace when he gently extricated himself and got up. She was left lying there staring up at the ceiling, craving emotional as well as physical intimacy. Now you’ve well and truly screwed yourself, came a voice from deep inside Yasmin’s mind. You’re feeling things for him he’s not feeling for you. She inwardly cringed at her weakness and wondered if this marriage could ever be based on anything else but sex.

  Yasmin couldn’t quite figure him out. At least not yet. He seemed like a man of such contradictions. She didn’t quite know what to make of him. He had been so cold and so business-like before their marriage, or ‘arrangement’ as he had so indelicately put it. But that afternoon, just like on their wedding night, he had shown her another side. A soft, gentle, considerate side where her comfort was of utmost importance and she was treated like a wife who was cherished. Yasmin wasn’t so naïve that she couldn’t figure out he wanted her. It was more a question of why he insisted on keeping himself so emotionally distant, even when he himself had said that this marriage could definitely work.

  The bathroom door flung open and Nabil walked out completely naked, not even bothering to cover with a towel around his waist, bringing Yasmin back to the present moment with a stark reminder of just how shy she was about exposing her own body, even as he was so clearly so comfortable in his. He moved across the room naked with a nonchalance that surprised her. Perhaps he just assumed that a doctor in training would not have many inhibitions about a naked human body, but that was not true in her case. Seeing bodies in a clinical environment was different, and she was still sexually inexperienced and quite shy. A complete visual of Nabil’s muscular, bronzed and naked physique was sending zings of awareness throughout her own body. But by God, he would make the perfect specimen to study the male anatomy. Imagine using him in a medical class, she mused.

  Then from across the room she heard his deep voice. ‘I assume you will prepare for this evening?’

  Yasmin sat up in bed bringing the sheets up to cover her breasts. Pushing away her hair from her face she asked, ‘What about this evening?’

  He turned his head, looking over his shoulder as he slid on a crisp, white shirt. ‘Your secretary hasn’t told you?’ Irritation pierced his voice.

  ‘I…no, she hasn’t mentioned anything about this evening.’

  ‘Hmm,’ he huffed, clearly unimpressed. ‘I’ll deal with that later. In the meantime, make preparations for our first official engagement.’

  Yasmin leaned forward. ‘What engagement?’ And please let it be something simple I can handle!

  He moved towards the bed again. Yasmin felt her body tense up with desire. What was wrong with her? Why did she respond to him in such a way? With such intensity?

  ‘The opening of our newest and most technologically advanced hospital. The royal car will pick you up. I will meet you there.’

  She had to focus to remember what he had just said to her. Yasmin’s eyes widened.

  ‘I know it’s boring but you understand you have official duties,’ he said as he turned and looked for more clothes.

  His words were a clear sign he knew nothing about her. How could a man so shrewd seem to be so clueless when it came to his own wife?

  ‘Boring?’ She repeated. ‘Why would it be boring? I can’t wait.’

  Nabil turned and looked at her, one eyebrow raised slightly.

  ‘You can’t wait? Can’t wait for a visit to a hospital?’ Then she saw recognition shine in his eyes. ‘Oh, that’s right. You are completing a medical degree,’ he said almost indifferently as if he hadn’t remembered this most important detail about her.

  Yasmin’s irritation was growing at the demeaning assessment he had made of her character. But she liked it. Liked that she was hating him instead of allowing this hold he seemed to have on her. ‘Perhaps if you’d bothered to remember out anything about me, Your Highness, you would know what I am interested in. I care deeply about those in our society who are suffering. I’ve completed only a part of my studies because I was pulled out of my life and into yours without so much as a proper consultation.’ She stopped, just barely holding back tears of frustration.

  Looking up at him she took a breath to steady her nerves. Her mouth pursed. ‘I understand the reason for this marriage and I agreed to it in order save thousands from immense suffering. That, in itself, should have given you some indication of the type of woman I am.’

  Something flashed in his eyes. She couldn’t quite tell if it was irritation or admiration. Then he nodded his head briskly and said, ‘Good. You should enjoy yourself then.’

  Turning his back he strode towards the door not bothering to tell her where he was going – again. She shook her head. She hated this. She was beginning to hate him too.

  But a small glimmer of happiness was beginning to rise inside her. Visiting a hospital would raise her spirits because perhaps, just perhaps, that was something she could involve herself in, somewhere she could contribute.

  A couple of hours later, the hustle and bustle of handmaidens and clothes and make-up were once again whirring around Yasmin. The small group of women assisted Yasmin get ready for her first public appearance as Crown Princess. She chose a simple but elegant blue dress with a small collar. She insisted her hair be up in a neat bun, much to the dismay of the hair-stylist. But this was a hospital and Yasmin had been taught that any time a doctor was working, hair had to be well-organised. A pair of blue shoes that matched her dress, and Yasmin was ready.

  A royal limousine was waiting outside at the appointed time and she was promptly driven through the streets of the Zasharian capital to the newest and the biggest hospital in the region. When she arrived, Yasmin was escorted up to the function room which was already buzzing with members of Zashar’s parliament, hospital executives, doctors and the press.

  Nabil was standing on the other side of the room, far from the entrance. He was speaking with one of the doctors when he suddenly felt a strong pull to turn around.

  She was here. He could sense her presence. Despite trying to convince himself that this arranged marriage was just that, he was frustrated that she had, in such a short time, managed to get under his skin like no othe
r woman had ever done before.

  He paused for a moment and then slowly turned his head, his eyes scanning the room. He watched as every pair of male eyes turned too. She was a vision.

  Nabil politely excused himself from his conversation and strode over to where Yasmin stood.

  ‘You look….’ he gave a slight nod, ‘perfect. Come.’

  And with his hand firmly around hers, they began to work the room as a team. She had to perform and perform she would. Nabil was sure of that. She had been trained for this. She was the perfect sheikh’s wife. Nabil watched her as she impressed everyone with her warmth. She was indeed approachable. She had poise and grace, and she was the perfectly raised princess. Just what his country needed right now. He knew she wouldn’t let him down.

  Yasmin knew about hospitals, about medicine. She was in her element here. And she would impress, he was sure of that.

  Nabil joined a small group of wealthy business associates. They would be part of the funding for the hospital. As he conversed with them, his attention was still on his wife. He watched from his peripheral vision as a middle-aged man approached her. Bowing deeply he spoke.

  ‘I understand you are a medical peer,’ he said with a warm smile. ‘I’m Dr. AbduIlla and it’s a pleasure to meet you Your Royal Highness.’

  Nabil could see Yasmin hold out her hand which the older man took smilingly. ‘Peer might not be the right word,’ she said, humbling herself even though she didn’t have to. ‘I haven’t specialised yet,’ she explained with a smile.

  Nabil watched as the doctor held onto her hand a little longer than necessary before bowing again deeply. ‘I am honoured that you have graced us here at the hospital.’

  ‘Dr. Abdulla is the chief physician here,’ Nabil said, noticing Yasmin’s surprise as he strode over. He had used his deeper, commanding voice. He wasn’t sure why, but he wanted to ensure the good doctor knew he was there and Yasmin was his.


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