Duty Bound Desire: The Sheikh's Forced Marriage (Desert Desires Book 1)

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Duty Bound Desire: The Sheikh's Forced Marriage (Desert Desires Book 1) Page 16

by Jennifer Jansen

  As he raced through the palace corridors, his heart thundering in his chest, all he could think was what a fool he’d been, how he’d constantly pushed away the best thing that had ever happened to him. What he wouldn’t give to hear Yasmin’s sweet voice right now telling him everything would be ok. He had told himself over and over that what he was doing was being a man of honour, standing by his word to keep things uncomplicated. And he had believed his own lies. But finally, finally he had to admit that living his life without her was not a life worth living.

  Yasmin stood, quietly looking out, watching the sunlight dancing along the horizon. She so loved being home. After all the turmoil of the past couple of months, it was so good to feel some sense of herself returning. She was finally beginning to relax a little when a shadow cast itself in front of the sunlight. She placed a hand up over her eyes to try and see what it was. All of a sudden, there were two shadows.

  Anxiety began to creep its way into her mind and body. She knew something wasn’t right. Two men, standing on her balcony. They couldn’t possibly be there unless they had climbed up, or down, using harnesses.

  Within seconds they were smashing their way in. She jumped back, desperately trying to make her way to the door. Suddenly, a large hand grabbed her around the waist, another hand clamming over her mouth.

  She kicked and struggled, tried to scream, but the man was just too strong.

  ‘Stop struggling!’ the growl came from behind her. She could feel the man’s breath on her ears. ‘Stop struggling!’ he growled again, this time sounding more menacing.

  Her mind was racing. Dread began coursing through her. Who were these men? And what did they want? Were these foreign agents from Qaman’s troublesome neighbour? Her mind was spinning.

  From the corner of her eye, Yasmin could see a figure coming towards her. He moved slowly as the other man still held onto her waist and mouth.

  ‘Well, well,’ he said. ‘Now this, I wasn’t expecting.’

  Yasmin was trying to breathe normally but the other man’s hand was firmly clamped down over her mouth.

  ‘Nice to see you again, Princess.’

  Yasmin recognised the man who was speaking. Oh my God! It was Tariq, from the negotiations. Her brother had invited him along. He had trusted this man.

  ‘The Princess of Zashar.’ Tariq had a slight smirk on his ugly face. ‘That’s right. Ali. The stakes have just gone up, big time.’ He paced around her like a lion torturing its prey. ‘We came for your brother. But you’ll do in his place.’

  ‘But Boss,’ Ali protested, ‘we cannot do that. We don’t want her. We want the prince. Or even better, the king himself.’

  Yasmin would have gasped if she could have. These men were enemy agents from the neighbouring nation that tried to invade her home.

  A sneaky smile spread across Tariq’s lips. ‘That’s right, Princess. We wanted to take your father and destabilize this nation. But if it couldn’t be done one way, it will be done another.’

  Tariq remained standing with that ugly smirk. He began to move around. His eyes scanning Yasmin’s body up and down. That horrible smirk still there.

  Yasmin made up her mind. She wasn’t going to go down easily. She steeled herself then jerked herself back, lifting her leg bringing it down hard on Ali’s foot. He buckled and released her. She fell forward but unfortunately, right into Tariq’s arms. She writhed and thrashed.

  All of a sudden there was a thundering boom.

  Tariq dropped Yasmin and turned. She looked up.

  Oh my God! Nabil.

  He stood, his face contorted with fury, his determination obvious.

  And then, seconds later, Shehab.

  The two men stood side by side. Neither of them moved for a moment. Both men unyielding. Both determined. They truly were a sight. Like the warriors of old, ready for battle. Their equally large frames and strong bodies on alert.

  Like a shot, Nabil leapt in front and grabbed Tariq. He had him in a head- lock, pulling him to the floor.

  Just as quickly Shehab leapt into action, going after Ali who had turned, going for the balcony in a feeble attempt to escape.

  Shehab seized the back of his shirt and pulled him backwards. Ali fell. He quickly turned and threw a leg up kicking Shehab on the side of the head.

  Shehab reeled for a moment. Then he stood tall and pounced on Ali, pinning him to the ground.

  Nabil had pulled Tariq down to the floor, roaring with rage as he pushed his face into the marble. Tariq grappled and fought back hard. He slipped out of Nabil’s grasp and was on his feet again. He stood, facing Nabil, that smirk still on his ugly face.

  Nabil stood too. He was taller than Tariq by a head. He glared. Yasmin had never seen his face strained with such hatred before.

  Tariq swung at him but Nabil ducked, quickly coming up again and smashing Tariq under the jaw with a right hook. She winced at the sound of knuckles hitting bone and flesh.

  Tariq reeled, his hand on his face.

  Nabil pulled Tariq up and slammed him into a wall. Tariq’s mouth was bleeding and he staggered. But Nabil wouldn’t let him fall. He threw him back against the wall. Hard.

  Yasmin pulled herself to her feet and ran for the door. As she reached the door, she saw Mahir running towards her. He grabbed her wrist and pulled her away from the room. Behind him she saw Nabil’s security people as they flooded the area.

  She could see Nabil from where she stood further down the corridor and she held her breath. Nabil seemed out of control with fury. He had Tariq up against the wall, had him by the throat with one hand. The other hand was bundled into a fist, ready to strike right into Tariq’s face.

  A strong hand grabbed Nabil’s wrist.


  It was Shehab. He released Nabil’s hand. They were both breathing hard.

  ‘He’s not worth it. Let our prison system deal with him. That’s a much better punishment,’ Shehab said, glaring at Tariq.

  Nabil slowly lowered his arm. Shehab put a hand to Nabil’s chest and pushed him back, away from Tariq. ‘Security will take care of him now.’

  Yasmin could see Nabil, he was breathing rapidly, turning, searching quickly. His eyes wild as he quickly scanned the area. Then his gaze locked on her.

  He stood for a moment, the ferocity in his eyes still evident. Then he began to run towards her.

  She stepped forward and slowly walked in his direction, faster and faster she began moving until she found herself running too.

  As they came nearer, Nabil threw himself forward, his strong arms opened, and he seized her body, taking her into a strong embrace.

  Yasmin could feel his chest heaving, smell his sweet sweat, and felt all the fear and tension slip from her body as his powerful arms wrapped themselves around her.

  He didn’t say a word.

  He just held her.

  Shehab and security rounded up the two infiltrators and herded them out the door, closing it gently behind him.

  Yasmin rested in Nabil’s strength. She held onto him, relieved.

  He still didn’t say a word, just held onto her like she would fly away at any second.

  Finally, he released her but kept his body close to hers. He lifted his hand and began stroking her hair. She closed her eyes, the feeling of his gentle hand like a soothing balm. When she opened them again he was watching her.

  As he looked at her, he put his hand to his heart. ‘You have no idea….’ Then he paused and he whispered, ‘Yasmin. My sweet Yasmin.’

  He released her completely now, turning and looking out the window. One hand came up and he pinched the top of his nose where his eyebrows met, his knuckles grazed, showing the signs of a fight.

  ‘I’m responsible for this.’

  Yasmin wanted to cry. It had been such a horrible day. ‘How could you possibly be responsible for this?’ she asked, her voice raspy, trembling.

  ‘It was I who should have protected you,’ he said quietly.

t. What?

  ‘What are you talking about? You did protect me. You’re here aren’t you?’ She then paused, a thought running through her mind. ‘How come you’re here?’

  Nabil turned, his deep, dark eyes locking onto hers. ‘Because I didn’t want to lose the best thing that has ever happened to me.’

  Yasmin just looked up at him. Were her ears betraying her? What did he just say?

  Nabil ran a hand through his hair roughly.

  ‘I got word that there was a possible security threat while on board the jet. I called Shehab. He told me you were on your way here.’

  Nabil didn’t take his eyes off her, his chest was still heaving heavily. His anger at the confrontation with Tariq still raw. ‘When I saw his dirty hands on you…’ he couldn’t even finish that sentence. He rubbed both hands over his face and stood like that for a few moments.

  Then his voice changed as did his eyes, softening. ‘Yasmiiin,’ he said her name the same way he had said it the first time they met, drawing it out. ‘I’ve never felt such fear in my life. When I realised where you were and then when Shehab called me….’ he trailed off, a loud exhale and curse coming from his mouth. He turned away. Looked out the window once more.

  Yasmin had never seen Nabil like this. So visceral.

  ‘I don’t know what I would have done if anything had happened to you.’ He kept his eyes on the outside world.

  ‘I’m here. And I’m ok, thanks to you,’ she said attempting to both allay his guilt and speak the truth.

  Nabil didn’t respond. His head still turned away from her. His eyes looking out. Silence filled the room.

  Yasmin closed her eyes, trying to give herself some time to come to terms with everything that had just happened. She was feeling shaken but she was also trying hard not to show it. She didn’t want Nabil feeling even worse than he already did.

  ‘This marriage wasn’t supposed to be about feelings,’ he quietly said, bringing her out of her inner rumination. She didn’t expect that, looked up at him. He still hadn’t turned to face her. He kept his eyes averted, looking out the window, his security now scouring the area.

  ‘It was about convenience.’ Then he added, ‘Mine mostly.’

  ‘Yours mostly?’ she repeated.

  ‘I convinced myself that this would be a marriage for both political and economic gain. I have now realised, it was more about my own emotional protection. But Yasmin,’ he said as he finally turned and looked at her, eyes burning with such passion, ‘I could only fight my feelings for you so much. You are everything I’ve ever wanted in a woman. You’re intelligent, kind, compassionate, beautiful. You are all I want, and what I need, Yasmin.’

  She took a deep breath, finally hearing the words she had been longing to hear for so long.

  Yasmin looked up at him then frowned. ‘How could that be?’ she asked, confused, remembering how distant and cold he was to her. Remembering his father’s words – he had wanted someone unconventional.

  ‘A woman who would give herself to save her nation is a rare thing, habibti. It was your sense of duty, your sense of responsibility to your people that made me realise who you truly were that first day.’

  Yasmin just stared into his eyes. He was sincere and she loved him for it.

  ‘And then,’ he continued, ‘Then there was our wedding night.’

  Yasmin felt her cheeks redden as if she was still a shy virgin. Nabil chuckled. ‘After that night, I definitely knew we would work. You and I as a couple.’

  There was silence for a moment. Yasmin felt at a loss for words. But Nabil had more to say.

  ‘You have been a blessing in more ways than one, and you have not ceased to amaze me with your depth, your compassion, and your spirit.’ He reached out and placed his hand on the side of her face. She leaned into it without even thinking. Then he reached for her and took her in a tight embrace.

  She could feel his chest heaving as he held her close. She too was feeling raw and vulnerable, especially after everything that had just occurred. She needed his strong arms around her. Needed him. Loved him.

  Yasmin closed her eyes. Could he really be saying these things to her? Could she finally hope?

  ‘I’ve finally grown tired. Tired of fighting you. Tired of fighting myself.’ He squeezed her tighter and she held onto him just as tight, her emotions beginning to spill over. ‘I’m so sorry if I ever hurt you, habibti.’

  Yasmin couldn’t hold her tears back. They slowly began to tumble down and as hard as she tried she couldn’t escape the small hiccup of a sob.

  Nabil kissed the top of her head, then released her slightly so he could look at her. She didn’t look up. She couldn’t. Her emotions were roiling around inside her heart and she felt that at that moment it would explode. But Nabil wouldn’t let her hide. He placed his fingers under her chin and gently coaxed her head up. As she looked into his eyes she could see for the first time real openness. ‘I love you Yasmin. I love you habibti. I love you.’

  The words she had been longing to hear.

  And with that admission, Yasmin finally broke completely, the tears now falling uncontrollably. She reached out for him and his arms came around her faster than lightning, squeezing her tightly into his chest, his breath on her head as he spoke the words over and over, ‘I love you. I love you.’


  ‘I want the ceremony held in the next few days. I want to see you ascend to the throne while I’m still alive. I want to crown you king myself.’

  The king was resolute.

  Nabil looked at his father. He had arrived at his rooms as soon as he was summoned, found his father sitting alone on the balcony looking out at the water. At his father’s hand motion Nabil had taken a seat next to him. He looked over and saw his father’s eyes on him. ‘I’m still here but who knows for how long.’ He raised his hand as Nabil began to protest. ‘My son, I’m not as strong as I was, and my recent issues with my heart have made me a liability to the throne.’

  ‘Father, don’t speak like that. You’re still needed here.’

  ‘I am ready to officially hand over the running of the country to you.’

  ‘Father,’ Nabil protested, ‘you are still king. You must reign until....’ he stopped himself, not wanting to even say the words.

  ‘Nabil, you have proven beyond any doubt that you are worthy of the title King of Zashar. And with Yasmin by your side you have both brought so much prosperity to this country during the time I’ve been ill. You have proven that under your rule, our nation will always be strong and prosperous. It’s time for me to step down now.’

  Nabil bowed to his father and kissed his hand.

  Nabil kept his head bowed down at his father’s hand. He shut his eyes tight in an attempt to control his emotions. Never had he felt so much in such a short time: his wife, his father, his ascension to the throne. He was overwhelmed with happiness, with gratitude and with pride. He couldn’t wait to get back to Yasmin and tell her. And he had just had a great idea.

  Five days later…

  ‘I want you right by my side today,’ Nabil said to his wife.

  ‘You know I’ll be there, my darling,’ Yasmin responded, placing her hand over his on her slightly swollen belly. ‘Or rather, we’ll be there,’ she said smiling up at him.

  Nabil looked down at her. ‘I don’t mean for you just to be at the coronation. I mean, I want you right next to me, on the dais when I receive the crown.’

  Yasmin’s mouth fell open. ‘This has never been done before,’ she managed. ‘No-one can be on the dais during the coronation except the outgoing king and the one who is being crowned.’

  A smile played upon his lips. ‘You don’t understand. I want you on the dais with me because my father will crown you along with me.’

  Yasmin stood, motionless. No words came. This was unprecedented.

  He leaned down closer to her. ‘Yasmin, you are the other part of me. It is you who has been, and will be my guide and advisor on many iss
ues regarding our nation now. You, with your compassion, with your goodness, your insight – you. You must be with me on the dais upon our ascension to the throne, for we will reign together.’

  She couldn’t believe what her husband was asking of her. She couldn’t imagine the Council accepting this.

  ‘Your request has touched my heart,’ she said, her eyes feeling the sting of tears. ‘But Nabil, the Council would never accept such a change in the protocol. They would never allow such a thing.’

  ‘It’s not up to the Council. It’s still up to my father. When I put this idea to him, he was ecstatic.’ He added, ‘Just like it wasn’t up to the Council to allow you to sit on the hospital board and advise on important decisions regarding health care. If I had left it to them, a very skilled and compassionate doctor would be missing.’

  ‘You know I have so many ideas to bring to the health board. And once the baby is born I will continue to work. Women should be allowed to hold down a job and still be with their babies. Oh, on that note,’ she said as her husband’s smile just broadened, ‘free childcare in workplaces will also be something I’ll be advocating for. Not just for mothers, but for fathers too.’

  He paused for a moment. Appreciation in his eyes. ‘Perfect,’ he said smiling.

  ‘Now, as for the coronation ceremony, I can’t wait for you to be there with me.’

  He wanted to roar like a lion. Nabil had never been so happy.

  Holding her in a gentle bear hug, he twirled her around once and planted a passionate kiss on her lips.

  Yasmin laughed. ‘Put me down before I get sick again.’

  Nabil immediately did as he was instructed, made a playful salute to his wife. ‘Yes, Ma’am.’

  She looked at him in all his formal regalia. ‘You look….’ she paused, looking him up and down. One of his eyebrows shot up and the sexy smile was back. ‘Superb,’ was all she could say.

  He chuckled. ‘Superb, eh?’ Nabil pretended to think about it for a moment. ‘I’ll take it,’ he said, lowering his head and taking her mouth in another searing kiss.


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