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But if there was something of Coltrain that had Louise perplex, it was the antipathy that he was feeling towards her. Often he was wondering why he would have accepted it in the staff if from a beginning he had not liked. He had tried to interrogate Drew on this matter, but this one was not releasing pledge, and it was always changing topic.
Moreover rare had seemed to the young woman the whispers to his backs for his first weeks in the hospital. It even had heard a cryptic comment of one of the nurses with more antiquity to other one, on someone who " had to feel very uncomfortable with the daughter of the doctor Blakely working there ". Lou had felt desires to ask him of whom they were pulling, but when the women realized that it was shielding them, they went away each one to his chores.
Louise had not gone so far as to find out the one who was this person, why it was turning out to him uncomfortable that she was working there, but yes he was starting comprising that it had happened a little in the past in that hospital, and that his father had had something that to see in it.
In an occasion he asked Drew on this matter, and he seemed violentarse.
- Good, your father here was a surgeon, just as it I am - he answered him after a light hesitancy.
- But when it left of here, it was wrapped in some class of scandal: is not it true? - she insisted.
- There was no scandal - Drew answered shaking the head-, no spot in his reputation. He was a great surgeon, much respected, but that you already know it. Although as father and husband there was stopping much that to want, as doctor with puede to deny to him that it was exceptional.
- And then: why were the people murmuring to my backs on him when I came?
- It has not anything in common with your work - him made sure Drew-. In fact really at all it concerns you directly.
- But: what ...?
In this moment an anesthetist had interrupted them, and Lou had not asked again him, although it had not happened to him unnoticed the fact that Drew had seemed relieved of the fact that had interrupted them, and it had not managed to be extracted of the head. Would anything have that one that to see with the doctor Coltrain and that was that one the motive for which he was detesting her so much? Not, it was impossible. To have been like that, he would have mentioned lake during almost twelve months that were going working together.
Nevertheless, turning the sight behind, Lou remembered that Coltrain had not been disagreeable with her from the beginning. The first week had behaved with normality, and had been then, suddenly, when it had become hostile.
I respect to the comment that had done him in the parking, on his coldness, that one was coming of far. In the holiday of Christmas of the hospital, just person to the week and a half of her to have begun to work with him, had caught her unprepared under a few sticks of mistletoe and had tried to kiss her, but she had separated. The alone idea of feeling his lips on theirs had done that him the knees were trembling, and that the beats of the heart were going off him. The attraction that he was feeling for him was so strong, so devastating, that was scaring her very much, especially after the almost monastic life that had come till then, always dedicated to the study. From the institute it had not had scarcely social life, because that was the only thing that was braking the sarcastic and cruel comments of his father about his worth and his intellect. The only thing that was mattering for him was that it was extracting good notes and that he was standing out.
Yes, the academic achievements had been his table of salvation in his disfunctional family. He had studied every night up to brought in well the dawn, cattle premiso and scholarships ..., everything to support I satisfy his father, who without emba4rgo, it had never proved to be proud of her. He was a cruel man, and as his narcotic addiction was growing, year after year, this feature of his character was accentuated also.
The drugs had been precisely the cause of that was smashing his light aircraft. His mother had died with him, next to you, just as all his life had remained along with him in spite of the tricks, of his brutality, and of his addiction. Everything had apologized it for the sake of the blind love that he was feeling for him.
Lou embraced each other, feeling once again the chill of the fear for the memories of the past. She would never marry. Any woman who will deliver his heart to a man could be caught suddenly in such a destructive relation cone laque they had dyed his parents, it was said. It was so simple as he was winning the love, to prove to be vulnerable, and to start doing authorizations, finally giving up itself and allowing to be dominated until his will and his pride had been annulled completely. That's why Lou had never promised to prove to be firmly vulnerable, to be to favor of a man ever, since it his mother had been. Nevertheless, " Copper " Coltrain was making her feel vulnerable, and this was the real motive for the one that was avoiding any physical contact with him. It was afraid of giving in to the feeling that was waking up in her, of turning into a victim. The solitude could be very painful, but it was something to what was used. The love, on the other hand, had never known it, and he was scaring to lose the control of his emotions and his acts.
On Monday morning it brought I obtain the everlasting routine. Coltrain was enough brace, probably because still it was dragging the discussion that they had had. What had accused her of going round there with the teams of ambulances as if it was a diversion for her ...!
It observed it disappearing after the door of his consultation, at the end of the corridor, and with a deep sigh it returned his, going to the filing cabinet to look for a radiography that he needed. The worst of the not corresponded love, it was said knocked down, the fact was that the desprecios were not doing but to feed it. The more Coltrain was ignoring her and the more hostile it was appearing with her, the more it was difficult to him to resign from his sleep which the things were changing. It realized well that did not want to marry, not a relation, but the attraction that he was feeling for Coltrain was too strong like to deny it.
When it was examining the radiography, Brenda looked out of the half-open door.
- There is a call for you: the doctor Morris for the line two.
- Thank you Brenda.
Lou took down the receiver absent-mindedly, studying still the radiography in his left hand, but when it touched the button of the line that the nurse had indicated him, was listening accidentalmente to a conversation that still had not ended.
-. .. i already said to you that, to begin, if it had been known of the one who was a relative, it would not even have hired her - he was saying with fury a too familiar voice-. If I hired her it was for doing to you a favor; then it had not even idea of that was the daughter of Blakely. I will never excuse him for what it did to me, Drew, and tner that of seeing her day by day he reminds it to me. It is a constant anguish for me!.
- Cooper, is unjust that...
- Not, it is as I sit down. This woman is not any more than a load for me, and in response to your question, not: it gives to me exactly just as you ask him for an appointment! I find her unbearable; it is not any more than an automaton without the attractive minor, so you can remain with her with all my blessings. I make sure to you that I would give money to extract it of my life and of this hospital: and as soon as possible better!.
It was heard a "clic", and suddenly Lou realized that the line had remained free, and that Drew was waiting to another side.
- Lou Blakely to the device - announced more calmadamente that could, being evident them meekly cold and sweaty.
- Lou!: How are you? I Am Drew - answered his friend-. I hope not to catch you in bad moment...
- Not - she mumbled, swallowing saliva, while it was doing a superhuman effort to control his emotions-. Not, by no means. What can I do for you?
- Do you know this charitable dinner that is celebrated on Thursday? He was asking me if you would feel like coming with me.
After the conversation to that he had just listened, Lou knew that this appointment was not purely friendly, as that they had had ti
ll then, and in other circumstances, knowing it as it was known it, he would have said to him that not, but the words of Coltrain had put it out of if.
- I would love it, thank you - he said to him.
- Marvellous! - Drew exclaimed. For the tone of his voice it was obvious that there was a wide smile in his lips. I will gather you on Thursday at six o'clock.
- In agreement, until Thursday.
Lou rang off and breathed deeply, expelling the air slowly in an attempt for calming down. It was not even known how it was capable of continuing with the day. When it had finished the last patient of the morning, it came out the white robe, wrote in the computer a letter of resignation, printed it, introduced her in one on, put itself on the jacket, the purse was hung on bandolier, and it went to the consultation of Coltrain to deliver it to him. Nevertheless, it was a midday and he must already have gone away to eat because it was not there, so it left her on the office, and went out again to the corridor, leaving the building without looking behind.
It would have been agreeable to have a shoulder on the one that to cry in this moment, was said while you were seated alone in a snack bar near to the hospital, sitting before a black coffee and a salad of chicken that had not even touched. But: how was it going to have any shoulder on which to let off steam when it had problems to be related to the people? It was shy and quiet, and precisely because of it it was difficult to the others to approach her. He continued observing the cup of coffee with the lost look, with the cruel words of Coltrain repeating itself repeatedly inside his brain. He hated her, could not have made it clear. He was finding her unbearable, had said.
Perhaps out; his father had said it to him often when still it was living. His mother and he had been born in Jacobsville, and had I reside there for years, but he had never spoken to him about his past. It was clear that he had not spoken too much with her either, except to despise her and to say to him that it would never come to him not to the sole of the shoe.
In this moment the door of the snack bar was opened, and Lou observed with apprehension that it was " Copper " Coltrain who had entered. It seemed truly furious, and his clear eyes covered the place up to meeting on her, alone sitting in a corner,
It advanced towards her with a determination that made think the young woman that there had to be an emergency, but when it stopped opposite to her, stamped on the table his letter of resignation together with on open sea.
- What devils does it mean this? - it demanded to know without lifting the voice, but in a threatening tone.
Lou lifted his chestnut-colored eyes towards him.
- It means that abandonment, I leave - he answered, separating the face.
- That I already know it!: but I want to know why!
The young woman looked in contour. The snack bar was almost empty, but the barmaid and a cowboy sat in the bar were observing them with curiosity.
- If it does not matter for him, it would prefer not discussing my matters deprived in public - he said to him sharply, raising the chin.
Coltrain pressed the jaw, and his eyes refulgieron, but it separated so that it was putting itself of foot, hoped while he was paying, and continued her out, up to the place where his small silver Ford was parked.
Nevertheless, when it had extracted the keys of the pocket of the trousers, the doctor seized her for the arm and dragged her up to a nearby park, forcing her to sit down in an edict, under a great oak. Only then it released it. He remained of foot, and planted the boot on the seat, next to you, inclining on the knee to look at her.
- We are already to alone - he said to him with brusqueness-. Now say to me why it wants to leave.
- The contract that I signed was only for one year and already almost it has finished - answered she with the cheeks red clouds for the annoyance-. I want to go away of here, want to return to house.
- To Austin? Drew Morris said to me that he had not @ anybody left there - he said to him, surprising her.
- I have friends there.
- I do not believe it, it does not have any friend ... with the exception of Drew.
Lou bent the head and pressed the keys of the car in his hand, fixing them to him in the palm. His features were not expressing any emotion, but Coltrain there was under the sight and observed the tension reflected in his white nudillos. Without saying word, it took his rigid hand and opened it, frowning on having seen the red marks that had left the keys in his skin.
Lou separated the hand to the moment, but the uncertainty did not resign of the face of the doctor. A good moment continued looking at her, while the heart of the young woman was beating wildly against his ribs. He was detesting to prove to be vulnerable.
Coltrain, warning his discomfort, lowered the perna and gave a step backwards. It saw as the young woman seemed to relax, and how it was releasing the breath that it had been containing.
- It takes time to achieve that a labor relation works - he said to him-, and you only have given ours one year.
- Exact, " I " have given him one year.
The emphasis in the pronoun did that the doctor was half-closing the eyes.
- As he has said it, it seems that he thinks that I have not put anything of my part.
Lou lifted the face.
- Yes this is exactly what I think. You have never loved me working next to you. I suspected it from the beginning, but it has not been until this morning, when I heard him saying to Drew by phone that...
To the doctor him desencajó the face.
- It heard .... did it hear what I said to him? inquirió with hoarse voice.
Louise's lips trembled ligenramente.
- Yes, I heard everything.
Coltrain remembered frightened what he had said to Drew Morris in what in the fund it had not belonged any more than one of his starters to bad genius. In several occasions it had happened to him that for the heat he had said things that about reality he was not thinking, but he had never felt so regretful of having given free rein to his anger as in this moment. He had never believed his cold and imperturbable assistant capable of feeling some emotion, but clearly it was ruined. It had hurt her, and only then of dio counts of that his opinion about her yes was mattering for him, although it was always trying to demonstrate the opposite.
The doctor cursed for his innermost thoughts. If he had answered to Drew Morris so furious, it had been because it had just had that to diagnose leukemia to a child of only four years. He had felt impotent before the pain of the parents, and had discharged into Drew his frustration. Also: how could he have imagined that she had heard everything? He was feeling ashamed, but he was sure that although he was trying to say it to him, she would not believe it. They were saying it to them that you should soak through the expression tired of his face, the closed handles and the lips pressed in a thin line.
- It hired me only for doing him a favor to Drew, surely pushing back another person who seemed to him more suitable for the position - said she with a forced smile-. Well, so perhaps now when I go away, it will have the opportunity to hire her.
- A moment, I waited...
Lou lifted a hand.
- Not, please, I do not want that we discuss it - it cut it. It had already had enough in spite of listening what was thinking about it-. I am tired of fighting with you, of whom he does not like anything of what I do. For you I am a load, and after this the only thing that I want is to leave. I will remain until he finds the one who replaces me, not even one more alone day - said to him with steadfastness, putting itself of foot.
Coltrain spent to himself a hand for the red-haired hair. It was losing that battle, and did not know how to apologize.
- This morning I have had to say to him to the Dawe that his son has leukemia - he said to him, irritated for having to give him explanations-. I was feeling furious with me same, with God ... and when I am furious sometimes I say things that in reality I do not feel.
- The two we know that yes there thinks what he said to Drew of me - inflexible
she answered, it looking at the eyes-. He hated me almost from the first day that I came here, and most of the time is not even capable of proving to be polite with me, but what it was not known was that could not even see me for anything that my father did.
When he said that, Lou observed a subtle change in the features of the doctor.
- So that also he heard that - he murmured.
He would never have wanted to speak again about that one, but it owed to him an explanation for the unjust and prejudicious behavior that had had with her the whole year.
- The girl of the one that was won the love - it began with the dry gullet-, that I was going to marry, me was employed at the hospital of Jacobsville. In spite of being compromised, it had a romance with his father, and he made her pregnant. He practised an abortion on him secretly, and of course she concealed everything me. I was on the verge of marrying completamente cheated, but that one was discovered, and the direction of the hospital "invited" his father to leave.
Lou turned pale. Would his mother have found out about that one?
- Only a few persons found out - he added, as reading the thought-. I doubt that s mother was knowing. She was looking like a good woman. I will never understand how he could marry a man like that.
- And the girl?
- Also they dismissed her, and it left the city. The time he ended up by marrying - he said, getting the hands into the pockets-. And if he wants to know all the truth, I will say to him that Drew felt a pity of you when his parents died, and on having found out that I was looking an assistant, he recommended her to me so much for the position, that I agreed to interview her. At first, in spite of the surname, I did not relate her to his father, skylight - he added-. Ironic: truth?, that was choosing as assistant the daughter of the man who destroyed my happiness.,