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Daddy's Bossy Friend

Page 3

by Charlize Starr

  The more I looked at him, the hotter he looked. He had an athlete’s muscular body, tall and lithe, without being too buff. His neck was wide and strong. I stared at his back and at the way his perfect ass moved in his jeans. I knew I was totally objectifying a man’s physical appearance, and I was a scholar and knew better than to do that! I couldn’t help it though, Carl turned a lot of heads in the room and I just happened to be one of them.

  “So, since I am in charge of the fun, I vote that we go check out the national park!” I said excitedly when he joined me at the table where we were going to eat our breakfast.

  Carl’s beard looked more scruffy today, and I wondered if he’d forgotten to trim it. In the morning light, I could see his eyes more clearly and how icy blue they were. He was wearing a thin cotton t-shirt and his usual pair of dark jeans, even though it was quite cold. Nothing affected this man, least of all the weather.

  I was packed up in jeans, a sweater and a ski jacket with a furry hood. Carl looked at me with wide eyes and smiled.

  “That sounds like a good idea,” he said and chewed his food.

  “Gives us something to do while you sit around and protect me from the baddies,” I exclaimed with a laugh and he was still smiling. He shook his head like I was a silly child who had said something stupid and continued eating his food.

  “I looked up the brochures. It’s a short drive from here and then we can go for a hike in the park,” I said and Carl nodded his head in agreement.

  “But I guess you might have to put on a few more clothes for that!” I added and he looked up at me and his gaze fell down to the front of my sweater. He looked away immediately, but I couldn’t help but wonder if he was checking me out. My nipples stiffened in my bra, and that familiar throbbing in my pussy began again.

  I clutched my fork tighter, hoping that I wouldn’t have to spend the whole day fantasizing about this man’s body.

  “I have my jacket,” Carl said and I burst out laughing again.

  “Your puny leather jacket? That’s what you’re going to wear on a hike in Alaska?” I said through my laughter and Carl shrugged his shoulders.

  “I have a scarf too,” he added, and I couldn’t stop laughing.

  It was amazing that despite everything, I was actually having fun with him, and he hadn’t even touched me yet.


  I stepped out of the rented car, and my boots sunk into the snow. Carl banged his door shut and walked around to my side.

  “You gonna be okay?” I heard him ask, as I tried to walk up the snowy path towards the gated entrance of the national park. There was no other human soul in sight.

  “Yeah, I can manage walking without assistance, thank you!” I called out to him, as I tried to balance and walk ahead of him. I just needed some time to get used to this terrain, that was all. I didn’t want Carl to think that I was some silly girl who couldn’t even take care of herself! I wanted him to look at me as the woman that I was.

  The air was fresh and chilly and my breath fogged up in front of me. When I looked up, I saw that the sky was crystal clear and blue; just like Carl’s magnetic eyes.

  “This is fun, isn’t it?” I called out to him, turning to see him following me. Carl had his hands stuffed into the pockets of his leather jacket and seemed like he was having no trouble walking in the snow.

  As promised, he’d tied a woolen scarf around his neck, but that was pretty much all the warm clothing he needed. It was probably why he wasn’t having as much trouble in the snow as I was.

  “Maybe I should take off my ski jacket?” I said, talking to him as I walked backward.

  “Maybe not, because then you’ll freeze,” he said and I shrugged my shoulders.

  “I’ll warm up if I run around,” I suggested with a laugh and he shook his head and smiled.

  “I don’t think you should run around!” he called back, and I turned from him and stomped my feet into the snow.

  I had walked through the gates of the park, and we were entering the massive snowy expanse of wildlife. Most of it was covered in snow, but it was full of life and beautiful nevertheless.

  “Fuck it, I’m going for a run,” I mumbled to myself, and I unzipped my jacket and threw it down on the snow.

  “Virginia! You really shouldn’t!” I heard Carl say, but I threw caution to the wind and ran. I couldn’t stop laughing as I did, around the trees and in no particular direction. I could feel my boots sinking into the snow and every step I took was difficult, but that didn’t slow me down.

  I suddenly felt free and wild, and I kept running. What I’d forgotten was that the snow was covering up a terrain that I couldn’t see. There were rocks and stones and tree stumps that were covered and I tripped on one of them and I shrieked. I had felt my left ankle twist.

  I fell face first into the snow, just moments before a pair of hands had landed on my shoulders. Carl was lifting me up.

  “Fuck, Virginia! You shouldn’t have been running! Are you okay?” I was in Carl’s arms. He was cradling me, peering into my eyes. I could feel the stinging cold of the snow on my skin and I watched as he lifted a hand and started dusting it off my face.

  “Are you okay? Have you broken anything?” he asked, and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

  I felt weightless in his arms. He was warm and strong and he had lifted me up like a feather.

  “No, Carl, I haven’t broken anything,” I said.

  It was like time had stood still, even though we were moving. Carl was carrying me back towards the car, but I couldn’t even feel it. We were looking into each other’s eyes and neither of us could say anything. It was like I was reliving that moment from two years ago when he had kissed me. I couldn’t even feel the pain in my ankle anymore.

  Carl lowered his face towards me, and I focused on his lips, on his beard. I realized I was holding my breath, just as he brought his mouth to mine. Our lips grazed and I heard him grunt. His lips were on mine and I was kissing him back with force. His grip on my body tightened, and I pulled myself up, closer to him.

  It was a rough, animalistic kiss. It made me think that Carl had been waiting to kiss me for just as long as I was waiting to kiss him. I could taste him, feel his tongue part my lips and enter my mouth. I moaned lightly and he grunted again. That throbbing in my pussy grew furious. I couldn’t believe it was happening.

  And then it ended. Carl pulled his lips away from mine, and our mouths smacked when they parted.

  We were already in the car by now, and averting his eyes from me, he yanked the door open and slid me in. I gulped, staring at him nervously as he banged the door shut. I watched him walk around and then sit down beside me.

  I wanted to say something; reassure him that it was okay and exactly what I wanted, but I couldn’t. He looked furious, and I had no idea if he was mad at me or himself.

  Carl started the car, and without looking at me again, he was driving again.

  “You need to give your ankle a rest. We don’t want it to get worse. We need to keep moving.” It was like he had growled those words at me. They stung my skin when he said them.

  I looked straight ahead, afraid of making eye contact with him. That kiss had felt too good to be true and now it felt like it should have never happened.

  He drove us back to the hotel and remained sitting in the car, while I hobbled my way in and to my room. He hadn’t said another word to me and I had no idea if he was going to come in, or just sit outside in the car in the cold.

  I felt like I could break down and cry.

  Chapter 6 – Carl

  In my room at the hotel, I was holding my breath and trying to listen for her sounds in the room next to mine. I couldn’t hear a thing. I could imagine her though, her long chestnut hair falling over her bare shoulders, her sweet heart-shaped face and those eyes . . . those wide green eyes. I knew how soft her skin was, how light she was in my arms. My fantasies about Virginia were now out of control and I couldn’t do anything to keep them in ch
eck. It was like some secret door had opened in me again and every fantasy I had about her came tumbling out.

  I was ready to kick myself.

  How had I let this happen once again? And this time, I didn’t have the excuse of alcohol. I had kissed Virginia, in broad daylight, early in the morning, without a drop of alcohol in sight. I had kissed her because she was in my arms and totally irresistible.

  Since she’d gone to her room, I hadn’t even had the guts to check on her ankle. I had no idea if she was doing okay, and if she needed anything. I just wanted to stay as far away from her as possible, which was not really wise since I was in charge of her security.

  I couldn’t sleep. I was lying straight on my bed, staring up at the dark ceiling, and reliving every second of the kiss.

  This was a wilder, rougher kiss. Could it be possible that she had wanted it, too? That she had spent the past two years thinking about it? How could it be?

  I knew I was a good-looking guy, evidenced by the fact that a lot of women at a lot of bars threw themselves openly at me. The fact that I didn’t really have time for them had to do with my own personal past. But no matter how handsome some older women thought I was, I was a forty-five-year-old man. There was no way that a twenty-year-old found me attractive – not as attractive as I found her!

  I tossed in bed and realized that I had a raging hard-on. I couldn’t get the memory of her lips out of my head. She was so sweet and tender, with perfectly delicious plump lips, just ripe enough for the taking. She was gentle and delicate in my arms when I’d held her, so light and effortless to carry.

  How effortlessly would I be able to flip her over and thrust my cock into her pussy from behind?

  I growled and sat up in bed, angry with myself for every passing thought in my head. It was wrong. It was taboo. Apart from the fact that I was much older than her, she was my best friend’s daughter. Mike had trusted me. I was the only person he could trust with his daughter’s safety. What was he going to say if he found out that I was having wild thoughts about fucking his precious little princess?

  But those breasts. Fuck! I jumped out of bed and started pacing the room. Her breasts were the perfect size for the palms of my hands. When I had her in my arms, I had been so close to squeezing them. I could have just ripped her sweater and had her bare breasts in my arms. I could have pinched her nipples and had them in my mouth.

  My cock was throbbing hard and tenting my boxers. I couldn’t stop myself from stroking it. Just a little relief, just enough to make me stop thinking about her like this.

  She was in my arms, her mouth was in mine and I had taken possession of her lips. I could still taste her, but I wanted to taste something else. I was imagining what her sweet, tight pussy might taste like. What my tongue could do inside her, what she would look like when she came.

  My hands were inside my boxers, stroking my erect throbbing cock. I was standing in the middle of the room, with Virginia sleeping in the room beside mine. My cock was in my hands and I was stroking hard.

  I could picture her naked, her slender waist, her shapely legs. How soft were the insides of her thighs? Was she wearing lace underwear? Would I even fit inside her? She seemed tiny in my arms; how small was her pussy?

  I stroked harder and harder, until I was sweating in the cold and grunting because I was so close to coming.

  But I stopped. With my breath ragged and my nostrils flared, I plunged myself back on to the bed again. I didn’t want to jerk off to her. Correction: I wanted to jerk off to her, but I couldn’t.

  I just couldn’t get that thought out of my head—that she was Mike’s daughter. That my friend would kill me if he knew that I’d even touched her. It felt wrong to come to her, to fantasize about thrusting my cock into her.

  My cock was still throbbing, and my head was still filled with visions of Virginia’s naked body. I had been so good at controlling myself all these months. For two years I had managed to keep every fantasy at bay; I was able to distract myself. Now, with her in the room beside mine, after I had tasted her lips again—I knew it was going to be impossible to do that.

  My only hope now was that Mike figured shit out soon enough, so I could just take her back. After that, I would have to leave the country or something, just to get away from her.


  I had no choice but to see her at breakfast. I came down from my room to find her walking around the buffet tables and filling up her plate. Our eyes had met across the room, but she quickly looked away. The kiss wasn’t forgotten and neither was my behavior after that.

  I knew I had been rude to her. She was kissing me back but I had broken away from her and said very little to her since then. But I had to do something. I had to stop it before it escalated even more. The only thing that I could do in that situation was create as much distance between us as possible. Now I didn’t know if she was pissed off because the kiss had happened, or because of how distant I had been towards her since then. Either way, I could sense that the mood was tense between us, and I didn’t blame her.

  Virginia didn’t seem to have trouble walking, and I watched her as she picked up her choices from the breakfast buffet.

  I remained sitting at the table with slim pickings. I wasn’t exactly hungry, and I was feeling guilty about having almost jerked off to fantasies of her the previous night.

  She joined me at the table, and I noticed that she wasn’t meeting my eyes either. The kiss had ruined everything!

  We were both sitting in silence at the table, both toying with the food on our plates.

  “How is the ankle?” I dared to ask her. Our eyes met, and she looked like she couldn’t believe that I had said something. She forced a weak smile on her face and nodded.

  “It’s fine, it wasn’t really sprained, just sore for a few hours,” she replied and I gulped and nodded. Just one look into her eyes and I knew I was a goner. She was gorgeous and I couldn’t resist her. I hated myself for wanting to kiss her again.

  “Do you have any activity in mind today?” I asked instead, hoping that if we could keep the conversation going, then maybe I wouldn’t feel so uncomfortable. She shrugged her slender shoulders, and I couldn’t stop myself in time. My gaze had already traveled to her breasts. They looked full and big and I looked away with a jerk. Thankfully, she had been looking at her plate and hadn’t caught me staring.

  “I saw in the brochures that there are some hot springs around here,” she suggested and immediately I felt my body freeze up. I knew what hot springs meant—it meant that I would have to see Virginia in a bikini and that was not something that I wanted to do. Seeing her around me, fully clothed was bad enough. How was I going to handle seeing her nearly naked?

  “I’m not sure if I want to go to a hot spring,” I said, averting my eyes.

  “Why not? It’ll be fun and I’m cold here all the time. It’ll be a nice change to get warm a little,” she said. Our eyes met again, and there was that smile on her face. That smile I couldn’t resist. I’d been dreaming about it the whole night.

  “Are you cold in your room? I can talk to the management and get the heating fixed,” I said and she shook her head and smiled again.

  “The hotel is fine, but I thought that maybe we could enjoy what the hot springs have to offer. Would it be such a bad thing?” she said and I felt my throat go dry. She was going to win this one, I wasn’t going to be able to resist giving her what she wanted.

  “Do you think you’re up to it?” I asked, still trying to fight it and she laughed lightly.

  “I told you my ankle is fine, you don’t need to worry. And I promise you, that I won’t be running around in the hot springs,” she said, still laughing. I liked watching her laugh, it warmed my soul and made me feel strange. I had to look away from her because she was doing something to my body.

  I kept imagining sliding away all the plates and food from off the table and lunging at her. I was imagining tearing her sweater and taking her right there, on the table. She
looked beautiful sitting there across from me, looking into my eyes with her long dark lashes fluttering on her cheeks.

  She wasn’t just a beautiful creature, she was a sweet, funny person and she deserved to be with someone her own age.

  “Sure, if you insist. We’ll go to the springs,” I said and drank a mouthful of orange juice, hoping it would wash away every thought I was having about her. Just as long as she didn’t mention the kiss, we were going to be okay.

  “But first we’ll have to go buy some swimwear. I’m guessing you haven’t come prepared either?” she said and my body stiffened again.

  “For a visit to the hot springs? No,” I stated and Virginia was laughing again.

  “Something tells me that you have nothing in your bag other than a couple of t-shirts,” she said. She’d caught me, but I couldn’t admit it. I shrugged my shoulders and picked up a piece of bacon and popped it in my mouth.

  “You’ll never know,” I said, in a mock-sheepish voice and she laughed even louder.

  “C’mon, hurry up, we have to go!” she exclaimed, jumping off her chair abruptly.

  “What’s the rush?” I said and took another sip of my orange juice.

  “We have to take you shopping!” she exclaimed, and I was glad to see that she was back to being herself again. At least one of us had been able to get past the kiss and just move on. It definitely wasn’t me, because I stared at her ass in her jeans as she weaved around the tables and hurried towards the doors out of the hotel.

  Chapter 7 – Virginia

  This was the sexiest bikini I had ever owned and Carl wasn’t so much as even looking at me.

  When I’d tried it on in the store earlier, I had a smile on my face. I couldn’t wait for him to see me in it. In a bright aquamarine shade, the two-piece had the tiniest bottom, and the top stretched menacingly over my breasts. This was the barest that he would see me.


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