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Dream Travel

Page 4

by Janet Gillooly

  Chapter 5

  Patrick found the address that was on the mailing package that Skip delivered for James. It was a huge mansion three miles from the field in a deep wooded area. He could not believe the size of the mansion, certainly larger than his father's mansion.

  He knew this was the place where the slaves were probably located. He decided he would go to the police with his suspicions. Patrick hoped that all of this would be over soon. Maybe since he was to go to the field soon he would engage the police to go with him.

  Jane was driving towards Demelza 's house and was nervous about what her friend might tell her. She drove by but could not see Dem elza's house. She mus t have gone too far. She retraced her steps. The house was not there and Jane was sure this was the location. She got out of the car walking around the empty plot where once was Demelza's house.

  Jane could not believe her eyes. Demelza and her house had vanished . She felt very strange and scared about this. She walked toward a house nearby and knocked on the door. The neighbor had informed her that there was never a house there. The old woman looked at Jane puzzled and then Jane left the woman getting back into her car.

  Jane wondered who Demelza really was. Was she an evil angel or a good one? She knew David would never believe this. She wondered if she would see Patrick again in her dream travels. She prayed to God hoping for an answer about Demelza disappearing.

  Jane informed David about her findings when she returned home. David called Demelza's number bu t the recording said this number was not a working number. Jane called the number again and the same recording came on.

  Jane and David were both in shock. She hoped she would see Patrick tonight in her dreams to be able to tell him of her findings. It took both of them awhile before they could fall to asleep.

  Patrick talked to the police officer explaining everything in detail to him. The officer agreed to send police to this mansion. He would contact Patrick if it were necessary for them to go to the field.

  Patrick explained to the volunteer s that the police were looking into Skip's disappearance. The volunteers were relieved and they certainly hoped the police would find him. He sat out on the patio wondering what the police would find.

  Jane appeared in front of Patrick. Patrick looked up and noticed her dressed in jeans. "Did you wear those clothes to bed?"

  "No, isn't that funny. I guess dream travel takes care of that tool"

  "This year has been the strangest I have ever had," he said.

  "That is not half of it Patrick. Demelza never existed. I went to visit her at her house that use to be there. There is no record of her or Ross. The house must have been a figment of my imagination. Her phone number is not a working number."

  "I looked her up in my computer and could not find her," he said.

  "I did computer research also and she does not exist."

  "The police are going to the mansion I found near the field. Skip is missing as well as many others in Africa . I hope to hear from the police soon so maybe it will be all over."

  "That is great Patrick but I wonder why I landed here instead of the field. I guess I must be in tuned to where you are now. I sure hope I find out about Demelza ."

  "I am sure that you will find-out about her. It is sure nice to see you. Why don't we go for a walk in the woods away from the field?"

  "That sounds really nice," she said.

  They walked in the woods both silent enjoying each others company. They both sat on a log looking at the beauty of nature. The sky was a velvet blue.

  "Do you have a boyfriend?"

  ''Yes, I do."

  "I sure wish you didn't have a boyfriend."

  "I know but you will find someone who doesn't have to travel in her dreams."

  They both sat there for the longest time talking for several hours. She knew they connected in a very special way. They both started walking toward the house but when he looked around she was gone.

  Patrick arrived at his house finding the police officer there. The officer's name is Hank Belle. The two began conversing.

  ''Patrick I found all those slaves there as you suspected. James was not there. We will have to go to the field together with the other police officers. Your friend Skip is dead."

  "Oh,my God! How did he die?"

  "His head was decapitated. There were about one hundred slaves there. We are going to get all the information we can to locate those that are responsible. I am real sorry for your loss."

  "Thanks but I sure hope he doesn't have more slaves somewhere else. I cannot believe James is on the loose. Do you think he knows who ratted on him?"

  "It is hard to say. I will have a police officer watching your house. I will be here tomorrow night so we can go to the field together."

  The officer left but Patrick was amazed that it would be the exact night is mother suggested. He was really relieved about everything except, he would have to tell the others about Skip's death and then his family. He felt very sad about not being able to be with Jane but hoped he would see her soon.

  Jane was in her room writing while David was at work. She was feeling very sad about Demelza and wondered if she would ever see her again. The phone rang and it was Patrick.


  "Hi Patrick."

  "I sure wish you were here. They found the slaves, about one hundred. Skip is dead. His head was cut off."

  "Oh, Patrick I am really sorry."

  ''Yea, I wasn't real close to him. We have to inform his family. James was not at the mansion. We have to go to the field tonight to see if he is there."

  "Maybe I'll see you tonight," Jane said.

  "I don't want you there," Patrick exclaimed.

  ''Patrick I don't have control over that. If Mary and Jesus want me there then so be it. Don't worry, the police will be there." "It would be nice to see you again. I have a feeling if things get wrapped up that I'll never see you again. I don't know why I was to know you."

  ''Patrick we will find all that out eventually. It is so good to hear from you. I have a feeling I "will see you tonight." "Yes, I am sure of that," he said.

  She hung up the phone and felt very good about his call.

  She hoped that all of this danger would soon be over. She was so glad she was awake and not dream traveling. Sometimes gifts from God can seem like a burden.

  Jane was there near the field with all the others. There was no black mass there tonight. The field was empty. The police would be stationed there for quite a few days. Patrick and Jane left, sitting on the same log previously on their first walk together.

  Mary appeared before both of them. She instructed them to say a rosary together. She disappeared and then his mother appeared also. She told him that they would both be safe and be patient for all their answers, which would come in time. They both said a rosary together and then began conversing.

  "I guess we were suppose to go to the field tonight to see these visions," Patrick said. "It was all worth it just to have these visions. I feel like our purpose in life is just beginning."

  "I sure hope you are right Patrick because sometimes I am afraid it is almost my time to go. I wish I did not smoke the way I do. I hope I do have a special purpose for God."

  "I think you do. I hope all your dreams come true. I have been glad to be a part of your life."

  "I have been glad to know you also. It is thrilling about all this but I wish for a vision when I am awake. I feel like dreaming is getting very tricky for me."

  "Maybe I'll visit you next time," he said.

  "It would be like a dream I had. A ghost making love to me and then leaving. I wouldn't have to go out looking for anyone." "I sure wish I could be with you," he said. Jane vanished right before his eyes. He wondered if he could ever tell this to his dad.

  Sh e could not believe her eyes that she actually had visions being wide awake. She was so excited that she decided to call David. She began to tell him everything.

  "That is wonderful honey. Maybe I wi
ll have visions too. I cannot wait to get home to see you."

  "I know I will be glad to see you. I want to tell my friends. I think I will wait for guidance."

  "I think you'd better wait on telling anyone," he said. She hung up the phone and felt very excited about her life. She realized that in the kingdom of God, things keep getting better.

  Patrick wondered if they would locate James or anyone else involved in this nightmare. He sure hoped he heard something soon. He wondered how many other slave houses there were.

  He sat up in bed and Mary appeared before him. She told him that he would receive the gift of healing. She also told him that his loneliness would be over soon. She vanished and then Jesus appeared.

  "I have a great purpose for you and Jane. You will see all of the truth soon. Do not fret about your loneliness for it will soon be over. We will be talking a lot. You can ask me anything and I will give you answers."

  Jesus left and Patrick was very excited. He would call Jane to tell her everything. He was no longer sad or worried.

  Jane was sitting on her bed while David was at work. Mary appeared before her and she was awake. Mary told her that she could become a published writer. Mary vanished and then Jesus appeared. She wanted to know where Demelza was. He told her she would find out soon and then he vanished.


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