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Dream Travel

Page 13

by Janet Gillooly

  Chapter 5

  They all are prepared to go back to the house again, but they are not prepared for new events-that will occur. Tenske is the first to proceed in the house on this rainy Monday. Father Brian is the next one to enter, than Dr. Brent. The three ladies enter clustered together as if one spirit.

  The little girl appears and the laughing and screaming begins again. The prayer and ghost dance commence like a wave rolling over the entire earth. The girl Megan is very angry and wants the prayers to cease. The prayers continue as if a force could not stop this chanting even if it were possible.

  Red blood starts oozing out of the walls with a smell so stenching, that one would be convinced they were all in hell. Fear mangled the peace that the three wise men were trying to achieve. Jane was not afraid for herself, but for Megan. The fear was strong and the circle was weakened.

  The negative force was strong and damaging. Negative feelings that people say, came back to haunt all who were a part of this prayer circle. Many do not strive to be positive because it is hard work. Jane had the faith of her prayers, but was concerned about the fear she saw on Megan's face.

  The face of demons appeared all over the walls laughing at their avengers. The little girl danced feeling happy that she would triumph. Megan was so afraid that sweat was pouring down her neck, with her heart palpitating at a high beat.

  Jane had a determined strength, trying to block her anger. The others except, Megan, were also determined, but not with anger, just extreme caution. It was a very tense moment and it seemed fruitless this battle.

  The motl1er of the ghastly little girl appeared before them, pleading witl1 her daughter to cease this evil revenge. The little girl would not listen to her mother. The motl1er led all out of the house safely.

  The six were relieved and hoped going to the house tomorr ow would go better. They all went to a cabin that Dr. Brent owned looking out over the ocean. Everyone ate dinner, drank wine and relaxed. The events that occurred in the house would need to be discussed, but for now they were all relaxed, far removed from the house.

  Tenske began the discussion by informing them that all would have to rid themselves of fear. Tenske admitted that he too was afraid because he had never seen such an evil spirit so determined . He told tl1em he had witnessed many evil spirits but this little girl was beyond imagining.

  Father Brian told them that they all needed to remain positive about the power of their prayers. If one did not believe that their prayers were worthy and are negative about them , then this blocks the channel of Christ's love. It is important he said to believe Christ is the ultimate power.

  Dr. Brent informed them that one must be in tuned to the little girl's thoughts in order to win this battle. It is important to call on the spirits of heaven for guidance and protection. The angels could be our most beneficial allays.

  Jane informed them that she was angry at the little girl for trying to take Megan from her. She realized she would have to concentrate on the love of Christ. She was mainly concerned about Megan being so fearful.

  Maria said her faith was new and wondered if she was going to be any help. She did not feel danger for herself but for Megan. Maria was very afraid of her thoughts but would try to be more calm the next time.

  Megan told all of them that she was very afraid. She believes that she is going to die. It is hard for her to believe in her will but that of God. She said she would try not to be so afraid but felt what was to be would be.

  Jane and Megan were in one of the bedrooms trying asleep but neither could fall asleep. They were both nervous about going to the house again. Megan began the conversation.

  "Grandma it may be my time to go. I cannot fight the force of this little girl. I feel like it is my time to go."

  ''Don't say that Maria! We can win this fight if you only believe. My life would be over without your kind soul."

  "Grandma I have to accept my death. It will do no good if I try to deny the possibility. I have to accept God's will."

  "I cannot believe that it is God's will for you to die at the hands of this monster. Let me die in your place. I won't hear you talk like this is the end."

  "Grandma it is the end! God does what is best for all. Maybe the little girl will finally be at peace!"

  "I don't care about that ghost. I care about you and I want to be the one who goes home to God. I want you here to marry and have children."

  "Grandma everything cannot always be the way we want. I will no longer care either way. We will be together in heaven for eternity."

  ''Why do you want to resign to die? Don't you believe in Your prayers? For God sake Megan stop this foolish talk!"

  "I am not talking foolish. I am not your life you are. Don't try to save me from my demise. Your life is important to all of us. I must go home it is time."

  "I will try to accept what you are saying but it is difficult for me. I never saw a little girl like you before that is so precious. I feel you have become what I should have become."

  "Grandma you have become you. You do not have to feel guilty for anything. You tried your bes t. I have not had the same heavy trial and temptations that you have had. Grandma you are so beautiful to me and wise."

  Jane started to cry and Megan wept with her. They both held each other as if for the very last time. Megan and Jane said a rosary together before they fell asleep.

  The spirit has a purpose in this house. She will not go away.

  She is haunting Megan in her sleep.

  The spirit of truth also has a purpose. One cannot know another except through the soul. Each life is touched by love and pain. It is not for anyone to know that which is real to another. Truth is only seen by God. He knows what needs to be done to touch and change one of his lovely creatures. Everyone is an image of him that he moulds to his liking.

  Pain brings about trutl1 and then love rushes in to kindle the soul. Honesty to some never comes and they die lacking the grace of God. It is his purpose to make all anew.

  Wasting time on a soul, who will not see brings detrimental pain to others around her. She is not affected by her words or actions. She believes she is not responsible. It is everyone else who is to blame for her life including God.

  God is an open channel that waters the flowers so they can grow. If the flower refuses the sun then it withers and dies. Each soul is a reflection of the truth and honesty of God. God cannot hide truth nor love.

  Truth is pain but it does bring glory. Forget not the mirror that holds your reflection for it is your key to peace. If you do not see, others will not walk in honesty with you on your journey.

  The moment comes to us all when we are held responsible and accountable for the way we develop our lives. No one gives us the happiness except ourselves and God. It is time to accept that we are in control of our destiny.

  We have no one to blame but ourselves. If we are not honest with ourselves then we are liars. It is time to come to the crossroads and decide for peace and love.

  The sky holds our dreams and the pond reflects this hope. Breathe in the air and enjoy the nature that holds you dear to God. Two should be one and both aware of each others goodness and weakness.

  No one is blameless. We all have hurt people. We all have loved. Forgivenes s means that you acknowledge your humanity in others. Do not believe that we are separate. In heaven we shall be one with diversity. This physical plane is the only thing that separates us from each other.

  Walls keep love out but also evil that tries to invade our lives. It is necessary to be truthful to one another even though it may cause division. He came to divide the truth from lies.

  Once we blamed others for our lot, now it is ourselves that we blame. This should not bring about ultimate shame but gladness of heart, that we can change and make a difference. It is a time of Christ and a time of prayer.

  Each journey, each soul is cast down from heaven to walk on this earth as a refugee looking for shelter. Shelter is within from God. It takes some a l
ifetime to find out this answer. This answer comes from above.

  Do not be cast down for long, for you have a purpose. It is the time for growth and love. Love is what captures the soul and encourages it to grow. Do not feel heavy with burdens, for they are only gifts from God to water your soul. You are a flower that needs to grow. The sun will empower you with love and strength.

  If you were faced with a haunted house or a haunting of your faults. It would be your choices that would bring joy to your life. It is your life and soul if you choose to accept the responsibility.

  Is it your time to stop running, blaming and complaining? Prayer can give you the insight and strength you need to change. Love is the ultimate power that comes from prayer.

  Right or wrong compromise must surmise your relationships.

  We are but children looking for ourselves. It is others who bring to us the truth that we do not want to see. We all lack sight and therefore our journey of growth never ends.

  The more real Christ become s, the more faith we can have in our prayers. What decisions do these six characters make in this novel? What decisions do you make in order to change and face yourself? It is a never ending cycle and the circle cannot be broken.

  The journe y is about learning, growing and this brings about a deeper love for ourselves and others. Everything including a book should be seen and used as a tool to learn about our -selves. Pain usually comes before joy for growth.

  A new level brings a new devil. There will always be new temptations and new conflicts. It does not end with material and lover gains. We get reprieves from our pain but it will come back again.

  Joy is the ultimate gift we receive as a reward for our perseverance. We eventually reach a level of peace, which gives us strength to deal with life in a consistent manner. Just when we have all the answers the questions change.

  We become like a rubber band, which expands and we view life from both sides or many sides of an issue. We are equal in the sight of God in the sense that he made us all and loves each one of us both big and small.

  Hate will never free us but giving will. Travel the sea of love and you will always be protected. Do not wish on another what you would not wish on your self. We reap what we sow. We are no better or wors e than another. We have the power to understand, love and give. We fight our spiritual nature when we go against love.

  The spirit is forever searching and giving answers to those who accept, the Holy Spirit, lover of truth. Do not doubt the existence of God for, you are doubting your existence. Believe and trust in his love and this will become your ultimate power.

  It is almost time to return to the haunted house one last time. Why are you afraid? Do you not believe in demons and hell?

  Truth is relevant. Some would say there is no God and no hell. Is there hell on earth? Do you make your own hell?

  Reach out into the darkness to try and find the light. The ray of sunshine or hope is beating at your breast. Do not be in darkness without a light. Do not be in the light only to be in darkness.

  The night is coming like a wind knocking at your door. It is here that you will know the truth. Do not end up alone in your search.

  Everyone has gifts and something to offer this world. The world is you and me with God. Do not cast out his light only then to be cast out.

  Jane and Megan are awakening to a new day. It is this moment they fear, but it will soon bring both relief. They are afraid bu t at peace. This moment will not shake their faith in God.

  It is time for truth and strength. They will not falter from their purpose, even though their feet may stumble. The has come for the moment of truth. It is time to visit this haunted house.

  Tenske feels strong and curious. He has been driven to the brink in his life, but this has made him stronger. He is determined to face anything that is in his power to do so.

  Father Brian does not relish change nor strength. He only knows that there is no choice sometimes. He wishes he could be golfing instead of dealing with this demon and her rudeness.

  He finds her to be obnoxious and he wishes she would just go to hell and get this over and done with . He has no sympathy for her bad dancing. He does not much care for her breath which is much worse than that of a chain smoker.

  Dr. Brent is in love with his brains, gifts and philosophy of life. He is getting a lot of fame with this house and his humility is gone on vacation. He is thought of as a hero, because no one else would go into that house. His only thought is he hopes the little girl does not ruin the smell of his good cologne.

  Maria is thankful that she has had a good life, but she hopes to help the poor. She feels changed because of her prayers. She wishes to do good for all the times she did not turn to God.

  The six are all going to have breakfast togetl1er before they face this haunted house. The breakfast at the Pedro Restaurant is fabulous. They all eat a huge breakfast of eggs, scrapples grits, pancakes and blueberry muffins. They laugh and chuckle commenting that the wind would be hard pressed blowing away their heavy weighed down bodies from breakfast.

  Dr. Brent is looking at himself in a mirror that he has inside his pocket. Father Brian cannot wait till this is all over so he can play golf without some ugly little mean girl. Tenske is hoping to visit some of his family on the reservation.

  Maria is hoping that nothing will happen to anyone. Megan and Jane are resolved to finish what has been started. The women look at each other as if they know that they are actually the strength in this group.

  The house is glowing and fierce looking. They have decided to wait until nightfall before entering this haunted house again. The house is waiting for the fun to begin.

  They all wait for darkness to come. It is a chilling day but the night will be more so. They all laugh and joke trying to forget about their fears.

  The smell of fear has a unique odor. The feeling is evil in itself. Fear is the ultimate danger. Sadness would be better than fear.

  The six wait and the night falls. The house is beckoning the six to enter. Now they enter the house one last time.


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