Assassin by Day

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Assassin by Day Page 5

by Tessa Robertson

  Blah. As if I’d go after one of tonight’s guests. It’d be insane. The agency’s recent request for my next kill isn’t one I’m certain I can make good on.

  “It’s interesting,” says Nickolas in a hushed tone, interrupting my wool gathering.

  “What is?”

  “There are a select few people who can wield knives with enough experience to commit these heinous crimes,” he insinuates with a small smile. “You wouldn’t happen to know anyone, would you?”

  I down the wine like it’s my lifeline. I should’ve used different weapons. Alexei will trace it to me. “Can’t think of any.”

  When Nickolas chuckles and loops his arm around my waist, I see I’m more transparent than I thought. He lowers his voice and pulls me close. “Don’t worry, Mishka. Your secret is as safe as mine. I do hope you’ll keep me around long enough to rid your baggage.” Both our eyes turn towards Alexei as he rattles on about loyalty.

  “What do you want?” Nothing is ever as easy as joining a covert operation no matter what line of work you’re in. He has an endgame same as me.

  Nickolas’s small dimple shows through when he answers, “You.”

  Chapter Five

  Ah, my own bed tonight. You’ve no clue how orgasmic it feels. No one breathing on me all night or snaking his body to mine. It’s heaven. I can sprawl out like a starfish and dream easy.

  Laying in silence on my extra fluffy pillow, I overhear distant moans emit from the other end of the hallway. I’m glad Alexei insisted I retain my own room for such occasions.

  He grew bored with me. Or so he stated earlier tonight when a pretty attendant caught his eye. The booze sifting through his body had something to do with it too.

  I shoo Alexei from my thoughts and turn to Nickolas. It intrigues me how he revels in my darkest secrets. If my bedroom window didn’t have a guard posted on the ground, I’d expect some Romeo and Juliet shit from him.

  In the alternative, I divulge in my covers and dream of a mundane life. Of living in an old Southern neighborhood with a white picket fence and children running amuck outside. Certainly, Eddie and I would sit on the front porch drinking sweet tea and never once thinking of our horrid past.

  Closing my eyes at the blissful vanilla daydream, a knock on my door interrupts me. I perk up, but hear Alexei grunting like a caveman from his bedroom down the hall. Dear Lord, the man isn’t always sexy during sex.

  “Mishka, are you awake?” a voice probes into the darkness.

  “Nickolas?” I sit up and look toward the door. Sure enough, my lover is in my room. Oh, and he turned the lock. Splendiferous. Just when I earned a little solitude, someone appears. “What are you doing here?”

  He shuffles to the foot of my bed and rests a hand on the footboard. Only the moonlight shines through my window and graces his features. “I wanted to discuss what happened this evening.”

  “Which part?”

  “The part where Alexei shoved you aside for a pretty face.”

  “Oh, that? It’s not a big deal.” I push my pillow up and rest my back against it. “It’s a normal Tuesday.”

  Nickolas’s brow furrows. “Maybe, but it doesn’t make it right.”

  Letting out a breath, I cross my arms over my chest. “Nick, what do you want? I’ve accepted my life for a slew of reasons.”

  He opens his mouth, but I keep talking, “None of which I’m going to tell you tonight or any other night.” I nod to the door. “You should go before someone hears you.”

  I see a fathomless express cover his features. He’s drop dead gorgeous. With his high cheekbones and chiseled jawline, he’s arousing by anyone’s standards. Though he is the essence of a Russian man, he’s not as intoxicating as Eddie. Yeah, I’m stuck on him. Eddie’s stubby nose is nothing compared to Nickolas’s flawlessly straight one, so why do I desire the former more?

  “You deserve better than him,” he states, cautiously moving up to my side of the bed. He sits on the edge and looks at me. “We both do.”

  “I’m with Alexei, or haven’t you heard?” I roll my eyes. “Don’t muck up what we have. It’s a good thing, Nick. I can’t leave him. He’ll hunt me down and haul me back to my cage.”

  “He puts you in a cage?” Nickolas grits out. His face turns stormy and his eyes flash murder.

  Placing my hand on his leg. “It’s more of a glorified dog pen, but yeah.” He attempts to speak, but I interrupt, “I can handle it.”

  “Why would you want to? He’s an animal and he treats you like one.” His blue depths soften when his gaze extends beyond my face. “You shouldn’t have to be a martyr for Eddie.”

  My breath hitches in my throat. “What the fuck? How do you know about Eddie?”

  Nickolas tucks a stray hair behind my ear. “Alexei likes to brag when he’s drunk. He tells his drinking buddies about the soldier you’re in love with.” He skates his fingers along the inside of my wrist. “He’s a master at blackmail.”

  “How charming. A group of you knows my weakness and how to compel me,” I grunt with exasperation.

  “I don’t want to do that,” Nickolas promises. Scooting closer to me, he tips my chin up with his index finger. “I never want to hurt you, Mishka. You know how I feel about you.”

  “Yes.” I hug my arms closer. It was clear even before we started sleeping together that his connection to me wasn’t just physical.

  “I want us to join forces within the Agency,” Nickolas advises, moving closer yet. If he keeps up his rate, he’ll be on top of me soon.

  “How so?”

  He skootches closer. Really, mother fucker? A girl needs her space!

  “You have a list of people to kill.” I nod and he reciprocates. “I’m recon for the Agency. I feed them the information of who needs to be taken care of.”

  “Seems a bit backwards, but whatever,” I respond with sass. It’s fitting that my screwed-up life includes my lover being the one to pick my kills. It’s humorous, really.

  “Alexei’s name was the first one I offered.”

  “The order came in today, but I can’t kill him. He’ll see it coming,” I protest. “Alexei has more security than the President.”

  Nickolas bops me on the nose with a finger. “If we work together, we can obliterate him and get what we want.” His eyes dip to my chest. “Who we want.”

  I ponder his proposition. It sounds too good to be true. “And how would we do that?”

  He’s sitting beside me now. I wasn’t really paying attention to when he got there.

  “It’s complicated and you may not like some parts, but it’ll get the job done.”

  I study Nickolas’s face. He’s genuine, but a teeny part of me doesn’t believe him. There is no way I can be rid of Alexei so I can live my life with Eddie. Shit! I keep forgetting about him. I really need to text him. Nickolas wants us to be together, not Eddie and me.

  It’s funny, even though I profess my undying love for the man, he never crosses my mind when he should. Like right now. I should be filled with excitement to spend forever with Eddie. Instead, all I can think about is the sexy way Nickolas fills out those pants. Maybe it’s because I haven’t been intimate with Eddie in years. My mind traces its way to Nickolas. He is in my bed after all.

  “I think you should tell me your plan.” I pull the covers up. “Naked.”

  Lust registers over his face. I may love Eddie, but we’re not in a relationship and I can’t resist Nickolas. He’s a bad boy, and damn do I like those.


  I wake up the next morning and notice Nickolas left during the night. There’s nothing like a hang and bang with a fellow defector. It’s weird to think he’d betray his fellow companions. He grew up with these people while I merely acknowledge their existence.

  Shrugging up a pair of dark leggings and tank top, I pull out my Eddie phone. I haven’t touched base with him in two days. He probably thinks I’m binging somewhere.

  When Eddie and I were together, he was aware
of my peculiar dating history. Basically, he knew I was a slut and was tolerant. Somehow, he was all right with it. He never liked it, but he lived with it.

  I recall the lengths he went to proving that he didn’t care if I slept around. He always thought his love would cure my dick thirst. Doubtful even now.

  Dialing his number, I listen to the ringing. “Come on. I know you’re staring at the phone,” I mumble.

  A part of me wants to mess with him about the scene he stumbled on at the hospital. I’d love to hear how the investigation progresses.

  “Rory?” His voice is groggy with sleep. I glance at the time and see it’s still early.

  “Hey,” I breathe, hoping I don’t sound like a teenager.

  “Where are you? I’ve been trying to get ahold of you for days. Are you okay? What’s going on?” he fires off.

  I’m not ready for all the back and forth at any time of day. Eddie is my dream guy, but he’s also annoying as fuck. “Do you want to meet me later?” I ask, interrupting his incessant caring remarks.

  “Um, yeah, of course I do. Where?”

  “The park. You know the one.”

  Eddie sighs on the other end. “All right sure.”

  I pull the phone away, but his voice halts my action.

  “You were with him, weren’t you?”

  It’s my turn to sigh. Which him does Eddie mean? I hold in a chuckle. That wasn’t what he meant. “Eddie, you know I belong to Alexei. I can’t avoid him.”

  “Why not? You’re not married to him,” he argues. “And technically, we’re engaged.”

  “Eddie, when you left, you broke us up. I’m not going to explain it again. I moved on and so should you.” I glance at my nails in need of a manicure.

  “You’re engaged to him, then?” Eddie fires back. “Because he’s a dick and you know it.”

  “Can’t argue with you there,” I say to both parts. I purposely forgot to mention my engagement. It’s doubtful he would’ve sent congratulatory flowers from his overseas deployment.

  “Meet me at three,” I direct then hit the red button to end the call. I don’t want to hash this out over the phone. It’s more of a face-to-face discussion.

  My reflection catches my eye and I run my hands down my torso. Eddie knew what he was getting into when he wouldn’t let me go. I can tell in his voice, he’s jealous. I tended to sleep with Nickolas when Eddie and I were a couple. He knew about it, but it never affected him.

  The aroma of coffee hits my nose and I fluff my hair. It’s an odd world we live in. It’s acceptable for a guy to sleep around, but when a woman does, everyone loses their minds.

  If Alexei taught me anything, it’s that this is a new age of love. One where I can be in a relationship with one man yet have feelings for another. He shows me time and again when he promises to kill Eddie if I step out of line. It’s a vile jaunt we dance, but it keeps my toes lively.

  I glance to the bed. I should make it. Eh, I’ll leave it for the maids. I’m sure Alexei is done with one of them by now. Nickolas’s cologne drifts to my nose. I could spend endless nights under his tender and rough embrace. We both agreed our scheme is stupid. If it works, I will be free to love Eddie in the way he deserves.

  Tapping my hand to the bedpost, I recall Nickolas’s addendum. If he survives the Russian apocalypse, I may be more than his booty call. Should Eddie not want me after I disclose the damning truth about myself, I agreed to an arrangement with Nickolas.

  Until Eddie’s safe from Alexei, I will shove him off into the great unknown. To be as far away from me is for his sake as much as mine. No more stringing along my puppet dreamboat. He deserves true love, not half-baked delight. I have some respect for him.

  Leaving my room, I pass the dining area. Our plan is a heartbreaking one, but for there to ever be a possibility of a future with Eddie, it must be done.

  “Where are you off to?” a voice asks when I reach the elevator. Only a towel covers Alexei’s indecency. His hair is wet, no doubt like his date in the bedroom.

  “Off to break hearts. Don’t wait up.” I offer him a subtle wink. It’s somewhat true. More than one heart will be broken today. Though one will be done with a dagger and another with my lips.


  Spotting Eddie standing near the skating rink, I prepare myself to begin a new façade of lying. I inwardly chuckle. It isn’t farfetched from what I’ve done my entire life. Now all I have to do is be myself. Right, because it’s so easy.

  Sooner than expected, Eddie is before me. His posture is pin straight, normal for him. He towers over me, something I adore more than I should. Only a handful of men in my circle are taller than my six-foot frame. To my regret, Alexei is included, which makes me screwed twofold.

  “Hey, Rory,” his low voice greets me like a blanket and warms me to my toes.

  I smile and offer him a hug. “Hey, you.”

  “I wasn’t sure you would make it.” He checks his watch. I don’t know why he wears the thing. His phone tells time. “You’re twenty minutes late.”

  Eddie and his love of being prompt for everything made dating him abhorrent since I am always late. “Sorry, I had a meeting run late.”

  “Oh yeah? With whom?” He keeps me in his arms, his body heat transfers over me like magma.

  My fingers twitch. I’m not about to blow my fully intact double-cover.

  “My hair stylist. I’m thinking about putting in highlights.”

  Eddie pulls the hat off my braid. The unruly strands stick up obnoxiously, but he kisses my forehead anyway. “Nah, don’t do it. I like your hair the way it is.”

  His ideal touch along with hundreds of other reasons is why I fell for Eddie.

  “How’s the cop gig? Any new girls? What’d you want to talk about?” I fire off questions, hoping he occupies the conversation. Keeping the topic on Eddie is the safest route. My eyes slide over him. His fine ass keeps my focus on his survival.

  “You know what I want to talk about.”

  When I don’t respond, he shakes his head. “Okay, how about we discuss why you were at the hospital the other night? Or maybe how you’re engaged to Alexei? We can discuss our relationship if you’d rather or that I saw you making out with Nickolas. Any of those suit your fancy?”

  “Honestly, no.” He glares his gorgeous blue eyes at me, so I amend, “How about us? We can chat about the end of our friendship and engagement.”

  “Why?” he asks with a soft voice. “It’s all I want to know.”

  Damn. He has me there. It’s the question I don’t want to answer. Even if I wanted to, I can’t tell him about the ever-looming threat on his life. Knowing Eddie, he’d do something brash and end up dead.

  “Anything but that.” I try to keep my voice light, but his hands tighten on my waist.

  He searches my face as if trying to decipher the code. Good luck, buddy.

  “Why can’t you let me in? I swear I can handle whatever mess you’ve gotten into.”

  I meet his eyes. He gazes at me with such hope. I wish I could display my affections as easily as he does. He emits enough for the two of us, though. Talk about someone who wears their heart on his sleeve.

  “You’re sweet, but I can’t get you involved. All you need to know is I’m happy where I am.”

  I pull away and begin walking. I’m surprised when he doesn’t follow me. “So, a cop, huh? The occupation suits you.” He’s wearing the officer getup today. The sultry blue curves against his muscles.

  “You don’t want to know.” He sighs. “I can’t chit chat, Rory, not when I have so much I need to tell you.”

  I toss a glance over my shoulder. “Then go ahead. I’m all ears.” I need space from him already. It’s how it goes with us. He smothers me with affection until I go back to Nickolas for a breath.

  “When I saw you at the hospital, I fell in love with you all over again.”

  Motherfucker! Dammit, cocksucker! I spin on my toes. Here he goes again. I hoped to make it five minute
s before he began confessionals.

  “I have a sneaking feeling it’s mutual.” He kicks a clump of snow with his boot. “The funny thing is, you didn’t have to utter a word for me to fall again. Just seeing you, seeing your spellbinding blue-green eyes, your irresistible smile made my heart skip. It’s like we were never apart.” Eddie closes the distance, snow crunching under him. His dark blue eyes scare the hell out of me.

  He makes me feel things with one glance that I’d long ago buried. He can’t fathom what he does to me.

  Snowflakes stick to my eyelashes, and I blink furiously to keep them away. This isn’t what I expected. He isn’t supposed to be so damned wonderful and look like a page from Captain America’s Winter Soldier.

  I raise my lashes to meet his and gasp. His uniform, hugging every solid, muscular inch of him slowly kills me. All I want to do is slip into his arms and kiss his exquisite lips until I’m numb. If I do, I’ll unravel months, no years, of work.

  Scanning the horizon, I spot two brawny men sporting dark sunglasses. Alexei’s guys. They know all, see all, screw all. I take a step back and shake my head.

  “You can’t,” I urge, turning around to face the onslaught of holiday shoppers. Their faces are fierce even with their arms full of early found Christmas presents. Damn, it’s that time already? “We can’t be anything.”

  Eddie sighs. “Why not? We’re great together. Much better than you and Nickolas and loads better than Alexei and you.”

  Handling Eddie is like holding a snowflake. It’s gorgeous and brings so much joy, but is easily melted. I need to scorch him here and now lest I be tempted to coddle him.

  “I can’t move forward with my life with your love nagging me,” I shoot, hoping to discourage him. I need to break all ties for Nickolas’s plan to work. That only happens when Eddie’s shoved from the portrait. If Alexei isn’t focused on my ex, I can worm my way into the heart of the skhodka.

  The shuffle of snow gives his deafening answer. I close my eyes and focus on the cold. My abstinence would’ve worked if I didn’t catch a whiff of his cologne. The same magical scent that intoxicated my brain since Eddie’s departure. It keeps me awake some nights and makes making love to another man nearly impossible.


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