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Forbidden: Alpha Males and Taboo Tales (The Naughty List Bundles Volume Two)

Page 11

by Raminar Dixon


  I hand Lindsey the textbook. It’s open to the page with instructions on hypnosis.

  “Here, all you have to do is read this and swing the pocket watch. You can go first, okay?”

  “I guess.”

  “Just don’t do anything too weird,” I say. Lindsey just smiles at me and doesn’t answer. Well, that’s not too reassuring, I think.

  “Sit here,” she says and points to my desk chair. I sit and she brings out the pocket watch.

  “Okay,” she says. “Focus on this pocket watch and feel yourself relax....”

  As I watch the watch swinging from her fingers, I feel all the muscles in my body loosen. Her voice and the watch seem like they are the only thing in the room. My breath gets slower and deeper, and then there’s darkness.

  When I open my eyes, Lindsey is standing in front of me with a grin on her face.

  “This hypnosis stuff is easy,” she says. “I never knew that you had a crush on me all this time.”

  “What?!” I start to sputter, but she bursts out laughing.

  “Just kidding. I didn’t make you tell me your deep dark secrets. I did find out that you spend way too much time playing video games, though.”

  “Ha, ha,” I say. I grab the pocket watch from her. “Okay, my turn.”

  Lindsey sits on the chair and I start to swing the watch. I read from the text book as I’m talking to her.

  “Focus on my pocket watch. Feel yourself relax. Just listen to my voice and let yourself fall into a relaxed state.

  Take a deep breath in, hold it, and let it out slowly. Feel your muscles get loose. Another breath...”

  As I’m talking, Lindsey is breathing as I’m telling her. I see her chest rise and fall with my words.

  “Good. Now you feel very tired. It’s difficult just to keep your eyes open. You feel them growing heavier and heavier until you just can’t keep them open anymore. Your eyelids are so heavy that they’ve fallen shut.”

  Just as I said, I see Lindsey’s eyelids gradually lower and close. Wow, is this actually working? I decide to check.

  “How do you feel, Lindsey?” I ask.

  “Good,” she says. She almost sounds drunk.

  “Raise your hand for me Lindsey.” She does, slowly raising it into the air.

  “Ok, drop your hand,” I say. She lets it fall, crashing into her lap. Ooh, I think. This is going to be fun. Let’s start with something easy.

  “What’s your favorite movie?” I ask.

  “The Notebook,” she says.

  “What’s your favorite TV show?”

  “Real Housewives of New Jersey.”

  I get a pretty naughty idea in my head. What if I ask her some slightly more personal questions? I feel kind of bad, since she went pretty easy on me, but the bulge in my jeans urges me on.

  “Do you like sucking dick?” I ask.

  “Yes,” she says. She didn’t even hesitate. So far so good.

  “Suck my dick Lindsey,” I say.

  Instead of doing what I ask, her eyebrows furrow. Her eyelids are twitching. It almost looks like she is going to wake up, and I start to panic.

  “You love ice cream, don’t you?” I say. Maybe something innocent will calm her down.

  “Yes,” she says. It works, at least this time. Her face is calm. I should probably stop and wake her up, but I want to give it one more try.

  “You like teasing boys, don’t you?” I ask.

  “Yes,” Lindsey says. She smiles and licks her lips, adjusting her breasts so that I can get a better view of them. Even under hypnosis, she knows how to get a guy hard.

  Okay, one more try.

  “You want to kiss me, don’t you?” I ask. I almost expect her to break out of the trance and freak out.

  Lindsey slowly rises out of her chair, walks over to me, and throws her arms around my neck. Then she stands up on her little tip-toes and locks her lips with mine. I almost fall over. Lindsey’s breath is deep and her tongue is probing at my lips, hot and trying to get inside.

  I wasn’t expecting any of this! My heart is beating so hard that it hurts, but I open my mouth to her. Her tongue slides over mine and I taste her saliva mixed with her sticky lip gloss. Lindsey’s hair falls into my face and I’m covered in the smell of her flowery perfume and shampoo. It’s intoxicating.

  Then, as quickly as she began, everything stops. Lindsey steps out of my arms and seats herself in her chair as if nothing happened. I wonder if I imagined it, but the hardness in my pants and the taste on my lips aren’t imaginary.

  I look at the clock. Shit, it’s late. I’ve gotta get her out of hypnosis, so I pick up the textbook again.

  “You did a good job, Lindsey. Now, when I count to three, your eyes will open. You’ll be wide awake, aware, and free of the hypnosis. You won’t remember anything that happened while you were hypnotized.” I cross my fingers and hope that it works.

  Lindsey’s eyes slowly flutter open. She looks like she’s just come out of a deep sleep and she yawns, stretching her arms. She looks around and almost freaks out, but she remembers why she’s here.

  “So how did it go?” she asks. When she checks the time on her phone, her brow furrows. “Why did it take you so long? What were you doing?”

  “Ah, well...I had a lot of trouble getting you hypnotized, don’t you remember?” I ask. She just looks at me, narrowing her eyes.

  “Don’t worry, I didn’t do anything, I swear,” I say and cross my heart. “Besides, what would I write for Mesmer’s journal if I did?” Crap, what will I write? I can’t say that I asked if she sucked dick, now can I?

  “Fine. Just remember, no funny business. Or else I’ll get back at you when it’s my turn,” Lindsey says.

  As soon as she leaves for her own dorm, I slam the door shut and lock it. I stand, leaning against it and breathing deeply. I can’t believe that happened. I made Lindsey kiss me. But how? I couldn’t get her to suck me. Thoughts keep racing through my head and I feel like I’ve just barely gotten away with a crime.

  I’m scared. What if she finds out? What if Mesmer finds out? But more than that, I’m excited. What else can I make her do?

  I turn on my laptop and open up every website I can find about hypnosis. I read article after article with the same information. Hypnosis is not recognized by the scientific community....Unlikely to be effective....Predominantly the placebo effect...Cannot be used to force a person’s actions.

  Those are the scientific articles. But by the time I get to the dark corners of the Internet, I find no shortage of tips on how to get just what I want. It’ll take some time and patience, but I think I can do it in three days. By the time I shut my computer down for the night, I have a huge reference file full of notes. I’m totally going to pass that test, and I’m going to get a little something else out of it too.

  The next day I can’t wait for our hypnosis session. The tips from the Internet are buzzing around in my mind and I can barely concentrate on any of my classes. After class I go back to my room and organize until my dorm looks spotless. We were supposed to start at 5pm, but she’s late, as usual.

  Then I hear a knock.

  “Trevor? It’s me, Lindsey.”

  I want to jump out of my chair, but I force myself to walk to the door. I try to open it as if I haven’t been spending the last 30 minutes staring at the time.

  “Hey, what’s up?” I say.

  Lindsey pushes the door open and walks past me. “We’re supposed to be doing this class project, aren’t we? Let’s get started.”

  Okay, no small talk today, I guess. I sit down in a chair in front of her. The last thing I remember is her voice saying something very nice while her pocket watch swings in front of my face. My muscles feel heavy and then everything goes blank.

  When I wake up, Lindsey seems in the middle of doing something.

  “Oh hey,” she says and giggles. “You woke up a little earlier than I expected you to. I guess you really hate nail pol

  I look down and see that she has painted my nails the school colors: orange and blue.

  “Ha, ha. You are so funny,” I say and grab the bottle of nail polish remover she has pulled out of her purse. “I thought you said no funny business?”

  “It’s just nail polish,” she says. She takes her seat in a chair in front of me. “Anyway, it’s your turn.”

  I stand in front of her and take out my pocket watch. I put her under the same way as before, only this time I don’t need the text book to help me.

  “Lindsey, you’re going to focus on my swinging pocket watch and you are going to relax. Just listen to the sound of my voice and don’t worry about anything else. You don’t have to force it. Just fall into a relaxed state. That’s it,” I say.

  I see her eyes loosing focus and glazing over. Her breath is slowing down and almost seems to match the rhythm of the watch as it swings. I continue.

  “You’re doing great Lindsey. Just let all the tension in your body flow out. You eyelids are getting heavier. You’re getting tired of holding them up. Wouldn’t it feel better to close them? Let your eyelids close and go into a deeper rest, Lindsey,” I say.

  Lindsey’s eyes close and I hear her sigh. Her body seems limp in the chair, like I could do anything to her that I wanted.

  “Doesn’t that feel good, Lindsey?” I ask. “Don’t you feel completely relaxed, like there is nothing bothering you?”

  She nods her head, her mouth dropping open a bit. Perfect. Now it’s time to try what I’ve learned. I need to ease her into it first, but I think I can get her to do it if I word everything just right. Sweat starts to bead on my skin. I don’t want to think about what could happen if this goes wrong.

  I take a big breath and begin.

  “You’re very pretty, aren’t you Lindsey?” I ask.

  She smiles a big toothy grin and nods at me.

  “You’re proud of your body, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, I am,” she says. She’s not much of a conversationalist while she’s under, but things seem to be going well.

  “What are you most proud of?” I ask. I cross my fingers, please don’t say your nose.

  “My boobs,” she says. Jackpot.

  “You like showing your boobs off to everyone, don’t you?” I ask.


  Okay, here is the moment of truth.

  “You want to show them to me right now?” I ask, almost telling her.

  I hold my breath and see her whole demeanor change. For a while, she doesn’t answer, move, or do anything. I think that maybe I’ve done it all wrong. But then I hear her panting and a blush creeps into her cheeks. Her nipples are peeking out from underneath the thin fabric of her shirt. Then it happens.

  Lindsey reaches down to grab the bottom of her shirt and lifts it over her head. Her breasts looked big before but now, free from her shirt, they seem huge. I don’t even have a moment to appreciate them in her cute little pink bra, because shortly afterwards that slips to the floor of my dorm room.

  I can’t believe what I’m seeing. The little girl that always bugged me when she came to my sister is sitting in front of me, all grown up. Her brown hair falls over her shoulders, just long enough to tickle the hard little nipples on her big soft breasts.

  Even the way her tits move as she breathes in and out is enough to make my dick twitch. I want to fuck her right now, but I have to be patient. I decide to push just a little bit further.

  “Those are beautiful, Lindsey. I can see why you are so proud of your boobs,” I say.

  She grins at me, seeming genuinely proud of them and happy that I approve.

  “But what about the rest of your body?” I ask. “Aren’t you proud of that too?”

  She nods at me, and as she does her breasts bounce.

  “You want to show me all of you, don’t you?” I ask. “Show me how proud you are.”

  “Yes,” Lindsey says. Her voice is soft and breathy, and blood seems to be flooding her skin and making her pink all over.

  She unbuttons her jeans, steps out of them, and pulls down her panties just as naturally as if I wasn’t there at all. While she is standing, a little patch of downy hair covers her pussy, but when she sits down I see it all. Her lips open and they are dripping wet. I start to imagine how good it would feel to fuck that tight, young little pussy, but then I get a hold of myself. I have to get her dressed. I’m dead if she wakes up like this.

  “You did a very good job,” I say. “You showed me just how proud you are of your body. But now it’s time to go. You want to get dressed now, don’t you?”

  Lindsey nods, and just as quickly as she got undressed, she puts her clothes back on.

  “Good job! Now I’m going to count to three. When I get to three, you’re going to be wide awake. You won’t remember anything that happened during the hypnosis, but you will feel refreshed and relaxed. You’ll only remember what happened the next time you are hypnotized. Okay?” I say.


  “Good. One...two...three!”

  Lindsey’s eyes snap open. She stretches her arms and yawns, looking around the room. She doesn’t seem surprised this time, I guess she’s used to our little sessions already. She can’t see it, but her face is still flush from earlier.

  “Welcome back,” I say.

  “So what did we do this time?” Lindsey asks.

  “The Macarena.”


  “Seriously, we danced the Macarena, that’s it,” I say. It’s so ridiculous that she believes me.

  “Wow, you really are a dork,” she looks at the time on her phone.

  “Looks like you’re getting better at this. How about we keep the sessions to thirty minutes max?” she asks.

  “Great,” I say. Not really, I think. How am I going to get everything done in thirty minutes?

  As soon as Lindsey leaves the room I lock the door and drop my pants. It doesn’t take too long for me to cum thinking about those big tits and wet pussy.

  By day three, we have a routine. At 5pm I start waiting for her. She arrives 15 minutes late and plays a prank when she hypnotizes me. Then it’s my turn.

  It doesn’t take me long to get her hypnotized and naked again. I’m getting pretty good at this. I kinda want to just look at her body, but wouldn’t that be a waste of good hypnotism? The Internet is full of naked girls. I decide to go one step further.

  “It feels good to show off your hot body, doesn’t it?” I ask.

  Lindsey nods. It looks like her skin is covered in goosebumps, and I want to run my fingers over them. Later, I think.

  “What makes you feel really, really good?” I cross my fingers.

  I wait for her response, but Lindsey doesn’t say anything. I guess that’s a little too complicated.

  “Masturbation feels really good, doesn’t it?”

  Instantly she responds, “Yes!”

  Okay, I wasn’t expecting so much enthusiasm, but I’ll take it.

  “Don’t you want to feel really, really good right now?”

  Lindsey nods.

  “You want to touch yourself right now, don’t you?”

  “Yes,” she says. Her voice is quiet and her cheeks are bright red, but she doesn’t make a move. What am I doing wrong? I try again.

  “Don’t worry about me. I want you to feel good, and touching yourself feels good, right?” I say.

  “Yes,” she says.

  “So it’s good to make yourself feel good in front of me, right?”

  Lindsey’s face looks lost in concentration for a moment. It’s not the best logic, but it should hold up. At least I hope so.

  After a minute, her face relaxes. “Yes!” she says.

  Lindsey opens her legs, leaning back in the chair so that her pussy is totally exposed and her little ass is hanging off the edge. She reaches one hand down slowly, bringing the other to her breast. Lindsey opens her lips with one hand and her fingers get slick with her own juice. Her mouth
drops open, her pink tongue darting out over her lips as her breath becomes more ragged.

  She starts slowly, moving her fingers in and out of her pussy and rubbing her clit. Lindsey starts moaning, moving her fingers faster, and I hope that she won’t get too loud. I don’t need my dorm mates getting too nosey.

  Just watching her touch herself, moaning and squirming in the same chair that I use to study for classes has me hard as a rock. I want to jack off, but at first I’m worried. What if she notices? What if it wakes her up? I decide to wait and watch the show.

  By now the whole seat underneath her is wet. Her back is arched and it almost seems like she can’t even breathe. Her movements are so wild that I’m a little worried she’ll fall off the chair.

  Lindsey lets out a long, loud moan (that I’m sure everyone will hear) and her body shakes as she throws her head back. Her legs give out on her and she slumps to the floor. Finally she stops shaking, her muscles relax, and she starts to breathe deeply again.

  It’s a while before I can manage to persuade her to get off the floor, but she finally does and cleans herself up. By the time I wake her up and she leaves the room, I already have my plan for tomorrow. I can barely sleep thinking about it.

  The next day I have trouble concentrating. I spend most of my class time thinking about Lindsey’s hot body quivering in my dorm room. I plan how I will get her just one step closer to what I want.

  When 5pm rolls around, I’m full of anticipation. I don’t even want to get hypnotized, but it would be weird if I weren’t. Then, finally, it’s the moment I’ve been waiting for.

  I get her naked, just like before, but now I have some new commands.

  “Listen carefully, Lindsey,” I say. “When I count to three, you will wake up and feel alert. But you will still be deep in hypnosis. You will remember how good our last session felt, and you will be hungry for more. When I count to three again you will fall back into a deep trance. Do you understand?”

  Lindsey nods.

  “Good. One, two, three!”

  Lindsey’s eyes open, and at first it seems like she has come out of the trance. She seems to be coming out of a deep sleep. I’m worried that she will freak out about being naked in my dorm, but there is something different about her.


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