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Beta Earth: Between Worlds 2.0 Edition

Page 12

by Napier, J. R.

  “Trapped?” Vette asks.

  “Well, more like imprisoned.” Zero G takes another sip and places the glass down. “I was trying to steal some of their artifacts and they caught me.” Vette smiles at his candidness.

  “Well, at least you’re an honest thief.” Zero G stands up.

  “I’m not a thief! Usually … actually I’m the greatest Blitzball player that ever lived,” he says while making a victory pose.

  “Blitzball?” Vette asks.

  “It’s not popular yet but it’s catching on. That is why I came here to Earth … to join the underground league. However, someone stole my gear. The only thing I have left is my boots. So I figured I could snatch a few relics from that place and sell them ... but they caught me.”

  “Can you play with just the boots?” she asks.

  “Yeah and fortunately, I’m used to it. Oh, that’s right, you don’t know.” Zero G sits down and pulls a metallic case out of the bag he was holding. He opens the case, which reveals a pair of shiny boots. They rest securely inside in custom made groves.

  “These boots let you fly and are an important part of the game. It’s kind of like capture the flag but on a grander scale.”

  “They let you fly?” she asks.

  “Yep. Propulsion for a short period of time. This technology was stolen from the United Fed. Now, underground street engineers and venders are trying to re-produce these for the Blitzball league. Without any armor, I gotta try not to get hit. Player will notice my lack of gear and gun for me.”

  Vette watches Vin as he turns in his sleep. She walks over to him and rubs his forehead.

  “Well. No Blitzball for you, right?” She says as she’s caring for Vin.

  “Are you kidding?” Zero G puts away his boots and locks the case. “After watching Vin’s fall earlier, I got an idea. See, the armor weighs you down. If I can train without using the armor, then I can outmaneuver anyone on or off the field!”

  “I’m sure Vin is glad he could help.” Vette says sarcastically as she sits back down on the couch. Zero G ignores her sarcasm and continues.

  “I can see it now. This will be my claim to fame, my staple—speed and agility. I’ll make the perfect Blitzball striker.” Zero G yawns.

  “Oh, if you want to rest—” Vette begins to say.

  “I’ll just rest here.” Zero G replies as he makes himself comfortable on the floor by Vin’s feet.


  “It’s okay.” Zero G interrupts Vette. “You know, if everything else fails, I could always deliver packages … at top-notch speed.” Zero G falls asleep. Vette gets up and finds a sheet. She returns, covers Zero G and then sits back down and continues to watch Vin. He’s a weird guy. She thinks. But I’m thankful he returned Vin to me.

  Chapter 35

  Dreams Pt. 2

  Zero G looks around. “I know this place.” He sees a group of kids running. One kid is faster than them all. “Hey, it’s a little me! This must be a dream.” Zero G sees teenagers skateboarding off of small cliffs and landing. One kid goes higher and farther than the rest of them.

  “Man, I remember that. I got some sick air! It felt so good until—” Zero G sees a young man lying in a bed with a cast around his legs. “Marcus!” a woman’s voice shouts.

  “Why don’t you ever slow down? This is why you are always getting hurt.”

  “Ha!” a kid says.

  “Marcus is just unlucky. Other kids do the same thing and never get hurt.”

  “Marcus.” Zero G says. He looks up and is now in a packed stadium. Everyone is cheering at him, he can feel the crowds energy. Zero G smiles as he is being lowered out of a helicopter decked out in his Blitzball gear minus the armor padding.

  “Feels good, doesn’t it?” a synthetic female voice says. Zero G looks around for the voice. “Yeah. Is this a dream? It feels so real.”

  “It’s the future.” the voice says.

  “No way.” Zero G says as he continues to search for the voice. “Who are you?” he asks.

  “I am Red 42, your partner.” the voice says. Zero G is suddenly blazing down a steep ramp. He dodges the other Blitzball players and skillfully maneuvering his way to the opponent’s flag at lightning speed. As Zero G travels. He sees a red, cybernetic circle that almost looks like an eye. Zero G stops and time in his dream freezes.

  “Red?” Zero G. says.

  “Correct.” Red 42 replies.

  “How am I here? I mean … what … I mean … umm.” Zero G is having trouble finding what to say.

  “Sorry, I’m not sure how to give you an explanation yet. It has to do with the person you are sleeping next to.” Red 42 replies.

  “Vin.” Zero G says softly.

  “Never mind that. All I wanted to say is train hard. Our journey is sure to be a tough one.” Red 42 says. Zero G is now in a battlefield. Explosions are detonating all around him. He covers his head as he watches the battle.

  “A war? Between who?” he asks.

  “I don’t know and it’s something you probably wouldn’t care about anyway.” Red 42 replies. Zero G puts his hand on his chin.

  “Well, that’s true.” Zero G sees the faces of children and people affected by the war. “I don’t care about the war … but I feel like I could save them.” Zero G says.

  “If I was a little faster. Just a little faster.” Zero G speeds through the battlefield. He’s dodging soldiers, machines, and tanks. All while racing toward the villagers in need.

  “I just need to be a bit faster … a bit faster.”As Zero G is just about to save the villagers his boots cut out.

  “You have to deliver the package first, Marcus.” Zero G is frozen in place and can see the villagers holding out their arms to him. They beg him for help.

  “Train hard, Marcus.” Red 42 says. Zero G can see a red timer counting down fast. Red 42 begins to laugh.

  “You’re gonna love me, partner.” Red 42’s laugh and voice becomes more and more distorted. “You’re … gonna … love … me.” Zero G wakes up abruptly and looks around. He then rubs his head. “What a weird dream … Red.”

  Vin and Vette are sleeping. Zero G quietly gathers his items and looks back at Vin. “Good luck, buddy. Maybe I’ll see you in the future.” Zero G says softly as he leaves.

  Chapter 36


  Time: One day later.

  Location: A small outpost between Sprawl 15 and City District 8.

  Clave stands on a cliff overlooking Sprawl 15. A place like this can produce a challenge for me. The leader of Faux Forsaken … Vin … I think I want to know his story. Clave looks up at the sky. “And I wonder how Roni is doing.” Clave looks down and smiles. “There are more interesting people in the world than I thought.”

  Clave spots a group of young people playing in a far off-field. For a moment, Clave’s mind drifts and he imagines Roni playing tag with him in the field, both happy, both content. Clave’s smile quickly fades and he makes a tight fist. “Who am I kidding? It’s not like I could ever really have friends.” Clave says. Akari walks up behind Clave.

  “So is this what you do with your free time? Ponder the next mission, the next mark?” Clave turns around startled. Once he realizes its Akari, he calms down.

  “You’re good, old lady,” he says.

  “Watch it boy. You’ve just recovered but I’ll put you back in the bed for a week.” Clave grins and returns to his view of Sprawl 15.

  “I’ve found an equal in combat Akari … I’m actually excited.”

  “Kill, kill, kill. I know we train a lot but really, is that the only thing on your mind? Are you really that one-dimensional?”

  “What do you want me to do, Akari? You want me to go into the city and try to make friends? You want me to pick up some cute little sprawl orphan kid and teach him how my way is bad and how he should always do the right thing?” Clave says.

  “I just want—” Clave turns to face Akari and snaps at her.

  “What? Me
to find a girl? Get a normal job? Live a normal life? What is wrong with you?” Akari is shocked at Clave’s sudden burst of emotions. She quickly realizes the foolishness of her comments.

  “You’re right. I never taught you how to live, just how to survive. Training might be all you know. Maybe I just wanted a little more for you because of the way you live. You might die on any mission.”

  “Exactly my point, Akari. The way I live, I should have been dead long ago. Yet the only time I’ve ever been injured is against these new guys.” Clave says. Akari steps forward and crosses her arms. “Oh, so this has all been a cakewalk for you?”

  Clave shakes his head. “Hardly, but thanks to your training, I’ve been given a considerable advantage. I can feel myself getting better every mission. Vin has allowed me to actually measure my progress against someone other than you. We all want to be graded, you know … except for you, I guess.” Akari approaches Clave slowly.

  “About Vin ... Clave, stay away from him.” Akari warns. Clave turns and faces Akari. “This is the second time you’ve given me this warning. Why?”

  “He is connected to something that you shouldn’t be a part of.” Akari explains. Clave stares at Akari.

  “And?” Clave is waiting for further explanation. “That should be enough.” Akari says.

  “Come on. I’m not unreasonable.”

  “I know.” She replies.

  “Then you should know … that won’t be enough to keep me away.” Clave says.

  “I guess there are some lessons you have to learn on your own.” Akari replies. Clave punches the air.

  “I know his illusion trick. It’s impressive but its ineffective against me.”

  “There’s a high possibility that it’s no trick.” Akari adds. Clave holds his hand to his chin.

  “I suspected as much, which makes me all the more interested to meet him again. Thanks for the pep talk but I’m not afraid of him.” Clave says.

  “Maybe that’s a lesson you need to learn … a little fear. Not just kid fear but life changing fear. I’m sure that would make you more grounded.” Akari says. Clave waves his hand at Akari as he walks off dismissing her statement.

  “Yeah, yeah. Whatever.”Akari rubs her head.

  “So this must be what it’s like to have kids. Place all your faith and talents in them and hope they don’t run off and die before they can show their true potential.”

  She stares at Clave as he walks away and she thinks back to when he was thirteen years old. A bruised and battered young Clave sits against a large metal beam. He’s clutches a thick wooden stick in his hand and he is crying. “Come on out Clave! Let’s finish this.” Sol calls out as he searches through the remains of an old building for Clave.

  Sol drags a large metal pipe along the red dirt. He occasionally bangs the pipe against the concrete remains.

  “Are you afraid?” Sol says mockingly. “If you can’t handle me … then you should re-think training with her.” Sol continues to walk to the rubble smashing concrete with his pipe. Each smash causes Clave to flinch with fear and cry a little more. Sol becomes quiet. He hears Clave’s sobs and converges in on the sound.“Pathetic.” Sol says.

  Clave realizes Sol is close. He stands up and darts from his hiding spot. Clave clumsily maneuvers through the maze of broken concrete and metal shards. He looks back briefly only to see Sol gaining on him.

  Clave sprints forward in a panic. He trips and slides along ground which is rubble and cuts his small arms. Clave curls up into a ball as he holds his arms in pain. Sol catches up to him and stands over him. “Fear … the only reason to be afraid is when you know that you have a chance of losing.” Sol scrapes his pipe against a nearby steel beam causing sparks to fly out. “You see … I’m not afraid because I know I am going to win. In this way I am invincible.”Clave looks at Sol. His face is menacing and frightening.

  “Invincible?” Clave asks.

  “Yes, invincible, a feeling you’ll never experience. For as long as I exist.” Sol says as he holds the metal pipe high above his head. He thrusts the pipe down swiftly at Clave with intention to kill. Clave scrambles out of the way and desperately evades Sol’s assault. Sol laughs as he swings his pipe at Clave narrowly missing him. “And you’re supposed to be Akari’s prodigy.”

  Clave manages to get back on his feet. He runs toward what he thinks is a clearing void of all the broken concrete and metal. As he approaches, he realizes it’s a naturally made small chasm. Just on the other side of it is another building.

  Clave speeds up and prepares to jump to that building. Sol throws his pipe and it hits Clave in the leg which causes him to stumble. Clave can’t shop his forward momentum. He stumbles right into the small pit.

  He hits his head, arms and legs as he rolls all the way down to the bottom. Sol looks down into the pit. He sees Clave who is hurt bad. Sol spits and it lands on Clave’s chest. “This and more awaits you in the future. If you are weak, don’t choose to follow her.” Sol says before he abruptly leaves.

  Time passes and Clave is left staring at the sky. Soon, Akari finds Clave and runs over to him. “You’re still alive, thank God.” Clave who can barely move looks over to Akari.

  “I’m not … afraid. Not anymore,” he says softly. Akari rubs Clave’s head and he closes his eyes.

  “Rest boy.” she replies.

  Chapter 37

  Recovery Pt. 2

  Time: One day later.

  Location: Vette’s House.

  Vin wakes up and sees Vette watching him. “That’s kinda creepy.” Vin says. Vette smiles.

  “Yeah? Well, you talk in your sleep.” Vin looks around.

  “Did I say anything interesting?” Vette shrugs her shoulders. “Maybe. Nothing I knew about, though.” She stands up and heads into the kitchen. Shortly after she returns with food.

  “How long?” Vin says as he sits up. Vette places the meal on the table.

  “You've been out a day.” Vin looks at the simple meal of soup and bread.

  “Something light to start you off. I’ll give you the good stuff when you can keep this down.” Vin begins eating the soup and bread. He uses the bread to stir his soup and then takes a bite of the bread. “I was worried, you know. So worried … Maybe it is best if we ally with the Syndicate. That way you don’t have to take the full burden yourself.” Vette says as she watches Vin eat.

  “Yeah, I think it could help us all.” Vin replies. Vette cocks her head. She is surprised by Vin’s remark.

  “You’ve changed, Vin.” Vin takes another sip of his soup.

  “I think we all have, Yvette.” Vette smiles. She likes it when Vin calls her by her full name.

  “Whoa, my whole name. You aren’t planning on leaving me, are you?” Vin looks at Vette.

  “Not you.” Vette moves in closer to Vin.

  “The gang? Is that why you’ve been so distant?”

  Vin takes a sip of his soup.

  “This is good, you know.”

  “Why should I be surprised? Like father, like son.” Vette says. Vin casts his gaze downward. Vette knows she hit a sensitive chord.

  “Isn’t that why he was so distant with you? Because he knew he would have to leave you someday.”

  “Vette.” Vin doesn’t know what to say. Vette begins to tear up. “We built this together, you know.” Vin stands up slowly, his face twists with pain.

  “Hey wait, you!” Vette cries out. Vin walks over to the door and Vette runs to catch him.

  “Where are you going? You don’t even have a shirt or—” Vin turns around and hugs Vette. In an instant she is lost in his arms. The world melts away and it is just them. Vette gives a weak laugh.

  “Now I really know you’re leaving us,” she says. Vette feels Vin loosening his grip and she holds him tighter.

  “Hey, remember I’m injured here.” Vin says half-jokingly. Vette buries her head in Vin’s chest.

  “Deal with it.”

  “I won’t lie, Vette. There has t
o be a change, but you will be part of it. I promise.” Vin says softly in her ear. “I guess I can settle for that.” Vette replies as she releases her grip and steps back. She holds her head down while she wipes her eyes.

  “So what’s the plan, boss man?”

  “We prepare to meet with Gaidon.” Vin says. Vette nods.

  “Right, I’ll make the call.”

  “No. I want you to inform the members we are taking with us to prepare. I’ll tell Gaidon the location.” Vette smiles.

  “Doing this on our terms? Sounds like something I would do. Maybe you’ve learned a thing or two from me.”

  “Maybe.” Vin says as he smiles back at Vette.

  Chapter 38


  Time: Two days later.

  Location: Faux Forsaken headquarters in Sprawl 15.

  Vin enters the H.Q. base and it is empty except for a very beautiful dark-skinned young lady. “Anul?” Vin is surprised to see his sister.

  “Brother, it’s been awhile.” Vin approaches Anul. She has grown up a lot since he last saw her. She has a woman’s body now, beautiful long hair and she wears dark, thick eyeliner around her eyes. This gives her a goth look that matches her usual attitude.

  “How are you? How is father treating you?” Vin asks.

  “He’s treating me like a General would his soldier.” Anul replies.

  Vin looks down. He’s disappointed in his father’s action toward his sister.

  “Is that really the life you want?” he asks. Anul deflects his question with a question.

  “Is this the life you want? Leader of a gang?”

  “It’s not like that.” Vin says. Anul nods.

  “I know. You’ve been doing good things but you’re still a gang leader … a part of something that was responsible for what happened to Caroline and Zuri.”

  “Enough!” Vin yells.


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