Book Read Free

Chaps & Cappuccinos

Page 6

by A. J. Macey

  “Did you know that the Liber de Coquina is the first book to have the modern lasagna recipe in it? It was published in the fourteenth century,” Sam stated when we were all seated. It seemed random at first, but when I looked at him, his encouraging smile gave away that he’d thrown that little fact out for my sake. Having someone attentive around was definitely different, and it was nice to have how I felt acknowledged even if I hadn’t said anything.

  “Cookbooks have specific literary agents and publicists who specialize in recipe books,” I added, taking a bite of my food. “And after a recipe is perfected by the creator, it’s tested by at least two independent testers before it’s added to the book.”

  “I didn’t know that, but it doesn’t surprise me,” Sam replied with a nod. “So, tell me more about yourself, Emma. Have any favorites you’re willing to share; color, food, movie, band? Or maybe what you’re thinking of doing after high school?”

  And there it is, the dreaded introduce yourself prompt.

  You can do this, Emma, I told myself. You can totally talk about yourself to your actual dad who has only heard about you through your mom who seems to have all sorts of skewed perceptions on your life... here goes nothing.

  “Uh, not much to tell,” I started. “Straight A’s in school, looking into college, but I still haven’t fully decided which one yet. I’ll be deciding for sure this week after talking to the career counselor at school. Don’t really play any sports since I would probably break a bone. I tend to spend my free time doing homework or at work.”

  Phew, that wasn’t so bad.

  “Where do you work?”

  “One of the local coffee shops, Coffee Grounds,” I told him, finding it easy to talk to him, but with my mom’s gaze falling to me every few moments, I couldn’t fully relax. “Zarf.” Foot meet mouth. I almost darted away from the table and to the basement as they both looked at me with furrowed brows. “It’s what the cardboard sleeve that you get around a to-go cup of coffee is called—a ‘zarf.’”

  “Speaking of Coffee Grounds, is that something you’re enjoying?” Sam transitioned easily, not focusing on my embarrassing moment unlike my mom’s arched brow. Thankfully, she didn’t say anything.

  “Yeah, I am. My coworker and boss are awesome, and I’m getting really good at the machines and how the front is run. I’m even considering full-time after graduation or college—” I tried to continue, but my mom interrupted.

  “You’re planning on working at a coffee shop for your career?” she questioned, judgment thick in her words.

  “I don’t know what I’m going to do,” I reiterated. “I want to get a degree that’ll be versatile, business or marketing, and then narrow down my concentration when I get into classes. Working full-time would be beneficial to getting experience for when I’m out of college. A few months ago, Ms. Rogers even suggested using my degree to help expand Coffee Grounds to another store, or to look into management positions.”

  “Sounds like you have a very ambitious daughter, Erin,” Sam praised proudly.

  “You do too,” I added, then realized what had just come out of my mouth. “I mean... since you’re my biological dad and... yeah... you know what I mean... Ninjas actually wore blue. Black stands out in the moonlight, and blue hides just as well in the dark,” I rambled awkwardly. The tips of my ears and face burned, and I knew if I looked in a mirror, I’d be beet red. Good job there, Emma, A+ on the communication skills.

  “She’s right, Sam,” my mom cut in, thankfully saving me from myself.

  “I know, but I didn’t want to try and insert myself and make things weird,” he told her, finishing his last bite of lasagna. “This was delicious. Thank you for making it, Emma.”

  “You’re welcome.” I beamed, the compliment almost compensating for just making a fool of myself.

  “So, before you go running off to do whatever things seniors do,” Sam joked, “do you have an idea of where you want to go to college?”

  “My first choice is probably University of Nebraska-Lincoln,” I said, pushing my final few bites of leftovers around now that I was full. “I enjoyed their campus and what was around it as well as the marketing and business program. The tour guy was a business major, so he talked to me about some of the teachers and things. I know that it’s the one the guys are looking at too, which is a big factor—”

  “Ah yes, that would be wonderful for you to continue schooling here in Nebraska,” my mom cut in, her overly sweet tone as fake as her small laugh. I could see right through her façade, knowing she didn’t want me to talk about the boys to Sam. It irritated the heck out of me, but I didn’t want to fight in front of my biological father the first time I’d ever met him, so I bit my tongue.

  “We can get this cleaned up, can’t we, Erin? Let’s let her get homework done,” Sam prompted during the lull between us, looking at my mom with love in his eyes.

  “Of course,” Mom cooed with a nod before dismissing me from the table, but it had become a habit to clean off my plate and put it in the dishwasher, so despite the awkward air permeating the room, I only went downstairs after I had done that. As I reached the middle of the stairs where it turned to go to the basement, I glanced up to the main floor and saw Sam smile then kiss my mom softly on the forehead.

  My stomach twisted. Part of me was glad that my mom had her happiness after the hurt I know the divorce had caused, but the other portion of me warred at the thought of someone other than my dad being in my life. It was silly to feel that way since I had really liked Sam, but almost eighteen years of life had been tilted on its axis, and I knew it would take time to adjust. A sliver of me wished she could see and accept that what she had with Sam, I had with Reid, Kingston, and Jesse. Really, the sliver was more like a very large piece of me, but I was trying not to think about it and ruin the sense of contentment that had settled over me as I sank into my office chair.

  The first meeting with my biological dad had gone way better than I anticipated, and I couldn’t wait to see him again. Maybe he’d help alleviate some of the issues with my mom, but I wasn’t going to hold my breath. I had the feeling I’d be waiting for quite a while now that I was expecting her to make the first move.

  But right now? Time for studying... oh, joy.


  February 13th

  “One friend with whom you have a lot in common is better than three with whom you struggle to find things to talk about.” -Mindy Kaling.

  #HappyGalentinesDay #PamperDay #ThankfulThursday

  “Hello, ladies,” the woman at the front desk greeted when Zoey, Aubrey, and I walked into the salon and spa. “What can we do for you today?”

  “Appointments for Zoey Gardner,” Zo stated with a smile. The woman nodded when she checked the salon’s computer, waving us farther into the building.

  “I still can’t believe you booked me a mani-pedi and hair appointment,” I whispered excitedly. “You guys are the best.”

  “You’ve had a rough time lately, and we always go out for girls pamper sesh the day before Valentine’s Day. A Galentine’s Day, if you will,” Aubrey explained. “And that includes you since it’s your first V-Day here.”

  “If you three would like to take a seat here,” the woman requested with a hand gesture when we reached the pedicure chairs. “What mani-pedi would you like? Express, simple, or deluxe?”

  “Deluxe for all of us,” Zo cut in, smirking at me when I narrowed my eyes at her. I wasn’t sure I could swing that much on top of getting my hair done. “Don’t worry, Emma, it’s all taken care of,” she said, as if she knew what I was thinking.

  “Who’s paying for this?” I questioned as the woman started filling the little tub with water and essential oils.

  “It’s a surprise,” she told me happily. “Now, just chill out and relax. Time for pampering!”

  “Ugh, you two are such trouble.” A chuckle bubbled out as I shook my head at their shenanigans. “Can’t say I don’t love it though.”

nbsp; “Exactly. So, have any ideas what color you want to do for your nails?” Zo asked, looking through the ring of nail polish samples. “I’m probably going to go with a nude color. Like a nice gray beigey color. Greige? Is that a word?”

  “It can be now.” I shrugged, not seeing why it couldn’t be.

  “Is there a difference between gray and beige?” Aubrey asked. “Well, I know there is for those two, but is a ‘greige’ much of a difference between the original colors?”

  “I don’t know, ask the fashionista,” Zo redirected, and two pairs of eyes fell on me.

  “Uh, gray is more of a ‘cool’ color, with more of a white base to it than a beige, which is more of a ‘warm’ color. Granted there can be cool toned or warm toned for each depending on the undertone, but when mixed together, it makes more a neutral nude. Kind of like taupe, but a bit different,” I struggled to explain. “If you put the colors next to each other, you’ll see the differences. I just suck at explaining color theory.”

  “Hm, I don’t think I’ve ever really thought about undertones and warm versus cool before,” Aubrey mused. “Makes sense though. So, yes, Zo, greige can totally be a word.”

  “Yes!” Zo exclaimed excitedly.

  “As for your question, I’m thinking a sparkly black, maybe a little design on one of the fingers,” Aubrey answered. “What about you, Emma?”

  “I’m thinking a burgundy or maroon to match the hat and lipstick the boys got me. Might get that tint put back into my hair too if they do that here.”

  “They do. Over the summer, I got a pink tint done here, and my mom gets her hair with some purple pretty frequently,” Aubs assured me.

  Our conversation paused as the nail technicians came over and got started, the three of us explaining what we wanted for color. It was nice to sit back and relax with them for a while. I loved my boys, and I enjoyed the time I had spent with my biological dad, but sometimes a girl just needed her girlfriends. And now is definitely one of those times, I thought as I sighed happily. Time went by for a little while, the three of us busy enjoying the massage, hot stones, and paraffin wax before we picked up conversation again.

  “So what exactly are you guys doing for Valentine’s Day?” Zo asked, glancing over at me from around Aubrey.

  “I have no clue. They keep evading my questions when I ask. I’m not a fan of surprises, so I’m waiting very impatiently for tomorrow after school. I’m sure whatever it is will be fun though,” I relayed. “What about you guys?”

  “Jason and I are going out to dinner and a movie, something traditional yet still enjoyable. Zo and I have a pretty early meeting Saturday before a training run for cross-country, so we’re not staying out too late. Brandon have something fun planned?” Aubs directed her final question to Zoey.

  “We’re going to go ice skating after dinner at Genji,” she stated dreamily, beaming so strongly her happiness was contagious. I recognized the restaurant name from their previous conversations, realizing it was one of the Japanese steakhouses that cooked in front of you.

  “Oo,” I cooed, “fancy. Honestly, I would be good with just a night in, curled up watching a movie. It’s been so crazy lately, and it’s going to be nice to have a night with them and me. No school stress, no college worries, no work or family, just cuddles and hopefully some yummy treats because I could go for some junk food.”

  “Oh, like this?” the woman working the front said cheerfully as she walked over to where we sat. In her hands was a basket full of homemade brownies and Rice Krispy treats and other nibbles, eliciting a stomach rumble from me at the sight. “Complimentary for our customers. We also have some pop or water if you guys want,” she explained. It didn’t take her long to return, our bubbly sodas in fancy champagne flutes.

  “Oo!” I exclaimed excitedly, making sure not to move my legs too much. Nothing like having nail polish all over your toes because you moved suddenly. “Thank you.”

  “You’re quite welcome. You three let me know if you need anything else.”

  We resumed our quiet relaxation, and I found myself distracted by the TV across from the chair, an episode of Chopped holding our attention through the rest of our pedicures and manicures. Before I realized it, I was guided into the hairdresser’s chair with the promise my stylist would be there soon.

  Shifting in my chair, I got situated in the black vinyl seat, my eyes landing on my reflection. What do I want to do today? I wondered. I had talked to Jesse about cutting it, and it might be a nice change to do a lighter color or some highlights, but the more I thought about it, I found myself wanting to stick to what I had told Aubrey and Zoey. I could always cut and highlight my hair in the future. So I made a promise to myself, if things ever got stressful enough and I wanted a proper change, I would do exactly that.

  But for now, I’d do what Jesse said he liked.

  “Hello, beautiful! I’m Maddie,” my stylist introduced herself happily a few moments later. Her smile was bright, and her shoulder-length hair was an equally bright shade of pink. Something about her made me feel at ease, and a grin grew on my face as I looked at her in the mirror. “So, what are we doing today? Cut, color, style, all of the above?” she rattled off, her eyes trailing over my hair.

  “My friend Aubrey said you guys do fun colors?”

  “We do, in fact! Any particular color?”

  “I used to have a darker burgundy maroon tint to my hair, I was thinking of just doing something like that if it was possible. I know it’s something that’ll fade easily and be quite subtle on my darker hair,” I explained, my own gaze shifting to my hair. The dark brunette strands had grown out over the last six months, my natural waves nearing the middle of my back with no hint of the burgundy coloring from Cali remaining.

  “I can definitely do that. Do you have a photo from when you had that coloring, so I can try to match the best I can?”

  Digging out my phone, I scrolled to find one that I had from the summer before and held it up to her to look over. With a nod, she went to the back and started mixing things together. Aubs and Zo were both getting their hair done in another part of the building, all of us spaced out so we couldn’t talk. Suddenly, my phone buzzed, startling me and bringing me back to the moment. There had been a collection of texts over the last hour and half. As I scrolled, I saw messages from the guys, Lyla, and the group chat with all our friends. Knowing I would be talking to my guys the most, I saved them for last.

  Jesse: How’s it going, Em?

  Kingston: Hope you’re having fun, Babydoll.

  Reid: Enjoying the spa? Salon? Hairdresser-nail-place?

  Kingston: I’m pretty sure it’s both? I don’t know the difference though, but it says salon and spa on the name so...?

  Reid: I like hairdresser-nail-place better.

  Jesse: You two are ridiculous.

  I smothered a giggle at their conversation, but before I could respond, Maddie had me follow her to get my hair shampooed. Relaxing into the seat, I leaned back and let her wash my hair.

  What would the guys have planned for tomorrow? Something cute and fun, I was sure, but I was nearly antsy with excitement. My first Valentine’s Day here in Nebraska, my first with my three guys... it was something I hadn’t realized I would be looking forward to. Back in Cali with Tyler, the day really wasn’t much to celebrate, so knowing I had guys that would make it enjoyable was something new and different.

  Maddie finished up, guiding me back to the chair to work on the color. As she got started, I dove back into my texts.

  Emma: It’s fun, got nails and toes done already.

  Kingston: Does that mean hair is next?

  Emma: Yup, just doing something simple.

  Reid: Aww man, I wanted to see Cali girl with short hair.

  Jesse: She’s pretty regardless.

  Reid: I know that, but I think she’d look amazing with shorter hair.

  Emma: I considered it, but I think something a bit simpler would be good for now. Besides, I like being
able to throw my hair in a messy bun when I’m lazy.

  Emma: Oh, and thank you for the compliment<3

  Kingston: Don’t let anyone make you feel like you have to change what you’re planning, Babydoll.

  Emma: Thanks, King. I won’t. So does this mean I can know what we’re doing tomorrow?

  Reid: Nope! Enjoy your first present, we can enjoy tomorrow’s stuff TOMORROW;)

  Emma: You three paid for my hair and nails??!

  None of them responded, but I knew they saw it based on the ‘read’ down in the corner. My lips thinned, not wanting them to feel the need to spend so much money on me, but I shouldn’t have been surprised. Sighing, I let myself enjoy their gift to me, typing out one final response before turning my attention back to Maddie.

  Emma: Thank you, love you three<3

  February 14th

  Read a cute joke this morning that fit today’s holiday!

  What do you call a very small Valentine? A Valentiny!

  Yes, I laughed.

  #3WayVday #LoveIsInTheAir #FunnyFriday

  “So, what are we doing today?” I asked, playfully tugging on one of Reid’s curls as we walked to the parking lot after school.

  “That’s a secret, but if you keep pulling my hair like that, there’s going to be a definite change of plans, Cali girl,” Reid murmured in my ear. His hot breath washing over my neck brought on a wave of goosebumps. A surge of heat pulsed in me at his innuendo, my cheeks shifting from pink in the winter weather to red in a blush.


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