What She Thought She Knew (Rachel Moore Mystery Book 1)

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What She Thought She Knew (Rachel Moore Mystery Book 1) Page 5

by Jack Parker

  The punk audibly gulped. "I'm sorry miss, it won't happen again." He whined.

  "You bet your ass it won't."

  With that, I got off of him.

  With no restriction holding him down, the punk quickly got up and ran as if his life depended on it.

  I chuckled in amusement, and got on my bike. Well, at least I had some humor mixed in today, I mused.

  Chapter 10: Newly Gained Partner

  I reported back to Seeker HQ immediately after my meeting with the mysterious contact. As strange as he was, he did provide me with very useful information that was incredibly vital to my mission. I couldn't afford to delay.

  I dropped off my bike at the parking lot, and took the elevator down to the same conference room I was in before. I couldn't say that I was particularly happy about speaking with the Directors again, but this was urgent.

  Once the elevator doors opened on my level, I hastily stepped out.

  I was met by the same secretary from before who seemingly out of habit just gave me a curt nod before she returned to her paperwork.

  I took a quiet breath before I opened the door to my least favorite room in HQ.

  I felt a sense of déjà vu as once again the entire room was dark, minus the small part I was in. Somehow, I felt like there were more people in here than last time.

  The shadowed figures stopped whatever they were doing, and focused on me.

  "Agent Moore, a pleasure to see you again." A voice said. I recognized him as the main figure for the Directors.

  "What do you have for us?" A female voice added.

  I pushed aside all inappropriate comments that I so wished to have voiced, and resumed a professional attitude. "I met with the contact from my mission file. He gave me some very interesting information."

  "Oh?" I could have practically felt the main Director's eyebrows rise.

  "And what would that be?"

  I took out the data pad, and set it on the table. The Director on the end took it, scanned it, and then passed it on to the next member. This process continued until the figure in the middle got it.

  He too scanned through it, though much more attentively. "These are some very serious accusations, Agent Moore." He commented. "Are you sure that we can trust this contact?"

  I could feel the stares of all the Directors pointed at me as they expectantly waited for my answer. "While I can't give credit to the contact's mentality, all I can say is that we need to take his information seriously. We can't afford to slip up, otherwise we're screwed. The Phantoms will do anything to seize world power, so yes, I do believe that the contact's information is viable."

  My answer gave the Directors pause as they murmured between themselves.

  I crossed my arms as I waited for their reaction.

  All at once, the murmuring stopped, and the leader spoke again. "Given your service record and your loyalty to the Seekers, we trust your judgment. We'll commence an internal investigation within our ranks." He said. "However, we have our doubts about this Martin Hill's involvement in providing the Phantoms confidential information on the Seekers. He was never part of our organization, and as much as we can tell, he doesn't have a relation with any of our agents. Do you have any absolute proof about this?"

  "Not yet." I replied. "But I will be able to in less than a month."

  "Explain." The figure stated.

  I scrambled into my coat pocket, and took out the ticket for the Salute to Vienna concert. "According to the contact, Mr. Hill will be attending this event. This will be our only chance of catching him out in the open. We can ask him ourselves once we have him in custody."

  The female Director spoke. "Where did you get that ticket?"

  I shuffled awkwardly in my position. "My Guardian gave it to me."

  The main Director nodded his head. "Of course. Agent Delta has done his research." He stated as if it were obvious. "What do you think our course of action should be?"

  "I think we need to attend this event, and catch him. Exactly what Agent Moore suggested."

  I turned towards the source of the voice, and narrowed my eyes. So he was the extra person; the one I should have been the least surprised to see. "Agent Delta." I simply said.

  "Agent Moore," he greeted.

  "You knew about all of this, didn't you?"

  "Yes I did." He replied. "I did my own research on Phantom activities. You'd be amazed by the sheer number of Phantom dealings that occur within our own cities. Needless to say, it's vital that we put a stop to them."

  He finally stepped out of the shadows, and revealed to me his familiar form.

  I stared blankly at him. I only met him over a month ago, and already I was used to him.

  "What are your plans now, Agent Delta?" The main Director asked.

  Delta turned to face the Directors. "Agent Moore and I will be tracking any Phantom dealings related to Martin Hill until the concert."

  I stared at him slightly shocked. "Since when was there a 'we'?"

  Delta titled his head towards me, and a small smile formed on his face.

  "Like it or not Agent Moore, but this mission is mine just as much as it's yours. You'll have to get used to working with me."

  I held back a snort, and instead mumbled to myself for having to get used to him pop up at the most odd moments. I could have sworn I heard a light chuckle come from him.

  "Do you require any additional Seeker support, Agent Delta?" The female member asked.

  Said person shook his head. "That won't be necessary. I believe that Agent Moore and I are more than capable of handling this on our own."

  I raised an eyebrow at his remark. Since when was he so eager to suddenly work with me?

  Either way, it didn't matter. I was able to continue with my investigation, while his answer satisfied the Directors that we were dismissed from the creepy room.

  I let out a sigh of relief once in the hallway as I walked with Agent Delta by my side back to the armored elevator.

  Once inside, the Guardian let out a breath of his own.

  I glanced at him in curiosity.

  "What?" He asked when he finally noticed me looking at him.

  "Are you stalking me or something?" I asked bluntly.

  He blinked. "I'm not. I'm merely doing my duty as your Guardian, while indirectly helping you with your investigation."

  I raised an eyebrow. "Why would you want to help me? You barely know me."

  The Guardian shrugged. "I tend to make good judgment of people. I've decided that you're trustworthy."

  I raised an eyebrow, yet I was slightly touched by his opinion of me. "I tend to make good judgments of people as well, yet I'm not sure about you. For all I know, you could be a Phantom spy sent to keep an eye on me."

  My comment seemed to have hit a touchy subject for the Guardian bent his head, and looked away.

  I winched at my harsh comment, but it was too late.

  After a moment in an unwanted tense silence, he spoke. "I assure you that I'm not a Phantom agent. They have affected so many people, and not in good ways. I'm here to stop the pain they have inflicted on innocent people."

  His fists were balled up, and I could practically feel the fury radiating off of him in waves.

  I was caught in between whether I should try to comfort Agent Delta, or simply say nothing.

  Mercifully, the elevator door opened to expose the main area of the Seeker building.

  We both stepped out, though Agent Delta seemed to have wanted to speed away from me.

  I felt a feeling of hurt before I quickly squashed it.

  I turned towards him. "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable." I finally said. "My comment was uncalled for. We all lost someone, and I can relate to being desperate in wanting to stop the Phantoms."

  That seemed to have caught his attention. "Lost someone? What?" His eyes widened before he whipped his head away, and practically ran down the large space.

  I was left there staring at his retreating back in confusi
on. Was it something I said?

  Chapter 11: Take My Breath Away

  I spent the next few weeks going through some leads about Martin Hill. To my minor dislike, my "bossy" Guardian kept insisting on working together. Not exactly what I had in mind, but I got tired of arguing with him.

  A few hours ago, Delta left, saying that he had to go prepare for our upcoming "appointment" with Hill. I hadn't the slightest idea on what he was doing, but I figured that it didn't matter much to me.

  It was the night of the Salute to Vienna concert, and I was more than eager to take in Martin Hill.

  I arrived back at my apartment at a quarter after four. As soon as the door was shut, I proceeded to strip off my comfortable clothes to prepare for my shower.

  I discarded the various pieces of clothing on the ground, and walked straight to the bathroom. I started the shower, and adjusted the water's temperature. Once I deemed it ok, I stepped inside, and automatically moaned in appreciation as the warm water dripped down my skin and soothed my aching muscles.

  I took my time in the shower as I spread the soap over my body, and cleaned off any filth I may have had. I wanted to stay in the shower forever, but duties pulled me away from my brief paradise.

  Grumpily, I turned off the water, and wrapped a lavender towel around me before I stepped out. Liquid droplets fell onto the tiled floor, and created a dripping sound effect.

  Slightly comforted by the sound, I took a deep breath before I went out to my room.

  The cooler air caused goose bumps to form all over my skin. I ignored them as I fetched out my evening attire. I carefully put on the delicate dress, and observed myself in the mirror.

  My dress was black and skin tight, and ended at my feet. It fit perfectly, the fabric was pulled delicately over my chest, waist, and hips. The neckline was low and formed a sloping curve to expose an acceptable amount of cleavage. There was another low cut on the back which showed of my slim back.

  I added a simple back shawl to compliment the dress, as well as to shelter me from the cool spring breeze.

  Impressed with what I had so far, I went back to the bathroom to arrange my make-up. I opted to use a bit of mascara and a smoky eye shadow to allow my dark eyes to pop out. I also applied a clear lip-gloss to my naturally plump lips.

  For my hair style, I booked an appointment with the hair stylist earlier that day to put in soft, elegant curls.

  I slightly felt like I over-exaggerated my appearance. The whole thing was probably the most dramatic make-over I have ever done since my High School prom.

  I shrugged half-heartedly as I walked towards my door. I braced one hand against the wall as I slowly put on a pair of black heels.

  Lying on the desk nearby was the mask I picked out for my outfit. It was simple and black, yet it was also covered in some diamond dust that sparkled in the light.

  I put it on, and adjusted it over my nose. I looked back at my reflection, and gasped audibly. I hardly recognized the woman in the mirror.

  A dark-haired beauty shrouded in mystery looked back at me. I smiled, and I felt my breath abandon me as the woman in the mirror smiled back. Her perfectly white teeth shimmered like pearls.

  I looked away, and double checked that my shawl was wrapped securely around my slim shoulders before I went out the door.

  Once outside, I was pleased to discover that the shawl protected me from the cool breeze as I stood outside my apartment building, waiting for the taxi I had booked hours prior.

  Minutes later, the typical sight of a yellow cab pulled up in front of me.

  I stepped inside, and instructed the driver of my destination. I leaned into my seat, and allowed myself to relax for a bit.

  The musical event was taking place at the New York Grand Theatre. I've never been there before, but I could imagine just how spectacular it would be.


  I arrived at my destination half an hour later.

  I paid the driver, and stepped out into the brightly lit entrance. I was in awe as I stared at all of the art that was portrayed. Obviously, the owner of the building spared no expense in decorating the place.

  All around me were people in elegant clothing, each of them were wore a unique mask to hide their identities.

  For a moment, I felt like I was a fair maiden attending her first ball. Now all I need is a Prince Charming, I thought in amusement.

  A butler in traditional uniform approached me with champagne. I took one just for the hell of it. I needed to fit in after all.

  As I carried my glass, I continued to walk around, and silently admired the decorations.

  Clearly distracted, I bumped into someone, which caused me to drop my barely touched champagne.

  I nearly fell over as well if it wasn't for the person holding onto my waist to keep me balanced.

  Flustered, I immediately regained my posture, and apologized. "I'm so sorry! I wasn't looking."

  The person chuckled. I looked up, and couldn't help but allow my jaw to drop slightly. Handsome couldn't even be used to describe him properly; he was drop dead gorgeous.

  I snapped my mouth shut, and reprimanded myself internally.

  I was about to politely walk away when the man placed a firm hold on my arm. "It's no problem, Miss?" He trailed off in a rich voice.

  "Moore." I answered breathlessly.

  His smile made my heart accelerate. "Would you like to dance?"

  Chapter 12: I Know You from another Place

  The request came as a surprise to me, but it also left me a bit tense. I was never a good dancer, yet the gorgeous man was asking me to do so with him in front of other people.

  Normally I wouldn't have given a damn, however, the people in attendance were of a sophisticated class. I didn't want to embarrass myself in front of the elites of society.

  After a careful debate with my inner conscious, I decided to risk it.

  I took the man's still waiting hand, and allowed him to guide me to the area that made up the dance floor. Great, he led us right to the middle.

  As if on cue, the dozen musicians began their symphony of notes. I recognized the tune as Waltz 2 by Dmitri Shostakovich. I remembered being obsessed with the song when I was a child. I would have danced with the air as I pretended that it was my partner that only I could see or feel.

  My current partner was very real, and to be honest quite attractive.

  Even under the mask, I could tell that the man had strong, masculine features. His silver mask gave him the appearance of a royal knight. Now where's his mighty steed? I thought humorously.

  He led the dance gracefully, and surprisingly I managed to follow along with no incident. I subdivided the off beats in my head as I calculatingly placed my feet at the intended spots at the right time. The man even spun me, and dipped me low.

  Just as quickly, I was pulled back up, and my face was right up to the masked man's.

  We continued to dance as he spoke. "What is your plan for your assignment, Agent Moore?"

  I gave him a look of confusion. "How did you know?"

  He gave a breath-taking smile. "I'm a Seeker agent myself: a Tracker. I'm after the same man as you are, and I believe that we can help each other." He said fluidly.

  I nodded at him. "I'm listening."

  "The concert starts in twenty five minutes. From what I've heard, Mr. Hill likes to show off his newly gained wealth, especially to young, attractive women such as yourself."

  I felt a small blush creep on my face, and was thankful for my mask. I had a feeling of what he wanted me to do.

  "Luckily you're here. I was thinking that you could go in and see what he's up to?"

  A nerve went off in my head as I recalled my earlier conversation with the Guardian.

  "I can't believe I have to do this," I said miserably.

  Delta sighed lightly. "This is just one possibility. I'm not saying to jump right in, but if it's an easier way of confronting Martin Hill, then you should do so

  "Did I mention that I hate this plan?" I asked sarcastically.

  "Yeah, about four times," Delta replied. "Anyways, whatever method you pick, you have to confront Hill before the concert starts. If you don't, there's a high chance he'll sneak out during the performance."

  I raised an eyebrow at him. "And what'll you be doing?"

  "I'll be securing the parameter, making sure that no unwanted guests are around. When you've got Hill comfortable, and preferably alone with you, I'll make my move."

  I sighed. "I'm tempted to just threaten to shoot his daddy bags unless he comes with us."

  An amused expression formed on Delta's face. "That would properly make our jobs much easier."

  I involuntarily sighed, but quickly caught myself.

  The masked man simply gave me an amused expression.

  I took the time to observe his face closely. He looked familiar.

  Abruptly, he pulled away from me. I hadn't even realized that we were right by the doors that led to the private rooms. The Tracker must have slowly led us here during our dance.

  "We have to act fast, Agent Moore. It's vital that we execute this perfectly, which is why you'll be going in now."

  I nodded grimly, displeased with the fact that I couldn't confront Hill by another means. "It's now or never." I said.

  The Tracker pointed to one of the doors. "Martin Hill is in there. You've got to go in, and act like you are interested in him. He won't be able to resist you. Mind you, I can certainly see why." He chuckled as he visibly gave me a look over.

  I was proud of myself for not ducking my head from the attention. If the Tracker considered me as attractive, then surely seducing Hill would be a piece of cake.

  Inconspicuously, I took a deep breath, and slowly made my way to the double doors. I really dreaded what I had to do.

  I felt a hand on my shoulder, and turned around to see the Tracker. "I know that you don't like this plan. Believe me, I hate it just as much as you do, however, this is our only chance at catching Hill." His voice was calm, but his eyes gave away his discomfort of the plan.

  My own eyes narrowed as warning bells in the back of my mind kept telling me that I knew the man. The Tracker only met me less than fifteen minutes ago, yet he acted like we were close partners. His eyes were so familiar, yet I couldn't place the answer.


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