What She Thought She Knew (Rachel Moore Mystery Book 1)

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What She Thought She Knew (Rachel Moore Mystery Book 1) Page 6

by Jack Parker

  The double doors collided with my back as they opened. A woman in a questionable cocktail dress came out looking like she could barely stand on her own.

  I raised an eyebrow as I took in her appearance. This was an orchestra performance lady, not a strip club.

  I shook my head, and looked behind me only to see that the Tracker was gone. I looked around in confusion. Where did he go?

  The doors opened again, letting out a bald man who appeared to be in his late thirties. He was dressed in a very expensive suit, and had a thick gold ring on his right middle finger.

  My eyes narrowed in on my prey: he was the one.

  He caught me looking at him, and then gave me a really creepy smile. "Hello there gorgeous, want to come in? I've got a lot of cash." He smiled crookedly.

  Even his voice annoyed me.

  Inwardly, I rolled my eyes at his cockiness. I almost said a rude remark, but the urge vanished as the Tracker's plan attacked my mind like vultures.

  I inconspicuously took a deep breath before I smiled sweetly at me. "Why, I'd love to go in with you." I replied as seductively as I could. I even gave him a look that I assumed was "sexy".

  Apparently it worked because Martin Hill automatically wrapped his arm around me.

  I had to suppress the urge to slap it off, and boy was it hard.

  Absently listening to him, I allowed myself to be led into the private rooms. I remembered going in hoping that whatever would have happened with Martin Hill, my bad luck wouldn't come out.

  Chapter 13: Seducing the Masquerade King

  The room inside certainly took my breath away as it made the lounge décor look like child's play. The colors were arranged in gorgeous shades of blue and silver: the rich colors of aristocracy.

  I found myself staring at the walls as there were plenty of Renaissance-themed paintings with painstaking details that would have made Picasso make a run for his money.

  Martin Hill led me towards a sitting area, his grip on my hand got increasingly tighter as if he didn't want me to "escape".

  I understood why he did it: if it wasn't for his money, no woman would have even looked at him.

  There were little to no people inside the room. The few that were occupied the bar on the far side of the room.

  Grudgingly, I allowed myself to be led to a sitting area where there were several leather couches and love seats.

  I cringed inwardly at the sight.

  Hill picked a simple maroon leather love seat that faced the solitary fireplace. I could have felt the vein on my forehead throb in annoyance due to my horrible karma.

  Martin Hill jumped onto the left side, and eagerly patted the seat next to him. He smiled crookedly at me.

  A wave of disgust threatened to overwhelm me before I forcibly took deep breaths.

  I sat down on the seat as far from Hill as possible without being rude.

  Luckily he didn't seem to notice as he waved a butler over, and took two sleek glasses of champagne.

  After giving the butler a rather generous tip, Hill turned around, and focused his attention on me. His crooked smile was still glued to his face as he passed me my champagne.

  I all too eagerly gulped it down. If I was to seduce this man, I'd need some alcohol to "set the mood". Maybe I would get woozy enough to not remember what I did.

  Feeling bold, and wanting a death wish, Hill placed a heavily ringed hand on my knee. He slowly messaged the bone. "What brings a gorgeous woman like you here?" He asked, still smiling.

  I shrugged a bit. "Oh, I came for the music. I heard that Salute to Vienna is a lovely performance." I answered lightly, though I was just dying to smack that grin off of Hill's face.

  I placed my empty glass on the table in front of my seat. I wished then more than ever that I had brought my gun. All I would have had to do was point it at Hill, and he would have started babbling out all the information I wanted.

  My physical reaction didn't betray my dark thoughts for Hill shuffled closer, still smiling. "You like music, huh?" He asked.

  I hummed my agreement. "Yes I do. It really allows one to portray their inner thoughts without the need or the uneasiness of expressing words."

  Hill's light eyebrow rose in interest. "Very true. I take it that you're a woman of few words."

  A genuine small smile appeared on my face. "Something like that." I replied softly.

  Hill proceeded to study my face in interest as he evaluated my personality. "You are remarkable. I've met only a few other women who were like you. Most of the ladies these days are just too superficial for my tastes."

  My eyebrow delicately rose in amusement. "Well, I'm not exactly 'superficial'."

  Hill chuckled in reply. "Indeed. I'd say you're a more sophisticated woman who likes to follow her own rules. I admire that: it shows that you are your own person."

  Despite the situation and who I was with, I couldn't help but feel flattered by Hill's compliments. So he's a man with smooth words.

  I crossed my legs to expose more skin. Hill seemed to have gotten the message for he daringly rubbed his hand across my thigh.

  I wasn't sure if it was the alcohol, his charm, or even a combination of both, but I felt a tiny flash of heat travel over my skin. I had to suppress a shudder as I forced myself to stay still.

  "I love music too," Hill eventually said, "but mostly I come here for the view."

  I cocked an eyebrow in mock interest. "Oh? You have an appreciation for art as well?"

  Hill glanced at me, and then chuckled while looking away. "Yeah, you could say that."

  Shockingly, the way he chuckled gave me a hint of excitement too. It seemed like Hill was seducing me instead of the other way around.

  I mentally slapped myself, and quickly pointed at a random painting. "That's such a lovely painting!" I remarked too eagerly.

  Hill glanced at the painting in interest, and leaned back into his seat. "Yes it is." He replied. "It's a copy of 'The Annunciation' by Leonardo da Vinci. It was painted during 1472 and 1475. The amazing detail about this specific painting is that when it is observed under x-ray, Gabriel the angel disappears." He finished, a sense of pride accounted in his explanation.

  I nodded, both as an excuse to keep him talking, but also in true interest. The long-dead Italian painter certainly was the most talented artist of his time.

  "What's your explanation behind the angel disappearing?" I asked.

  From the corner of my eye, I saw Hill regard me curiously before he turned back to the painting. "I would have thought that was a complete accident on da Vinci's part. However, after years of studying the painting more thoroughly, I think that da Vinci did it on purpose."

  I turned to Hill. "What makes you say that?"

  Hill smiled slightly, and seemed amused at my question. "There's always a force at work that is greater than man. We're all just puppets for the grand masters that decide on how to rule the world." With that said, Hill turned his head towards me, a faraway look in his eyes.

  What he described was sickeningly similar to our current state. If there was any doubt in my mind that this man was not affiliated with the Phantoms, his remark was definitely hard evidence.

  I decided to play it cool, and kept up the conversation. "You're very knowledgeable. I've never known many men who have expressed interest in much aside from food, sports, and you know the last."

  Hill chuckled slightly. "Anyone can pass of as 'intelligent'. Being cultured, however, is an entirely separate thing."

  "Indeed. I can see that you're a man with fine taste." I replied in the same manner as Hill did earlier.

  Hill glanced at me slightly, his green eyes darkened with what I assumed was desire. They ventured down to my cleavage as he gave the area a look-over. "Indeed I am." He said lowly.

  I barely managed to suppress another shiver as warmth spread through me

  I was momentarily shaken from my chaotic thoughts by the movement of Hill gesturing the butler to come by. Once he did, Hill whisper
ed something in his ear.

  The butler nodded in understanding, and walked towards the few occupants at the bar. After a brief talk, they all made their way towards the double doors.

  A few moments later, the sound of the door closing was the only thing that interrupted the still silence.

  I shifted my view to Hill who placed his champagne glass on the table. "You know," he started, "I've been coming to social events like this for a while, and I have never met a woman as extraordinary as you. You intrigue me."

  I met Hill's intense gaze with my own slightly blurred vision. My lips parted as I found myself breathing in more deeply.

  Hill leaned forward until his nose barely touched mine.

  Even though my mind was screaming at me that this man was the enemy, I found that I couldn't move away. It was like I was ready to give in and let Hill take my body and mind to inexplicable places.

  After a moment of just staring at each other, Hill finally pressed his lips against mine.

  I thought that I would have been repulsed by the kiss, but strangely I found it enjoyable. I found myself kissing back, and Hill took that as an encouragement to go further. He wrapped his arms around me like a snake, and lazily trailed them over my back.

  Eventually, they rested on my zipper and absently played with it.

  Slowly, Hill gently pushed me back onto the sofa, and pressed his body flat against mine.

  Immediately, I was pulled from my spell, and panicked at my position disadvantage. Oh crap, I thought in alarm.

  I struggled, and Hill quickly leaned up. "What's wrong?" He asked breathlessly. "You do want this, don'tyou?"

  I opened my mouth, but then shut it once more. What was the truth? Honestly, I didn't want to know.

  "Get off of her!" A voice shouted.

  Both Hill and I whipped our heads toward the source of the burst. I huffed in exasperation. He chose now to show up?

  Suddenly, a swishing noise ripped through the silence. Hill abruptly yelped as a knife sliced through his hand. Blood gushed out, and Hill grabbed a hold of it with his other hand.

  He then glanced down at me, and glared. "You don't happen to have a psychotic boyfriend, do you?"

  I blinked dumbly. By the way Mr. Hill, I was sent here to arrest you. If you were lucky, the sex would have been an added bonus.

  Hill yelped again as another knife nearly hit his shoulder.

  He shuffled off of me, and took out a pistol. "Show yourself, coward!"

  "Let the lady go." The person answered threateningly.

  Hill immediately turned his head towards me, and pointed his gun at me. "Who the hell are you?" He hissed at me.

  The last details were a blur for me.

  One minute Hill had a gun pointed at me, the next I was thrown to the ground as Hill flew off of me.

  A single gunshot was released as my mask came off, exposing my flushed face to the cooler air.

  From where I laid on the floor, I could hear the sound of struggling as kicks and punches were exchanged.

  Finally, after a nasty sounding punch, the vibration of someone dropping to their knees and falling over radiated across the floor.

  I then heard footsteps come towards me, and I tensed until I looked up to see Agent Delta standing over me. "Need help there, or are you just enjoying the view?" He asked.

  It sounded like a joke, yet the Guardian's tone was anything but.

  I scowled at him before I pushed myself up.

  As soon as I got on my feet, I began to lose my balance.

  Luckily Agent Delta reacted quickly and held onto me.

  "Are you alright Agent Moore?" He asked, concern was evident in his voice. "You seemed… close to Hill." His strained to finish.

  I felt ashamed at myself for allowing Hill to affect me that much.

  I mumbled in Delta's shirt, but found myself pressed against his chest… his muscled chest.

  Had I not been feeling ready to pass out, I would have blushed at the discovery.

  I pulled away when he couldn't understand me. "I'm fine." I replied tiredly. "What about Hill?"

  Right on cue, a Seeker team came in, and walked over to the unconscious form of Martin Hill.

  I checked to see if the Tracker was with them. Confusion filled me when I didn't see him.

  Exhaustion overcome me, and I yawned quietly. I turned to face the Guardian. "Can we leave now?" I asked tiredly.

  Agent Delta nodded.

  Courteously, he picked me up bridal style, and walked through the empty dance hall. He exited the grand theater, and entered the parking lot.

  He brought me to his sleek black sedan, and gently placed me inside before getting in.

  The car ride was awkward, needless to say. Delta kept a vice-like grip on the steering wheel, and never once did he glance at me.

  I bit my lip as I desperately wanted to say something, anything to prove to Delta that I wasn't some cheap whore who was ready to get it on with Hill.

  Instead, I stayed quiet, and suffered in silence.

  Before I knew it we were back at my place. Agent Delta was even kind enough to carry me to my apartment.

  Once we reached my door, he pulled out a set of keys, and inserted one of them inside the key hole.

  It opened, which disturbed me. I was too stunned to do anything other than blink in amazement.

  Agent Delta walked over to the living room, and set me down gently.

  He then turned me around to face him. "Are you sure that you're alright?" He repeated, his silver eyes unusually dark.

  I nodded as I was too tired to talk.

  Agent Delta glanced at me with an unreadable look before he stood up.

  With that, he turned away, and left my apartment, shutting the door softly.

  When I glanced at the clock, I realized that it was just past ten. I made my way to my bedroom and carelessly slammed the door shut.

  I flopped down on my bed. I was completely exhausted that I didn't bother to take off my dress… nor did I notice my family portrait resting upright on top of my desk.

  Chapter 14: A Little Bird Told Me

  I woke up the next morning with a killer hang-over. I had hoped that I would have no recollection of the previous night, but even my dreams acted as a reminder of what I had almost done.

  I was so ashamed and embarrassed that for once, I actually cared about what people thought of me. Especially Agent Delta.

  I wasn't ready to face him, yet I couldn't just avoid him my whole life.

  I grudgingly got out of bed, and carefully slipped out of my dress.

  I hastily took a shower as I imagined scrubbing off the filth that Hill contaminated me with.

  Once I was done, I dressed in my usual attire, and downed a cup of black coffee with an aspirin pill.

  I sighed as I went out of my apartment.

  I went straight to Seeker HQ where Martin Hill was being held. The thought of him made me feel flustered.

  As I entered the building, something unusual stirred within my gut.

  I looked around me to see if anything was out of the ordinary. Right away I noticed that there were more security guards than usual. The difference wasn't hugely noticeable, yet their presence seemed to have increased the unease I felt.

  Nothing else in particular caught my attention, aside from a handful of passing high ranked Seeker members with blanched faces.

  I looked at them with a questioning glance.

  Once they left my line of sight, I turned my head away.

  I entered the elevator. As I waited for my level to arrive, I shifted my weight from my hip to another to try to push aside my unease.

  Despite my discomfort, I made my way to the interrogation hallway as soon as the elevator door opened.

  The area was a few levels underground as the subjects tended to get…talkative.

  The prisoners we brought back were usually scum taken off the streets that enjoyed yelling out profanities of bringing down the Seekers, and other inappropriate commen
ts I rather not mention.

  They were completely ruthless in their everyday handlings, but were surprisingly very knowledgeable about the Phantoms. Martin Hill was no exception.

  I continued walking until I stood right outside the interrogation room.

  Inside was the one and only Martin Hill. He was unbound, however, various Warriors surrounded the walls on the inside.

  Sitting in front of him with their back towards me was whom I presumed was the interrogator. From the look on Hill's face, he was scared shitless despite his best attempts at not appearing bothered.

  I let out a brief chuckle as I could have only imagined how the interrogator threatened Hill to get him to sweat like that.

  I caught movement from the corner of my eye. I turned around, and saw Agent Delta walk towards me.

  "Good morning Agent Moore." He said politely.

  "… Morning," I replied back cautiously.

  I didn't want to bring up any reminders from last night, yet Delta didn't seem to be upset about it.

  Instead, he stopped beside me, and faced the observation window. His proximity made me feel even more edgy.

  I studied him discreetly as he observed the ongoing interrogation, his dark eyebrows narrowed in concentration.

  My gaze traced his masculine face, picking out all of the detail I hadn't noticed before. He had thin line of barely noticeable freckles spotting over his nose, adding a splash of color to his pale face. His lips were a pleasant shade of pink, and glistened in the light.

  My heart began beating harder the more I studied him. My breathing became shallower as if I was falling into a trance.

  "He seems to have a lot of knowledge on the Phantoms." Agent Delta finally commented.

  I jumped slightly at the unexpected remark.

  The Guardian continued. "Your contact was well informed."

  I continued to examine Delta's neutral face as I looked for any give away of his thoughts.

  He appeared too calm, there was no tightening of his facial muscles nor any pressure on his lips.

  With no success, I answered back. "Indeed. He was verywell informed."


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