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What She Thought She Knew (Rachel Moore Mystery Book 1)

Page 14

by Jack Parker

  He took us to his room.

  His personal items were arranged in an organized fashion on the round table. There was a double-sized bed on the far wall.

  John rummaged through a box, and took out two sleek bottles.

  He then went to the kitchenette and grabbed two clean glasses.

  He placed all of the articles on the table, and filled both glasses with the amber liquid. "In times like these, I like to call upon a dear friend of mine: beer." He said as he placed the filled glass in front of me.

  I snorted in amusement. "You're a man of fine taste." I mocked as I held the glass.

  John smirked. "And you're a woman with a smart mouth. I'm surprised that you haven't killed anyone yet with just an appropriate choice of words."

  I chose to ignore his remark.

  I took a deep breath, and then brought my glass up. "Cheers," I started, "to the end of the world."

  John raised his own glass. "May you be in heaven for half an hour, before the devil knows you're dead."

  We clinked our glasses together after our bizarre toast, and took generous swings of the cool alcohol.

  When I was done, I set my glass on the counter. "Well, talk about being positive." I remarked sarcastically.

  John snorted at my remark. "We're in the middle of a war; if you were acting positive, I'd suspect that you were on drugs."

  I chuckled lowly. "I'd think the same thing."

  John shook his head in amusement, and brought out two more beer bottles.

  He filled our glasses again, and downed half in one go.

  He sighed loudly. "I can't believe Fear and I are being sent to go babysit some luxurious building."

  I snorted. "At least you're doing something. The rest of us are being called back to New York as if we have a curfew." I paused to drink my beer. "I can only imagine what sort of assignment they could give to us 'low-leveled' agents."

  John went still, and regarded me with a serious look. "Come on, Rachel. You know that HQ doesn't see you as inferior. You're a Scout. Reconnaissance is just as hard as going in head first. It's probably even harder." He then rested his arms on the counter. "Your rank is a great asset to Warriors; you go in and search the area to ensure their safety. You're practically like their Guardian."

  I smiled slightly at his attempt to make me feel useful. "Thanks John." I said quietly.

  Said person nodded in return.

  I downed the rest of my drink, and then grinned lopsided. "Since we're parting ways, does that still make you my Guardian?" I joked.

  John's eyes widened at my question.

  He then relaxed as he saw my smile. "I believe so." He replied. "After all, the Directors never gave me the order to let you go."

  I then stared at John intently. "Let me go, huh?"

  John noticed my change of mood, and stared at me with an unfamiliar expression.

  His grey eyes seemed to have turned into molten silver, and my breath hitched.

  It was just like the night at Salute to Vienna, although this time it was definitely willingly on my part.

  John stepped around the table, and pulled me up.

  I stared at him expectantly.

  He looked back. "Rachel, what were you really going to say back in the conference room?" He asked.

  I opened my mouth, but shut it quickly. I gave him a sad smile as I hoped that my eyes would have somehow been able to tell him what I could not say. "You know that I'm bad with words." I tried to joke.

  John nodded.

  I then placed my hands on his chest, and looked at him through a slightly hazed vision. "But perhaps I could show you."

  John's eyes widened momentarily, before they closed shut as I trailed my hands all over his muscular chest until they reached the lining of his shirt.

  I looked up at him as I voicelessly asked for permission.

  John nodded, and placed his hands over mine.

  Together, we swiftly took off his shirt.

  I couldn't help but stare in appreciation. It was as if a sculptor made him.

  I flicked my eyes upward.

  John's eyes were shining brightly even in the dim light.

  His face then curved into a smile. "You like what you see?" He asked teasingly.

  A slight blush colored my face. "You're… beautiful." I said quietly.

  John chuckled slightly, though there was a hint of bashfulness in his manner.

  He placed his hands behind my head, and gently removed my ponytail.

  My hair came down in long, thick waves. I shook my head to adjust their position.

  The Guardian caressed my hair, trailing lightly over my skull and down to the ends.

  I stifled a shiver at the intimate gesture.

  In return, I traced my thin fingers over John's well defined jaw. I held my fingers still when they touched his smooth lips.

  John took both of my hands, and kissed them softly. His eyes glimmered like molten silver shining under a light.

  He smiled at me tenderly as his eyes examined every aspect of my face.

  I smiled shyly as a result

  John then grabbed me by my hips, and brought me closer. He brought his face close to mine, causing my heart to accelerate like a race car.

  As he leaned forward, I parted my lips slightly.

  His lips hovered over mine, his warm breath caused me to tremble slightly.

  At last, he pressed his lips against mine, and I closed my eyes.

  The sensation was amazing: his soft lips fit perfectly against mine, allowing all of my nerves to become electrified in pleasure.

  I wrapped my arms around his neck as his hold on me tightened.

  John slid his tongue through my parted mouth, and began teasing my own.

  Not one to give up so easily, my tongue met his, and the small muscles engaged in a minor battle.

  I giggled slightly, the movement caused me to lick John's bottom lip.

  He growled lowly which aroused a mixture of feelings within me.

  I bit his bottom lip before pulling away.

  Completely flushed, I rested my head on John's shoulder.

  He wrapped his strong arms around me in an embrace.

  We stood in that position for who knew how long as we just enjoyed each other's company. It was possibly the last time we would have ever seen each other.

  The frightening thought made me tense up.

  John leaned back slightly to look at me. "Are you alright Rachel?" He asked in concern.

  I shook my head. "I'm not, John. We have no idea what will happen, and we're being sent off to probably our deaths. Predator was right: this whole situation is a bunch of bullshit."

  John tensed up, but quickly relaxed.

  He ran his fingers through my hair.

  The gesture soothed me a little, but I kept on talking. "It's bad enough that we're not 100% sure of what the Phantoms are up to, but the one good thing in my damn life since my family is now being taken away from me!" I automatically shut up, though I didn't dare to look up at John.

  His chest vibrated, and when I mustered the courage to look at his face, I realized that he was laughing.

  He looked down at me, and smiled. "So, I'm the current best thing in your life, huh?" He grinned.

  I scowled, and slapped his chest lightly.

  That only made him laugh louder.

  Eventually, I joined in on the laughter, and was happy that we were able to find a momentary distraction from the cruel reality.

  We stopped after a few minutes, and John took my face in his hands. "Don't be sad, Rachel. Once this is all over, I will come back. After all, I am your Guardian."

  I chuckled slightly at his comment.

  John looked deep into my eyes. "And know that you too are the best thing that has happened to me since this damn war started."

  My heart skipped a beat. So he does feel the same way…

  "You better come back." I said.

  John leaned down, and kissed me hard.

  I re
sponded back right away, and wrapped my legs around his waist.

  He held onto them as he led us to the bed.

  He gently placed me on the mattress, but I pulled him down with me.

  The fall caused our lower regions to rub against each other.

  We both groaned as a result.

  John leaned back. "Rachel," he said tenderly, "are you sure you want this?"

  I smiled, and pecked him softly on the lips. "I've never been surer in all my life." I replied breathlessly.

  John's eyes softened, causing the blue in them to pop out more.

  He smiled, and then kissed me softly.

  I wrapped my arms around his neck, and lightly trailed my fingers around the area.

  John broke the kiss to nib at my neck.

  I moaned quietly, and caressed John's strong shoulders.

  He continued to leave a trail of kisses down my collar bone before he slid a hand inside my shirt, and rubbed my firm stomach.

  I held a breath in anticipation as I waited for him to make the next move.

  He grabbed the end of my shirt, and looked at me expectantly.

  I nodded, and he immediately pulled my shirt over my head to reveal my simple black bra.

  He untangled the piece of clothing, and threw it on the ground.

  I couldn't help but blush as John gave my chest an appreciative look-over.

  He pressed his lips against my skin and kissed the area.

  I moaned in pleasure, and arched my chest upwards.

  John took that as encouragement, and continued his pampering.

  Eventually, the rest of our clothing came off, and we fell into a harmonious pattern.

  I never felt more alive and whole than I did with John at that moment. I knew that I wanted to spend my life with him.

  John collapsed beside me, and brought me in his arms.

  I shuffled closer, and rested my head under his chin.

  He kissed my hair, and rubbed my shoulder affectionately.

  "That was… amazing." I said breathlessly.

  John chuckled deeply. "Yeah, it certainly was." He said.

  I lifted my head up to meet his gaze. "You better come back. I'm looking forward to next time." I smiled slyly.

  John smiled at me sleepily. "I am too." He whispered.

  My eyes softened at his appearance, and my heart curled in adoration.

  I kissed him softly, and resumed my resting position.

  John's embrace slightly tightened, and I've never felt safer than in his arms.

  I then closed my eyes, and fell into a blissful sleep.

  Chapter 23: Calm before the Storm

  I woke up feeling much more rested than ever. I tilted my head up, and my eyes softened at the sight of my sleeping Guardian.

  He looked so peaceful.

  I leaned forward to place a kiss on his cheek.

  My gesture roused him a bit, and a moment later one of his precious eyes opened. "Do we have to wake up?" He asked cutely.

  I giggled slightly. "Well, we could always just say 'to hell with this' and stay in bed… alone… where we're naked." I said slyly as I wiggled an eyebrow suggestively.

  That automatically got John's attention.

  He opened his other eye, and regarded me with lust.

  He then pinned me to the bed, and kissed me all over.

  I laughed, and flipped our positions so that John was pinned to the bed.

  I grinned. "How about you and I just walk out, and go travel the world."

  John mocked contemplating on my suggestion. "Hmm, that's a tempting offer, though our journey will most likely be cut short by Phantom agents trying to kill us."

  I huffed in annoyance. "You're such a kill-joy." I pretended to be upset.

  It was John's turn to grin. "Yeah, but you love that about me!"

  You have no idea how much I love you, I thought.

  I sighed, and grudgingly got out of the warm bed. "We better get dressed." I suggested.

  I grabbed my pieces of clothing from their various locations.

  My face flushed as I found my underwear hanging on the ceiling fan.

  I put them on, along with the rest of my clothes.

  I caught John staring at me.

  I raised an eyebrow in question, but he merely smirked. "What? I'm just enjoying the show."

  I flipped him the bird which caused him to laugh.

  I muttered to myself about men being perverts, and waited for John to get dressed as well.

  Once he did so, John embraced me. "Be careful, Rachel. I won't be around to protect you," he said.

  I rested my head on his shoulder, and inhaled deeply his masculine scent. "I'll be fine. You'll be the one under the most danger."

  John grunted, and placed his lips over mine.

  I wrapped my arms around his neck, and deepened the kiss.

  John ran his hands all over my back, and eventually pulled back.

  He let out a breath. "I guess this is it."

  I nodded, though I struggled to not get too emotional. You knew this was coming, Rachel. Be happy that you had at least one night with him.

  I hid my face underneath John's chin, while his hold on me tightened.

  We stayed in that position for as long as we could, granting our bodies the memories of our joining.

  Tears prickled my vision. You will see him again, I thought reassuringly.

  Against my wishes, John pulled away completely, and looked at me regretfully. "I should get ready…" He said.

  I nodded, unable to say anything else.

  John kissed me softly on my forehead.

  I gave him a small smile, before I left.

  Once I was in the privacy of my room, I pressed myself roughly against the door, and slid down as I covered my face with my arms.

  For the first time in seven years, I cried.


  After my brief crying session, I took my time to compose myself.

  I decided to put on some light pink lipstick to add more color to my unusually pale skin.

  When I deemed myself presentable, I took a deep breath, and walked out of my room.

  I made my way to the garage where Elvira and Olsen were placing various boxes in the van.

  They turned towards me.

  I nodded at them in greeting. "Morning." I said.

  "Good morning." They replied simultaneously.

  I walked over to the steadily lessening pile of boxes, and proceeded to help them finish packing.

  Not long afterwards, Predator and Gizmo came in with their personal belongings.

  They added their belongings to the van.

  A sleek black car pulled up, and a man with shades got out.

  He took out a phone, before eventually putting it back in his pocket.

  He caught me staring at him, and nodded in acknowledgment.

  I realized that he was there for John and Fear.

  I was pulled from my thoughts by the sound of the trunk closing.

  We all got in and made our way to the airport.

  Our flight was at 8am.

  I absentmindedly looked at my watch and saw that it was 7:05am.

  I coughed. "So, you guys ready to kick some Phantom ass?"

  Predator replied for the whole group. "Hell yeah. No way will any Phantom bastard get us." He grinned at the last remark.

  I leaned back into my chair, somewhat relieved at the fact that Predator seemed back to normal. Or as normal as a crazy Demolitions Expert could be.


  The drive to the airport was quiet, and within thirty minutes we arrived at the runway.

  We carefully loaded our expensive equipment onto the plane.

  To distract myself, I helped out with the loading by purposely taking the heavier articles.

  Together, we managed to load the plane in just under fifteen minutes.

  As I looked at my watch, I noticed that we were ahead of schedule.<
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  The ground crew was extremely helpful and cleared the area of any unwanted materials. They also moved the van out of the way.

  The remainder of my team and I boarded the plane, and sat down in various parts of the sitting area.

  As usual, Gizmo was busily typing away at his laptop, and allowed Olsen to glance curiously at the screen.

  Predator sat down awkwardly, as if unsure whether he should have been here or not.

  "You all right?" I asked

  Said person glanced at me in surprise, but relaxed into his seat. "I'm fine boss," he replied. "It's just weird because I haven't been home in three years."

  I nodded, and he turned his attention to staring out the window.

  "Fasten your seat belts as we will commence take off." The pilot announced.

  I did what was instructed, and leaned back in my chair.

  I inhaled deeply in an attempt to calm myself.

  Within minutes, the plane sped down the runaway, and was up in the air, the city of Rome steadily disappeared below us the higher we went.

  I exhaled hard through my nose as I did my best to not think about my painful goodbye with John.

  He continued to plague my mind.

  I opted for taking a nap in hopes of allowing my mind to go blank.

  I adjusted my position in my seat, and not too long afterwards I began to doze off.


  The sound of low murmur woke me up from my nap.

  I saw the figures of Elvira, Predator and Gizmo huddled together.

  I checked my watch, and saw that I'd been asleep for around three hours.

  I rubbed my stiff neck, and stood up.

  I made my way to the agents, though they stiffened as I approached them. "What's going on?" I asked.

  "Something's really weird boss." Gizmo replied. "About fifteen minutes ago, our systems received a signal, and it's gone completely dark. I have no idea where it came from."

  I furrowed my eyebrows in worry as an unsettling feeling took place in my gut. "What could have caused this?"

  Gizmo shrugged. "I can't tell boss. We're running blind, essentially."

  The appearance of Olsen startled me from my worries.

  He too looked concerned. "Agent Moore, the pilot is requesting to speak with you."

  I gave him a look of confusion, but did what the Scout told me.

  I stepped out of the sitting area, and proceeded up the stairs to the cockpit.


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