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Skinny Dipping

Page 50

by Alicia M Kaye


  Despite herself, Sophie rushed home and changed before arriving at the Highbury Aquatic Centre. She spent an age putting on her makeup, and a new flowing dress that Matthew hadn’t seen before, pale pink in colour.

  She arrived at the swimming centre early and walked around the block twice, trying not to seem too eager. Finally hunger forced her to push the door open. What did it matter if she was early? She was hungry. Why should she stroll around in the dark waiting for him to finish up?

  She pushed the reception door open. Matthew looked up from the counter.

  “You’re early.” His eyes twinkled. “I thought you were incredibly busy? I haven’t yet shut up shop.”

  “I’m starving.” She stood by the doorway, leaving it slightly ajar, not wanting to seem too keen or too desperate. “I can wait outside it you like?”

  “No come in, I don’t mind at all,” he said, his eyes scanning her outfit. “You’ve even had time to go home and get changed.”

  “Look, if you’re going to tease me, I’ll just wait outside. I’ll leave this door open.”

  He nodded. “It’s been quiet tonight. You’re in luck – since the pool is deserted I will just shut the centre now. Want to help me ‘lock up’ so we can get out of here?”

  “Sure,” she said, slowly and, looking down at her high heels, wondered what the ‘lock up’ of a swimming centre consisted of. “So you lured me to your pool to work for you….” She supposed locking up only included shutting the door firmly behind them when they left. Her stomach growled.

  He shot her a mischievous look, a smile reaching every corner of his face. “Just because you look utterly beautiful tonight doesn’t mean you can’t help me turn the lights off. What do you say, princess?”

  “Oh, well,” she said, feeling quite flustered at the compliment. “You shouldn’t say things like that. Of course I can help you turn lights off.”

  “Say things like what?” he asked, his voice loaded with innocence.

  “You know what I mean,” she said.

  “I don’t believe I do.” He skirted around the reception, and walked through the turnstiles and into the pool centre.

  Sophie glanced fleetingly at the open door. They’d be out soon. She left her post and followed him into the centre.

  Matthew was already gathering up the floating lane dividers. The pool was eerily silent. He proceeded to pack the pool equipment into a cupboard. He strode to the male changing room. She hovered outside wondering what her role was in this ‘lock up’. She poked her head inside and watched him by the doorway. He collected towels which had been left by forgetful members. As Matthew turned off the lights in the male changing room, Sophie thought of a way she could help out.

  “I’ll switch off the lights in the women’s changing room.” She raced from the male changing room to the female changing rooms. Amazingly, Matthew followed her inside the ladies area.

  “What?” he said, responding to her shocked expression as he collected a single shoe from the floor.

  “Guys aren’t supposed to be in here.”

  “It’s a clean up. No one’s actually using the changing room. My, my, my.” He stared at her. “You are definitely a princess. Look how flushed you’ve become.”

  “I’m not flushed.”

  “Sophie, are you a prude? I wouldn’t have picked that,” he teased.

  She switched the light off and left him chuckling to himself in the darkness. She felt her cheeks grow hot as she moved toward the swimming pool grandstand.

  “Princess, are you afraid of being a prude?” He yelled from somewhere in the centre.

  She sat down on one of the grandstand seats, suddenly agitated. She certainly wasn’t a prude. “I’m daring,” she called out in response. She stood up then sat back down, looking at the pool glittering below the vaulted skylight.

  He appeared from the women’s changing rooms. She stood up, leaning quite coolly on the grandstand chairs. “I’m daring and I’m certainly not a prude,” she insisted.

  “We’ll see,” he said with a dangerous glint in his smile. He turned around. “I’m pretty much done, I just need to put these items in lost property and we can go. You never know when someone’s going to come to claim their things – especially the kids. They lose things all the time. It’s very annoying.”

  She nodded her head. “Take all the time you want and I’ll just sit here being prudish, twiddling my thumbs, waiting for you,” she continued. “Though you must admit, I helped create a definitely non-prudish campaign for your swimming centre. It was very daring I’ll have you know.”

  He shot her another one of his dangerous smiles. “Okay,” he said and disappeared into one of the back rooms.

  “Where are we going tonight?” Her voice echoed round the complex.

  A hissing sound filtered around the centre like a generator was switched off. All of the lights in the auditorium went out.

  Sophie stood up abruptly. It was dark. Pitch black. After a moment, her eyes adjusted to the moonlight streaming in through the vaulted skylight, casting everything in dim shadows.

  “You all right princess?” he chuckled, his voice echoing in the darkness. “You knew I was shutting the shop. That includes turning off the lights. I did mention that.”

  “I’m fine,” she said, sliding along the grandstand seating.

  She heard his footsteps first. His figure moved in the blackness like an assassin. At first, only his outline was visible. Her eyes struggled to adjust as he appeared directly in front of her. He must have done the same thing thousands of time, roamed round the pool, because he found her standing by the grandstand quite easily.

  A silence grew between them. “I have a few ideas of where we can go tonight, did you want to hear them?” he finally said.

  “Sure.” She took a step forward, hoping to follow him out of the pool centre. Matthew could be her guide. But she had stepped right into him because he hadn’t moved anywhere. He remained still.

  Without saying a word Matthew pulled her close. Her breathing was quite fast. Then she felt his lips on hers. He began to kiss her intensely and she couldn’t help but respond.

  She pulled away, panting. “Is this like a date?” She asked him point blank. “I mean after New Year’s Eve you called my office but not me directly.”

  He gently kissed her forehead, then her nose, and her eyebrows. “I didn’t want you to think I was taking advantage of you when you were vulnerable with your dad in the hospital. I wanted us to be, you know, special. The timing right and everything. You didn’t ever call me back though. I thought I would at least get a chance to chat to you.”

  That made sense she supposed, and then his mouth was on hers again. His tongue probed, soft and gentle. She pulled away; this was moving very fast. Possibly too fast.

  “I thought you were taking me out, to thank me for my hard work?” she said, even though her arms were firmly round his shoulders, and then sliding over his tapering back and down to his exquisite torso – one she’d seen in swimming trunks many, many times. Her eyes were beginning to adjust to the dim light. He was so incredibly handsome.

  His eyes flashed a brilliant blue. “I thought we were having quite a lot of fun here. You were showing me that you weren’t a prude.” He kissed the nape of her neck, sending shivers running up and down her spine. She felt his hardness press against her.

  She laughed. “Well, well. I think you might need to find a way to cool down if we’re going to go out somewhere.”

  “Really?” he chuckled.


  “Okay then,” he said suddenly, and through the darkness, she noticed he was starting to unbutton his shirt. “Let’s cool down.”

  “That’s not cooling things down, is it?”

  “Come on, give it a go.”

  “Here? No chance.”

  “Or….” He ran a hand over her breasts. “I could help you? I dare you. Dare you to shed your prudish ways,�
�� he breathed. Then he stopped and took a step back away from her. She could see him unbuttoning his trousers. “Come on. Take the Silver Swimming Centre challenge. Dip with me.”

  “I’m scared of the water.”

  “What baloney. You used to be scared of the water. I’ll be very close to you in the water. You won’t be able to get me away, I promise you that.”

  “I think it’s easier if you just kiss me out here.”

  “Come on. I dare you.” Matthew removed one sock with an element of showmanship. “It’s a physical challenge, Sophie. You asked me to cool down and I will. But will you dare to step up? Show me your true colours.”

  A fear grew. If she jumped in the water, would anything go wrong? No. She’d jumped in the water like Eve had shown her many times. She could tread water now, find the bottom. She was shivering just at the thought of jumping in.

  “A challenge is a challenge,” Matthew mused.

  Sophie moved silently and quickly. She slid her dress off over her head, then removed her high heels. The question came about whether she should jump into the pool in her underwear or not. She slid them to her ankles and discarded them on the floor. He could only see the silhouette of her bottom anyway and at least he wouldn’t see her moon tan.

  She breathed heavily as she ran to the edge of the pool. Excitement and fear rippled through her body. Her stomach flipped, somersaulted, practically gyrated inside. She had to fight the fear and trust herself. And of course, trust Matthew because he’d be there. He said he’d be there.

  Sophie jumped. A thrill rushed through her. A scream escaped from her lips. She almost laughed hysterically as Matthew’s positive chant rushed through her thoughts as her body plunged into the water. I love swimming. I love swimming. I love swimming!

  Water enveloped her body. Instantly she found her feet. Trying to keep calm, she fought off the darkness, the scary water. She stood up. She was in control. Her feet were on the ground, her nose above water. She was safe.

  She heard a splash from the other side of the pool as Matthew dived in. Through the dimness, she identified his figure torpedoing toward her.

  His head broke through the surface, only inches away. He shook droplets from his hair. There was a strange stillness between them. Neither of them moved.

  She felt a sense of danger and it wasn’t just because she was fighting off visions of choking on the water in the dark. The greater danger seemed to be all about Matthew. Danger of getting caught naked with him in a public pool (it didn’t matter if he owned it). Danger of being almost one hundred percent at his mercy because she wasn’t completely on the same level of comfort here in the water. Danger of succumbing to the excitement building in her body and wanting him – badly.

  She felt an intense hunger soar through her as his head bobbed in the water, centimetres from hers. Danger forgotten, their lips connected with ferocity and their bodies responded with urgent longing.

  He stopped kissing her and picked her body up like she was weightless. He carried her, gliding her over the surface. He took her to the step. Oh the trusty step. The step which kept her safe for so long against the demands of Matthew’s swimming lessons. Here she was again….

  Placing her on the stairs, he lay her down like an offering.

  “You’re beautiful,” he whispered.

  She returned his kisses, grasping at him greedily. And then things became quite out of control. In a frenzied manner they groped for the other, but through the darkness, a light flashed on, bouncing around the centre.

  They both froze.

  The illumination wasn’t on in the pool itself, but Sophie knew it was somewhere close because they could see the light. There was a distinct crash in the foyer.

  “What the hell was that?” Matthew muttered. “No one’s supposed to be here.”

  “Matthew?” A male voice called.

  “Damn,” Matthew cursed. “Get out of here.” He quietly leapt out of the pool and helped Sophie up the steps.

  “Righto,” she mumbled.

  “I’m just doing lost property,” Matthew yelled, gathering his clothing.

  Sophie scooped up her clothes, and streaked toward the women’s changing room. A realisation hit her, she was naked in the public pool and they were about to get caught. Flinging a glance over her shoulder, she saw Matthew was manically pulling on his shorts, and practically tearing his t-shirt over his head at the same time. “I’m just packing up the lanes,” he called. His voice did not betray him. He stayed absolutely calm.

  Sophie reached the changing room and dressed with shaking hands. Her heart beat wildly as she struggled to pull her dress over her damp body. She didn’t have a towel.

  There were voices in the swimming centre reception. Matthew’s was overly loud, laughing oddly about how busy it had been that night. Listening to the conversation, Sophie realised he was talking to the security guard.

  The security guard had noticed the front door ajar and investigated because the lights were turned off in the centre. Funny that.

  Sophie cursed as she combed her fingers through her wet hair realising it was her fault that the doors had been left open. She’d left the door open thinking they were simply going to leave the centre after lock up.

  Why was it that at that moment, when they were finally getting it together, that the security guard decided to make his rounds? Of all the luck. She paced the changing room awkwardly in the darkness, not daring to turn the light on. She wondered whether she should simply just go to the reception.

  “Sophie?” Matthew was suddenly outside the ladies changing room, a large grin stretched across his face. “The coast is clear. It was just security.”

  Sophie smiled. Their skinny dipping adventure, their skinny dipping secret, was safe.

  He stood close to her, and she found herself convulsing with laugher. He was so close and his mouth found its way on hers. But he pulled away, and adopted a serious tone. “Why don’t we get out of here?” he said. “Security is still around, and I’m going to go mad if they interrupt us again.”

  He grabbed her hand and very quickly guided her through the swimming centre, locking the front door with haste. He led her to his car and drove in silence. Occasionally Matthew’s hand fell off the Porsche’s gear stick and found its way to her leg.

  They reached his apartment and suddenly he became very quiet as he let her inside and showed her around. “Would you like to have a shower or something?” he asked. “Yes, have a shower and I’ll get us something to drink,” he insisted, directing her to a large bathroom where he closed the door behind her.

  Sophie showered and anticipation bubbled around her. She was quick and dried herself off with one of the thick, white fluffy towels in his bathroom.

  She tried to stop her hands shaking, probably from anticipation, as she put her dress back on. Sophie looked endlessly round the bathroom for some type of hairbrush. Of course, there wasn’t one. Matthew was a male. He probably didn’t need to worry about having tangle free hair. She used her fingers to comb the strands, almost scratching at her scalp, hoping not to look like a raggedy cat. Finally she finished and assessed her appearance in the mirror. She looked as good as possible without a hairdryer and a case of makeup. Inhaling to slow her racing pulse, she left the bathroom.

  She wandered cautiously down the corridor. The apartment was huge, and she noticed soft lights coming from what could only be the large living room. There were shadows flickering on the wall and she realised he’d lit candles while she was getting ready. A silver ice bucket stood in the middle of the room. Matthew wasn’t anywhere in sight.

  “Wow,” she murmured, taking in his apartment. The living area was nothing like she’d expected, with brightly coloured walls. She could barely concentrate as she examined the paintings, and of course he had sculptures. What millionaire wouldn’t have collectable pieces of art? She picked up a figurine of a woman and almost dropped it when she heard a noise behind her.
br />   Clumsily she put the figurine back on the mantelpiece and swivelled around.

  Matthew sat on a black leather couch. He leaned almost lazily, his hand hanging over the armrest. He watched her intently with a hungry expression on his face. A smell of shampoo floated round the room. He must have showered as well.

  “How long have you been there?” she asked.

  “Not long,” he replied, rising from the suite. He walked to the ice bucket, popped the cork and poured her a glass of champagne. He handed the glass to her and indicated she should sit.

  She sat on the sofa and crossed her legs, then uncrossed them. Then she crossed them again.

  He turned from the ice bucket, stopped with the bottle poised midair, from where he poured his own glass. “I didn’t say, but you look lovely, much better than the dirty pool rat.”

  “Dirty pool rat? I don’t think so,” she exclaimed, and he howled again with laughter.

  “Yep, dirty pool rat, or should I say sexy sea minx? Your curls are bouncing everywhere, in all directions.”

  She ran a hand through her hair. “What about you?”

  “What about me?” Matthew approached.

  “You looked like a ….”

  “Come on Miss Magic with Words. What did I look like?”

  Frightfully sexy was the first term which came through her mind. “Like a…starfish.”

  “Nope. Not hairy enough, so I can’t be a starfish.”

  “Coral, then. You looked like a piece of coral.”

  “Too spiky,” he shook his head. “At least I know my underwater creatures. We should go diving some time.”


  He laughed. “What am I going to do with you?” He raised his glass to her. Their gaze locked. She practically inhaled the drink.

  “You’ve finished that.” He reached out, taking the empty champagne glass from her, setting it on the small side table next to the couch.

  He sat down next to her. He was close, dangerously close. His fingers tucked a strand of hair behind her ears. His thumb glided along her chin, and over her lips. He leaned in, and kissed her. His mouth was hard on her lips, electricity coursing through her body like lightning hitting a tree.

  In response, she leaned in very close, sliding her arms behind his neck, pulling him close. She kissed him, using her nerves to her advantage. Their kissing became very urgent and her hands were almost frantic as they ran down his back, feeling every sexy muscular vertebra. She nibbled his ear, kissing the lobe and his gorgeous neck. Then slowly, very provocatively, she kissed his neck, just above his shirt collar.

  She ran her hands across his chest, unable to resist playing with the buttons. Tingles flew up her spine as he played with her dress, sliding the hem higher up her thigh. He kissed her harder, their mouths locking together as a firm hand circled her back.

  He pulled her hips to face him, sliding her body on top of his lap.

  She felt suddenly confident, caught in the moment, letting one thigh slide, slow, seductively over his legs. Her body faced him inwardly, where she straddled him, both legs astride as if riding him. She stared into his dazzling blue eyes. She leaned into his chest, feeling his groin solid against her.

  With a shaking hand, she slowly undid the top button of his shirt. It wasn't like she hadn't seen him shirtless before. She began to explore his chest, and resisted ripping the shirt off him immediately.

  He sat straight in the sofa, arms encircling her waist, pulling her close to his hardness, moaning slightly as she pressed against him.

  The hem of her dress slid to the top of her thighs. His fingertips traced the curve of her leg, to the top of her knee. He pushed her dress up, exposing her underwear. He traced the elastic band, following it around her thigh and ran a finger between her legs. Only the thin fabric of her underwear separated their skin from touching. She was so thankful she was wearing silk knickers rather than her usual old cotton ones.

  “Did you want to go into the other room?” he whispered.

  She nodded, almost unable to speak, and he lifted her up and onto her feet.

  He took her hand, guiding her round his apartment, from the lounge down the hall to his big master bedroom. She couldn’t focus on the surroundings, only him as he urged her toward the bed in the middle of the room.

  She felt his strong hands on her shoulders, spinning her around to face him. He became focused on her dress, pushing the straps from her shoulders. Letting them fall. He kissed her bare shoulders and then in one swoop he pulled the dress over her head.

  She lay there, almost bare, almost naked. Her chest suddenly felt tight. He crawled above her, looking down from all fours, staring into her face.

  “Sophie,” he murmured. She could hear his breathing, see his chest rising and falling. His hand ran up and down her body and she arched her back, aching for him, reaching for his trousers, undoing the button, sliding down the fly. Her hand touched the fabric of his underwear, finding his hardness.

  She wanted him desperately. More than anything now.

  “I haven’t been with anyone since….” He gulped, not finishing the sentence.

  Since Rebecca. With sudden clarity, Sophie wondered whether he was still too wounded, whether this was all a mistake, whether she should stop.

  “Are you alright? Are you okay with this?” he asked, pausing for her to respond, his fingers circling a curl in her hair, finding the back of her neck.

  She kissed him in response, her hands suddenly urgently pulling his trousers off. She wanted him in his underwear too. No. She wanted him naked, making love to her.

  She cast the trousers to the ground. He straddled her, pressing his groin against her.

  Excitement seared through her as he dropped his head to kiss the elastic band of her knickers.

  His mouth climbed up her stomach, a ladder of kisses finishing between her breasts. His mouth came down, circling over her nipples. “You’re so beautiful.”

  Sophie let out a gasp, her hand running over his back, pulling him tight against her, loving the effect she had on him.

  She slid her hands down over his back. There was not an ounce of fat on his toned body. Her hand moved lower, lower, beneath his underwear, peeling them off, feeling his exquisite body.

  “I’ve liked you for such a long time,” he said as he kissed her. Urgently he pulled her underwear off. They were both naked, and he was panting hard as she began to guide him to where she wanted him.


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