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In the End (Lifetime #3)

Page 21

by Ariadne Wayne

  He waggled his eyebrows. “Bam.”

  IN THE AFTERNOON, we went to the park.

  Paige went on the slide over and over again, and Sam and I sat at a picnic table, Sam’s arms wrapped around me from behind. “Where does she get all that energy?”

  I turned my head to look at him. “She goes to bed early.”

  “Is that a hint?”

  Laughing, I leaned back against him. “No. But I might need some earlier nights now. For at least the first few months.”

  “I’m thrilled, but how about you? Are you really okay with this?”

  I closed my eyes. It scared the hell out of me, but only because I’d spent two years struggling as a single mother. With Sam, I’d have all the support I never got from Dean and more, but it didn’t make the fear go completely away. “It’s a big thing to get used to. I was scared to tell you about it.”

  “Why?” He leaned his head on my shoulder.

  “It’s so soon. All those condoms and one still slips through.”

  Sam nuzzled my ear. “I love you. That’s what matters. Nothing’s going to deter me from being with you, and I promise I’ll always be here for you, Paige, and our child.”

  My heart was so full, and I leaned my head against his as Paige went around one more time.

  “Hey, Paige. Want to go on the swings? I’ll push you.” With a kiss to my neck, Sam stood.

  Paige ran toward him, her arms outstretched, and Sam opened his to grab her.

  She leapt and he swung her around. “Is that a yes?”

  She nodded, and it was as if everything bad in her life was gone. The past few months had been wonderful for her. She’d had a stable family life with me, but now we had Sam. He took her to school in the mornings, brought her home in the afternoons, and we went grocery shopping on the weekend together.

  Life wasn’t just back to normal—it was better than ever.

  Life was amazing.

  Chapter 25


  Eight months later

  I was never an overly emotional man. When I was younger, I was more of a blokey-bloke, drinking beer, hanging out with the lads. Matt was the emotional one, and I’d teased him for it enough.

  The day my daughter was born, it was like the final confirmation of how much I’d changed. That having the right people in my life altered the way I saw things.

  I’d held Natasha’s hand, seen our baby born, and the midwife had handed me a pair of scissors. “Does Dad want to cut the cord?”

  This was the culmination of all the midwife visits, and scans, of bringing my girl to the hospital. I’d been at Natasha’s side the whole way, still overwhelmed that this had come to us so easily after the trials of my earlier life.

  I took the scissors, and met Natasha’s eyes. Tears welled as she nodded. The midwife clamped the cord and I sliced through it. Whoever thought it would be that emotional an experience?

  Our little girl was here.

  Natasha and I both gasped as our little Emily was placed on her chest, and we were left for a few minutes to get to know our daughter.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything so beautiful,” I said softly.

  “She looks so much like Paige did when she was born.”

  My heart ached at her words. Was this how Matt had felt when he’d seen Finn for the first time? For years, I’d beaten myself up over how I’d acted the day he called me. I’d been so caught up in my own misery, I hadn’t stopped to work out the truth until well afterward. By then I’d missed all of this.

  “It’d be interesting to get a photo of Finn at this age too. I bet anything there’s a resemblance there.”

  Typical Natasha, always knowing where my head was. I loved being so in tune with someone.

  I shifted my gaze to her. Her cheeks were bereft of colour, her eyelids drooping. The huge effort she’d made in bringing Emily into the world had taken its toll. What I wouldn’t give to wrap them both up and take them home straight away. All I needed were for my girls to be home with me—Natasha, Emily, and Paige. “You look exhausted.”

  Her lips twitched. “I am, and happy. Look at what we made, Sam. She’ll have the best of us, because all of the bad is in the past. She’ll have an older brother and sister who will love her too.”

  “You know she’ll end up with far more than that.” I laughed.

  She snorted. “It’s a bit early to talk about more babies.”

  I shook my head. “No. I mean we step foot on that farm, and she’ll be adopted by Ella and become a sibling of the other kids too.”

  Natasha chuckled. “Knowing how much of a mother hen Ella is, I think you’re probably right.”

  Visiting Finn had become much more of a family affair these past months. Natasha and Ella had settled into a firm friendship, bonding over Matt’s stabbing and recovery. I thought Natasha would always have the guilt of it hanging over her, but all Ella cared about was that Matt was okay, and Natasha and Paige were safe.

  “It’s good. Both our girls will have a big family. It’s not really conventional, but how many families are these days?” That was Natasha to a tee, only seeing the good.

  And then I got to hold the baby.

  My knees shook as I took the tiny bundle that was my daughter, and I sat in the chair beside the bed to examine her. She gazed at me with dark eyes, and my heart grew to the point of feeling like it was about to explode. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I rocked her in my arms, enchanted at the sight.


  I sniffed. “I can’t help it. After all this time, I was here when she was born. I’ll never forgive myself for not being there for Finn, but this little one? I’ll be with her every step of the way.”

  Natasha reached out and gripped my shoulder. “I know you will. You’re a good dad, Sam. Don’t ever forget that.”

  Emily yawned, her little mouth opening as wide as it could. I could watch her for hours, her tiny features fascinating.

  “I’d say it’s love, Mr Mason.” Natasha laughed.

  “I’d say you’re right. She’s so precious, and she’s all ours.”

  Tash knew what I meant. I’d always have to share Finn, and I was okay with that. We had Paige, and I was already more of a father to her than her biological father had been. Now we had Emily, and no one would ever, could ever try to take her away.

  “She is. Give me your phone.”

  I handed it over, and she held it up to take a photo. “Let’s text Ella and let her know. And Vanessa,” Natasha said.

  “Finn will be so excited. Another little sister for him.” I beamed at my girls. It was hard not to think about the months all those years ago when Ella and I had struggled to conceive. The pain and heartache we’d suffered would never be forgotten.

  That was a lifetime ago, and we’d both gone on to form new memories, good memories, and a friendship that I thought I’d never have again.

  I understood the connection Matt must have with Finn, having been there to see the moment of his birth. I couldn’t turn the clock back on that one, but I could move forward, and now I’d experienced that miracle myself with Emily. My heart was so full.

  “Want me to pick up Paige on the way home?” I asked.

  Natasha shrugged. “I’ll give Mum a call, see how things are going.”

  The only downer about the day had been Natasha’s mother. Some days her father was worse than others, and today hadn’t been great. She’d been reluctant to take Paige, but now the baby was here, Paige would be with me until Natasha came home.

  While she made the call, I took another look at my daughter. No words could describe just how precious she was, just how loved and wanted. Whoever thought I’d end up with a house full of girls? My girls would always be loved, and I’d do whatever it took to keep them safe. All of them.

  “Mum sounds exhausted. I told her you’ll go and get Paige and then you can bring her up to the hospital first thing in the morning.”

  I nodded. “Of course.”

/>   Natasha smiled. “I can’t wait for Paige to meet her little sister. Can you imagine how excited she’ll be?”

  Paige had helped as I’d changed the room I’d set aside for Finn. The walls were cream now, and while the bed with the trains duvet was still there, the baby’s cot occupied the other side of the space. Maybe it was being presumptive, having a bed ready for Finn, and I couldn’t keep it like that forever, not now Emily was here.

  Unless she liked trains too.

  THE WARD CLOSED at eight p.m, and I kissed Natasha before planting a kiss on Emily’s head. “I’d better grab Paige before it gets too late. Hopefully you have a peaceful night with this one.”

  Natasha smiled. “We’ll be fine. At least we should be able to go home tomorrow.”

  “I hope so. It’ll be weird to be home without you. Love you both.”

  “We love you too.”

  I kissed her again, lingering on her lips. “Right. If I don’t go, I’ll just get stuck here until the midwives kick me out.”

  She grinned. “Go. Go get our other girl.”

  “Fine. One more then.” I brushed my lips on hers and took a step back. “See you in the morning.”


  The walk down those hospital corridors was the longest of my life. The hospital seemed to go on forever, and although I knew it was for the best, I wished more than anything that I was taking my girls home. At least I wouldn’t be totally alone.

  The thought of Paige’s reaction to her little sister left me with a smile on my lips. The sooner I got to her the better.

  The car wasn’t far, and I was on Natasha’s mother’s doorstep half an hour later. She looked tired, her eyes weary, and I was glad to be picking up Paige. She could be pretty full-on at times.

  “Hi, Sam. Are you sure you want to pick up Paige?”

  I nodded. “Unless you want to keep her here tonight. I know you’re going through a rough time, and she can be a handful.”

  She gave me a small smile. “Paige is such a good girl, but yes, it can be very tiring.”

  “I’ve got pictures of Natasha and the baby.” I pulled out my phone. “Here she is. We’ll bring her around to see you when Natasha’s home. Or you’re welcome to come and see us.”

  She took my phone, and her expression softened. “She’s beautiful.”

  “Sam,” Paige yelled. I opened my arms and she ran into them, squealing as I spun her around.

  “I’ve got some pictures of your sister, and we’ll go and see her in the morning.” I kissed her on the nose.

  “Can’t we see her now?” she asked.

  “Mummy has to rest, and the hospital is closed for the night. We’ll go home and get some sleep, and I’ll take you up first thing. With any luck, Mummy and Emily will be able to come home with us.”

  She nodded.

  “Come on, Paige, let’s grab your bag and Sam can take you home. It’s been lovely to see you.”

  “Are you okay? Do you need anything?” I asked as Janet and Paige turned away.

  “It’s nice of you to ask, but we’ll be fine. Paige has been such a good girl today, but …” Her voice tapered off as she nodded up the hallway.

  “I understand. Please call me if there’s anything we can do to help.”

  She gave me a gentle smile. “Thank you. I appreciate it. You’re already doing a wonderful job with Natasha and Paige, and I can’t wait to meet my granddaughter.”

  I nodded. “As long as everything goes well tonight, they’ll be home tomorrow, and I’ll bring them around as soon as Natasha’s feeling up to it.”

  “That would be wonderful.”

  PAIGE YAWNED as we pulled into the driveway, and I grabbed her bag, opening the front door of the house as she rushed past.

  “Want to go put your nightie on and we’ll get our teeth brushed before bed?”

  I was the king of night-time routines now. Pregnancy had been hard on Natasha, and she’d worked as late as she could to make things easier for us when she wasn’t working. I’d taken over once we were all home and made her rest. Besides, I loved doing the father-type stuff. It just felt right.

  Paige raced off to her bedroom, appearing moments later in her Disney princess nightie and smiling brightly.

  “All ready for teeth?”

  She nodded, and I led her to the bathroom. While she brushed, I stripped off and threw on a pair of pyjama pants. It wasn’t late, but after the excitement of today, I was just about dead on my feet.

  I picked up my phone from where I’d thrown it on the bed and smiled at the text I’d received.

  She’s fed and asleep. Long may that last.

  Sleep well. I’ll miss you being here, my human hot-water bottle.

  I looked at the bed. She’d slept there with me every night since the Dean incident. It would be weird sleeping by myself for even one night.

  Ha ha I miss you too. Is Paige okay?

  Dressed for bed and brushing her teeth. She’ll be fine.

  Say goodnight to her for me. Love you two.

  We love you. Hope you get some sleep. Goodnight.

  A small hand tapped my back, and I turned to see Paige grinning at me. “All done.”

  “Good girl. Let’s get you tucked in.”

  She jumped onto her bed and snuggled down under the covers as I pulled them up. I loved this kid. She and her mother had been the best things that had ever happened to me.

  I leaned over and kissed her forehead. All too soon she’d grow up and be too old for this.

  A big yawn overtook her. We weren’t too far past her bedtime, but enough to make a difference.

  “Goodnight, Paige.”

  “Night night.”

  I sat for a while and watched as she closed her eyes. It only took a few minutes for her to drift off to sleep, and I closed my eyes for a moment before standing and walking to my room.

  Life was awesome.


  For a man who had always considered himself a heavy sleeper, things had changed since Natasha and Paige had moved in. Now I seemed to have what Natasha called parental hearing. It didn’t matter how quiet Paige tried to be in the night, I always heard her.

  I yawned, rousing myself and sat up in bed. Reaching over, I turned on the lamp. Paige stood right beside the bed, her eyes wide.

  “Missing Mummy?”

  She nodded. “Gran’s place is scary in the dark too, but I can’t hop into bed with her. I’m glad I came home.”

  I laughed. “Come on, then.”

  Paige rounded the mattress and hopped into Natasha’s side. I knew she’d be asleep in about thirty seconds once she set her mind to it.

  “I can’t wait for Mummy to come home,” she said.

  Rolling over to face her, I smiled. “I can’t wait for that either, sweetheart. We’re going to have to help her as much as possible with the baby. She’ll be very tired.”

  She nodded. “Babies cry a lot.”

  “Yeah, they do. So we’ll make sure that we take care of the baby and Mummy.” I reached out and ran my fingers through her hair. “You’ll love her, Paige. She’s beautiful, just like you and Mummy.”

  Paige grinned. “Do I have to go to school tomorrow?”

  “No, no school tomorrow. Hopefully we’ll all be home together.”

  She yawned. “Goodnight, Daddy.”

  All I could do was stare as she rolled over until her breathing evened out and I knew she was asleep. My heart sung that she thought of me that way, and I guessed I had filled that slot for her. Hell, her real father hadn’t ever done that.

  I went to sleep with a big smile on my face.

  I was her dad.

  “IS the baby’s car seat in the car?” I asked Paige.

  She nodded. “It’s been in there for aaaages.”

  “Just checking to see if you’d noticed.” I grinned.

  Rolling her eyes, she pulled open the car door. “It takes up so much space.”

  “There’s plenty to share.�
� I waited for her to climb up onto her booster, and buckled her seatbelt before opening my door. “Then we’ll have to get more car seats when we get your mum a car.”

  She sighed. “I don’t think she knows how to drive.”

  “She’s driven my car. With you in it.” I laughed.

  “Oh yeah.”

  I shook my head as I backed down the driveway. “Let’s go get your mum and your sister.”

  “My sister. Yay!”

  I chuckled as we pulled out and into the street. The sooner we were all home together, the better.

  Natasha lit up when we walked into the room. Her eyes were tired, and she gave me a smile that told me she hadn’t had the quiet night she’d hoped for.

  “This one is mega hungry.” She laughed.

  “Bit like this one.” I nodded at Paige. “We were hobbits this morning and had first and second breakfasts.”

  “Everything go okay last night?” she said softly. Paige was over by the plastic crib, staring at her baby sister.

  I nodded. “Your mum looked tired, but she says she’s okay. Paige got a bit scared in the night and climbed into bed with me. But we got there.”

  “Daddy said we have to take care of you and the baby,” Paige said.

  Natasha looked at me with one eyebrow higher than the other. “Daddy?” she mouthed.

  I shrugged. “She just started calling me that last night.”

  Natasha shifted her focus back to Paige. “I love that you’re going to take care of us. You’re so good to me. How about you hop on the bed and give me a hug?”

  Paige nodded, and I scooped her up and onto the bed while I looked at my daughter myself. Her eyes were closed, and I didn’t have the heart to touch her—just in case she woke up and her mother killed me. “How did she go last night?”

  Natasha rocked Paige in her arms. “Pretty good actually. She’s been quite demanding but she’s had a couple of decent sleeps in between feeds. I’ll just be glad to get home.”

  “Have they said when you’re allowed to leave?”


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