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In the End (Lifetime #3)

Page 24

by Ariadne Wayne

  Petra had a boy with her, one who looked like he was around Finn’s age. I never did find out the truth about who his father was. It turned out she’d slept with two other guys around the same time as she’d had sex with me. Her boy was smiling, as excited about seeing the tigers as my boy was.

  “Daddy Sam, look.” Finn and Paige stood by the glass, peering into the enclosure. Emily squealed as the tiger walked across the grass toward the crowd gathering to watch him.

  “He’s beautiful, isn’t he?”

  “Dad, Dad.” Emily wriggled in her pram, and I leaned down, unbuckling her and scooping her into my arms.

  “Did you want to get closer to the tiger too, Emmy? There he is.” I stepped around the pram until we were up at the glass with the other kids. She waved excitedly when the tiger did a loop of the enclosure, walking past us.

  Paige had her hand pressed against the glass. “I touched him, Daddy.”

  Finn snorted. “You can’t touch the tiger.”

  “Can too. He’s right there.”

  “The glass is in the way.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Oi, you two. Knock it off. Paige would have touched the tiger if the glass wasn’t in the way. Can we agree on that?”

  Finn nodded. Paige poked her tongue out at Finn. I swore those two could not be more like brother and sister if they tried.

  “No more arguing. Today we’re here to have fun.”

  “Dad, Dad.” Emily placed one hand on my face, and I turned my head toward her.

  “What are you doing?” I blew a raspberry on her palm, and she giggled.


  I had hoped she wouldn’t notice me, but I turned to see Petra approaching.

  “Petra.” Hopefully my curt tone would tell her I didn’t want to talk.

  “Long time, no see.” She gave me a small smile, but I wasn’t going to return the favour. Last time I saw her, she’d confessed to lying to me. That had been the end of our short relationship. Not that you could really call it a relationship. More of a trying-to-do-the-right-thing-while-hurting-the-person-I-really-loved.

  Petra looked at me expectantly, and I gave her a sharp nod. “It sure has been.”

  “Is that your son?” She nodded at Finn, confusion flickering in her eyes.

  I nodded. “It sure is.”

  Her mouth fell open. “Did you and Ella get back together?”

  Shaking my head, I pried Emily’s hand from my face. “No. She remarried.”

  Her eyes moved to Paige. “Is that your daughter?”

  I would have lost the plot if I hadn’t been with the kids. Finn and Paige were pre-occupied with the tiger again. At least they weren’t listening to this. “Sure is.”

  “With Ella?”

  I bit down on my cheek. I’d forgotten how much Petra tried my patience. In trying to placate the woman whom I thought I was having a baby with, I’d dealt with her insecurities, her fifty million questions about where I was and who I’d been with.

  “I don’t think that’s really any of your business.”

  Petra looked down at her feet. “This is Jackson.”

  I smiled at the boy beside her. “Hi, Jackson.” He looked up at me with big, dark eyes and then across to Finn and Paige. My heart went out to him.

  “We come here most weekends. His dad doesn’t really spend much time with him.”

  It wasn’t my responsibility, but I couldn’t help but feel sorry for the poor boy. He hadn’t asked to be born into so much confusion.

  “I’m sorry to hear that.” I turned toward my children. “Kids, we should get going. There’s a lot to see, and Emmy’s going to need a nap soon. We don’t want her to miss out.”

  Finn and Paige pulled themselves away from the window, Paige clutching the map in her hand. “Cheetahs next.”

  It took everything in me not to face-palm as I gave Petra a goodbye smile. “Bye Petra. Bye Jackson.”

  Turning the pram around, I carried Emily on my hip as we set off toward the cheetahs. Behind us, Petra and her little boy stood all alone. I didn’t know what had happened with Petra and the baby’s father, but she didn’t look too happy.

  I paid the ultimate price for what I did with her, but she was the one still suffering.

  I only felt bad for the boy she raised now.

  “EMMY’S SNORING.” Paige giggled from the back seat of the car.

  “It’s been a very long day for her,” I said. “Did you two have fun?”

  “Yes,” Paige yelled louder than Finn, and I chuckled to myself.

  “Not too much noise. You’ll wake Emily.” I grinned. “It’s still early. Let’s go get a treat for dinner. I don’t feel like cooking.”

  “KFC,” Paige yelled.

  “Shhh, Paige.” I laughed. “KFC it is, unless there are any objections.”

  Silence from the back seat told me everything I needed to know. This was another one of those cherished moments. My kids were happy, and that was all I ever wanted for them. My heart was full.

  We pulled into the drive-through. “Did you two want a kid’s meal?”

  “Yes, please. We hardly ever get KFC.” Finn leaned over as far as his seatbelt would let him.

  “There isn’t one in Kerikeri, is there?” I drove up to the ordering box. “Your mum used to like it—especially the Wicked Wings. They’re way too spicy for me.”

  Finn shook his head. “Sometimes we go to Whangarei for the day, and we get it for lunch. Usually, Mum cooks dinner.”

  I leaned over, ordering the food and putting the car into gear to move to the next window.

  “My mummy and daddy take turns,” Paige said.

  “I think my mum cooks dinner because my dad sucks at it.”

  I roared with laughter. “Matt can make a pretty mean mac and cheese. He’s pretty good in the kitchen. But your mother is a much better cook.”

  The scent of KFC filled the car as the bags were handed out the drive-through window. I placed them on the floor, the drinks tray tucked back on the passenger seat. Thankfully it wasn’t far home.

  “Well, we’re going to bring dinner home because it’s been a long day, I don’t want to cook, and I don’t want Natasha trying to run around after us.” I gingerly pulled out and into the traffic.

  We made our way home without the drinks spilling, and with Paige and Finn chattering the whole way about their day. Finn’s happy tone was music to my ears. I’d been so worried he’d withdraw this weekend, that it would undo all the progress we’d made. Maybe it would have if it had been just the two of us, but Paige’s presence had kept him relaxed and laughing.

  Natasha lay on the couch when we got in the door, her eyes closed, and I pressed a finger to my lips as I carried Emily through the living room and to her bed.

  When I came out, Finn and Paige sat quietly in the corner of the room, giggling softly about something.

  “I’ll just go and get dinner out of the car, and we’ll eat.”

  “You got dinner?” Natasha’s sleepy voice came from the couch.

  “Given the past few days, I figured you might be asleep when we got home.”

  She pushed herself up, licking her lips as she roused. “Zoe went to sleep about three. I figured I’d make the most of the quiet.”

  “I got KFC. I’ll grab it now.”

  “Good. I think I could eat the whole lot I’m so hungry.”

  I laughed. “I bought extra just in case.”

  “You did well.”

  THE KIDS DIDN’T LAST the whole movie. We watched Shrek, and before Shrek and Fiona finally hooked up, Paige and Emily were both asleep on the floor.

  Finn rubbed his eyes when I returned from placing them in their beds, and I sat on the couch, patting the empty seat beside me. Wrapping my arm around his shoulders, I switched off the movie and hugged him. He yawned.

  “I think we’re all a little like that tonight. You ready to go home tomorrow?”

  Nodding, he snuggled against me. “I’ll miss you, and I’ll miss
Paige, even though she’s annoying, and Emily.”

  “Your sisters will miss you. We’ll have to do this again, and soon.”

  When his head drooped, I squeezed his shoulders once more. “How about we get you into bed?”

  Finn was asleep almost as soon as his head hit the pillow. Now I had the evening to spend with my girl.

  She sat on the couch, nursing Zoe, and I stroked Zoe’s head as I sat.

  “Kids are asleep.”

  “All of them?”

  “Yeah, I must have really worn them out today.”

  She laughed. “I’m glad you had fun.”

  “I ran into Petra at the zoo.”

  “Petra?” At first she looked puzzled, then irritation spread on her face. “That Petra?”

  “Yep. Full of nosey questions, and with her boy in tow.”

  She frowned. “The one you thought was yours?”

  I kissed her temple. “Yeah.”

  “How did that go?”

  I shrugged. “She asked me about Finn and Paige, if they were mine, and I said yes.”

  A smile crossed her face. “I love that.”


  “That they’re both yours.”

  “Well, soon it’ll all be official, but Paige is mine whichever way you look at it.”

  She pursed her lips for a kiss as Zoe fussed, and who was I to say no to that?

  Everything was perfect.

  Chapter 29


  On Sunday afternoon, we drove to Sam’s. Ella had been champing at the bit to pick up Finn, but we’d kept busy, taking the kids to the beach and to see a movie on Saturday. Saturday night had been ours, and now our weekend away was over, and it was time to get our boy.

  We pulled into the driveway and came to a stop in front of the garage.

  “Are we getting Finn?” Georgia asked.

  “We sure are, sweet pea,” I said.

  She bounced up and down in her seat. Finn would tell anyone who listened what a pain in the butt his younger sister was, but the pair of them were so close in age, and best friends.

  Ella got out of her side of the car, helping Georgia. I opened the door to Zach, who climbed me like a tree as I laughed. “Come on, mate. Let’s go get your brother.”

  The door flew open as we approached. Finn came sprinting out, slamming into me. I dropped Zach to the ground beside him as he wrapped his arms around my waist. “Dad.”

  “Hey.” I ruffled his hair.

  “We had so much fun. Daddy Sam took us to the zoo, and we got ice cream, and we watched a movie on the TV, and we played in the backyard …” I smiled as I took Zach’s hand, and we walked toward the house.

  Sam stood in the doorway, a wistful smile on his face.

  “Hey, Daddy Sam.” I grinned.

  “You noticed?”

  “Yeah, I think it’s great.”

  “I’m glad. It made me feel amazing, but I worried about you.”

  I stopped in the doorway. “I’ll be fine. It’s just another thing to get used to.”

  “Come in and grab a coffee before you go.”

  “I’d like that.”

  Getting through the door with a child on each side wasn’t easy, but we managed. Ella followed behind with Georgia and rushed to see the baby as soon as we were in the house.

  “Good luck getting out of here anytime soon.” Sam nodded at Ella, already holding Zoe.

  I laughed. “It’s all good. We’ve got plenty of time.”

  He reached out and smoothed Finn’s hair. “We had heaps of fun, didn’t we?”

  Finn nodded.

  “I figured he must have been fine last night when we didn’t hear from you.”

  “The kids were so tired after our day out. They were all asleep before eight.”

  The conversation was easy, but no way could I tell him how happy and relieved I was to have the boy at my side back.

  It wasn’t just Ella who’d missed him desperately.

  WE PULLED onto the road and waved goodbye for the last time to Sam, Natasha, and Paige. Maybe it was a little selfish, but I felt more settled with Finn in the car and our little family back together.

  “Dad?” Finn’s voice came from the back seat.


  “You’re still my dad, right?”

  Ella stiffened beside me, and I reached over and squeezed her knee, winking as she met my gaze.

  “Of course I am. You’ll always come home to me. To us.” I grinned. “Besides, your brother and sister missed you.”

  “Heaps,” Georgia spoke without being prompted. Beside me, Ella laughed softly.

  “We went to the zoo, Georgia. Next time you should come with us,” Finn said.

  I sighed contentedly as the babble returned in the back seat, all three siblings trying their best to talk over one another. Everything returning to normal.

  We drove into the yard, the kids piling out of the car as soon as I’d come to a stop. The endless chatter that had started the second we’d got in the car spilled out into the open air and toward the house. Our three children, reunited, and still talking non-stop.

  “We could just stay in the car until the noise dies down.” Ella laughed.

  “They’ll just come back to harass us to open the house.”

  She smiled at me. “This weekend wasn’t too bad. I missed Finn horribly, but I survived.”

  “I’m very proud of you. And him.” I leaned over to give her a kiss.

  “Dad. Open the door,” Finn yelled.

  “Here we go.”

  As I got out of the car and made my way to the house, I waved to Liam in the distance. After the stabbing, I’d gone to work on the contract programming job, which had turned into another project, and then another. The doctors had told me to back off any strenuous activity for a while, so I’d convinced Eric to hire Liam back.

  He’d been hesitant until I told him we wanted him to be farm manager. Besides, Liam had another reason to return home. He and Rachel were now happily married with their first baby on the way. Some things really were just meant to be.

  I slid my key in the lock and turned, my children pushing around me to get into the house.

  As soon as they were in the door, they scattered. Zach ran for his room, Finn headed to the fridge, and Georgia to the living room.

  I followed Finn, gripping his shoulder as he looked for something to eat. “I’m glad you had fun this weekend.”

  He turned, wrapping his arms around my waist. “I like being home with you and Mummy.”

  I closed my eyes, holding him tight.

  “Matt, did you want to unpack the car or …”

  I raised my head to look at Ella as she came through the door. From the look on her face, she’d melted at the sight of us. “It can wait. I think what we’re going to do is make some dip, grab some chips, and watch a movie.”

  Her smile spread. “That sounds like a great idea to me.”

  The fridge door beeped as we stood there, but it didn’t matter.

  She reached past us, taking some reduced cream out. “Onion, or bacon and onion?”

  “Bacon and onion,” Finn yelled.

  “Dude, you don’t have to be so loud. We’re right here.” I pulled him away from the door so Ella could close it, holding him tight. “We’re right here.”

  Out the corner of my eye, I saw Ella wipe a tear from her cheek. We’d been okay most of the weekend, but I could already tell she’d be emotional with us all back home. This was such a huge change in our dynamic.

  “Go and find a movie. I’ll get this dip mixed up and grab the chips,” she said.

  I let Finn go. “I’ll be in the living room in a minute.”

  “Okay, Dad.”

  When he disappeared, I reached for Ella and finished wiping away her tears. “Let’s just relax, and I’ll unpack the car later. Maybe even tomorrow.”

  She smiled. “That sounds like a great idea.”

  “I have other plans for my wife t
onight anyway.”

  Leaving her with a tender kiss and a grin on her face, I followed my son.

  Finn sat on the floor as I dropped to the couch and flicked on the TV. There must be something on Netflix we could watch.

  “What are we doing?” Georgia asked.

  “Mummy’s coming with the chips and dip, and we’ll pick a movie to watch.”

  She clapped, jumping up onto the couch beside me.

  “Zach,” she yelled up the hallway.

  Our youngest appeared, toy truck in hand, and ran toward me, launching himself onto my lap.

  “What are we going to watch?” I asked.

  “Nothing too girly,” Finn mumbled.

  “Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs? You guys liked that one, didn’t you?”

  Georgia grabbed hold of my head, turning it toward her. “Can we watch two?” She held two fingers up, her eyes big. “It’s got the talking strawberry in it.”

  “Any objections?” I called out, clicking on the one she wanted.

  I pursed my lips for Georgia to kiss. “There you go, princess. Two it is.”

  “Daddy.” She giggled before planting one on me.

  “Is there any room for me?” Ella appeared in the door with a big bowl of potato chips and the smaller dip bowl. She placed them on the coffee table in front of us.

  “Always,” I said as she sat next to me.

  Finn stood, pouting as he looked at us.

  “Come here, mate,” I said, as Ella shuffled over. He squeezed in between us, a grin sweeping his face.

  “Are we all set?” Ella asked.

  “Yes,” a chorus of voices made me smile. We’d just got out the car from a three-hour trip, and here we were, all five of us on one couch. Together and happy.

  I pressed play.

  “WHAT A DAY.” Ella flopped onto the couch beside me having said goodnight to the kids. “It’s so good to be back home with everyone under one roof.”

  “I know what you mean. Nothing quite like it.”

  She raised her face to look at me. “I love you, Matt.”

  A smile spread across my face, and I looked into those blue eyes I adored. Every day I was reminded of just how much I could have lost when Sam and I confronted Dean, but I’d never waste a second chance again. Ella was everything to me. Now we spent more time together as I worked in the house, our relationship still a raging inferno. I couldn't ask for anything more.


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