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Ruth Restrained

Page 20

by Krys Antarakis

  ‘I’ll mingle if I can have my share,’ she insisted.

  ‘What’s got into you, Oona?’ He sounded strangely vulnerable.

  ‘It’s what hasn’t gotten into me. I want to feel another big prick in my fanny. Come on admit it, you’ve loved every minute of this.’

  ‘Well, I can’t deny that.’ He nodded at Ruth. ‘Will she show us where the action is?’

  Oona patted his rising cock. ‘Down boy, wait your turn.’

  Ruth gradually recovered her senses, and after a few minutes was ready to show them round.

  ‘Aren’t you going to dress?’ Oona asked her.

  ‘I don’t feel like it,’ she said. ‘I imagine most everyone else is naked by now, but please yourselves.’

  ‘Is it okay to go around like this?’ Andrew indicated his revitalised erection.

  ‘Perfectly. But beware, it’s an invitation that will be snapped up in a flash.’

  Oona decided to remain naked. She had a lovely body and Ruth licked her lips as the soft evening light outside bathed Oona’s delicious curves. The sound of voices drifting from the barn gave them their direction.

  There were about twenty people inside the barn, all of them engaged in some sort of erotic activity. Nearest the door, Judy was perched on a stool and drinking lazily from a tall glass while a kneeling girl lapped at her pussy. She was obviously enjoying the attention without struggling to achieve orgasm, but now she stared admiringly at Andrew. ‘Hmm, you look delicious, young man. Debbie, leave be and bring these people something to drink. Then you may please the lady.’

  The girl sprang to her feet, politely enquired their preferences, and trotted away to the bar. She was attractively plump and very sexy. The slave bracelet denoted her status.

  Judy pulled up a stool for Oona, and took Andrew’s erection in her hand. ‘So, these are our new friends.’

  Ruth completed the introductions as Debbie returned with a laden tray. Having served the drinks, she then sank obediently to her knees and her tongue began servicing Oona.

  ‘Is she performing satisfactorily?’ Judy asked, as though Debbie was a pet she was still in the process of training.

  ‘Perfectly,’ Oona replied breathlessly. ‘She has exactly the right touch, just enough to keep me simmering without boiling over.’

  ‘Would you prefer a cock?’ Judy asked graciously. ‘There are plenty of willing ones around.’

  ‘Oh yes!’

  ‘I’ll call Nick. And don’t worry, I’ll keep your husband well in hand... well, I’ll keep him in somewhere.’ She laughed at her own little joke. ‘Debbie, go find Nick. Tell him to stop shagging whoever he’s shagging and come serve a lady who needs him more.’

  Debbie trotted prettily away again, and Ruth moved around to stand beside Oona so she could play with her nipples.

  ‘This is wonderful,’ Oona sighed.

  Nick arrived, and immediately took Oona’s hand. ‘Come,’ he said. ‘There are plenty of bales free.’

  In the centre of the barn, straw bales had been placed to enclose a square space. Other bales covered by blankets had been drawn up to provide impromptu seats.

  Ruth found Helen, and dragged her over to an empty bale. ‘Now, do your duty,’ she commanded, desperate to feel Helen’s tongue on her pussy. After the fullness of the bottle, her cleft felt uncomfortably empty. She sat with her legs apart, enjoying Helen’s skilful attention while other couples made themselves comfortable. Then Jack entered the makeshift arena, which she noticed was carpeted with canvas sheets.

  ‘Friends, this is a freestyle contest of unlimited length,’ Jack announced. ‘Standard wrestling rules apply, with the addition that no direct clitoral stimulation is permitted. The contest will be decided when one contender is shafted to a climax. Your referee for this bout will be Mr Tom White.’

  Two girls climbed over the barrier as Jack stepped out. Apart from masks over their eyes, they were both naked. Their hair was tied back and they were clean-shaven, their bodies shiny with oil. Ruth recognised Lisette at once by her nipple rings and her tattoo, but the other girl, a brunette, was a stranger to her. They met in the centre of the square, where Tom subjected them to a thorough manual inspection. He then carefully fitted each contestant with a strap-on dildo and made them shake hands.

  ‘Wrestle on!’ he declared, and stood back.

  Ruth watched, getting powerfully excited, as the wrestlers circled each other warily while Helen’s tongue circled her clitoris and probed her pussy. With their skin gleaming under the strong lights both young women looked magnificent, and almost grossly erotic with big dildos jutting from their neat, smooth mounds.

  The contest was as exciting as it was arousing. Both contestants were highly skilled as well as being strong and supple. It took some minutes of grasping and throwing for Lisette to gain an advantage and penetrate her rival. Her dominance was not destined to last, however, for the brunette soon twisted free, and the bobbing, ducking and groping began anew.

  This time it was Lisette who was penetrated. The unknown girl took her in the missionary position, pinning her to the canvas as she vigorously humped her. At first Lisette fought the intrusion, but very soon the effect began to tell on her and she surrendered to the obvious pleasure of a thick dildo surging in and out of her. She hooked her legs around her opponent and threw her arms around her neck, graciously and elegantly submitting to a most pleasant defeat.

  Ruth, enraptured by the scene, pressed Helen closer, twisting her hand in the lovely blonde hair to ensure compliance. Helen responded willingly, lifting her rapidly to a luscious climax. ‘Mm, that was lovely,’ Ruth murmured. ‘Thank you.’

  Helen looked up. ‘Thank you. Wouldn’t you love to learn to wrestle like that?’

  ‘Yes, I would. Perhaps our chance will come.’

  ‘I hope so.’

  Satisfied that Oona and Andrew were converts, Ruth reckoned her mission was complete. Being a free agent was all very well, but her task had restricted her availability. True, she had been competently filled by Andrew, but what she craved was some serious restraint. Right now a good spanking would be just the thing. Feeling truly randy, her eyes swept around the barn looking for an opportunity to behave badly.

  Elsa was laid out on some bales against the wall being purposefully shagged by John, and an evil thought crossed Ruth’s increasingly naughty mind. She headed purposefully across the barn, and hopped lightly up on a bale to kneel over her friend’s face.

  Elsa looked up, smiling through her pleasure. ‘Oh yes, give it to me Ruth,’ she begged, extending her tongue invitingly.

  Ruth smiled, and eased her pussy down over the lovely face.

  Chapter 15

  The next month passed in a whirl as Ruth adjusted her life. She disposed of the lease on her flat, sent her furniture into storage, and cleared her desk at the office. She and Lewis chose their new home – a country house of great character close to Richmond – and forced themselves to be patient for a while as the legalities ground slowly towards completion.

  Ruth informed her family of everything during a lengthy telephone call. Her father, who doted on his daughters, was initially concerned about the age difference between her and Lewis but seemed reassured when Ruth told him how happy she was.

  At the office word spread quickly. Janet was effusive with her good wishes, and took maternal control of the wedding preparations. Ruth grew ever more fond of her, and began to feel slightly guilty when she saw how much extra work her happiness would mean for the older woman.

  ‘When you’re away from home and you need the comfort of another woman,’ Ruth told Lewis one evening, ‘promise me you’ll remember Janet.’

  ‘I couldn’t even consider it,’ he protested. ‘She’d be shocked.’

  ‘Oh Lewis, how can you be so blind? Janet worships you. She’s aching for you to make an indecent suggestion
to her. Believe me, you have a thoroughly satisfying relationship just waiting on your word.’

  ‘Good God, who’d have thought it! Ruth, I make a solemn promise to you that I will indeed make a dishonest woman of Janet at the earliest opportunity.’

  Ruth’s personal effects fitted easily into the Beetle. Lewis came to see her off. It was a fond farewell, and then she headed north.

  As the miles rolled by her spirits soared. The life she was leaving behind had always been good, and in the last few weeks it had become exhilarating, but ahead of her lay a lifestyle that promised to transcend the very best she had known. All her inhibitions were dead and her wildest dreams were coming true.

  Elsa came running out to greet her. ‘I’ve decided you should be in role from now until the ceremony,’ she announced.

  Ruth spent the afternoon being gently and continuously stimulated by direct physical contact and through a cunningly contrived ambience. The experience was delicious, keeping her desires bubbling without lifting her to the point of frustration.

  Early in the evening Morgan departed to Lewis’s stag night at Highmoor House. Ruth wondered if Lewis would be celibate, and guessed not, since he was in no way a slave. She pictured him gloriously embedded in Lisette or Corinne, and felt pangs of jealousy she quickly suppressed.

  Soon after Morgan’s departure, Oona arrived bubbling with enthusiasm for the forthcoming hen night. Helen had arrived earlier, and she and Ruth were directed to strip Oona and bring her off repeatedly until she declared satisfaction.

  They were all four stark naked when Cooper appeared to collect them, and he sat patiently in his taxi while Ruth was prepared for the journey to Judy’s house. A love egg was inserted into her vagina and a slim vibrating dildo slipped up into her bottom. Then she was marched out to the car and installed on the milking machine. The suction cups were brought to her nipples, and surged into life. Being handcuffed denied her any control; she was a slave to the machine. Her three naked attendants sat behind her and played with her exposed pussy while the vibrators and suckers filled her with pleasure. Then someone began to smack her bottom and her thighs, and the combined onslaught of sensation drove her close to the edge.

  Elsa spotted how close Ruth was to climaxing. ‘Oh no you don’t.’ There was a series of clicks, and the cups over her breasts ceased their delicious suction.

  Ruth swayed back and forth as the taxi turned left and then right, quivering with need, teetering on the verge of an orgasm.

  Cooper drew to a halt outside Judy’s house. The other three girls got out, leaving Ruth attached to the machine as Judy emerged from the house.

  ‘Cooper lets our group use his car,’ Elsa explained to Oona. ‘Anyone who uses his service must offer intercourse or some equal favour in return as payment. We call it Cooper’s fare.’

  Cooper climbed from his seat, hovering expectantly and studying Ruth through the window.

  ‘Not Ruth, I’m afraid,’ Elsa told him. She’s being saved for the wedding. You won’t forget to fetch her tomorrow, will you?’

  ‘Of course not,’ he replied gruffly. ‘And I can wait for my fare.’

  ‘You may have to wait a long time. Ruth’s next orgasm must be from her husband. But there’ll be plenty of other young women for you to choose from, I can assure you. As for now, you have your pick of Helen and Oona.’

  ‘You’re new,’ Cooper said bluntly, looking intently at Oona.

  ‘It would be my pleasure to pay your fare,’ she said shyly. ‘How would you like me?’

  ‘On the machine.’

  Ruth was released and Oona took her place. When the cups were offered to her breasts, she crooned with pleasure beneath their deep vibrant sucking while Cooper pulled down his trousers and knelt behind her, offering his thick cock to her ready pussy.

  With her dildos still buzzing delicately inside her, Ruth watched with jealous pleasure as Cooper’s thick length slid sensuously from sight. Oona pushed back against him, and he groaned. He appeared rough and uncouth, but Ruth knew him to be an accomplished and considerate lover. The lusty sliding thrusts of his prick would feel wonderful to Oona, and her clitoris was sure to be generously worked by his fulsome presence. She longed for the freedom to rub her own clitoris, and struggled against her restraints. The action only served to increase her needs, however. She was condemned to simply watch Oona steadily rising to her climax as Cooper thrust purposefully. Then his whole body went rigid and he ejaculated as Oona whimpered her triumph and forced herself back on his pulsing cock.

  ‘Oh, that’s good, that’s so good...’ Oona cried as she ground herself back against him.

  Ruth felt a tiny orgasm bloom inside her. It was lovely, and she concentrated hard to conceal it from the others.

  The evening passed in a haze of pure hedonistic indulgence. Ruth was subjected to every conceivable delight except the ultimate one of penetration, but otherwise she shared fully in the glorious pleasures of the others. In the small hours of the morning Cooper returned and drove them home, with Oona going last. She remained naked, riding the milking machine, as he drove away with her. ‘I’ll see to his fare!’ she called out.

  Elsa came quietly into the room and gently shook Ruth awake. ‘It’s ten o’clock,’ she said gently. ‘Cooper will be here in ninety minutes.’

  Ruth rolled over, rubbing her eyes, then smiling she threw back the duvet and swung her feet to the floor. ‘This is it, then,’ she said. ‘How strange life is. If we’d not met outside that pub, this would probably not be happening to me. I have so much to thank you for.’

  Elsa smiled. ‘I’m certain you’d have found your way without me. I’ll send Helen to help you.’

  After her shower, Ruth sat quietly while Helen attended to her hair. She was not allowed to dress, and contrary to her expectations, familiarity did not rob nudity of its sensuality. Being naked always made her feel vulnerable, and the touch of air on her skin was wonderfully erotic.

  When Helen had finished doing her hair, they strolled down to the kitchen for coffee and croissants. While Elsa was serving, Judy appeared with a small box she set down on the counter.

  Ruth stared at the box. ‘Is that it?’

  ‘Yes,’ Elsa replied, ‘that’s your bridal outfit. You’re sure you want to do it this way?’

  Ruth nodded emphatically. ‘Dead certain.’

  Elsa lifted the lid. ‘You’ve decided to open another box.’

  Ruth felt a fluttering in her stomach.

  ‘There’s not much,’ Elsa warned.

  ‘Quite right, too. What does she expect?’ Judy tried to sound harsh. ‘She’s only a slave. Clothing is hardly appropriate to her status.’

  ‘Wow!’ Ruth’s mouth went dry with excitement.

  ‘Locks all around,’ Judy sounded proud of the design. ‘I wonder when Lewis will use his key?’

  Elsa lifted a white leather collar from the box. Ruth took it with trembling fingers, which fumbled slightly as she fastened its buckle. The tongue had a small hole in the end through which she threaded the tiny padlock. Helen looked envious, and Ruth smiled at her. The touch of leather made her feel deliciously naughty. She still marvelled at the amazing effect wrought on her by any form of restraint, even the simply symbolic.

  ‘Let’s go next door,’ Elsa suggested. ‘You’ll see the effect better in the mirror.’ She picked up the box and the others followed her.

  There were anklets joined by a chain and fashioned from polished stainless steel. Ruth slipped them on, securing them with more padlocks, and her arousal notched up. Trembling, she took the matching wrist cuffs and fastened them in the same way. She glanced at the other women, and blushed. Trussed and under control her libido was soaring, and it was obvious.

  Helen pinned a light headdress on her from which flowed a short veil. ‘Good luck,’ she said, planting a kiss on Ruth’s cheek. ‘I must get ready now

  Elsa abruptly slipped two fingers into Ruth’s pussy, and the invasion was so wonderfully unexpected that she nearly climaxed.

  Elsa pulled her fingers free, and wagged them at Ruth. ‘Bad girl, and with so long to wait. You must control yourself. It won’t be easy, especially with these inside you.’ She pushed a pair of balls into Ruth’s open cleft and gave her a sharp slap on the bottom. The balls instantly made themselves felt and Ruth’s head swam with pleasure. Then Judy hooked her wrist chain onto a ring above the doorframe and they left her there while they went to dress.

  Once restrained Ruth was simply a sex object, devoted to giving and receiving unlimited pleasure. There were no conflicts, only a sense of perfect fulfilment and contentment. Being physically restrained liberated Ruth in a mysterious way.

  She heard the front door close, and a car drive away. Moments later she heard the clatter of Cooper’s taxi pulling up and her stomach gave a lurch. The longed for moment had arrived.

  Elsa returned. ‘Time to go,’ she said, and unhooked Ruth’s chain.

  Outside Cooper was holding the taxi’s door open, and his eyes brightened when he saw Ruth’s chains.

  Elsa gave her a farewell hug. ‘Love you!’ she whispered. ‘Be happy, and enjoy it.’

  ‘I will. Thank you for everything, Elsa.’ Ruth ducked inside the cab. The door closed and she settled back, the leather seat cool and sensuous against her nakedness. She spread her thighs, mindful of her status, allowing cool air to flow up into her hot pussy.

  The taxi traversed the woods surrounding Highmoor House, emerged from the trees, and came to a stop. Cooper made no move to alight, nor did he speak. Ruth let herself out with some effort, and walked towards the main door, stepping gingerly over the sharp gravel. She was intensely aware of her nakedness and of the way her breasts quivered when she walked. In her vagina, the love balls were rippling.

  She rapped the knocker and a flutter of trepidation caused her to tremble, a natural reaction, she supposed. This was the biggest moment of her life. Standing on the threshold she saw herself as if the oak door was a mirror. She was naked except for the collar around her neck, and the silver cuffs and chains on her wrists and ankles, all secured by padlocks she had willingly fitted herself. She was restrained, a captive, a willing captive, but a captive nonetheless. Just weeks ago she had been free and single. One chance encounter had changed all that. Now the keys to her chains and the shape of her future lay beyond this door. She must enter to obtain release, but in so doing she would chain herself forever. The paradox was exquisite.


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