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To Catch a Billionaire

Page 5

by Dana Stone

  “I don’t see it as an affliction, more like a way I challenge myself. If I can get what I want without causing anyone grief, then I’ve done a good deed. If not, then I reevaluate the situation and take another route to accomplish the mission. It’s as simple as that,” Tristan said as he flicked a speck of lint from his trousers.

  “And if an owner doesn’t want to sell? Do you find a way to force them to give you what you want?”

  “If they insist on being stubborn, then yes, I guess so.”

  His stare bore into her as she held her temper in check. “Stubborn? You think its mere stubbornness that keeps me from selling to you?”

  “I do,” he remarked softly. “You haven’t even considered what I would add to the mix as the new proprietor. I’ve made generous offers to other gallery owners. Garcia is one of them. Instead of being one sided, my participation with those who’ve sold to me brought wealth to all parties concerned.”

  He’d leaned forward and placed his hand on her leg, just above the knee. Blood pulsed wildly through her veins as her senses ran wild. She didn’t flinch from the feel of his warm touch, but refused to acknowledge it either. If he slid his hand up another few inches, she’d take matters into her own hands and toss caution aside. His effect on her left Erin wanting so much more than money could ever offer. Her body thrummed with desire. She wanted him, every single bit of him, head to toe and all that was in-between. Could she be falling in love with him? Or was this a simple case of lust?

  Erin drew a huge breath and said, “You went to my attorney with an offer without consulting me at all, and now you’re here telling me I’m stubborn? You’re not winning me over, Mr. Forsyth.”

  “Maybe I don’t wish to win you over... Maybe I’d like to bend you... to my will,” he murmured.

  She saw the heat in his eyes, the color in his face and knew he was as hot for her as she for him. Adroitly, Erin folded one leg under her and, though it was difficult, moved away from his lingering touch. It would be a major mistake to become sexually involved with the one man who planned to take everything from her. A very big mistake.

  “Put your complete offer in writing, again and not to my attorney, but to me. Drop it by the office tomorrow. I’ll give it a look and let you know what I think.” Where did that come from? What was she thinking and why? She had no intention of relinquishing one smidgeon of Cameron’s...

  “Tell me, Mr. Forsyth, why are you so determined to buy me out? You could probably purchase bigger and better known galleries across the United States. Why mine?”

  Quiet for a moment, he said, “Did you ever consider there’s more to life than the family business? Wouldn’t your father have wanted that for you?”

  She stiffened at his words. Hadn’t she and Mrs. Hardy had this conversation, not so long ago? “My father groomed me to one day take over Cameron Gallery. His death came earlier than I’d expected, but rest assured, I was ready for the responsibility and have done a good job thus far. I have no need for anything else,” Erin said coldly.

  “That’s not true and you know it. Think about what you really want, Erin.” He rose, as did she, and added, “I can tell you right now what I want from you, and what I’ll willingly give in return.”

  The words were soft, the meaning deep and her blood roiled with heat as Erin realized the sexual innuendo in the words he’d just spoken.

  They had reached the front door. Erin held it open for him to leave. “Like I said, put it in writing. Good night, Mr. Forsyth.”

  Chapter 5

  DAY AFTER DAY, Erin went to the office in the guise of Cam. She’d read the offer Tristan had dropped off, briefly spoken with him and assured him she’d take the paperwork straight to Erin. By Friday, Erin’s nerves had grown ragged. Their prior conversation ran through her mind, she’d handled the papers so often she’d dog-eared the corners of them.

  Was he right? Could Tristan’s knowledge of what it took to make a gallery an international success be a good enough reason for her to reconsider his offer? In the past, she’d wondered what it would be like to have that much fame in the art world. For the last time, Erin tossed the papers down and sighed. Yes. It was an opportunity to learn even more about the business, to be involved with the greatest galleries in the world... But to sell the gallery would be to sell her family home as well as her legacy. And if she did that, where would she and Mrs. Hardy go then?

  What would her parents have said? Would they have thought this a good business venture? Confused and exhausted, she rubbed her face with her hands and jumped when Mrs. Hardy spoke to her.

  “You’re fretful today, Miss Erin. Are you ill?” Mrs. Hardy asked.

  Fidgeting in her chair, Erin rubbed a finger around the rim of her coffee cup. “I’m fine, really, I am. Cameron’s is hosting an opening soon and there are tons of details to attend to.” Erin glanced at the housekeeper and whined, “Margery Beiderman usually comes in to help Meredith, but the woman is on vacation. I have to pick up the slack for Mrs. Beiderman and handle my job and Cam’s at the same time.”

  “Would you like some Brie cheese with that whine?” Mrs. Hardy asked good-naturedly.

  Erin smirked and admitted, “I don’t know why this is getting to me. I’ve done the whole gallery show thing so many times I could set it up in my sleep.” She rose and slipped her jacket over her white blouse. Cam was heading to work. “I’ll be here for supper.”

  “We’re having rosemary roasted chicken tonight, so bring home a good appetite,” Mrs. Hardy called after her.

  “Yum. I will,” Erin called back.

  The Starbucks stop wasn’t part of her schedule. Erin drove past the coffee shop without a glance and headed into Greenwich. Her first stop was the dry cleaners, the second was the chocolate shop to order dainties for the opening. The final stop was her office.

  Parked behind the gallery she noticed Tristan, behind the wheel of his gorgeous Jaguar, follow her in and park alongside her.

  “Hells bells. Not now,” she mumbled then stepped out of her car with a smile pasted on her face.

  “Good morning, Cam. You don’t mind if I call you Cam, do you?” Tristan asked with charm dripping off every word.

  Her nerves jittered, her pulse quickened and her resolve faded as Erin mentally chastised herself for falling to pieces and forgetting his purpose when Tristan looked at her with those magnificent green eyes.

  “Not at all. What brings you to the gallery?” Cam asked with a glance at her watch. The day was packed, right down to the second, and she had no time to waste.

  “Will Erin be in at all?” he asked. “I called and spoke to Meredith, but she was unsure. I guess you have a show coming up?”

  Her clutch bag tucked beneath her arm, Cam nodded and headed inside the building. Tristan followed right behind her. He wouldn’t let it go until she answered him.

  “I’m sorry, Mr. Forsyth. I have a full schedule today and our helper is on vacation. In order for us to meet our deadline, Erin took on the details Mrs. Beiderman usually handles. I’m sure Erin won’t be in today and she definitely won’t be here tomorrow.”

  His brows met in the middle.

  “I’ll leave her a message then, shall I?” he asked as he stared at her keenly.

  “Good idea. Leave it with Meredith. She’ll relay the message when Erin calls in.”

  “I want you to take the message,” Tristan insisted, his eyes on her smile.

  With a gasp of irritation, Cam said, “Really, I must get going.”

  She felt his hand snake around her upper arm. Her chest tightened as he swung her hard against him. His eyes gleamed knowingly as he stared into hers.

  “W-what do you think you’re doing?” she stammered in a panic stricken voice.

  “Leaving Erin this message.”

  His lips met hers with red-hot heat. A searing kiss if ever there was one, her mind went blank until she realized what he might know. Though she wanted to draw him closer, to feel him against her, to touch him, she
placed her hands flat against his chest and shoved him away.

  Witless, she stepped back and shook him off. “Whatever’s going on between you and my boss is none of my business. Take your lips and get lost, before I have you arrested for assault,” Cam snapped.

  His snicker brought her fear to a dangerous level. Had he figured out her scam as Erin and Cam? Did he know for sure? Cam glared at him, adjusted her glasses and smoothed her wig’s golden locks.

  “Sorry, I should have behaved better. Please accept my apologies, Cam,” Tristan said humbly, though she noted the twinkle in his eye.

  She shooed him away with her hand and said, “Fine, fine, apology accepted. Now let me get to work.”

  Tristan walked to the door and closed it behind him with a soft click. When he was gone, Cam braced herself against the desk and took a few deep breaths to calm her nerves – among other things. The man had balls. He was a force to be reckoned with. If she didn’t take care, she’d be lost in his clutches. Considering an affair with him brought her up short. Certainly she’d enjoy him in bed, but would there be more to their attraction than sex? If she sold the business to him, then sex could be a bonus. Hmm. Confused, she wondered which of her two personas was he interested in – and how could she deal with it if it was Cam?

  Opening preparations swallowed Cam whole and brought on a load of doubt. Was she capable of managing the business on her own forever? Maybe as Erin, but maintaining Cam’s persona was becoming difficult. Should she let Cam go and be herself instead, as Mrs. Hardy had recommended? It might relieve the stress she was feeling. Keeping the deceit in place came at a cost. More than a full time job, managing the gallery was consuming. Memories of her early days in management as Erin and having to deal with temperamental artists and what the cost of doing so had done to her self-confidence as she handled her father’s last days on this earth. Cam now handled all and everything. But then, Cam wasn’t real either. I really handle everything. She knew Mrs. Hardy had a point when she’d mentioned Erin’s life lacked a personal side, a side that included a family, close friends and a lover.

  A knock at her office door drew Cam’s attention from her musings and uncertainty.

  “Come in,” she called from across the room.

  A white flag popped in and waved as the door opened a crack.

  Cam chuckled when Meredith poked her head around the edge of the door, flag in hand. “Is it safe to come in? I heard you yelling at Mr. Forsyth this morning.” The woman gave her a sheepish smile.

  “Was I that loud?” Cam asked with a snicker.

  Meredith gave her a nod. “You’ve hardly left this room all day and you must be hungry. I ordered sandwiches and got one for you.” She handed the deli sandwich to Cam.

  Smiling broadly, Cam peeled back the paper, and sniffed the sandwich appreciatively. “Thanks for this. I’m a bit overwhelmed. If we ever needed Mrs. Beiderman, we need her now. She takes care of so many important details. I’ve come to appreciate her dedication and ability more than ever.” Cam took a huge bite of her chicken-salad wrap and rolled her eyes as she chewed. Around the mouthful of food, she said, “This is delicious. You’re a gem, Meredith.”

  A smile met the remark as Meredith browsed the paperwork on Cam’s desk. “Why isn’t Erin helping you with all this?” She held up a sheaf of papers.

  Cam chewed thoughtfully for a moment while she formed a plausible reason. After she’d swallowed, she said, “Erin’s making the rounds of the shops we use for catering delights. It seemed easier to have her do that than to have her over my shoulder.”

  Meredith smirked and sat on the corner of Erin’s desk. “Why do you put up with Erin’s attitude, Cam? She’s hardly here to help out, pops in for a short while in the evenings, and then takes all the credit for everything we do. Honestly, you’d think she was the Lady of the Manor.”

  Surprised at Meredith’s words, Cam stared at her pensively. Was that how the employees saw Erin? “I didn’t realize you felt that way. Is that the general consensus among our limited staff?”

  “Sorry, I shouldn’t have said that. We watch you work hard, take care of God knows what, as well as the happenings here, and Erin doesn’t even make an attempt to meet with you or call you during business hours. I’m right, aren’t I?”

  “I guess, about some things.” She shrugged. “But Erin keeps in touch with me by cell phone and I see her at the house.”

  Meredith’s curious glance left Cam cautious over explaining her relationship with Erin.

  “You’re popular with the staff, Cam, but Erin leaves a lot to be desired when it comes to being the boss. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not criticizing Erin, I just think she takes you for granted. Do you have a life beyond this job?” Meredith asked in a soft voice.

  “I have, honest. This job is wonderful, I love art and being involved with it. Even if I do spend an incredible amount of time here, I do have a life,” Cam assured her. “I could ask you the same question. You’re here almost as much as I am.” Cam chuckled to lighten the conversation.

  With a shrug of a shoulder, Meredith meandered toward the door. “You have a point. Maybe we should get together once in a while. Starbucks would be a good place to start.”

  “I might just take you up on that invitation after the show is over and done with.” Cam returned to her lunch as Meredith walked out.

  “Just what I need, a BFF,” Cam mumbled under her breath.

  * * *

  Clear skies and sunshine lifted Erin’s spirits as she drove into New York City. Studio parking was nil leaving Erin the prospect of parking her Porsche on the busy street. Wishing she had another choice, Erin snugged the car close to the curb in the only spot for a block and a half. She set the lock and alarmed the car before striding toward Giorgio’s.

  “Sweetheart, I’m so glad to see you.” Giorgio greeted her with his usual exuberance. “Try the dress and see if it fits the way you want it to.”

  Without a word, Erin scooted into the changing room, and admired the sexy look of the dress. She slipped high-heeled shoes on and clasped the necklace at the nape of her neck. After she’d adjusted the jewels that pointed into her cleavage, she stepped back and viewed her image with a smile.

  “Are you coming out or do you plan to admire yourself in the mirror all day, sweetie?” Giorgio scolded with a chuckle.

  She swept into his vision and watched his face. His eyes glittered like obsidian gems as he viewed her from all angles.

  “Splendid, absolutely splendid. It’s as though I designed this dress with you in mind, Erin. I didn’t, but it seems that way.” He clapped his hands with glee and told her to walk the walk.

  Her husky laughter joined his baritone laugh as she strode to and fro on an invisible runway.

  His laughter died, his eyes narrowed. Giorgio glanced at Erin. “You owe me big-time for this and my wish is that you’d model for me in two weeks. Hervé Velasquez is putting on a modest show for up-and-coming designers. He called yesterday and asked to add one of my creations to the list. I have to provide my own model, and while you’re a bit bodacious, you fit the bill. Will you do that for me, Erin, please?”

  His voice beseeched her to the point where she couldn’t refuse. “You know I dislike that sort of thing,” she said. When he opened his mouth, Erin raised a hand to stop him from speaking and wagged her index finger at him. “This one time, just this once, I’ll do it for you.”

  Wrapped in Giorgio’s bear hug, Erin’s laughter filled the room. The door opened and a heavily accented voice asked, “You aren’t going straight, are you darling?”

  In one second flat, Giorgio let Erin go and turned to the man he introduced as Jeremy. “I wouldn’t dream of leaving you, Jeremy. Erin’s going to wear the dress at the museum gala next week and she’s agreed to model for me in the Velasquez show. Isn’t that wild?” he asked excitedly.

  Jeremy gazed at Erin. His eyes took in every speck of her from head to toe. Waiting for his answer, Erin and Giorgio stood s

  “You do the dress an honor. It would be wonderful to see you do the runway walk. I’ll be there to cheer you both on, but I can’t make it to the museum party,” he said with a smile.

  This, from the man she’d seen Tristan with earlier. She was fairly sure it was him.

  Her gaze on him, Erin summed up the tall, handsome man. “I’m happy to meet you, Jeremy. I think we have a friend in common,” she said innocently.

  “Who would that be?” he asked.

  “Tristan Forsyth.”

  He shook his head. “I’m sure you’re mistaken. I know of no one by that name,” Jeremy said with his hands spread wide.

  Studying him closely, Erin murmured, “My mistake. I thought I saw you two the other day after I left Giorgio.”

  Giorgio glanced at Jeremy and then turned to Erin. “You couldn’t have seen Jeremy. He was here right after you left.”

  She nodded and then said, “You’re probably right. I’ll get changed.”

  “I wouldn’t miss this for party the world, Erin,” Giorgio said, his former humor restored.

  With a glance at Jeremy, she headed into the booth and slipped the luxurious creation off her body. The dress fit like a glove, showed off her attributes to their best advantage and exhilarated her in a way she hadn’t been in ages. While Erin hung the dress and readied it for travel, the two men’s voices reached her. Though muted and difficult to understand, there was one thing Erin did know, Giorgio was suspicious of Tristan Forsyth and Jeremy.

  She’d heard his voice rise and ebb like the tide. Each time it rose, Jeremy shushed him. Why? What was the big secret? Was Jeremy taking advantage of Giorgio? The thought saddened her. Giorgio was her long-time, good friend. He was generous, thoughtful and loving. The idea of him being used was unacceptable.

  “Is everything all right out here?” Erin asked as she crossed the room and prepared to leave.

  Giorgio joined her at the exit. “We’re fine. Jeremy insists he can’t attend the Met Gala. As disappointing as that is, we’ll have a good time. Don’t you worry about the man who’s trying to take your business, we’ll make short work of him, Erin,” Giorgio said with a smile as he walked the distance with her to her car. He kissed her cheek.


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