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Somewhere Only We Know

Page 14

by Beverley Hollowed

  Kate stood in her bedroom for a few moments, still watching the door, Finn had just disappeared out of. How had she ended up here? She had been so determined to keep this man at arm’s length. To keep everyone at arm’s length.

  That said, she couldn’t help but smile when she thought of him. He had brought a joy into her life she never thought she would ever feel again. He gave her hope.

  She turned and hurried into her wardrobe, she had a date to get ready for. Yes, she was going on a date with Finn Morgan


  Exactly one hour later, her front doorbell rang. Kate was surprised how nervous she suddenly felt. She checked her appearance in the long mirror on the back of her bedroom door and was happy with the end result. She had picked out a cream chiffon dress that showed her slim figure, which fell to the knee. A pair of nude, 5” stilettos she had only worn twice before and a soft, cream wrap.

  She caught her hair up in loose curls with a few loose strands cascading down her face. She wore the solitary diamond pendant Callum had bought her for their last anniversary and the matching earrings.

  She applied one last coat of lip gloss and headed to the front door to answer it.

  “Wow,” Finn said, when Kate opened the door. “I didn’t think you could look any more beautiful. Clearly, I was wrong.”

  “Thank you,” Kate said and blushed. “You look pretty good yourself.” He really did. He was wearing really dark blue jeans. A crisp, baby blue shirt and black leather jacket. He blonde hair was still its usual tousled state, but it was what made him, him.

  “These are for you,” Finn said handing her a bunch of flowers. “I am sorry they are not roses, but it was a little bit last minute.”

  Kate brought them to her nose and inhaled their glorious scent.

  “No, these are perfect,” Kate said, smiling up at Finn. “They are exactly what I would have wanted you to bring. I don’t really do big and showy.”

  “Then you sound like my kind of girl,” Finn replied with a big grin, then, holding up his arm, he added. “Your carriage awaits, madam.”

  Kate laughed and grabbed her bag from the hall table where she sat down her flowers. She stepped out of the front door, took Finn by the arm and allowed him to lead her to his car.

  Finn took her to a local family bar. When they arrived, the waitress showed them to a booth at the back, took their drink orders and she left them looking over the menu.

  “This is a nice place,” Kate said as she looked around.

  “I love it here,” Finn replied with a smile. “This is where Dad took Mom on their first date, he proposed here too. So I thought here would be perfect place for…our…first date.”

  Kate smiled, unsure what she should say to that. She picked at her napkin, nervously.

  “Sorry,” Finn said reaching for her hand. “I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable. I meant what I said earlier. I am happy to wait, give you time.”

  “Finn,” Kate said, looking a little unsure. “I like you, I really do, but…”

  “Don’t say but,” Finn interrupted her. “I know you aren’t in the same place as I am, I’m not asking you to make me a promise, I am asking you to give me a chance, nothing more.”

  “Okay,” she replied with a smile but suddenly her smile faded and the colour drained from her face.

  “Kate, are you okay?” Finn asked, reaching over to take her hand but she pulled it away and panic began to take control of her. “Kate, talk to me. What’s wrong?”

  She couldn’t reply, she could barely breathe. She sat and tried to decide what she should do. Her gut instinct was to run. Head for the door and never look back, but when she looked at Finn, she knew she couldn’t do that.

  “Kate, you’re scaring me,” Finn said, completely clueless to what it was that was upsetting her.

  “It’s Callum,” she said in a barely audible whisper.

  “Callum?” Finn repeated. “Who is Callum?”

  “Callum, my husband Callum,” Kate replied as her stomach heaved. “He has just walked through the door.”

  “HE WHAT?” Finn exclaimed, resisting the urge to turn around. He looked at the mirror behind the bar and could see two guys standing at the door, looking around the bar. “What the hell is he doing here?”

  “I have no idea,” Kate replied in a whisper refusing to look in Callum’s direction. “I have barely spoken to him since I left and he had no idea where I was. At least I thought he didn’t.”

  “He what?” Finn asked stunned by this latest piece of information.

  “The night he cheated on me,” Kate explained. “He came home very drunk. He was upset. He told me he made a mistake and asked me to forgive him. We had this huge fight and I stormed out.”

  She instinctively reached for her wrist as the memory of how he grabbed her came back.

  “I spent the night on a neighbours couch,” she continued. “The next morning, I went back, packed a case and walked out.”

  “And he had no idea where you went to,” Finn finished off her story, getting it straight in his own head. Kate nodded her head. “So why is he here?”

  “I have no idea,” Kate said, allowing herself to glance at Callum very briefly.

  “Who is the guy with him?” Finn asked, still watching them both in the mirror behind the bar.

  “That’s his brother James,” Kate replied as she studied Finn’s face for a clue of what he may be thinking. “James is a nice guy. They both are.”

  “Well I hope you are right,” Finn replied with a deep breath. “Because they are both heading this way.”

  When Kate looked up, her eyes met Callum’s and he gave her a sad smile. Then she looked at Finn, who had a look of complete fear etched across his face. Kate held her breath and waited for her life to fall apart, once again.

  Chapter 20

  When Callum stepped through the door of the bar, his heart was in his mouth. He knew he was the last person Kate was expecting to see and he felt bad surprising her like this.

  In fact, this was all very last minute. He had planned to do it in the privacy of her home, but when he arrived there with James earlier that evening, he had been beaten to it by some asshole with flowers.

  “Just go up there,” James had pushed him, but Callum had refused.

  “I can’t,” Callum said. “James look how happy she looks. Maybe I should just give up and go home.”

  “You are going to give up just because some asshole gives her flowers?” James said, a look of sheer disbelief on his face. “Jesus, they aren’t even expensive flowers.”

  “They are perfect,” Callum sighed. “Kate loves flowers. Specially the simple kind. Roses never impressed her. She would rather have a bunch of daises.”

  “Callum,” James said turning to face his brother. “You can’t give up because of a few flowers. You need to get over there and make her see, you are the one she should be with.”

  Callum looked over and watched the guy escort Kate down the front path and to his car. She was breath-taking. He always loved that dress on her and when she wore her hair up.

  The two brothers sat and watched as Kate drove off in the guy’s car.

  “Okay,” James said, putting the car into gear. “Let’s see where they are heading.”

  “James, let’s just go back to the hotel,” Callum sighed.

  “Jesus, Cal,” James said, as he kept his eye on the car up ahead. “Since when did you turn into such a chick? Did you forget to pack your balls when you left New York?”

  “I just don’t want a scene,” Callum argued.

  “Oh, please,” James laughed. “Women love this shit. They want their men fighting for them. It gets them all turned on and excited.”

  “And Mother wonders why you are still single,” Callum said, but couldn’t help but laugh.

  They pulled into the car park and parked at the far end, so Kate wouldn’t spot them.

  “This is ridiculous,” Callum groaned.

suck it up buttercup,” James replied, as he switched off the engine. “You want her back, don’t you?”

  “Yes, of course I do,” Callum retorted.

  “Then, you need to do exactly what I tell you,” James said. “Let’s go,”

  The two brothers headed into the bar, and Callum scanned the room looking for Kate. Finally, he spotted her in a booth at the far end of the bar.

  When he saw her, he held his breath. He was so nervous. He watched her sitting there, and he thought she had never looked more beautiful.

  “Okay, let’s go and say hi,” James said to Callum. Callum finally released his breath.

  “I can’t do this,” Callum whispered back to his brother.

  “Yes,” James replied and gave Callum a slight shove. “You can.”

  Callum took a deep breath and walked slowly towards the booth Kate was sitting in. He had only taken a couple of steps when she looked up and her eyes met his. Instinctively he smiled, but his heart sank when she didn’t smile back. In fact, if he was honest, she looked scared, panicked even. Callum instantly regretted letting James talk him into doing this. He knew this was a huge mistake, but it was now, too late to turn back.

  “Hi there,” he said as brightly as his could, big cheesy grin included, when he reached the booth. “Fancy meeting you in here.”

  “Callum,” Kate replied in a small, nervous voice, she shot a glance at Finn and Callum followed her gaze. “What are you doing here?”

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt your evening,” Callum said to a nervous looking Finn. “I’m Callum Greyson, I’m…”

  “Kate’s husband,” Finn cut him off. He wanted Callum to know, Kate had already told him everything he needed to know. He offered Callum his hand. “Finn Morgan, Kate told me a lot about you.”

  “Did she now?” Callum said turning back to Kate and his smile widened. “You’re looking good Katie.”

  “Callum, why are you here?” Kate said, unable to hold back anymore. She felt like she was in a bad dream, hoping, praying she would wake up, but she didn’t.

  “James, was coming to Seattle on business,” Callum lied. “And he asked me if I wanted to tag along, so I did.”

  “Sorry Finn,” Callum said and turned his attention back to Finn. “This is my brother, James.”

  “Nice to meet you,” James said holding out his hand to Finn, but the expression on his face was far from friendly.

  “You too,” Finn replied shaking James’ hand trying to stay calm and not make things worse than they already where. He glanced over at Kate and his heart sank when he saw the tears dancing in her eyes.

  He looked back at Callum, just as Callum noticed the tears in her eyes too. The expression on his face was one of sadness and regret. Finn realised in that moment, Callum still loved Kate. He loved her completely and utterly and he was here to win her back.

  “Well,” Callum said, and he quickly cleared the tell-tale frog in his throat. “I think it’s time we let you both get back to your evening.”

  Kate looked down at the table unable to look at Callum any longer.

  “Good night Katie,” Callum said, before he turned and quickly made his way towards the door of the bar, followed closely by James.

  “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?” James shouted once they were out in the parking lot. “That’s it? You are just going to walk away?”

  Callum didn’t respond, instead he ran to a nearby bin and threw up. What the hell had he just done?

  “Callum, it’s okay,” James said, patting his back and he threw up once again.

  “No, it’s not okay James,” Callum said, as he stood up and pulled a tissue from his trouser pocket and wiped his mouth. “Did you see her face? She was upset, shit James, she was nearly crying. I did that to her. I hurt her and broke her. Then I show up here and hurt her again. She must think I am a complete heartless bastard.”

  “Callum, she still cares,” James replied throwing his arms into the air. “Don’t you get it, she wouldn’t be upset if she didn’t care. Are you really just going to walk away? She is your wife Callum, and she is in there, with some other guy.”

  “DON’T YOU THINK I KNOW THAT?!” Callum shouted back at James. “Don’t you think I want to march back in there and beg her to give me another chance? This is killing me James, this…this is tearing me apart. I… I can’t do this.”

  He paced up and down for a few moments, trying to figure out his next move.

  Then, much to James’ surprise, Callum turned suddenly, and headed back through the doors of the bar, leaving him standing outside, in shock. He turned and headed inside after his brother.

  For a moment he couldn’t see Callum, but then he spotted him. He was standing at the jukebox, loading it with coins.

  “What are you doing?” James asked when he got to Callum’s side. Callum turned to him and smiled.

  “Fighting,” Callum said before he turned and walked away.

  As Callum made his way across the bar, he could see Kate. She was listening to whatever Finn was saying, but Callum knew by the look on her face she wasn’t listening and he couldn’t help but feel a little bit of inner joy. He took a deep breath before he stepped up to the side of the booth.

  “Hi again,” Callum said, his heart pounding rapidly in his chest. Kate and Finn turned to him in unison, surprised to see him standing there again. “Sorry for interrupting your evening yet again. I…eh… I was wondering if, before I leave you two alone, if I could perhaps, I have one last dance with my wife.”

  “Callum I do…” Kate began to protest, but stopped mid-sentences when Finn spoke.

  “Sure,” he said, much to Kate’s horror.

  “Finn!” Kate exclaimed looking at him in complete disbelief.

  “It’s one dance,” Finn said with a knowing smile, as he shrugged his shoulders. “Then we can enjoy the rest of our evening.”

  Kate looked at him for a moment, totally lost for words. Then she turned to Callum and he smiled, as he held out his hand. Reluctantly she took it, and allowed him to lead her to the dance floor. She glanced back at Finn and he gave her a reassuring smile.

  The sound of Phil Collins, “Against All Odds,” filled the sound system of the bar as Callum slipped his arm around her waist and pulled her into his embrace. Slowly they began to move in time with the music.

  For a moment, neither of them said a word, each searching for the right thing to say.

  “It’s been far too long since we did this,” Callum said, as he took a deep breathe, the scent of her perfume filling his senses, as a million memories filled his mind. “I have missed this. I have missed you.”

  “Callum, please,” Kate said, as she instantly felt the hot tears burn her eyes. She blinked them back and tried to remain as calm as she could. She was not going to cry.

  “I’m sorry,” Callum said, as he slowly moved his hands down her back and pulled her closer to him. “Kate, I am so sorry for everything. I’m sorry I hurt you, I’m sorry I let you down, and I am so sorry I let you walk out that morning. I should have made you stay. I should have fought harder. But it’s not too late.”

  “Callum, I can’t do this,” Kate whispered, fighting a losing battle with her tears. “It’s not that simple. It is too late.”

  “Says who?” Callum asked, as he leaned back and looked in to her eyes. “We can start again. We could be happy again, Kate.”

  “No, Callum,” Kate cried softly. “We can’t.”

  She stopped dancing, stepped back, looked him in the face and gave him a sad, smile.

  “I love you, Cal,” Kate sobbed. “I love you more than you could possible know, always will, but I can’t be who you want me to be. I am not the same person… I…I can’t do this.”

  Without saying another word, she spun around and hurried back to the booth, grabbed her bag and without even looking at a very stunned Finn, she ran for the door.

  Callum didn’t hesitate, he ran after her, afraid if he didn’t, she would disa
ppear again and he would lose her for good this time

  “Katie, wait!” he called after her, as he burst out through the door.

  “There is nothing to say, Callum” she replied angrily, over her shoulders. “Go back to your tart in New York. Let me get on with my life.”

  “I love you, Kate,” Callum cried, as he grabbed Kate by the arm and turned her back to face him. “I have loved you from the moment I saw you. I tried so hard, but you disappeared. You disappeared and I didn’t know what to do to bring you back. Kate I was lonely. I was lost and I was so lonely. I wanted for just five minutes to feel like someone wanted me. Like I wasn’t the invisible nobody I had become. I am sorry I hurt you. But I was hurting too.”

  He stared into her eyes, waiting for her to respond, but she said nothing.

  “Damn it, Kate,” he begged, as he took her face in his hands. “Please, let me in. Stop pushing me out.”

  Again she didn’t speak. She just stood there, tears running down her face.

  “Kate, please, say something,” he pushed. “I can’t lose you.”

  “Then why is it, you have?” she replied coldly. She looked behind Callum and saw Finn and James standing there, watching them, but neither said a word.

  Kate just turned and hurried out of the parking lot, heading straight for home.

  Callum stood in the parking lot and watched, as Kate disappeared into the night.

  He watched Finn, as he hurried after her and his blood boiled. That should have been him.

  He turned around and kicked the bin, sending it flying across the parking lot and screamed out at the top of his voice. What the hell was he going to do now?

  Chapter 21

  “KATE, WAIT!” Finn called after her, as she made her way back to the house, but she didn’t slow down. Even though she was gasping for breath, and had a stitch in her side, she was too angry to stop.

  Kate couldn’t decide who she was more upset with, Callum, for barging in on her night out with Finn, or Finn for just sitting there and letting Callum ruin their night. She couldn’t believe Finn actually give him permission to dance with her, like she didn’t even have a say in it. God she was angry.


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