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The Warlock's Enchanted Kiss (Witch Island Brides Book 2)

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by Deanna Chase

  His heart swelled in his chest and he knew he couldn’t go one more moment without knowing she would be his forever. He kneeled right there in the dewy grass and concentrated on his magic until a miniature white daisy materialized in his hand.

  “Austin, what are you doing?” she asked, suspicion in her sweet voice.

  He just smiled up at her as he worked the stem of the daisy into a circle roughly the size of her ring finger. Once the stem was secured with the bloom situated on top, he held it out to her and said, “I’m asking you to marry me.”

  “Oh, you are?” she said, a huge smile breaking out on her face. “That didn’t sound like you asked me anything at all.”

  “Carrie Carmichael,” he said pushing the floral ring over her ring finger, “will you do me the honor of being my wife?”

  Her breath caught as if she’d just realized he was serious. Then she stared down at the daisy ring as tears gathered in her eyes. “You’re serious, aren’t you?”

  “Never been more serious in my life. I love you and don’t want to waste another minute.”

  Carrie fell to her knees, threw her arms around him, and cried, “Yes. Absolutely yes.”

  He caught her in a hug and laughed.

  Then suddenly they were both quiet, and Austin, who’d only ever kissed his bride-to-be once before, pressed his lips to hers and whispered, “It’s going to be you and me, forever.”

  She let out a little sigh and said, “Good, now kiss me.”

  Chapter 13

  “Oh my goddess, it’s perfect,” Felicia Parks said as she admired her own handiwork.

  Carrie glanced down at the bouquet the florist had just handed her, and tears suddenly burned the backs of her eyes. “Dammit, Felicia. I made it this far without a single tear, and here you come with this…” Carrie waved the bouquet at her. “Now my eyes are leaking.”

  Felicia clapped her hands together and squealed. “Thank the goddess. I got it right. When Austin told me what he wanted, I thought for sure it was going to be too simple, but that fiancé of yours, he definitely knew what he was doing, didn’t he?”

  Carrie gazed down at the mini daisies and recalled the day three months ago when Austin had proposed using just one daisy, and she nodded. “He definitely does. I can’t believe he thought to ask for this.”

  Earlier, before her bridesmaids had left the dressing area, she’d noted they’d been holding exactly what she’d ordered—silver and white roses. The only bouquet that had been changed was hers. She suspected Austin’s boutonniere would be a mini daisy, too, and that his groomsmen would be wearing the white roses she’d picked out.

  “You’re not upset that it doesn’t match the rest of the bridal party?” Felicia asked, clearly worried that Carrie might go all bridezilla on her. “Because I have a backup if you want it.”

  But Carrie shook her head. “No. This is perfect, Fe. Thanks.”

  “Whew. Good deal. I figured you’d be happy, but as you well know, weddings bring out the best and the worst in everyone.”

  Carrie laughed. No truer words had ever been spoken. And since Felicia was the town florist and Carrie the town wedding coordinator, they both knew better than anyone that changing something on the day of the wedding could be a recipe for disaster. “Just relax, Felicia. Today is a celebration, and whatever happens regarding the details, it’s fine. All I care about is getting hitched.”

  Felicia grinned at her friend. “I love you. This is my favorite kind of wedding.”

  “What kind is that?” Carrie asked her.

  “The kind where the bride cares more about her groom than the crepe paper decorations.” The florist winked at her. “Now I’m going to go find my seat. Don’t keep us waiting too long.”

  “I won’t,” Carrie called after her.

  The door closed softly behind Felicia, leaving Carrie alone for the first time that day. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach, or at least what she would’ve assumed was butterflies if she hadn’t taken a pregnancy test earlier that morning. Now she preferred to believe the sensation was her son or daughter. She pressed a hand to her abdomen and whispered, “Welcome, little one. You’re going to be the most loved baby that ever existed on witch island.”

  “Baby?” Austin’s deep voice said from behind her. “Did I just hear you say baby?”

  She spun around and spotted her soon-to-be husband staring at her, wide-eyed and slightly pale. “Austin! What in the world are you doing in here? You’re not supposed to see me before the ceremony.”

  “I saw you naked this morning while we were making love. I think that ship has sailed, sweetheart.” His gaze swept over her, taking in her formfitting, mermaid-style wedding dress. “You look… incredible.”

  “Thank you,” she said, smiling shyly up at him. “So do you. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in a tux before. I think I’ll make it a requirement for Friday night date nights.”

  He chuckled, walked over, and covered her hand that was still resting on her stomach. “That’s going to be a bit awkward when I take you and our peanut out for bowling or to the arcade, don’t you think?”

  “I don’t care. You’ll be so handsome I won’t notice any of the snickering. And this one will be used to us by then.” She patted her belly and added, “I think he or she was conceived that first night we were together.”

  He raised one eyebrow. “That was three months ago. You’re just now realizing we might be with child?”

  She shrugged. “There was a lot going on with the wedding planning. I’m not terribly regular anyway, so… surprise!”

  His eyes sparkled with pure joy as he said, “You know, that night, I kinda hoped I would get you pregnant on the first try.”

  “Really?” she said with a laugh. “What were you doing? Trying to trap me?”

  “Not exactly,” he said, wrapping his arms around her. “But I did know then that I wanted you and a family. What about you?”

  “Oh, I wasn’t actively wishing for it. That came a week or so later after we settled into a routine. But I knew I wanted kids with you, or I never would’ve said yes to sex that night in the river without protection. As it turns out, I couldn’t be happier.”

  “Good, because in about five minutes, we’re going to make this official,” he said.

  “I can’t wait.”

  Austin bent his head and brushed his lips over hers, just as he had a thousand times before over the past three months. And just like all the other times, pure joy made Carrie’s heart skip a beat. She couldn’t believe they were finally free of that curse and that this man was one hundred percent hers.

  Felicia darted back into the room and clapped her hands. “Break it up, you love birds. The wedding is ready to roll.”

  Austin pressed one last kiss to his bride’s lips and then said, “See you out there.”

  Carrie waved and stared after him like a lovesick puppy. “He’s perfect,” she said to no one.

  Felicia laughed. “I’m certain he isn’t, but I’m sure he’s perfect for you. Ready to get this show on the road?”

  Carrie grabbed her daisy bouquet, blinked back another round of joyful tears, and nodded. “Ready.”

  “Good. Because Heather Jean is getting impatient.”

  Carrie couldn’t help the giggle that burst from her lips. She’d been at the bookstore, announcing her engagement to Frankie, when Heather Jean had stepped in and insisted she had to be part of the wedding. She’d said she’d watched the two of them moon over each other for so long that she had to see them get hitched with her own two eyes.

  It was then that Carrie offered to let the ghost officiate. Neither she nor Austin had a religious affiliation tied to a church—most witches didn’t. So there was no reason why she couldn’t. And as soon as the offer had left her lips, Heather Jean had nearly broken down in tears. Carrie hadn’t even realized that ghosts could cry. But the moment passed, and Heather Jean had moved on to threatening to tell everyone all about the day Austin had run into her
when she’d been searching for a book titled Sexing Your Warlock. Carrie wasn’t sure if she was going to go through with it, but if she did, Carrie was ready for her.

  Felicia opened the door for her and shooed Carrie out into the very clearing where she and Austin had made love for the first time and where he’d proposed. Only now, instead of the grass being dewy and the air filled with the chill of spring, flowers were everywhere. Silver and white roses and daisies filled every square inch, making it look like a nursery had exploded all over the place.

  And Carrie loved it. She knew it was all Austin’s doing. That man would do anything to put a smile on her face.

  The pleasant June air warmed her skin as she walked herself down the aisle, refusing to let anyone give her away. She wanted to give herself to the man she loved, just as he gave himself to her each and every day of the three months they’d been together.

  When she made it to the wedding arch, Heather Jean muttered, “Finally.”

  “She was worth the wait,” Austin said.

  Carrie beamed at him. “He’s a keeper, isn’t he?”

  “Yeah. A keeper,” Heather Jean parroted. And then to Carrie’s surprise, Heather Jean launched into a fairly traditional service, though much to Carrie’s relief, she left out all references to anyone obeying someone else.

  The only time she went off script was right at the end before she was supposed to announce that Austin could kiss his bride. Instead, she said, “You know, the day they finally decided they were right for each other was the day Carrie purchased a book called Sexing Your Warlock.”

  Austin chuckled. “I’m still waiting to try page number fifty-seven.”

  Heat crawled up Carrie’s face as she recalled the illustration of the warlock handcuffed to the bed while the witch stood over him with her wand pointed at his erection.

  “What’s on page number fifty-seven?” someone from the crowd called.

  “Handcuffs and a wand,” Carrie called back.

  Heather Jean snorted. “And a very big erection.”

  “Does Austin need help in that department?” someone else shouted. “Because if so, I’ll gladly lend Carrie my wand.”

  “Her wand has helped many, many men satisfy their partners. You might want to consider it, Carrie,” another guest joked.

  Laughter rippled through their guests, and Carrie couldn’t help but chuckle when she noticed her groom turning a dark shade of red. She patted his shoulder and said, “Don’t worry, love. I’ll set them straight.”

  “Carrie, don’t—” he started.

  But it was too late. Carrie turned to face her family and friends, and with a smile plastered on her face, she said, “Don’t worry about Austin’s abilities in the bedroom. I think he’s already proven himself.”

  “I think we’re gonna need some proof, Carrie,” her cousin teased from the third row.

  Carrie just smiled down at her, placed both hands on her stomach, and said, “Just this morning we found out we’re pregnant.”

  “Pregnant?” someone called out. “Did she say she’s pregnant?”

  “That’s right,” Austin said, slipping his arm around his bride. “And as it turns out, I planted that seed on the first try.”

  A chorus of cheers, good wishes, and piercing whistles erupted from their guests just as Heather Jean said, “Well how about that. I guess congratulations are in order.”

  “Thanks,” Austin said. “Can I kiss my bride now?”

  “Oh, right. Yes, kiss your bride,” Heather Jean said and then threw her head back and laughed. “Page fifty-seven. Who would ever be stupid enough to spell their penis?”

  “Want to give it a go later?” Carrie asked Austin. “I packed my wand.”

  “Hell no,” he said. “I’m all done with curses. But if you let me kiss you, I’ll let you handcuff me to the bed.”

  “Deal,” she said.

  His eyes turned dark as he gazed down at her, then he wrapped one arm around her, tilted her back, and claimed her with his kiss.


  Get The Shifter’s First Bite (Witch Island Brides, Book 3).

  Want more books featuring witches, love, and friendship? Check out Soul of the Witch, the first book in the Witches of Keating Hollow Series.

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  To learn about Deanna’s new releases sign up for her newsletter here. Do you prefer text alerts? Text WITCHYBOOKS to 24587 for news and updates.

  Deanna’s Book List

  Pyper Rayne Novels:

  Spirits, Stilettos, and a Silver Bustier

  Spirits, Rock Stars, and a Midnight Chocolate Bar

  Spirits, Beignets, and a Bayou Biker Gang

  Spirits, Diamonds, and a Drive-thru Daiquiri Stand

  Jade Calhoun Novels:

  Haunted on Bourbon Street

  Witches of Bourbon Street

  Demons of Bourbon Street

  Angels of Bourbon Street

  Shadows of Bourbon Street

  Incubus of Bourbon Street

  Bewitched on Bourbon Street

  Hexed on Bourbon Street

  Ida May Chronicles:

  Witched to Death

  Witch, Please

  Stop Your Witchin’

  Witches of Keating Hollow:

  Soul of the Witch

  Heart of the Witch

  Spirit of the Witch

  Last Witch Standing:

  Soulless at Sunset

  Bloodlust by Midnight

  Witch Island Brides:

  The Vampire’s Last Dance

  The Wolf’s New Year Bride

  The Warlock’s Enchanted Kiss

  The Shifter’s First Bite

  Crescent City Fae Novels:

  Influential Magic

  Irresistible Magic

  Intoxicating Magic

  Destiny Novels:

  Defining Destiny

  Accepting Fate

  About the Author

  New York Times and USA Today bestselling author, Deanna Chase, is a native Californian, transplanted to the slower paced lifestyle of southeastern Louisiana. When she isn't writing, she is often goofing off with her husband in New Orleans or playing with her two shih tzu dogs. For more information and updates on newest releases visit her website at




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