Nicholas: BWWM Romance (Members From Money Book 10)

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Nicholas: BWWM Romance (Members From Money Book 10) Page 24

by Katie Dowe


  “I can’t believe I am going to be a grandmother.” Mitsui rushed towards her as soon as the door opened and they came inside. Her beautiful dark eyes were shining with excitement.

  “How do you feel, my dear?” she asked.

  “Like any other pregnant woman,” Kimberly told her, suddenly feeling very tired of keeping up the pretense of being ecstatic.

  “What can I do?” the woman asked anxiously, making Kimberly felt like crap.

  “I am just going to drink some tea and your son said I should eat something so I will try and do so.” She smiled at the woman kindly.

  “I will tell Gerard to whip something up especially for you.”


  He had baby oil in his hands. He had undressed her slowly and with a lack of haste and then he had hurriedly taken off his clothes. Now he was pouring the liquid into his palm. “I want to pamper you,” he told her softly.

  “Peter you…“ She did not get to finish.

  “No talking,” he ordered huskily. She watched as he knelt over her and massaged the oil into her breasts, his fingers pinching her sensitive nipples. Kimberly gasped and moved against him. He did not make a sound but continued to rub the oil slowly onto her breasts before moving down to her stomach. She was trembling badly and her hands clenched into the sheets, her heart racing and her body on fire. He had reached down to her pubic area and he lifted her legs and had them bent at the knees. He poured more oil into his palm and rubbed the palm over her mound before slipping a slippery finger inside her, rotating it slowly. The sensation was unbelievable! Kimberly thought she was going out of her mind! Her body convulsed as he slipped another finger inside her, using both of them to thrust inside her slowly at first then increasing the speed. He slipped his fingers out and she watched as he rubbed his hand over the length of his erection, his eyes holding hers. He rubbed the tip of it and her eyes were drawn to it as he continued to massage the oil onto it.

  “Peter.” She was drowning in desire and she wanted him inside her now.

  “Tell me what you want,” he told her hoarsely, his hand moving over his erection.

  She was mesmerized! “I want you,” she gasped feeling that if he did not enter her soon she was going to die of need!

  “How much?” His voice was soft and erotic.

  “Peter, please,” she begged.

  “How much?”

  “So much that if I don’t have you I am going to die,” She was trembling so much that her breasts were shaking.

  “I love you,” he told her, his eyes holding hers. “You are carrying my child and I love you so much that I cannot contain it. I have never felt this way about anyone before and it scares the hell out of me! I want to screw you for the entire night and never stop but I am afraid of hurting you.”

  “You won’t, please, Peter,” she cried.

  He entered her then, guiding his penis inside her and putting her legs onto his shoulders. “Don’t move until I tell you to,” he told her tightly. He held the edge of his penis and pulled out of her, using the tip of it to move over her mound before entering her again, not fully and then withdrawing, driving her crazy before he entered her fully, lifting her bottom to meet his thrusts, pushing against her to the very core of her.

  “Tell me you want me,” his voice was a hoarse cry as he pushed inside her over and over again.

  “I want you so much.” She was shivering, her body lit from within. “I love you Peter, I love you so much!” He lifted her legs and held them as he thrust inside her, his body moving against hers forcefully. His climax was near but he was in no way through with her yet. He pulled out abruptly and bent over her, his mouth seeking her vagina, his tongue flickering inside her, his teeth grazing her mound as he thrust inside her over and over again! He waited until she was on the edge before stopping and putting his penis inside her, his thrusts frantic and needy, matching hers. She clung to him, mindless with desire, her body shaking from the need inside her. A need that threatened to overwhelm her and take her over the edge. They came together, their cries sounding in the room, their bodies molded together as one as they found their release together!


  She slept in his arms and even when he had finished making love to her, he had not wanted to let her go. It was as if he could not get enough of her, as if his desire had become more pronounced by the fact that she was carrying his child inside her. His hands had roamed over her body restlessly, lingering on her flat stomach before drifting down to her pubic area where he had started another storm inside her. He had finally drifted off to sleep after he had taken her lips in a savage and a hungry kiss that had started them up again. They were both exhausted but she could not sleep and laid there in his arms with her head against his chest, the despair cloaking her entire being!


  He had called his father and told him he wanted to speak with him and he had been told to come over. His parents had paid for the pent house suite he was living in and had gotten him out of trouble since he was a kid. He was their only child and he could see the disappointment on their faces each time he got himself mixed up into something that they had to clean up but he could not stop himself.

  His parents were old money and as such they behaved the way old money behaved. They did not flaunt their riches; even the three story house they lived in had been passed down from generation to generation and had been renovated several times to fit the turn of the century. When their son had told them that he wanted to go on his own, they had been disappointed but a little relieved hoping that he would grow up because he was living on his own, it had not happened yet and he was over forty.

  James Blagrove looked up as his son came inside the parlor. His wife had retired for the night and he had deliberately not told her that their son had called. At least she would get a good night’s rest tonight.

  “Drink?” He was pouring a scotch for himself, knowing that he was going to need it.

  “Thanks, Dad,” Reeves said with forced gaiety, walking over to the liquor cabinet to stand next to his father. He had a combination of both their features. His mother’s eyes and mouth and his father’s face and height and that combination had made him very desirable to the opposite sex.

  “What is it Reeves?” his father asked him mildly.

  “I have gotten myself into a little trouble.” He drank down the scotch with a grimace.

  “What is it this time?”

  He told his father what he had done and how he was supposed to buy back the stocks and he was not able to. “I am ruined, Dad,” he said with a shaky sigh. “I know I have been a mess and you and mom have to bail me out constantly but I promise you that this is the last time.”

  “It’s not going to happen,” James told his son coolly, placing the glass on the counter top.

  “What?” Reeves blinked at him stupidly, not believing what he was hearing.

  “We have cut you off Reeves,” he told his son firmly. “We have been doing that for too many years now and we have realized that you are never going to stop as long as we continue to do so. You are on your own.”

  “You don’t understand, I am in big trouble here.” Reeves realized that he was trembling! This could not be happening!

  “I am afraid it is son. You need to find your way.” He was leaving the room indicating that the conversation was over. “Lock up after you leave.”

  “Dad, please you have to help me out.” He grabbed his father’s lounge coat with desperate fingers.

  “No and that’s final.” With that, his father turned and left him alone in the beautifully elegant room, his body trembling with fear!

  Chapter 12

  He pampered her and she felt like such a hypocrite because she was not feeling the way he was and she was not deserving of such treatment. He made love to her every night and even when they were coming home he would pull to the side of the road and take her there and then. He left the office one mid afternoon and took her home and mad
e love to her until she was exhausted, he could not get enough of her and he apologized but she felt the same way. Pregnancy had kicked her hormones into high gear! She had been at the store one afternoon and had felt such an intense wave of desire that she had to call him. He had come over immediately and had taken her bent over her desk while Brian had gone to walk some of the dogs.

  She wished she was feeling a bond to the child growing inside her.


  “I need more time.” Reeves came into the office after he had called and requested a meeting with Peter. The week had passed and he had expected to hear that the man had come up with a solution to his problems. But he had been following his lack of progress and realized that he had only managed to dig a deeper hole for himself.

  “How much?” Peter asked him mildly, noticing how disheveled he looked. His father had called and told him that they were no longer going to be bailing him out of his tough spots.

  “Three weeks,” he said hopefully.

  “Two,” Peter countered. “You can always sell me the ten percent now and use the money to get out of your gambling debts, Reeves.”

  “You have been checking up on me?” he asked him bitterly.

  “Someone has to,” he told him mildly. “You are a mess and you are sliding downhill fast. Do yourself a favor and go and get some help.”

  “I don’t need you telling me what to do,” he said with a sneer. “I will draw up the papers for the sale.”

  “Good,” Peter said with a nod.

  “You think you are so high and mighty because your daddy died and left you a company to run?” The man’s eyes were bloodshot indicating that he had been drinking.

  “I don’t think that at all and I am going to give you some free advice. You are heading into a road that has no way out and before you go down that road too far, I suggest you ask for help,” Peter told him mildly.

  “Screw you! I don’t need your help.” With that he left the office, banging the door behind him.

  Peter called security and advised them of the situation, asking them to make sure he exited the building without harming himself or someone else.

  He sat back in his chair and stared across the room contemplatively wondering if he had done the right thing.


  “Okay fine. If this is what it takes to get big boobs them I am in. I am going to get me a man and get pregnant,” Deidre said staunchly. They had not met for lunch for the past three weeks because their schedules had been so hectic. She and Peter had found the perfect spot to build their house and construction was starting next week. In the meantime, she had been sick every morning and her husband had been there to hold her head and wiped her mouth but she was still not liking it.

  “Be careful what you wish for,” Kimberly told her dryly, pushing the spoon around in her soup.

  “Oh honey, still nothing yet?” Deidre asked her in concern. Simone had called her and told her to look out for their best friend as she was not in the best frame of mind.

  “The only good thing about this is that it has drawn Peter and I even closer,” she admitted.

  “Don’t you think that you should tell him?”

  “Tell my overly excited husband that I don’t think I want the child we made together?”

  “I see your point.” Deidre put down her fork and reached for the girl’s restless hands. “A lot of people would say you have it pretty good. A handsome and extremely rich husband and one who dotes on you and would do anything for you but sometimes that’s not enough. What exactly are you afraid of, Kim?”

  “I am afraid of losing him and then end up stuck with a kid that I have to bring up by myself. I am afraid of being a lousy and disappointing mother and I wanted to be able to spend a few years with my husband just getting to know him.”

  “I can tell you that those are irrational fears but I am no expert in that department. You are going to have to talk to someone, girlfriend. If not your husband then someone else.” Deidre squeezed her hand reassuringly.


  “I thought you said it was going to be a very small wedding,” Charles said looking at her indulgently. Mitsui was practically living with him now. They did everything together;, taking long walks, cooking meals together and even shopping with each other. She was like a kid set loose in the candy store. She had gotten a taste of freedom and she was like a whole new person. When she was not discussing the wedding she was talking about her upcoming grandchild.

  “I lied,” she told him teasingly, poking her tongue out at him. He could not believe that she was the same person who had been terrified of even her shadow. His death had freed her and Charles’ love had matured her into the person she was supposed to be.

  “How about daisies and carnations for the decoration?” she asked him, tapping her pencil against her still smooth cheek. She had cut her hair and it now swung against her cheeks in dark waves giving her a pixie look. It suited her and made her look a lot younger and she had said she wanted to shed her past as much as possible.

  “You are running the show, my love” He kissed the top of her head and looked down at her list. He had noticed that she put everything in writing and was very organized. “No Japanese wedding?” he teased her.

  “I had one and it was a disaster,” she told him looking up at him, her hand holding his. “This time it is going to be an American wedding.”

  He pulled out a chair beside her and took her tiny hands inside his. “You know that I love you very much, don’t you?” he asked her seriously. She nodded.

  “And you also know that I would never do anything to hurt you?” She nodded again.

  “Your husband before is dead and buried and we are starting a new life together. We are going to start fresh without all the hang ups of the past and I promise you that we are going to be very happy together.”

  “I know,” she told him softly. “You made me experience something I have never experienced before: love and happiness and desire. You make me feel beautiful, Charles, and for that I will always love you.”

  “I never thought I would be blessed to find love again and I did with you.” He lifted her up and set her on his lap, cradling her small body with his. She put her arms around his neck bringing his head down for a kiss. Charles lifted her and carried her into the bedroom and for the next hour or so the wedding plans were shelved for the time being.


  “Mom, I assure you that I am well taken care of by Gerard,” Kimberly protested as her mother plied her with several containers of foodstuff. She had left work early and stopped by her mother's to visit. She was on summer break but was volunteering at the community center to help kids who needed to get their GED.

  “Indulge me,” her mother murmured. “I am not going to be able to contribute much to my grandchild seeing as how you are married to a billionaire,” she said with a raised brow. “So, I will do what I can now.”

  She had thought she could confide in her mother but she was so excited that she hated to put a damper on her high spirits. As Deidre said before, it was bound to past.


  He was desperate! The two weeks had almost passed and he still had not come up with the money. He had sold his shares and had used the money to gamble in a desperate attempt to solve his existing problems and he had lost! It was the bastard Peter’s fault, he raged! Now he owed loan sharks a quarter of a billion dollar as well as trying to come up with the money to buy back the stocks he had sold. He was in big trouble and he was surprised that he had not been slapped with a lawsuit. The only way a stock could be sold was to another member of the board and it had to be approved of by all the members of the board, that had been the only way John Kamato would have allowed his company to go public and he had committed the unpardonable sin by selling his shares to an outsider and used off all the money. He had called his mother this time and cried over the phone and she had told him that she could not help him. They had all turned against him! But he was going to change
that, he was going to give them something to regret.


  Peter was working late. He had sent a driver to pick up Kimberly from the store because he had meetings he could not get out of and there was the problem with Reeves. He had met with the board to decide on a plan of action. The man was unraveling and there was no doubt about it and his avenues of getting money had all been cut off, there was no telling what he was desperate enough to do.

  “Are you home?” He called her phone. He wanted to be there with her. Ever since he had discovered that she was carrying his child, it was like he wanted to be around her for the entire day, every day.

  “Just got in now,” Kimberly told him. “When are you going to be finished?”

  “I have to review some reports for a meeting first thing in the morning and then I will be there. Is Mom there?”

  “No,” she responded. “I’ll be fine. The household staff is here and I am planning to sweet talk Gerard into making me something delicious. For some reason I feel for something spicy.”

  “You are not supposed to start craving until much later,” Peter told her with a laugh.

  “Tell that to your child growing inside me,” she said dryly.

  “Say that again,” he demanded huskily.


  “My child growing inside you,” he murmured seductively.


  “Please, baby ,say it again,” he pleaded.

  “Your child is growing inside me,” Kimberly whispered. “Peter, what are you doing?”

  “I am hard for you,” he told her hoarsely. “My cock is straining against my pants and I have to release it.”

  “Peter,” she moaned, trembling.

  “Touch yourself down there,” he urged her. “I am running my hand all over my erection and pretending I am entering your wet warmth. Are you wet for me, Kimberly?”


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